Sun God Marvel Chapter 479: Who is the accused of Rocky

On the streets of Los Angeles, a dark-haired man with a full aristocratic look, sitting in a cafe outside with a smile in his mouth, watching the newspaper in his hand while tasting full-flavored coffee. I don’t know what news he saw, so that at this time his face suddenly showed a charming smile.

This made the women who had been watching him suddenly blush. Men love beautiful women, women naturally like handsome guys. A man with such ten best looks like this can’t be met casually. So at this time, many women could not help but stare at him with a very explicit eyes. It is conceivable that if this man has any intentions, there are definitely not many people who are willing to spend a pleasant time with him.

But obviously this man has no such intention, because besides reading the newspaper in his hand. The only time he shifted his gaze was to focus his gaze on a girl beside him.

That is a very special girl, with her scarlet pupils and the appearance of being similar to that of a black-haired man, making her a beautiful person. It’s just a pity that her figure is too petite, at first glance it looks like an underage girl. So she can only be regarded as a beauty who has not yet opened. But that’s it, she’s already enchanted enough.

Like those women who are staring at dark-haired men, there are also many Mu Shaoai teenagers who have been watching this beautiful, cold and gorgeous girl. There are even a lot of people who are too serious and bumped into something. This made the man holding the newspaper laugh at the girl.

“Maybe you should appear in this identity early, in this case. Maybe you will have an advantage over that earth woman!”

“Shut up for me, this is not what you should say. I will replace it for you later!”

The girl scooped up the dessert in front of her coldly, and while eating, she seemed to carelessly talk to the man around her.

“It’s enough for me to enjoy a wonderful life as you please.” The black-haired man smiled slightly, showing that he didn’t care at all. This performance made the girl sneer immediately. She was about to say something. But at this time, the two men who described their temperaments were different.

These two men, one is tall and mighty, is full of mature men’s majestic blond man. The other is the boy next door, who is well-proportioned and smiles kindly. They came over fiercely, and as soon as they were on the side of the pair of men and women who were particularly attractive, they immediately let another group of women who had already straightened their eyes burst out again. For this group of women who eat color, the three men in front of them are really eye-catching. It’s just that the little girl among them is really too eye-catching.

The black-haired man laughed immediately after listening to the screaming noise from the side.

“It looks like you are very popular. Why, are you interested in going to Hollywood with me to develop? Just on the side, with our skills, we will definitely be famous soon.”

“That ’s enough, I changed my mind. Now I ’m going to replace you!”

Listening to such nonsense words, the girl immediately threatened him. But this did not scare the dark-haired man. He just smiled slightly and squinted his eyes.

“Of course you can do this, but I think you better move faster. Because if you are not fast enough, there are so many people watching, it is difficult to say that you will not be discovered by the people of SHIELD! “

This sentence can be said to directly grasp the weakness of the girl, leaving her full of anger, but it is impossible to attack. This feeling gave her an urge to go crazy.

And just when she saw that something was about to suffocate, the blonde man took out a food bag, blocked her eyes, and said helplessly and spoiledly to him.

“Here, the snack you want. Also, how do you compare with yourself?”

“Isn’t this interesting?” The boy next door, holding a cup of hot cocoa, chuckled. Speak to them while chewing straws. “I’ve never seen such a splendid quarrel with myself that made me so splendid? Why, you can go on! Why not say it?”

Peter Parker. You shut up for me. Without my consent, you will not be allowed to say any more nonsense!”

The girl suddenly yelled at the boy next door, and just after her yell. The boy next door immediately seemed to be covered in mouth. He couldn’t say anything except the whine. This immediately made his expression funny, except for the group of women on the side, even the two men beside him couldn’t help laughing.

Parker, you are asking for trouble. You know that her situation is not very good now, why do you want to pick him up at this time?”

“Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ~” The person called Parker grumbled. A look of excuse. But in the end, it can only make such a sound. This made the people around him laugh even more immediately. Even the girl who had been cold-faced began to show a little smile.

Her smile was caught in the eyes of the blonde man. He smiled slightly, then reached out and touched the girl ’s dark hair, and asked softly to her.

“Loki, have you been able to control your power well?”

“Not yet!” Shaking his head, the look on the girl’s face immediately dimmed. “I still underestimated the power of the soul gem. Although only a small part was stolen from it, that power is still too powerful. With my current strength, I can’t completely control it.”

“It ’s been so long, is there still no way? Rocky, if it really does n’t work. Just try to abandon this force. If you ca n’t control it, it will only cause harm to you. ! “

“No, Thor, absolutely not.” After clenching his teeth, the girl slapped the blonde man’s hand on his head. “I am about to succeed! At this critical time, I will never give up the power of the soul gem!”

The toughness of the girl is obviously not what the blond man wants to see. At this time, he is also tempered.

“It’s already this time, you can’t control its power, but when do you want to procrastinate. Well, as you said, you won’t give up its power. Then at least you have to tell me , When will you be able to completely solve this hidden danger! “

“Wait until these guys won’t be against me like this again!” The black-haired man who was still laughing with his finger, the girl gave him a thorough answer. “When can you see these guys willing to listen to me honestly and never violate my mind. That means I have succeeded!”

This answer frowned the blond man, what he wanted to say. But looking at the stubborn girl, he finally sighed and sat down. There is no more nonsense.

At this time, the identities of these people are already clear. That is Rocky and the Thor Thor and the spider Peter Parker controlled by him. But something is wrong with the appearance of the girl named Loki and the strange relationship between them.

From their performance just now, it is almost impossible to imagine that they were enemies before. But that’s the fact, it’s just that under the influence of a magical force, everything has changed unbelievably.

The pleasant afternoon tea time continues, with the exception of Peter Parker, who has been unable to say anything to hold his face flushed, the other few people are spending a near enjoyment Have a good leisure time. But in the afternoon sun that made people sleepy, the little spider that had been suffocating suddenly stood up like a madness, and then pointed at the people around him desperately.

This situation is naturally strange, so Thor around him immediately asked.

“What happened, Parker, what happened?”

“Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo …” “Woooooooooooooooooooooooo …….” The little spider who can’t speak is naturally unable to answer him at this time, so he can only desperately move his limbs to induce these People’s attention.

This is indeed effective, because Loki, who has realized the seriousness of the matter, immediately unlocked his control and gave him the ability to speak again. And as soon as he could open his mouth, the little spider immediately yelled at the people around him.

“We must leave here, they have found us!”

This sentence made several people’s faces change immediately ~ ~ stood up in a hurry, ready to leave here. They don’t have any doubts about the early warning of small spiders. Because this is the talent of the small spider, the kind of spider-like predictive sensitivity is unimaginable. If it was not because there was a magical item such as the soul gem, he wanted to control the small spider is really an unlikely problem. It is precisely because of his ability that it is so useful, especially for their days of fleeing left and right. Otherwise, Loki is too lazy to bring this guy around?

Although the spiders have given early warning as soon as possible, they are still too late in time.

A Kun-style fighter has appeared above them, and all the airborne weapons are opened, and they are exposed and aimed at them. Then the captain’s voice came from the plane.

“Loki, you are surrounded by us. Surrender, before we have done anything to you!”

At this time, the dark-haired man who had always had a smile on his face stood up and showed a frivolous look at the captain in the plane.

“Mr. Captain, do you really think that you can treat me with such a toy? Do n’t forget, no matter how you say it, I ’m a god, do you think I ’m too small? ! “(~ ^ ~)

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