Sun God Marvel Chapter 478: Sherry Where to go for help

“Dad, won’t you walk with us?” Standing in front of the plane, Aretha asked Zhou Yi like this. And when she said that, Selana standing behind her could not help but squeeze her shoulders, and looked at them with a pleading look, standing in front of them in a suit and windbreaker, which looked very vicissitudes of Zhou Yi.

Although they have discussed this issue before, when they really want to separate again, they have renewed their unspeakable concerns in their hearts.

“Dad said he wanted to get Sherry back, so now is the time for Daddy to fulfill this promise. Isn’t it?” Touching the head of Aretha, Zhou Yi crouched down and smiled at this Said the daughter. “Trust dad, I will soon be able to bring Sherry back to our new home. So, do n’t worry about dad, will you?”

“You have to assure me, Dad. You must come back with Sherry in peace, no one can be less, okay?”

Zhou Yi‘s answer immediately made Aretha sour. She hugged Zhou Yi‘s neck and choked back to him in his ear.

Touching the child ’s hair, Zhou Yi assured her.

“I promise, Aretha. I will come back with Sherry safely and safely, no one will be less!”

The answer of Zhou Yi makes Aretha feel a warm and generous sense of security once again. The gentle protection from her father made her whole heart feel as if soaked in the hot spring. It is her luck to have such a father, and for the adopted father Zhou Yi, Aretha has always had a very deep admiration for him. She will never forget that the man she called her father saved her from that cold darkness and gave her a happy and happy life. She was so grateful and deeply in love with the father, but this intense emotion made the tingling sensations deep inside her.

That is not her feeling, but the feeling of the unknown demon **** who is closely related to her. Aretha‘s strong admiration for Zhou Yi has caused a fierce and terrible shock to his spirit. It is an indescribable madness and sorrow, a despair and pain that goes deep into the heart.

Although this violent mental inspiration officer did not come from Aretha, she just felt a little fluctuation in his mind because of the connection between herself and the unknown existence. But that’s how it made her sad and angry. Such emotions are too heavy for an unattended child, to such an extent that she simply cannot afford it. So that at this time, she was pale and her tears ran down like she couldn’t stop it.

But no one thought that the girl ’s current performance was caused by the unknown existence in her body that revealed her emotions. They just thought that it was the child who couldn’t bear to leave his father, so apart from comforting her in a low voice, these people didn’t think about it in any other way.

At this time, Ida silently walked up. She pulled the Zhou Yi scarf, and then said to him calmly.

“Do n’t forget what you promised me, go early and return early!”

“I know, don’t forget what I told you.” Kissing Ida‘s cheek gently, Zhou Yi whispered in her ear with a smile. And hearing him say this, Ida immediately shrank his eyes.

“Relax, I ’m not stupid. Of course I know how to explain this to your mother and sister. Also, you do n’t have to worry about the trouble I will find them at this time, I do n’t have that much Spirit! “

When talking about this, she couldn’t help but glance at the Lilith standing beside the cabin door. This woman who made her have a huge sense of threat was ignoring everything else and staring silently at Zhou Yi. The kind of look that made her feel an impulse to run away.

“Of course, it ’s better to be like this, but do n’t forget to deal with my mother. This is very important, especially for us.”

Zhou Yi naturally also saw the emotions in Ida‘s eyes, but now he knows what method to use to make Ida shift his focus. For example, Zhou Lan is a good excuse.

Sure enough, when I heard this sentence, Ida suddenly felt a sudden out of my mind, and my attention shifted involuntarily. In any case, Zhou Lan is the mother of Zhou Yi. If she really marries Zhou Yi, it is an indispensable thing to have a good deal with Zhou Lan. But be aware that Zhou Lan is more optimistic but the woman named Susan. This means that she wants to have a good relationship, which is not as good as easy.

Looking at Ida has begun to meditate on how to please Zhou Lan, Zhou Yi smiled lightly and sent them into the plane until he saw the plane disappear a little bit in his sight, Zhou Yi Putting away the smile on his face, he walked to the side of Jean Gray who had been waiting beside him.

The change in the expression on Zhou Yi‘s face naturally cannot escape Jean‘s observation. She also knows what Zhou Yi is worried about. So she immediately stepped forward, took his hand, and comforted him.

“Do n’t worry, Yi (easy). Sherry will be fine! I will help you get her back as soon as possible.”

Zhou Yi understands that Jean Gree is worried about his worries, but the current situation is really not a comforting solution for him.

It has been three days since Sherry disappeared. In these three days, in order to protect this family, he was busy demonstrating warnings, was busy arranging the back road, and was busy treating Ida. But there is no time to care about the safety of this little daughter. This is unfair to Sherry, but it is what Zhou Yi must do. For this family, he can only temporarily give up the safety of Sherry, and this makes him feel full of guilt for Sherry.

To prevent them from worrying about Ida, he can only make sure that they are not sure of what they are doing while smiling at them. This made him feel that he was just an asshole.

Jean, you do n’t need to comfort me anymore. I know, I ’m not a qualified father, I ’m just a bastard. I do n’t have the first time to save Sherry, maybe she ’s already fierce now. Maybe because of this, I lie to Aretha again, I am so **** it! “

“Don’t say that, Yi (easy). Don’t say that!” Holding Zhou Yi‘s hand, he put his arms tightly into his arms. Jean Ge Lei still did not give up, but said seriously to him. “You have done enough. For this family, you are a qualified father. No one can say bad things about this issue. Moreover, Sherry may not have happened. We will go find her now and say Maybe it’s too late. Yi (easy), cheer up, you are her only hope. If even you are helpless at this time, then Sherry is really going to have an accident! “

“You are right, Sherry is still waiting for me. She must be waiting for me to save her!”

The encouragement of Jean Ge Lei gave Zhou Yi confidence, and he cheered up and said to himself. And once he cheered up, his thoughts immediately became clear.

Although the disappearance of Sherry is related to the gemstone born from the demon **** he killed, it is not necessarily related to the alien space they were fighting. At this point, he has gone to the desolate world to verify it again, Sherry is indeed not in that world.

So you can be sure that Sherry must now exist in a special place, an unknown place. It’s just that Zhou Yi doesn’t know, where is her specific location? Is it in a new, different world, or in the personal space created by that gem.

If you want to find Sherry, you ca n’t rely on him alone. Although he could capture the smell of the void from the place where Sherry disappeared, he could not feel where she was sent to. If it was him before, he can still force the clay sculpture time to find the trace of Sherry. But now, he has no such ability. He must rely on the help of others.

And who has the ability to help him at this time? At this time, Zhou Yi immediately thought of a person, or a god. That is Asgard‘s **** of dawn-Heimdall. This purported to be able to see thousands of worlds at a glance, the innumerable gods of birth and death have a pair of thorough eyes, and these eyes are the only hope of Zhou Yi now.

He is going to Asgard, asking Odin to help him, so that Heimdall, who can see through everything, helps him find his daughter. To this end, he can promise any conditions of Asgard. Of course, if even Odin was not willing to help him, he would n’t mind letting Asgard pay a painful enough price.

Although now he has no such boundless divine power, but with Jean Grey at his side, what threats and lessons he wants to give Asgard is not an impossible thing. However, this was only a last resort. He believed that Odin would not be so unwise. At this time, this situation refused his small request.

Now, the goal has been set. But there is still a huge problem lying in front of him, that is how to get to Asgard.

With the protection of the Golden Gallon divide, Asgard is probably farther from the end of the world for ordinary people. Even at the peak of Zhou Yi, it would take a lot of effort to forcibly break through the Golden Gallon divide ~ ~ Not to mention now.

He must have a guide, a guide who can take him through the Rainbow Bridge. This person is naturally Thor Thor. However, Thor is also in a state of unknown whereabouts. According to the information he had, the Thor of Asgard was actually controlled by Loki with a soul gem, and became a puppet beside him. Beside him was a poor little spider, Peter Parker.

These two guys and Loki’s real body are like a drop of water that melts into the sea, completely disappearing into the world. Even with the power of SHIELD, they couldn’t find them. This is a terrible problem for the captain who has always been troubled by this.

But for Zhou Yi, this problem is not a problem at all. Compared with the missing Sherry, these guys are too conspicuous, unlike Sherry disappeared in a different world, and completely disappeared. They just changed their identity and concealed the lineup with Loki’s fantasies, hiding it on the earth. And as long as they are still on earth, where can they escape?

Jean, who owns the power of Phoenix, is already a master of mind that is no less powerful than Charles, even more powerful than him. In front of her power, the group had nothing to hide. No matter how cunning Loki is. So this time, Loki is going to be unlucky again! (To be continued ~ ^ ~.)

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