Sun God Marvel Chapter 432: Death secret.

Hearing this, Zhou Yi sprang up immediately. He didn’t even consider that he made such a rude gesture in front of the dead lady. Because at this moment, his heart is completely burnt.

When Ms. Death mentioned the term “little girlfriend”, Zhou Yi immediately thought of Ida who are now in New York. Although I don’t know why they will confront Thanos. But as long as he thinks of such a situation, it makes him completely unable to control his heart.

His family is his biggest weakness. Anyone in it is threatened is something he absolutely does not allow. Even if there is only such a slight possibility, he will completely exterminate it. But now, this is no longer possible, thinking that this thing actually exists.

Ms. Death can’t lie to him, so I can only say that something has happened. So he must act, even if he pays some price, he must do so. And just when he was about to start acting, Lady Death called him.

“Don’t be too anxious, you still have time, don’t forget, you are on my site now. Time is meaningless here!”

Although Ms. Death acted to be an understatement, she couldn’t let Zhou Yi‘s anxious heart feel any relief at this moment. He was still ready to move, but was stopped by Lady Death with her own power. This made Zhou Yi‘s tone become violent.

“What do you want to do, do you want me to watch my woman die?”

“Oh, do you think I would think so?” Looking at the already extremely emotional Zhou Yi, the smile on Ms. Death’s face became even brighter. She seems to want to molest Zhou Yi, but she seems to be scrupulous. So in the end she just pursed her lips and said to him sternly. “I said, the time here is meaningless. So it’s not a problem to delay for a while, and you don’t want to know, how can you beat Thanos?”

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Yi was immediately surprised. He thought that Ms. Death had clearly stated his attitude. But now it seems that this is not the case.

She has something in her words, and she seems to be able to give Zhou Yi some help he wants. And under this premise. Zhou Yi barely controlled his mind and asked Ms. Death.

“Tell me what is your way?”

“Are you asking me?” Upon hearing the soft voice of Zhou Yi, Ms. Death smiled as if she had won. Being able to interact with a young life like this is really a very interesting thing for her long life. So she didn’t mind keeping this kind of thing going on. “But. I can’t feel your sincerity at all!”

“You…” For Zhou Yi, it’s almost an urgent moment to burn the eyebrows, but Ms. Death is still playing with him. This made his anger that had been suppressed because of easy immediately grew out. However, he still retains some saneness anyway, and he finally managed to control his anger against Ms. Death, but that’s it, his tone still clashes abnormally. “Don’t you think you are too much?”

“You don’t understand a woman who has been lonely for so long. What kind of patience and bad taste she has. Seriously, I have enough time to spend with you. Until you know what to do! “

Relying on her own strength, Lady Death behaved unscrupulously. And in this place, she does have the right to be unscrupulous. Because no one can do anything to her, not even Zhou Yi.

This point Zhou Yi is also very clear, so even if he is so angry, he can only hold it in his stomach abruptly. And watching Ms. Death’s old **** is there, it depends on your unspoken expression. He gritted his teeth and spit out such words through his teeth.

“Sorry, madam. Please help me and tell me how to deal with Thanos!”

“Not sincere enough, madam. I don’t know who you are calling? Are you sure you call me again?”

“Your Excellency, Lady Death, I sincerely ask you to help me!”

Zhou Yi lowered her figure again, and this time Ms. Death also knew that it was almost here. Going further, it’s really too much. She just wanted to make a joke with Zhou Yi and have some fun for herself, but she didn’t want to have any conflicts with Zhou Yi. That’s not cost-effective. Very uneconomical.

So she smiled and picked up her teacup, while telling a secret to Zhou Yi. A huge secret.

And hearing the secret she said, Zhou Yi‘s face changed several times immediately. After a long time, he breathed out. Said to Ms. Death.

“Madam, your method is useless now. I can’t find that thing at all!”

“I didn’t say that you can solve Thanos now. What I give you is just an ultimate solution, a way to completely eliminate him. As for now, that’s your own problem. I It’s Lady Death, not the Goddess of Hope. You have to be clear about this!”

“Okay!” With a sigh sullenly, Zhou Yi stood up. he knows. I shouldn’t have asked for more. “Then goodbye, madam. I must leave here now.”

“No, if you want to talk to me, you are always welcome here!” Ms. Death showed the attitude that a enthusiastic host should have just right. But for her enthusiasm, Zhou Yi can only express his feelings with a wry smile.

Except for the boring perversion of Thanos, who would think about drilling into the world of death all day long. He doesn’t have any special thoughts about Lady Death, so he is still insensitive to this kind of invitation to the dead world.

“I’d better say goodbye!” There was no positive response to Ms. Death, which was clear enough to show Zhou Yi‘s attitude. In the playful eyes of Lady Death, Zhou Yi closed his eyes and turned into a flying light, disappearing little by little from this dead world without a trace.

Death is never his end, because he has already crossed the boundary between life and death.

He is God of Sun, and the sun will never fall in myth.

The sun is rising and sunset! Day after day, year after year. There is hardly any change, and this celestial phenomenon has become a great power in mythology. That is the resurrection!

The rising sun is a new life, and the setting sun is a life about to die. He represents the beginning and end of a life. And the sun keeps repeating this process, which is actually a process of repeating the beginning and end of life. This continuous process actually means the resurrection and rebirth of life. As God of Sun, he also possesses this special characteristic in essence.

However, Zhou Yi has not yet been able to experience the life and death hurdle when condensing its own power. Therefore, he did not condense this power that represents the resurrection of life and death. And now, when he stepped into the kingdom of death again because of the battle with Thanos, his power has been quietly condensed on his godhead. He is an immortal God of Sun. Death is not his destination, but a post in his journey. Even if he entered the kingdom of death, he finally returned to the world one day.

However, there is a price to pay. And now, it is no longer the time to care about the price.

A little golden light burst out from the depths of the universe, and then burst into blazing and brilliant bright colors. In just an instant, a brilliant sun derives from the void, and then unscrupulously shoots out a blazing light toward the dark universe.

Its brilliance is unmatched, and it itself is the brightest existence in this universe. But just a flash in the pan, this extremely glorious existence faded away. As if it hadn’t been there before, no trace of it could be found in the entire universe. And this is also inevitable, because at this moment this extremely glorious existence has transformed into another form, a human form.

And this form is naturally the incarnation of Zhou Yi in the world. Since the day he turned into a god, he has long since abandoned the constraints of the physical body. The flesh is the evolution of his divine power, as long as there is divine power, his physical body can be created at any time. And now, Zhou Yi, who has just returned from the dead country, has completed the whole process of resurrection.

This is not without cost. Because follow the normal process. His resurrection should be in the early morning of the next day, when the sun of a world has just risen. But anxious, he was obviously unable to wait until that time, he forcibly skipped this process, and this meant that he could not restore his power to the most perfect state now.

He is very weak now, and he can only use this state to deal with Thanos. This is a matter of no choice, for the Ida and the others, he has to do it.

As far as the situation is now, he has to do one more thing. That is to find the way home. It’s not of the size of the universe, it is not easy to find a way back to the earth. Especially for Zhou Yi, who set foot in such a distant universe for the first time.

The explosion of Infinite Gems messed up the time and space of his resurrection, leaving him at a location not where he had experienced it. And in an unknown place in this universe, he hardly has any way to return.

But he didn’t have it, but that doesn’t mean that others didn’t either. Looking around, he saw a group of tattered interstellar fleets. Without thinking about it, he rushed towards the fleet.

Thanos is a well-known figure in the universe, and his territory must be known to everyone. As long as he finds there, he can rely on the space door opened by the universe cube to return to the earth. And now, all he needs is that the fleet can tell him the traces of the Thanos fleet.

But he didn’t know at this moment. These people were shocked as soon as they found him, and they began to back away desperately. It seems that they know the identity of Zhou Yi, and for the existence of Zhou Yi, they obviously have more scruples.

Who are these people? Zhou Yi was surprised when he noticed the actions of the opposing fleet, but he didn’t have time to think more when he was in a hurry. He immediately increased his speed and rushed into a battleship. (~^~)

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