Sun God Marvel Chapter 394: greedy 1 negotiation broke down

exchange , This topic that has been repeated Ronan the Accuser The repeated tolerance made Zhong more and more prominent Ronan the Accuser Value it. This does not seem to be a temporary idea, but a long-planned plan. It is precisely because of the tremendous energy and planning that it makes Ronan the Accuser In order to achieve this exchange And willing to endure so much.

And for such a plan, Zhou Yi is more and more curious. The more tolerance Ronan the Accuser means, the more rewards he will get. This return is almost impossible to obtain on the earth, then only Thanos can bear his return.

So what price does Thanos have to pay to fill the so-called exchange of Ronan the Accuser? With such a question, Zhou Yi asked.

“Well, since you want to talk about exchange, then let ’s talk about it. Say, what is your so-called exchange.”

“I know this guy Thanos very well, he is the kind of monster that has no one in sight. There are very few guys who can be put in his eyes. You are one, so you are qualified to be exchange. exchange is, I can help you beat Thanos! “

Ronan the Accuser said in a loud voice, the words were full of dissatisfaction and hatred for Thanos. This hatred seems to be long-standing and deeply rooted. It is definitely not what can be formed in one day or two.

Zhou Yi sees so much, but does n’t care much about exploring. How Thanos‘s imperial means is not his concern. He is concerned about Ronan the Accuser‘s plan.

“Sounds exciting, talk about it. How are you going to help me beat Thanos?”

“Very simple! The reason why Thanos makes countless people fear and fear. It is entirely because of his unmatched power. And most of this power comes from the infinite gems he possesses. There are only seven gems in the universe. And Thanos holds three in his hand. “

“And now in order to get the fourth gem, he risked a decision that had a huge impact on him. He gave me the gem in his hand and another guy. Although now he It ’s still extremely powerful, so we dare not have any doubts about his strength. But it is undeniable that this is his weakest time. And this is our only chance. ”

Speaking of this, Ronan the Accuser‘s face became excited and fanatical, and a transparent flame ignited in his eyes. It was a flame of ambition, something that was enough to burn everything and even his own.

“You are an opponent recognized by Thanos, he is a strong man who has repeatedly told us that we must pay attention. I have read your past, and you are indeed eligible to play against Thanos. And in this special time. Together, we have a great chance to destroy the tumor Thanos for the universe. And then, your planet will be safe, and we can also be freed. “

“Sounds good. But don’t you think you are too ridiculous?” After listening to Ronan the Accuser, Zhou Yi immediately sneered. “Save my planet? Should I thank you for raising your hand? From start to finish, you have not paid anything. But you can get the most benefit. Do you treat others as fools? Or do you think the whole universe should be around You guys turn? “

“What do you want to get? With your earth chips, what do you think you can get?” Zhou Yi‘s words made Ronan the Accuser look disdainful. “It will allow you to leave a small life from the destruction of Thanos. It will be your greatest luck not to embark on the mistake of the new star. Do you still want more things insatiably?”

“Insatiable, that is after we get the part we deserve. But in what you said, I did not see anything we can get.”

“It ’s so ridiculous, what do you deserve? Maybe when I drove my fleet over your world, you, the primitive people who could n’t even walk out of their own planet, felt what was awesome When you are in a cosmic civilization, you will know what you deserve! “

The unsuccessful Ronan the Accuser used by Liyou immediately used coercive methods, but this method did not have much effect on Zhou Yi.

“You can try this to see if you have a chance to drive your fleet. Or, are you sure you are leaving from here!”

I feel like I ’ve seen enough of Ronan the Accuser ’s poor speech, Zhou Yi said so. It is impossible for them to negotiate and cooperate, so it might as well be a bit happier to have a war.

But Ronan the Accuser apparently did not have this kind of preparation. He quickly reached out to stop Zhou Yi‘s movements and said quickly to him.

“Wait a minute, what do you want, we might as well talk about it.”

“What do you want? What I want is that you destroyers and destroyers completely roll away from my eyes, far away from my planet, can you do this?”

“If you need, as long as you can destroy Thanos. Then I can guarantee that we will never step into this galaxy. Even I can let my soldiers protect your galaxy. Let other cosmic civilizations not step. Take a step here. Until you have your own ability to fly out of that wild planet! “

“Very good, then? Even if the planet is under your protection, your rule. Is that how you Cree talk about conditions and exchange with others?”

“This is our Cree tradition. It should be worthy of respect.”

“The tradition of weak meat and strong food, never compromise with the weak. Even if you put forward the exchange request, are you not willing to let the weaker race get the benefits they deserve?”

“Weak races can only get what they want after they become stronger. This is the truth of the universe, and the truth does not need to be questioned!”

Ronan the Accuser ’s voice is deep and solemn, as if everything he said is his life dogma. For such a dogma of life, Zhou Yi sneered.

“Your truth needs to be crushed. You can understand what is true truth. You are no different from a guy like Thanos, you are just a guy who is not as strong as him, but has the same ambitions as him!”

“Shut up and talk nonsense. I’m definitely different from that guy.” Ronan the Accuser groaned with his teeth. But this roar could not hide his essence at all. He is an ambitionist, a dictator, and a guy who wants to rule with violence like Thanos.

The only difference between him and Thanos is that he is not as powerful as Thanos.

“I have no mood to talk to you about your so-called exchange. Take your arrogance, and your self-righteous heart. Go to death!” All the negotiations are over, and the golden fire on Zhou Yi is flying again. , Rising up. “Get ready, Ronan the Accuser. Your life is over!”

“That may not be necessary, the humans of the earth!” Ronan the Accuser, who had already felt that he could no longer talk, also shouted. He held up the hammer in his hand, and the horrible purple glare burst from his hammer again. Out. “I have infinite gems in my hands, and I have infinite power. You can’t beat me, Thanos can’t. I will take Kerry to the top of the universe!”

The belief shaped by Kerry ’s tradition is so pure that it is like a switch that inspires an infinite gemstone, which suddenly makes the power of this infinite gemstone stronger and stronger.

The dark purple mask became denser with the support of infinite gemstone power, and even looked at a glance like a crystal shining with purple light. And this also means that the destructive power it possesses is getting stronger.

The island can no longer withstand the devastation of this terrorist force. It is decomposing, breaking, and sinking, and countless sea waters have flooded the island. Then it was swallowed by two huge light masks, and it was transpiring, with the fastest The speed is erased from this world.

The speed at which the seawater disappears is too fast. In addition to the subsidence of the island land, a huge vortex appears directly above the sea. Everything in the nearby ocean rushed towards this vortex, and then was directly led into the abyss of destruction by the vortex.

In this case, Zhou Yi once again felt the power of infinite gems. Only one has such a terrible power, and even allows Ronan the Accuser to hold it and fight against him in court. So if there are more infinite gems in hand, will he be able to easily defeat him by Yi (easy)?

As soon as this idea rises, it can hardly be buried. And for the first time, Zhou Yi had an unimaginable desire to occupy infinite gems. This made him act immediately.

The golden light fire almost turned into a cone-shaped drill bit, and urged into the purple mask by the Zhou Yi. Although the power of infinite gems is powerful, it is not enough to form an overwhelming advantage to Zhou Yi. In this crazy rush, almost in the blink of an eye, Zhou Yi has burst into the front of Ronan the Accuser.

While facing Zhou Yi ~ ~ Ronan the Accuser that appeared in front of me, I just thought it was a hammer. The huge long-handled hammer is waving, and the radiant purple energy exudes terrifying power fluctuations that can destroy everything. This fluctuation made Zhou Yi feel threatened, but this time, he did not have any ideas to dodge.

Condensing his own divine power, Zhou Yi used his own fist and the hammer that Ronan the Accuser swayed to have a direct confrontation. And in a loud bang, the power of terror from God of Sun and the power of terror from infinite gems also began a real confrontation.

The sky is illuminated, and the sea is making waves. The violently violent wind even split the entire sea into two distinct pieces. The sea is being divided, and deep ravines appear in the field of vision with the separated sea little by little. Even the seabed deep in the sea began to be exposed.

And this is far from the end, because the fluctuation of power is still deep. The seabed has also begun to split, the rock layers below the surface have all been turned upside down, and the magma deeper underground has also been ejected with the excitement of power.

Water and fire, heaven and earth. In the face of the power beyond imagination, the separation of boundaries is completely lost. And this power struggle continues. (~ ^ ~)

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