Sun God Marvel Chapter 369: No help at all, no change at all

“Damn, what the **** does this guy mean?” Tony instinctively felt some uneasiness when he heard Loki. He asked the captain, hoping that this experienced guy could give him some useful advice.

“Do n’t be fooled by him, Stark. He is a smoke bomb specially thrown out to confuse our judgment. Look carefully, his real body must be near here!”

Charging the Tony around him, the captain directly contacted the temporary teammates in the Kun-style fighter.

“Is there any way for you to hide from this and continue to fight guerrilla warfare with us?”

“Captain, you should know that our system has limited effect on this high-level life entity! It is almost impossible to find him by the device on our plane.”

“That means it’s up to you to judge by yourself, okay. Let’s find out and see where this guy can hide?”

“I just landed the plane. This thing opened up in the sky and I always thought I was just a target!”

As Natasha said, she lowered her Kun-style fighter. She doesn’t want to be exposed to the sky anymore, she still thinks it is safer to come down to earth. After all, it can still be regarded as a normal person, so she can’t be sure that she can guarantee her safety when the plane is destroyed.

At this point, several other superheroes who are also normal people are no exception. They would rather come down to play a guessing game than enjoy a possible barbecue experience.

The captain also understands the feeling of these temporary teammates, he did not force. Because staying on top is really unsafe. Moreover, he didn’t want to make these teammates who got together with easy get rid of them because of a mistake.

Not to mention, if Fury warned him that the thing is true. Then in case of an accident. If a guy who doesn’t want to show up appears, then it’s really a big problem.

Soon. The teammates who got together so temporarily came together. And the first thing they got together was to discuss how to find Loki hidden in the dark.

However, the discussion has no effect, because it is a poor enemy that is completely unclear and has little information. It was a bit of a daydream to figure out his position.

So after wasting my lips in vain, I made a few suggestions that had no effect at all. The group began to make other plans.

“So, let me evacuate these civilians first. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, we ca n’t help them too much.”

The little spider reluctantly made a pertinent opinion, and then walked directly to the surrounding crowd without waiting for others.

Although most people hide far away at this time. But there are always some inconvenient guys hiding in the corners they think are safe. This is also the reason why the main area of ​​the battle is far away from them, otherwise it must be said that there will be a few more casualties this time.

But it’s hard to tell if they are so lucky. In order to save a few unlucky eggs, the soft-hearted spider immediately thought of continuing to fight directly and quickly transfer the ideas of these civilians.

A spider silk swayed into a corner. The little spider said to the woman squatting on the ground.

“Madam, this is no longer safe. You should leave here as soon as possible!”

This kind of concern for women is definitely commendable. But the little spider obviously overestimated its popularity and the popularity of English in Europe.

The lady squatting in the corner of the wall looked at the little spider dressed in a masked tights and walked in front of her, and immediately shouted in a frightened tone.

Little spiders are also highly intelligent, but there is really no research on German. So he couldn’t understand what the lady was calling. He could only raise his hands, while posing a harmless look, and slowly approaching the scared woman.

“I am not a bad guy. Really, I should be able to hear my voice. And I did a lot of good things to help grandmother cross the road at New York, so look at my face, I really just want Help you! “

Speaking completely out of tune, the little spider walked to the woman’s edge little by little. And it seems that it really feels something, or some other reason. The woman performed significantly more stable than before. Even if a strangely dressed person like a spider approached her, she didn’t react too much.

This makes the little spider breathe out. In order to speed up the progress. He grabbed the woman’s shoulder directly and dragged her up. At the same time he kept talking in his mouth.

“It ’s weird for you Europeans, is n’t Britain right next to you? Why do n’t you understand English at all? Did n’t you say that English is the universal language?”

Taking a topic that doesn’t make any sense at all, a feeling suddenly appeared in the spider’s heart. It was an early warning from the spider’s induction, and when this early warning appeared, it often meant that the danger had come to the side.

Almost completely following the feeling, the little spider directly kicked a backflip on the wall, and then a few bounces jumped far to the ceiling. At this time, the woman who had just had a look of fear was holding a dagger and looking at the little spider on the ceiling strangely.

“Is there the ability to predict danger in advance, it seems that finding your first start is really a wrong decision.”

“Who the **** are you?” While looking at the German language that I just couldn’t understand, I now spoke a bit of English and even almost gave me a fatal blow. The little spider shed a cold sweat. He asked with a lingering fear, as if he didn’t seem to understand why this happened.

“It’s really stupid, you still can’t guess my identity?” The woman sneered, and instantly changed from a very ordinary woman to Rocky.

Looking at his transformation, the little spider’s hair grows more intense. It’s disgusting enough to be able to avatar countless, and now this kind of setting that can change a lot is added. If Rocky was unscrupulous, who would be sure how many people around him were safe?

In other words, there is no way to distinguish between true and false, or to eliminate the consciousness of all suspects. Who is sure to deal with such an enemy.

The fear and fear of the little spider is definitely what Loki wants to see most. He licked his dagger and said with a sneer. “Leave your life on your body this time, and you won’t be so lucky next time.”

As he said, he turned into a plume of green smoke, disappearing little by little in front of the little spider. Seeing this, the little spider is bad for the whole person. He quickly called his teammates and told them what happened.

Mates, a big deal. I found this **** of Loki. Damn, he can still become a woman, you must be careful!”

At this point, everyone is tense. Even Doctor Banner and Jennifer, who were already preparing to participate in the dispersal work, quickly stood still.

At this time, almost everyone put their eyes on the captain. In view of the previous plan, the superheroes have generally agreed with his leadership and tactical arrangements. Although not to the point of direct focus to the captain’s command. But in this battle, it is not a problem to give priority to the command of the captain and obey his command.

The captain finally gained the trust of most people. This is a good thing, but it also means a special responsibility. He needs to take these new teammates out of the current dilemma and defeat Loki. Strong enemy.

But seriously, what to do now he is still confused. Loki’s ability is simply unsolvable, if he deliberately continue to fight against them in this way, they simply have no way to take him.

So until now, he can only use a method that is not a way to respond to the queries of his teammates.

“Everyone should not be separated for the time being, at least two people form a group, so that at least one can take care of each other. In addition, we tentatively set a secret identification code to prevent someone from inserting us and pretending to be our identity. Live, no matter who you see, the person who first asks your identity will say ‘have you found that thing?’, And the person who answered must say ‘in the plane’. If someone answers wrongly and runs from your hands If it’s lost, report the situation immediately. We will change the password immediately, understand? “

“Damn it, this is too passive. Do we have to be treated like a monkey by him like this?”

“This is the safest way, but we have to do some other things.” The captain waved his hand and said to his teammates. “Your task is to pay attention to the situation and adapt to the situation. And Stark, you and me together. We immediately go to the place where iridium is stored. As long as we can intercept them before he can gain something, we can be qualified to change constantly. . “

“You finally said something useful!” Tony, who had been holding his grievances, immediately said. “Although I don’t want to take a man to fly around, in this situation, I will accept this request with difficulty. Hurry, don’t let me change my mind!”

Going behind Tony ~ ~ caught his shoulder. The captain is ready to fly. At the same time he did not forget to tell his teammates.

“Do n’t forget the secret code, and remember to take care of each other. If something goes wrong here, I will notify you immediately.”

In the repeated cries, the captain was already flying directly into the sky under the carriage of Tony. They are going to the private laboratory where Iridium is stored and must have been targeted by Rocky. Before Loki succeeded, intercepting all their secret hands was their only option now.

However, shortly after they took off, a voice was inserted directly into their internal communication and clearly appeared in everyone’s ears.

“Fools, are you still looking for me where? Where are you? It ’s a pity that all you do is useless. In addition, Tony Stark, I have a gift for you. I do n’t know if you know a wave called Pepper. Woman. Now, she is by my side. “

As soon as this word came out, Tony, who was not prepared to take care of the voice, was immediately stunned. (To be continued ~ ^ ~)

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