Sun God Marvel Chapter 368: The cruel truth is by any means

? Peter Parker once again ended his busy day.

After revealing his identity to Gwen, his superhero career suddenly became strange. Because his career has become more than the career of one person alone, but has become the career of two of him and Gwen.

With the help of his dad being the chief of police, who can get in touch with crime, Gwen always does the job of venting and reporting. She hacked into her dad’s cell phone and office computer, and received first-hand information from the police station at any time, and then changed hands to pass the information to her boyfriend.

This behavior of eating inside and outside has greatly improved Spider-Man‘s recent performance, but it has also allowed the police and the street superhero to develop a delicate competitive relationship.

Know that although the spider is superhuman, the police are not soft feet shrimp. The gradually mature Mutants special police officers are no less inferior to the little spiders than the fierce criminals, not to mention that they have the advantage of being crowded.

However, although there are such a group of special competitors, Peter does not feel that his work has become easier. Because the recent world is really a bit uneven.

Maybe ordinary people do n’t feel much, but these guys who have been running around for the sake of the city ’s security have obviously felt that the undercurrent is surging.

Whether it is the crime rate or those special criminals who keep appearing, they have suddenly risen by one grade. And this apparently abnormal situation makes the little spider feel a little powerless.

And this is not the most terrible, the most terrible is the floating hearts of people now. Since the wave of condemnation from Dawn Knight broke out, their lives as superheroes have not been smooth.

He’s a bit better, at most, he was surrounded by protests a few times when he was swinging, or was used as a target, and he threw fruit several times.

Like Mutants, the guys who are often criticized, have a lot more sad days than him. Especially the naughty Mutants police officers have been targeted by many special means. If it were not his father-in-law and his uncle who desperately protected them both inside and outside of work, their situation would now be much worse than they are now.

Of course, although there is no better place now.

With the current social experience of little spiders, it is unlikely to understand why the world is like this. He can only try to do what he should do. Do the duty of a superhero. Although it is becoming more and more difficult to do this.

Shake his head and clean up the mess in his mind. The little spider quickly took off his uniform, and then put on his casual clothes as quickly as possible.

His identity has not been exposed to his uncles and aunts, so he went home. He still chose to be a normal high school student honestly.

And when he got everything done, he was going downstairs as usual to greet her aunt, and then to pick up her uncle who was almost supposed to come back from get off work.

A sudden wind sound touched his exceptional spider-sensing ability. He subconsciously stepped back, and this step just took off, when a black arrow flew in the wind. Nailed to the door frame beside him.

This is not an assassination. The spider is very clear, because he does not feel any danger. An envelope nailed to the arrow also proved this. Although the way is a bit retro, but this is obviously just a communication arrow.

Remove the envelope from the arrow shaft. The little spider originally wanted to throw this envelope together with the flying arrow. But when he saw the name on the envelope, he immediately stood down.

Your surname is correct. Only Parker has their family nearby. But the name is not his name, nor his uncle and aunt, but his father!

Richard.Parker, the spider ’s father. A person who has died long ago. This person is very special for the little spider. Not only was he the father of Little Spider, but also because his death was full of doubts.

In order to protect him, he and the spider ’s mother fostered him in the home of his brother, and then died inexplicably. This kind of unexpected situation at first glance has never made the little spider care very much.

For so many years, he has been searching for evidence alone. And all the evidence he found proved a problem, that his father was not simple. As for how simple it is, the little spider who can’t go deeper can’t understand it.

And now an accidental opportunity has emerged, facing this information that may be related to his father. The little spider acted immediately.

He did n’t even have time to put on his uniform and just wore a casual dress. Fly toward the direction of the arrow.

Spider induction clearly told him the direction of the arrow, so his goal was clear. The speed is also fast. But the problem is that it is difficult to guarantee that the person is still not there.

However, since someone notified him in this way, naturally easily will not leave.

So soon the spider found his target, a man with a bow, and a kind-looking guy in a black suit.

“The arrow you shot. Tell me what do you know?”

I recognized the little spider of Coulson at a glance. At this time, he didn’t care about the identity of Coulson. For him now, the mystery of his father’s death has been above everything.

“Please wait, boy. This story is a bit long, so I may need some time to tell you everything in detail.”

Coulson glanced at the little spider with a strange look before speaking to the bow-bearing man beside him. “Barton. Sorry for you to go first. I will go directly back then.”

“Okay, be careful yourself.” Maybe you don’t think the little spider is dangerous. Barton just nodded and told him to leave.

While watching Barton leave, Coulson smiled and nodded to the little spider.

“Do you want to go for a ride together?”

The little spider eager to know the answer did not choose to refuse. He followed the Coulson honestly and got into the car. Seeing that the little spider is so cooperative, Coulson directly hit the steering wheel and drove the car into a remote lane.

“Say, what do you want to ask? I can tell you as long as I do n’t violate certain principles!”

“Do you know my father? Do you know the cause of his death?” The little spider, who could not wait, immediately asked what was in his heart.

On hearing this question, Coulson frowned slightly, and then sighed.

“Yes, I know your father. Richard, our original relationship is not bad! As for the cause of his death, I am sorry, child! I know the cause of his death, but we do not know whether he is Who died in his hand. “

“Who the **** are you? How did my parents die?”

For the first time so deeply exposed to the truth of his parents ’death, the excitement of the spider is unimaginable. However, he still suppressed his feelings as much as possible, and opened his mouth to Coulson and asked.

“I am a senior agent of SHIELD Agency Agent Coulson, and by the way. Your father, your mother and I are colleagues, they are also agents, and they are also agents of double identity!”

“What?” Suddenly hearing the news, the spider immediately felt a little stunned. He finally understood why his father always had a sense of inexplicable crisis. Why would he be chased and killed? He would know that he might be in danger, and even sent himself to his uncle’s house in a hurry.

Because he still has such a special identity behind the research worker.

It ’s not Coulson ’s original intention to tell the little spider such news. Personally, he would rather recruit the little spider in a more normal way than in this way. Richard has been dead for so many years, and there is really no need to uncover the scar on the spider’s heart at this time.

However, this is just his idea. Fury demanded that he must recruit the little spider, regardless of any means. He wanted to let the little spider listen to them, even hesitating to use his parents’ affairs as a threat.

This approach does not make Coulson agree, but he does not have any right to refute. So he can only do so.

“Your father found a very special piece of information before he died. But this news was known to some of our enemies and they attacked your parents. And this led to the unfortunate death of your parents. I’m sorry, boy. I’m telling you this now, but believe me, we are also for your good. “

“You are not suitable for these things, and I believe that Richard does not want me to tell you these things.”

From the moment he heard the truth about his parents ’death, the little spider covered his mouth. He struggled to keep his mouth from whimpering, but he couldn’t stop his tears from flowing.

This little spider looks nothing like a superhero. But Coulson understood his mood very well ~ ~ He handed a handkerchief, and then waited without saying a word, waiting for the moment when the little spider calmed his emotions.

After all, it has been such a long time, so even the pain will not be so intense. The little spider quickly calmed down his emotions, at least on the surface.

“Thank you for telling me this thing, so that I wo n’t be kept in the dark. But can I ask, why do you keep this from me, and then at this time, tell me the truth again What about it? “

“What should I say? Child!” With a bitter smile, Coulson replied helplessly. “I believe you appear in front of me in this way, and you should also know that we have cleared your other identity.”

“Related to this?”

“Yes, kid. I am instructed to invite you to join us as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and engage in the same occupation as your father. This is not mandatory, if you do not want to. I can refuse it Off. “

“No!” The little spider shook his head firmly at this moment. “I want to join, I must know who killed my parents. Only by joining you, I have the hope of revenge!” (To be continued.)

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