Sun God Marvel Chapter 294: Business Secrets Chapter

“Mr. Osborne, please be blunt. I don’t understand what you mean.” Zhou Yi knew very well that this old guy must be playing a riddle with himself.

There is something in his words, it depends on whether you can understand the meaning in his words. But Zhou Yi is too lazy to play this kind of guessing game with him now. Guessing it right will not do him any good, and guessing it wrong will cause trouble. So why should I cooperate with him so much?

For Zhou Yi‘s direct and unruly approach, Norman Osborne smiled and said.

“Be patient, my young friend. This is not the time to talk about this. If you have free time, we can have a good chat during lunch time.”

Old Osborn is so patient, it’s a rare thing. Although I don’t know what he wants, one thing Zhou Yi is already certain is that there must be something in himself that he desperately wants.

What will it be? He suddenly became interested. Therefore, Zhou Yi nodded slightly in response to Osborne’s invitation.

When Zhou Yi nodded, old Osborn also smiled. His mood suddenly improved. This is not a disguise, but a real good mood that can make others feel.

It wasn’t until this time that he patted the shoulder of the young man sitting next to him and pulled him to his feet. Said to all the shareholders around.

“Next, it is also the reason why I invite you to come here. I would like to introduce you to an outstanding young man. He is also my son and my future heir. He is Harry Oss. Ben. The CEO of Osborne Company, yes. I have decided, and now he will represent me as the President of Osborne Company.”

As soon as this sentence came out, the entire board of directors was immediately quiet.

Before they were able to accept Harry Osborn as the future head of this company, it was based on the knowledge that the old Osborn was about to die soon. Under such circumstances, even if Osborne became their president, he would inevitably face the situation of being emptied by them. Even if Osborne is a genius, they can at least reap the benefits before he is completely in power.

But things are different now. Old Osborn didn’t look like he was about to die at all. With his escort, little Osborne will only take over the rights in his hands in the calm. And at that time. They get nothing. Because Harry, who has truly inherited everything Norman, will only become the unshakable Osborne II. Continue to dominate everything in this company.

This is not what the directors want to see. Because of this, the scene suddenly became very embarrassing. Embarrassingly deserted.

And at this moment, applause broke out. That was the applause of Zhou Yi. It was given to Harry Osborne, who just took the stage, so that he didn’t have to continue to stand in such an awkward manner in this situation.

With him taking the lead, sparse applause rang out one after another. Although it is not enthusiastic, it can be regarded as an explanation for the appearance of Osborne.

As for the old Osborn, his face was indifferent at this time. With his insights in running the company for so many years. Why don’t you know what kind of stuff these people are? The reason why he chose to introduce Osborne when everyone just lost a lot of money was because he wanted him to see what these people were like.

Only by recognizing what kind of people they are, in the future can he better control them. He must understand that these people cannot be friends, but only enemies. It is the enemy of their Osborne family.

Now, his goal has been achieved. Therefore, he put on the mask of the dictator again and said to all the shareholders present.

“Okay, my story is over. Now, do you have anything else to say?”

“Mr. Osborne. The current public opinion is very unfavorable to us, don’t you think?” Someone said tentatively. And immediately, Osborne responded impatiently.

“Should I take this small matter myself? Forget it, Harry, this matter is left to you. It just so happens that it’s time to take this opportunity to introduce you to everyone.”

There was a dazed look in the eyes of little Osborn about the task that Old Osborne had given him. But he nodded quickly, indicating that he already knew what to do.

It doesn’t matter, the key is whether you have the courage to do it. At this point, the old Osborne was fairly satisfied with his son’s performance.

“So. Do you have anything else?”

This time, no one spoke. Because everyone can see that Old Osborne is not willing to listen to them at all now. So they all chose to remain silent.

And this is the answer Norman Osborn wants.

“Very good, so this board meeting ends here. Mister Zhou, I think we can have lunch together. Then we have a good chat.”

“Yes, I have no problem.”

Zhou Yi, who was somewhat interested in the intentions behind the old Osborne, stood up. Neither he nor the Osborne father and son paid much attention to the shareholders present. In this way, he took the lead in leaving the meeting room.

And it wasn’t until they were far away that someone asked in a low voice.

“Is Mr. Osborne really getting better?”

No one answered him, because everyone’s answer is the same. And this is a situation that they all don’t want to see. It is really not a good thing for him to continue to exist like this strong Osborne. But it’s like the situation that has been maintained for so many years. As long as Norman Osborne is still alive, they have nothing to do.

He is like a big mountain. A mountain that they cannot surpass.

Leaving the Osborne Building, Zhou Yi and the Osborne father and son came to their mansion together.

According to the old Osborn, the servants of the Osborn family are already prepared. So as soon as they arrived, the banquet began.

The polite butler directed the servants, serving the hosts and guests the freshly baked food, while the old Osborne dragged a little staggering body and poured a glass of red wine for the Zhou Yi himself.

In the company, this old man has always been a cold-faced tyrant. But here, he is smiling very cheerfully.

“I have always felt that Mister Zhou is a very rare outstanding young man in this world. How old are you now, thirty? Think about it when I was your age, it seemed that I had just established this company. At that time Osborne is just a small company.”

“Mr. Osborne, I just happened to happen. Anyone can do venture capital. The achievements made through venture capital can’t compare to your hard work. So, you are The person I admire. Just like the Stark who has passed away, you are all geniuses!”

Praise people who can’t. Old Osborn actually wanted to open the situation by flattery at this time, so he flattered back. Saying two good things will not lose anything, so Zhou Yi naturally happily fight Osborn like this.

“Venture investment is something everyone knows, but there are not many that can succeed every time. Mister Zhou You don’t need to belittle yourself, know that you are an idol that Harry worships.”

Zhou Yi behaved quite old, which was unexpected by Old Osborne. But this is just a test, and then they have to enter the topic.

“Harry has been telling me that, like you, you can kill people from Wall Street from Wall Street on your own. I can’t find a few in the entire United States, but he has always wanted to get to know you through me. .Now, I can finally satisfy his wish.”

“Huh?” Upon hearing this, Zhou Yi glanced at Harry Osborn who was sitting next to him. He thought these were just words made up by Old Osborn to bring them closer together. But looking at Harry with some burning eyes, he realized that he didn’t seem to lie about this matter.

At this time, little Harry also continued his father’s topic and said to Zhou Yi.

Mister Zhou, really. I really admire you. Especially your decisive sell-off of tertiary industry stocks at that time in the millennium and turning to technology industry stocks. It’s a magical stroke. How did you foresee it? After that, the tertiary industry will collapse?”

Seriously, this is black history. How could Zhou Yi tell him that it was because he remembered the financial crisis of the millennium in his previous life that he chose to abandon the most risky tertiary industry stocks. If you really said that, then it would be embarrassing to be thrown into another world.

So he could only pretend to be motionless, all in my heart, and said to little Harry.

“Harry, let me call you that for the time being. Do you want to know how many times the stocks in my hands have turned over? I can tell you that every virtual electronics industry stock has turned over in my hands. At least twenty times. Especially Apple and Cisco, these two companies are far more than this number. So at the time, my first feeling was not to be happy, but to feel that something was wrong~ There is nothing in the world that is prosperous. Bad. China has a classic “Yi (easy) Classic”, which contains a sentence called Kang Long has regrets. It is the truth that things will inevitably fall after reaching the peak. Therefore, in order to avoid risks, it is best to stop in time. Isn’t it the choice? I’ve earned enough anyway.”

“This is the business field, my child. You must be greedy enough, but you must not be blinded by this greed. Otherwise, you will be led into the abyss.”

Old Osborne patted his son on the shoulder timely. He taught him, let him see what kind of place he would live in the future.

“As Mister Zhou said, there is absolutely nothing that can be maintained at its peak. It is the same as Osborne now. If I am gone, do you think you can sustain Osborne’s reputation? You Do you think our company will be brought to the brink of destruction by those greedy capitalists?”

This is something Norman Osborne has never said to his son. But now, he started to teach him. Harry looked a little confused after hearing his father’s words. He has been living a dude life, but he can’t adapt to such a rhythm. He needs time. Old Osborn also needs time. (~^~)

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