Sun God Marvel Chapter 235: He

London at night, a faint mist began to fill. Because London is always in a humid environment, these mists always exude a chill that penetrates into the bone marrow. Coupled with those shadowy street lights, as long as it is in remote places. It always makes people feel that something is hiding in a dark corner looking at you. People can’t help being a little creepy and suspicious.

However, Zhou Yi and Susan are obviously not suspicious. Because Susan is a native of London, he is already used to this kind of weird ghost weather. As a member of the superhero, Zhou Yi has no reason to be afraid. The two people just talked and laughed all the way, coupled with the sound of the powerful engine of the sports car. It is very conspicuous in this kind of night.

It is so conspicuous that some people have begun to notice them.

As soon as Zhou Yi stopped the car in front of the traffic lights, a dark figure approached immediately. He shook the flashlight in his hand, shining it on Zhou Yi and Susan, then knocked on the window and signaled Zhou Yi to roll down the car window.

“Sir, don’t you know that there is some insecurity here recently?” The person holding the flashlight first flashed his badge to Zhou Yi, and then asked very seriously.

“Sorry, officer. I’m here for the first time in the UK and I don’t know anything. Is this a British custom at night?” It’s not a pleasant thing to be shot with a flashlight. All Zhou Yi talks about The words come naturally with a gun and a stick.

“Foreigner?” The police officer who had the first impression upon hearing Zhou Yi curled his lips a little uncomfortably. It is not a good thing to meet a foreigner in such a place at this time. In his own responsibility, he still said to Zhou Yi. “Sir, and this lady. Can I see your credentials?”

“Of course, police officer!” Miss Storm would be so honest, and if she changed to Zhou Yi, she would have to choke at least twice. And Susan obviously has some understanding of Zhou Yi. She set an example first, and then held Zhou Yi‘s arm, showing a pleading look at him.

Only this kind of well-knowledgeable eldest lady can do such a well-behaved thing. Zhou Yi thought this way, but cooperated with him and handed in his own certificate. British and American family. Zhou Yi with American nationality will naturally not be extra troubled.

After returning the documents in his hand to Zhou Yi, the policeman said again.

“Sir, and this lady. If I were you, I would now honestly return to my resting place. Whether it’s sleeping or doing other healthful things, it’s better than wandering outside. Good.”

In his opinion, this was kind advice, especially when he saw the beautiful face of Susan sitting in the co-pilot again, he couldn’t help but say a few more words.

“Listen, Mate. It’s better to hide such a beautiful female companion. At this time, take her around, do you want to give her directly to the noisy underworld to enjoy?”

“Police officer?”

“Why, sir? Do you have any questions?”

“I just want to tell you that I have taken down your alarm. Well, I think you will have a lot of time to chat with people in the examination section. By the way, I’m telling you that not everyone It can be used to talk nonsense.”

It’s already said that, Zhou Yi will not endure Zhou Yi anymore. So he immediately counterattacked. The already burnt police officer would love the endless cross-examination and investigation from the Inspection Section. Here Zhou Yi just wanted to say no thanks.

Stepped on the gas pedal under his foot and accelerated away amidst the police’s whispering curses. Zhou Yi threw this annoying policeman out of its own world almost instantly. And this time. Susan, who had just made his face a little ugly by the remarks he hated the police, said.

“Thank you, Yi (easy)! Breath out for me.”

“No thanks, this is what I should do.” Zhou Yi said with a grin. “But, Susan I have a little suggestion. Maybe you should learn how to make yourself more aggressive.”

“Huh?” Susan, in a bad mood, made a dull nasal sound from his nose, which was obviously unclear.

And hearing this voice, Zhou Yi couldn’t help but laugh. He felt that he was not a mature woman next to him. But a little girl who is sulking herself. Just like his two daughters.

Maybe Zhou Yi is smiling too obviously, maybe Susan is too sensitive at this time. She noticed Zhou Yi‘s smile almost immediately, and asked a little unhappy.

“You are laughing at me, you must be laughing at me. A spoiled eldest lady, can’t bear to be told.”

“No, no, no. I didn’t think so at all!” The two Zhou Yis, who didn’t want to be put on such a big hat, shook their heads hurriedly, and at the same time spoke out their own thoughts. “I just think you are a little too innocent. Even when you are angry, you think like a child, just like my two daughters.”

“Do you have a daughter?” When Susan asked these words, the whole face changed. Zhou Yi even felt that her face was uglier than when the policeman uttered those confusing words.

“Relax. Susan. Didn’t my mother tell you?” Zhou Yi said with a smile immediately. “I adopted two children, after the last time we met!”

I heard that it was not what I thought, Susan‘s complexion eased a lot. But she immediately thought of the excitement she had just now, and suddenly her face turned red again. In order not to let Zhou Yi notice, she immediately found a topic and wanted to distract him.

“Why? I mean why did you suddenly want to adopt two children?”

“Because these two children are very pitiful. And from a certain perspective, I think that my encounter with them is a choice of fate. Yes, a choice of fate.” Zhou Yi said, starting to aggravate Own tone.

“You know what, Susan. I have never experienced the feeling of fatherly love. I don’t know what it feels like. But I know that a child without a father is different from others. Cherrisa cried when he was young Many times, why do other people have a father to pick up her, but when we get to our house, only my mother and I will always pick her up.”

“It was a very young age. I guess Cherrisa can’t remember it. But I remember it was a very bad feeling. So, if possible, I hope these two destinies will be arranged for my children. Will not be tortured by this feeling!”

“Sorry, Yi (easy)!” Susan couldn’t help holding his hand when he heard this, and said apologetically. “It reminds you of such unhappy things, it’s all my fault!”

Zhou Yi shook his head. A soothing smile appeared on his face.

“This is not a sad thing, it can only be said to be a regret. The regret of not having a father! A creature like a man is much stronger than you think. Of course, I mean emotionally strong.”

“I know what you mean, but are you sure you need my comfort?” It seemed that Zhou Yi was not as fragile as I thought, and Susan also said jokingly.

“Of course, if this comfort is in various senses. I am very happy to have your comfort.”

“No, it’s just a spiritual comfort. Sir, you think too much!”

The two people just made fun of them all the way and reached the end of the trip. The Storm family’s villa on the other side of London.

Because of the death of Susan‘s parents, the Storm family is far less wealthy and magnificent than people think. By relying on two young people, it is impossible to hold the facade of a nobleman. And although it is after the nobility, you must know that even the current Queen of England is not so comfortable. The decoration of Buckingham Palace can only be a superficial. What’s more, it’s a little fallen aristocrat.

Except for the two properties, Susan‘s parents did not leave them anything more. But Sister Storm is also considered an elite in the human class. It is not a big problem to feed yourself and make yourself comfortable. Of course, if you want to live extravagantly, it is obviously very problematic.

But Susan didn’t seem to want to live this kind of life, and through knowing her, Zhou Yi didn’t see such clues either. Smart women who can become outstanding researchers will not have any interest in the extravagant life. They have their own unique values.

And this is why Zhou Yi appreciates her, a smart and wise, intellectual and beautiful gentle woman. In a way, Susan overlaps with a certain woman in his impression. She is very similar to Jean, but there are many differences.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yi smiled bitterly. What’s wrong with me?

He just wanted to say something, but this time. Susan, with a blushing face, said it first.

“I’m home, maybe I should buy you a cup of coffee?”

Many deeper relationships start with the opposite sex’s invitation to drink coffee. From this invitation, Zhou Yi thinks a lot. And because of these associations, he still decided to refuse.

“Sorry, Susan. Maybe this is not the time?”

“It’s not time?” Susan didn’t understand the meaning of Zhou Yi. And Zhou Yi soon began to explain to her.

“You are a good But I’m not the kind of good man you think. Do you remember the Tony Stark I said? I’m friends with him, which kind is good. So from a certain perspective, there is no difference between me and him.”

“I have had a lot of experiences with many women. These are real, not just made up in the tabloids. I must confess this to you. My love life is so messy that you can hardly imagine it. In a way, I am not qualified to be invited by you! Do you know, Susan?”

Zhou Yi could say such a thing, but Susan hadn’t expected it at all. For Zhou Yi, she has a certain understanding, but this understanding is also very limited. She knew he was a playboy, but she didn’t know exactly where it was spent. Unlike Tony, he doesn’t like being exposed to the spotlight. This makes a lot of things in him mysterious.

Mystery will arouse people’s interest, and Susan obviously has its own views on Zhou Yi. His statement did not make her discolored or angry. A man who can tell his secret is more trustworthy than a man who hides his secret from a woman in the end. Moreover, she believed in her own judgment. A responsible man always gets better. However, forget it for now.

“You are right, now is not the time. But in the future, maybe you will change your mind.” (~^~)

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