Sun God Marvel Chapter 2194:

   War, from the day it was born, was destined to be paved with blood and death. This will not change because of the escalation of war, because no matter how the form of war changes, its core is always a battle between people. And when the war escalates to a certain extent, it is also inevitable that it needs to be declared ended with the total defeat of one side.

   There is no fluke in between, nor is there any so-called fluke mentality on either side. Especially for Hydra opponents at this moment. When faced with such a terrible force as Hydra, knowing all the evil methods they have used in the past, they will instinctively throw away all the fluke, and in a posture of almost breaking the wreck, try their best to fight for this. The victory of the war.

   is very simple, because this is no longer a problem that can be solved by cutting the land and paying compensation. The loser has only one way to die, or it is better to die. And if it is such a result, it is probably the only choice they can make to die.

   It can be said that when this point is understood, the entire battlefield has developed unstoppably in the direction of the meat grinder flying. And witnessing this war that can be said to determine the future destiny of mankind evolved from the beginning to such a point, Smith. Zhou finally finally put a stone in his heart.

   This is like digging a levee, and then trying to stop the development of the situation is like trying to stop the flood from running, which is almost impossible. And as he said before, once the war enters such a state, no matter who laughs to the end, it will be the result of his pleasure.

   The winner will become the uncrowned king in the true sense of this world. Because when the winners compete, the world will never be able to check and balance their power. Those weak little countries, those that have been traumatized by turbulence and nuclear explosions, they have no power to stop the footsteps of such a strong man. Therefore, as long as he thinks, it is a matter of course to include everything in the world and put the whole world under his will.

   The key is whether the winner has such an idea. For this issue, Smith Zhou believes that there will be no controversy.

  Weak meat and strong food, survival of the fittest, this is itself the law of natural competition, and in the game between countries, this is the truth of steel. He never believed that someone would be so pedantic that he gave up such a good opportunity because of the so-called morality and public opinion. If there are, then such people are not eligible to be the final winners of this whole big plan. They should have been eliminated by this law of natural selection.

   Everything has been demarcated, just wait for the final result to be announced. And in such a waiting process, a suddenly torn space crack has appeared in front of Smith Zhou.

   Zhou Yi‘s complexion is cold, and the eyebrows are completely unmaskable killing intentions. In the face of this, the old **** was present, as if Smith Zhou, who had not put everything in his heart, had his eyes fixed, he already whispered and asked.

   “What about Tony others?”

   “The time is just right. Unfortunately, you came one step late. Otherwise, maybe you can still see his last side!”

  Smith. Zhou’s discourse is somewhat regretful. For the person Tony, he still has some respect. After all, no one can force him to such a point.

   He surpassed the gods with his mortal body, even if he said that he had defeated such an opponent and wiped him out completely, but he would not insult him.

  If it is possible, he will even want to give Tony a treatment of standing column biography. Because of the existence of Tony, it can really inspire human confidence and let humanity, a race with infinite potential, explode into greater miracles. Unfortunately, he can’t do this. Because a person wiped out by time, all his merits do not exist. He will only exist in the memory of a few people, such as him, and Zhou Yi at the moment.

  Zhou Yi was a little annoyed at the moment. Although he said he had rescued his family, he was obviously one step behind.

How powerful Smith is. This is the only thing he knows best. In the face of opponents such as Smith Zhou, no matter what kind of dependence Tony finds, it will only be a fierce situation. Allowing him to face up with Smith Zhou is a kind of abandonment to him. And in case of a fluke, Zhou Yi made such a choice.

  He hopes that Tony will stick to his return. And the facts have proved that this is just an unrealistic delusion. It is not that simple to rescue people from a nascent new universe. And the time spent in this middle is enough for Smith to kill Tony thousands of times.

  Tony’s death was not unexpected, and it also made him feel more guilty. Before failing to keep Frank and Maria, it was already giving him a sense of facelessness facing Tony. And now…

   There are some mixed flavors in my heart. Although the grievances between them have already been somewhat unclear, Tony definitely owes him more than he owes Tony, but as a former friend, there are fewer in this world. Some people who can communicate with each other, he has never been able to care about that.

   A friend is a friend, and a friend’s death because of his choice is a blow to him.

   cannot be said to be regretful, because even if he says the same choice again, he may still make such a choice. After all, he is not a saint, and he cannot put others above his family. But in the end, self-blame and torture are unavoidable.

   This is a wicked fire, and this wicked fire can only be directed at Smith Zhou. He couldn’t hold back his emotions, and almost immediately started to face Smith Zhou. In the face of the sudden difficulty of Zhou Yi, Smith Zhou just opened his hands and took a punch.

  It’s not that hard to resist. After all, it was Zhou Yi‘s angry and furious blow. Although it was considered that this is the earth, a world that was extremely fragile for them, so that he did not explode any truly terrifying power, but only with the power of the flesh, he can also easily tears the whole earth.

   It was a man-made natural disaster. He did not want to involve more innocent people. So it was bottom-up. He punched Smith Zhou Qi in a fist and flew open the atmosphere directly, tearing open the thousands of miles of floating clouds.

  ’s strike also transferred the battlefield to space. It’s just that this difficulty made Smith Zhou unable to spit out an old blood, but he didn’t let him take a decent gesture.

   He spread his hands so loosely and laid out a completely unprepared look. He even said that after watching Zhou Yi chasing himself into the universe, he even pulled out a **** smile on his teeth.

   “Are you angry? I don’t think it’s necessary. Tony Stark is just a passerby in your life for you. Your life is still very long. When you have experienced more and more things, you know more and more After the more people, you will naturally understand that he or these people will only leave a short or two strokes in your life, and no one can not be replaced.”

  ”So, what do you want to say? Tell me your life experience, let me forget all the dirty things you did, and then play with me a play of father and son filial piety? Smith. Zhou, you are not worthy .. After you have done such a thing to my family, you have no such qualification!”

   is standing in the universe, and somehow it can be regarded as letting go. Zhou Yi has begun to slowly release the huge energy in his body. Endless brilliance and blazing flames rose from his body, like a brand new sun releasing light and heat, the dazzling can hardly make people look directly.

   Of course, that is only for ordinary people. For a strong man like Smith Zhou, this is just a superficial effort. Whether in strength or identity, he will not be too afraid of Zhou Yi. The reason why he now shows such a gesture is more because of his inner desirelessness.

  His big plan has already reached this stage, unless the Zhou Yi is forced to rewrite this situation in a way that will not spoil the situation of the entire human world, then even a supreme **** like him can’t reverse him at all. The pattern created by painstaking efforts at this moment.

   can’t always say that he is now helping the Hydra to beat the opposite side, or simply slap one by one. It will only make others laugh, and appear to be helpless. And even if it is just out of consideration for the life of the innocent, he will not make such a move similar to anger.

  Smith Zhou knows his son. The good thing is that he has enough kindness. And what’s unpleasant is that he is ridiculously ridiculous. He never seems to learn how to be a big deal, and it is not the first time. Gu Gu Gu Wei, because those who don’t care and self-restraint, this does not seem to be the first time that happened.

  Of course, if he can really let go of his hands and feet, then he may be the one who has a headache now. So in general, perhaps he should be lucky, he has such a problem.

   “I admit that maybe for you or A Lan, I am indeed not qualified to be called a father or husband, and I am indeed not a qualified family member. However, compared to myself, I definitely would not I think everything I have done is wrong. You know what I did for now, and now, everything I have managed so hard will soon come to an end, and the result will soon be born. And this is enough for me to let go of everything.”

   “I don’t want to forgive me, my son. I just want to tell you the experience that I have accumulated as a person who came over. And what I once promised you. When all the dust is settled, I’m at your disposal. I’m not going to lie to you. At this moment, no matter what you plan to do, what kind of revenge I have is acceptable. This is what you deserve…. ..”

   is calm. This is the attitude of Smith Zhou at this moment. He has got what he wants. The rest of the matter, no matter how it develops, cannot exceed his expectations. Everything is doomed. And at this time, for him, his family, this word that he had never put in his mind was once again important.

   He is not the kind of owl who is completely bloodless and tearless. Not so much that he has no feelings, he does not know what love is. It is better to say that he has a love in his heart that almost no one can experience and bear.

  He has never hated this world and this ethnic group of mankind. What he did, in the final analysis, was only for them. Only, he chose his own way. Judging by his experience and wisdom, he believes that it is absolutely correct and at the same time absolutely unacceptable to most people.

  He doesn’t need to understand this. Because the real wise man always understands the truth, that is, correctness is never judged by others. If it is, then as early as thousands of years ago, he was placed on the high altar like many people, instead of painful perseverance and waiting, until today it has completely subverted and reversed all this.

   is almost ten thousand years. It is too long.

He has learned to be indifferent for thousands of years. Life and death are already bearish. He didn’t care about death, whether it was someone else’s or his own. For him who finally got his wish, there is no need for him to insist and pursue now. It may be a good outcome to exchange an eternal rest for some regrets in his heart.

   tells Zhou Yi in a casual attitude that he is not as selfish as he thinks, not as selfish as he sees, and is really blind to them and careless. This is his choice at the moment.

  In the face of his abrupt display of calmness, Zhou Yi squeezed his fist suddenly developed a kind of powerlessness.

  Does he hate Smith Zhou? maybe. Although this man was his biological father, he never fulfilled his responsibilities. He even said that he repeatedly used himself and his family to do everything he could to create the world he wanted. This is an act that cannot be forgiven, because this is the biggest blasphemy against the term family.

   However, to say that it is necessary to kill him. This is also a result that is really difficult to choose in his heart.

   Anyway, he is his father. Anyway, he has that kind of relationship with himself and his family. Father, this word is too heavy for him. The kind of pedantic character judged by Smith Zhou was naturally hesitant at this time.

   This was seen by Smith Zhou. He was a little relieved, but it was also an inevitable sigh. Thankfully, he didn’t really hate him that much. What sighed was that he couldn’t be the kind of person he expected.

   This may be him. So emotionally, he even had a way to unravel Zhou Yi, so that he didn’t have to have so many impulsive impulses. But just as he was about to speak, a voice suddenly entered.

   “You are still so disappointing, Zhou Yi!”


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