Sun God Marvel Chapter 2170:

In the end, Coulson returned as expected. Ultron‘s intervention finally gave him a glimmer of hope.

Of course, although this is true, it is also inevitable. He has suffered a lot. Ultron can solve this problem is just a possibility that Jarvis told him, and whether this possibility can be realized, but it is also an answer that no one can be sure of.

This may be the most promising option, but it does not mean that it will be the one that will necessarily succeed. Sometimes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. And this kind of thing has gone through a lot, Coulson really does not want to, and what he got right now is such a disappointing answer.

So, he was really anxious. Not only desperately wanting to know what the result is from Ultron, but also a little afraid and afraid, he learned a bad answer from his mouth. This made him toss and turn, and in the end, the desire for truth made him suppress all the uneasiness, driving him to come to the Ultron as if sitting still, and asked him about it.

“Are you sure to deal with this virus?”

“Of course!” Looking up at Coulson, Ultron directly gave him an answer that made him feel at ease. “Alexia is extremely talented in this respect, but in the final analysis, she is only a person. The change in her life level does not mean that her thinking has also evolved, and as long as her talents are still there. Within the scope of human beings, then this is not impossible to crack. “

This answer really made Coulson breathe out. He had a relaxed feeling that a big rock in his heart was finally put down. But years of prudence did not give him complete peace of mind. After a little hesitation, he asked again.

“So, how long will it take you to develop the relevant vaccine?”

“Soon, if you need it, in about two or three hours, I can get my laboratory to make the first vaccine. This is not a problem, at least, compared to several others In terms of problems, this is not the hardest part. “

Ultron‘s answer made Coulson feel puzzled. What he did not understand was that when the most difficult problem, that is, the vaccine problem was solved, how could they still have other problems that were more difficult to solve. This is not plausible.

And Ultron‘s answer clearly told him that he obviously lacked consideration on this issue.

“Vaccine research can only be the first step to stop everything you worry about. The next thing you should worry about is how to make people aware of the existence of the virus, and spread it even cause nothing Before redeeming the consequences, popularize this vaccine. “

“At present, although this virus has evolved a latent mechanism, from its destructive point of view, this latentness should only be produced to increase the spread and respond to the body’s immune system. It ’s a short process. It will eventually burst out, and the result of this burst should be a sudden death to death. According to the data you get, then the situation now is that millions or even tens of millions of people will appear at any time. As a result, there was a sudden death. “

“You must popularize this vaccine before the first incubation period of this virus. At the same time, you must try to make the virus as scary as possible, avoid contact consciously, and isolate it safely And vaccination. And all of this must be implemented and implemented by a strong centralized authority from top to bottom. And really, Mr. Coulson, I doubt the current US government can Do it. “

This is not a question that needs to be doubted. Coulson can almost certainly say that the current US government is unable to do this.

The fight among politicians will inevitably lead to support and opposition. In the case of pulling the back of each other and pulling their hind legs, the best chance to control this virus outbreak is likely to be missed from their eyes. At that time, even if they were awakened, what would they do? Countless lives may be the insult of conservative diseases, and the white bones may be spreading every inch of the United States.

He is aware of all this, but he cannot change anything at all. Perhaps he once had this ability, but unfortunately, their appeasement policy made them completely thrown out of the center of power, and also completely lost the ability to change all this.

Everything is like retribution. The cruel reality makes Coulson hard to believe. His long absence, his mouth full of bitter taste. He thought he had tasted the bitter fruit, but he did not expect that the real pain was still waiting for him here.

What did we do in the end? He asked himself, but of course it was impossible to get an answer. The future is after all an unpredictable thing. At that time, it was naturally impossible for them to think that their concession would lead to such a scene today.

Thinking like this can only be regarded as meditation. From the perspective of Ultron, this has little effect other than letting them violently abandon themselves. It didn’t make much sense, so he said it immediately.

“Mr. Coulson, if such news makes you depressed, then I do n’t think you need to listen to another news, because that news will only make you more embarrassed, I I’m very worried, you can’t help but commit suicide after hearing this news … “

This is not a joke, but a certain amount of experience and lessons. Thanks to the proliferation of guns in the United States, there are not many people who use guns to commit suicide every year. A small part of it is because of some unexpected or stupid factors, most of them are because of the unbearable weight of life, and collapse under this burden, thus choosing such a path of self-destruction.

This is a normal state of humanity. No matter how powerful a person is, his heart still has its limits. In the face of mixed facts and unpredictable destiny, few people can say that they face it with a smile. In particular, people like Coulson, who rise and fall at the top of the wave of the times, bear more than ordinary people.

This kind of person ca n’t bear the pressure to choose a narrow sense of relief, which is normal. It is undeniable that Coulson did have such an idea for a moment.

He really thought about dying to thank the world. However, reason told him very clearly that this is not a problem that can be solved immediately. His death can only add a trivial sum to countless casualties, which is of no avail for the coming disaster.

If you want to solve the problem, you still have to face it. So, even if he felt he was hopeless to stop all this, he still forced himself to say so to Ultron.

“You are right, Ultron, it shouldn’t be time for depression now, sorry, I’m sick.”

Flap your face hard and try to make yourself look more energetic. Coulson uses this method to reenter itself into that familiar combat state.

“Now … you said there is another problem that needs to be solved, and this problem is more serious. So, what exactly are you referring to?”

“The source, Mr. Coulson, I mean this source.”

Speaking of this issue, Ultron doesn’t mean anything to avoid. He pointed out very clearly.

“Frank, he is the source I said.”

“This virus is strictly divided into two parts. One is the part you know, that is, the virus that is now circulating. It is strictly a derivative, one. Based on the cursing power of the mysterious side and the product of the original virus strain mixed with various bacteria, microorganisms and even other viruses in the natural environment. The reason why you think it is difficult to cope is here, because it adapts very quickly, and Change. “

“I can remove them through nanomachines in a targeted manner. On the premise that it is enough to cope with all the bacteria and viruses on the planet, no matter how complicated this change is, it ca n’t be beyond the scope of my response. However, I cannot clean it from the source. Because its main body, which is the source I said, it is already another form. “

“This form is more based on the cursing power of the mysterious side, attached to Frank ’s body. In the form of plundering his vitality to produce his own transformation. Unless it is said that Frank ’s life disappears, or is terminated. Otherwise, this virus will always be produced endlessly, and spread to any place in the world with Frank’s activities. “

“Vaccines cannot protect human beings forever. And this means that as long as he exists, he may pose a threat to humans. Then the question will follow. For this kind of him, you and I What should I do? Seriously, I hesitated … “

Ultron can say this, but Coulson can only hide it in his heart at this moment.

He understands the meaning of Ultron, that is, if it is for the future of mankind, then as a potential threat, Frank can not leave him there. Whether it is to eliminate him completely, or just to imprison him. All actions must be correct.

However, this is not something he is willing to do. Because even a person like him will inevitably have a guilty mind when facing a goal like Frank.

They have already owed a lot of Stark. Is it true that the final blood of the Stark family is still being broken here? If this is the case, then it is too cruel.

Of course he ca n’t bear it, but when he thinks about the result of this kind of intolerance. The thought of making his countless families, countless men, women, old people and children suffer terrible and fatal threats, but his sense of responsibility in nature makes him dare not have any intolerable ideas.

Because, at this time, the intolerance of Frank is the greatest cruelty to countless innocent people. One billion to one billion or even billions. Anyone facing such a situation can make a choice.

Similarly, he is the same. Or that he has made a choice in his heart, but emotionally, he can’t admit it.

The hypocrisy inherent in human nature prevents him from being so frank about such a despicable thing. And even if his silence has shown his attitude to some extent, he still chose this way of deceiving himself.

This is not what Ultron wants to see. He is not qualified to make decisions between human beings, especially those who have a close relationship with him, such as Frank. All he can do is to deploy from the side and provide them with all necessary help, but how to choose depends on these humans.

They should n’t be the kindness of women, because there is no room for them to do such kindness. So it was slightly urged, he already said this to Coulson.

“You need to make a decision as soon as possible, and you should understand it right. There is not much time left for you.”

“Yes, time is running out …”

Mumbling bitterly, Coulson still had to pull his head out of the sand. He knew that he needed to face reality, so he also gave such a reply after a hard struggle.

“I will find a way to inform Congress about this matter. I think if there is such an opportunity to target Frank, they should not miss it. The only question left now is me Where to find his whereabouts. Jarvis will not let us easily discover his … “

“This kind of thing does n’t need you to worry about it again ~ ~ If you have this need, then I will naturally help you find his place. But you need to understand that since you have already made such a decision Determined, then you will have no room for kindness or compassion. “

“Frank will not tolerate betrayal, whether it is yours or mine, it will only be the same for him … the betrayal. His character has always been extreme, so when he found out this fact, he It will inevitably come back at all revenge. This kind of revenge is not something that can be described as petty. He said that he will do everything possible to destroy everything you own and cherish. “

“If you do n’t want to suffer such revenge, you have only one choice.”

“Do you want to kill him?”

Staring at his own hands, Coulson already gave his reply in a hollow tone. He fully understood the meaning of Ultron, and now, he really did not hesitate to set up.

“If you must do this … then you can only do this. If Tony is still alive, you might hate me. But, I have no choice, do I?”

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