Sun God Marvel Chapter 215: Spider escape 2 giants

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“Are you ready?” General Ross asked his men like this, and soon his deputy gave him an answer.

“General, everything is ready. Our people are ready.”

“Very good, give that guy a signal. Let him lead Hulk to the designated position.” General Ross waved his hand, and the soldiers started to get busy again. The appearance of Hulk was within his expectations. Although he did not know why Hulk did not show up before this, it was not important. His purpose is to arrest Hulk, and he has nothing to do with this purpose.

However, even if he only wanted to trouble Hulk, he did n’t want to bother about anything else. But there is still trouble to find him desperately.

“Sir, our people found Hulk near Columbia University, and he is now heading towards Broadway.” An officer belonging to the National Guard appeared on the communication channel and began reporting to General Ross what they saw thing.

“Soldier, are you kidding me? Or did you reverse the direction. Hulk just came out of Broadway, how could it be where you said it.” For what the officer said, General Ross was not at all. Believe. Or he is unwilling to believe what he said.

Know that Hulk is now under his surveillance, and target number two is taken away by Dawn Knight. Where to find another Hulk. In his heart, he thought that the officer must be dizzy because he did not want to see another Hulk at all.

But the facts are doomed, and there will never be any change due to his ideas.

“Sir, who do you think my men are fighting with. I have images here, we need support!” The officer said that he turned on the transmission device on his helmet. That is the active soldier equipment of the US military. Real-time monitoring and analysis of the current situation encountered by the soldiers.

And when he transmitted the image to the front of General Ross, the old man began to fall into silence.

In front of his eyes, a green giant is unscrupulously destroying everything in front of him, and vehicles and public facilities destroyed by him are everywhere. The soldiers were on fire frantically, but the bullets only spattered sporadic sparks on his body. It was like he was wearing an armor.

Seeing this, General Ross knows that this guy is definitely not Hulk. He has been dealing with Hulk for many years, and he is very clear about the ability of Hulk. If the bullet hits Hulk, it will not produce such a spark. Because his muscles will make the bullet lose kinetic energy but not ejected. So this giant is definitely not Hulk. And to understand this, General Ross found that things started to move in the worst direction, and the foolproof plan in his eyes also became broken due to this sudden change.

However, he still wants to make his final efforts, no matter what the result is, he must try it.

“Soldier, I will give you a mission. A mission you must complete!” General Ross began to issue a dangerous mission to this officer. A task that will crush the bones with carelessness. He knows exactly how dangerous this task is, but the order is the order, he only asks for the result. In any case, this group of soldiers must complete this order.

Of course, this task is not a mortal task, it still has a ray of vitality. As long as they can catch up.

“As long as I can catch it up!” muttered to himself, General Ross began to pin his hopes on the emptiness of emptiness.

“I must have stepped on something dirty when I went out today.” The little spider ran wildly towards the direction of Times Square. Just now he received a prompt from the US military to let him lead Hulk in that direction. In accordance with the principle of good citizens, the little spider chose to believe these soldiers. So he tried his best to attract Hulk and let him follow him all the time.

The furious Hulk did follow him, but he behaved very unfriendly. I saw Hulk chasing the little spider while throwing something at the little spider’s head. Some of these things are trash cans, some are phone booths, and others are cars.

For Hulk, these are gadgets. But for the little spider, he didn’t want to get these things. Fortunately, Spider Sensing can always save him a small life at a critical time, otherwise these flying objects can make him fall halfway.

“I said you, put me down.” In the arms of the little spider, Betty‘s teeth, which had begun to gradually slow down, did not say very clearly. Although she spoke very quietly, the little spider heard clearly. When he heard clearly, he immediately began to shake his head.

“Ms. I do n’t know what setbacks you have encountered. But you have to believe that life is beautiful and the world is beautiful. Even if you are looking for death, you do n’t have to find such a way of death. Anyway, I think that from Brooke Jumping on the Lin Daqiao is better than being smashed into small cakes. Of course, do n’t jump in front of the good neighbor Spider-Man of New York citizens, because I will definitely save you. “

Listening to the messy muzzle of the little spider full of hurricanes, Betty began to understand why Hulk was so angry. You know, this guy’s mouth shot against Hulk has not stopped. I just want to know what kind of mental damage Hulk has suffered.

“He is my boyfriend, he will not hurt me.” Betty reluctantly explained, but in the band of the little spider, it was immediately understood as another meaning.

“Wow, beauty and Beast? Please forgive me, this big guy behind is really not good. I think King Kong might be more suitable.”

The little spider is still running full of horses, and this time he was answered by the roar of Hulk, and a whole bus was thrown over. It can be seen that Hulk is very angry.

“Well, I was wrong. You are more handsome than King Kong. Because you are much smoother than him, and you are still wearing pants!”

This time it worked well because Hulk finally did n’t throw things around. The little spider just breathed a sigh of relief and heard a loud bang. He turned his head and saw that Hulk made a big jump. It was directly in front of him. Then he threw a huge fist like he thumped.

This time, the Spider Sensing is too late to save him. Because his speed is too fast to hold, even if there is already a reaction in his body, inertia still makes him rush towards Hulk. In a hurry, he could only shout with his eyes closed.

“Don’t do it, I have a hostage in my hand!” This sound really produced a strange effect, Hulk‘s face suddenly changed color, he quickly stopped the movement in his hand. But obviously the consequence of just not thinking about it is that he also can’t stop it.

At this time, the little spider pushed Betty desperately. Both of them were dangerously avoiding this. And after seeing this punch after all, no matter whether it is a small spider or Hulk, they are relieved. And then, the little spider did another thing to die.

He confuses the Hulk on the face again, then turns his head and runs. Imagine how any person feels after being pasted twice by the same person with the same thing. Some people may be able to calm down, but this definitely does not include Hulk.

He ripped off the spider silk on his face and whispered “Dodge!” to Betty. Then he took a big jump and flew hundreds of meters away. He followed the spider’s **** again. It can be seen that he is really like squeezing this nasty bug.

The little spider ran desperately, and finally came to the front of Times Square. Looking at the square not far away, he was exhausted. In fact, he really didn’t expect that he could kill his life to this extent. Thinking about the horror of Hulk, he had a feeling of soft feet. This kind of monster can’t get his turn in any way.

And when he squatted on a lamp post, ready to watch how the military took over to get Hulk, a dark shadow fell to him in front of him with a heavy loud noise. This time, Hulk jumped exceptionally accurately. Because he was on the ground in front of the lamp post where the little spider squatted.

The huge shock and vibration instantly made this lamp post a trembling jitter, and the little spider swayed on it, almost being thrown out. And when he finally stabilized his body with easy, he found that things were overwhelming.

Hulk has already pinched the lamp post in his hand, and a huge green face is facing the little spider, and there is no distance of one meter between the two.

“Hi, how are you? Looking at this distance, I found that your skin is really good. There is no acne. What brand of facial cleanser do you use!” The little spider smiled dryly and wanted to be active Under the atmosphere. See if you can let Hulk let him go. But he found that this did not seem to have any effect.

Hulk is still staring at him with a stinky face, green eyes full of anger. He gritted his teeth and made such a sound.

“Little bug, you must die!”

How could the little spider catch his hand, and in order to survive, he quickly revealed his wrist. A mass of spider silk immediately shot out softly and hung on the face of Hulk.

“Uh, it seems to run out ~ ~ If you don’t mind, maybe I can try another one!”

Hulk gritted his teeth and raised a huge palm. At this time, a military vehicle suddenly flew over and hit a building beside the two, turning into a large ball of fire.

Hulk was distracted, and the spider jumped out immediately. Seeing this, Hulk immediately shouted. And at the moment when he roared, a roar like a hot wind wrapped in fire followed.

Immediately after, the wall in front of Hulk was smashed open, and an equally large body rushed out of the diffuse smoke, and the shells crashed into the arms of Hulk. Then a sound like an oversized cowhide drum thumping in the ear suddenly erupted, and the impact produced a deafening effect.

And it ’s more than that, a blast of air formed a shock wave, bursting from the place where two huge figures collided together, letting the little spider still in the air was directly flew out, and hit a solid On the wall.

The grin that makes him hurt, but the spider is superhuman anyway. This time it won’t matter what he wants. But no matter what, he has no courage to find the culprit to avenge the revenge.

Because in front of him are two giants who are entangled, I am fiercely confronting you with one punch. Seeing that they could produce an explosion-like shock wave just by hitting their fists and feet, the little spider felt lucky and extremely proud. Hulk turned out to be such a cow, so I insisted on him for so long, wouldn’t it be necessary to fly?

He is a person with excellent psychological quality, as it currently looks. This can’t be better ~ ~ Welcome readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~~ ~ Mobile phone users please read.

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