Sun God Marvel Chapter 2129:

   As the two sides of fate, if the catastrophe represents the cruelty of fate, the ruthless deprivation and cruel blow, then Zhou Yi represents the opposite side, the benevolent gift and grace of fate .

  Of course, perhaps in the eyes of many people. Faced with monsters like Hulk, who have become the incarnation of one and two destinies, they don’t seem to give him any gifts.

  Because of the power of Hulk and his talents are already obvious to all. This is like an invincible character in a MOBA game. You, as an official, not only do not weaken it, but instead continue to strengthen it one after another with patches. As a result, this character can hit five casually, and then this game cannot be played.

  The truth is that this is true. But since they, who know their fate at this moment, made such a choice at this time, there is naturally their reason.

  Sometimes, dealing with a strong opponent does not mean that you have only one method of weakening and suppressing. Perhaps in many cases, this is indeed effective. But there are always some unexpected situations that will make this method counterproductive. For example, the four-handed Hulk, he is a typical counterexample that the more frustrated the stronger. If he is so reckless and blindly suppressed, then maybe he will rebound to what point in the end.

   This is a question that must be taboo. They have seen many bad results in the long river of fate. This made them have to change their strategy, like the previous method of getting back to their original form, they can only be shelved.

   It may be said that they have lost the sharpest means, but it does not mean that they have no way to deal with Hulk. Giving, to disintegrate him from within, is also an alternative way.

The destiny represented by   Zhou Yi bestowed upon him a little bit, a somewhat special gift. It was like a seed rooted in Hulk‘s mind, and then like a sprung flower, a tree that sprouted, this power began to grow in his spiritual world. And obviously, it conflicted with the inherent things in his heart.

  Wisdom. This is what he bestowed on Hulk. The best way to make a Beast suffer is not to torture him physically, but to frighten him with fear and pain. Instead, let it know what it’s right and what’s wrong. Eventually learn to use their rationality to subdue that violent animality.

   Hulk was a pure Beast before, and was even more manic than the general Beast, because he had no interest at all, and was purely manipulated by the id in human nature.

   Above the three personalities of the id and the superego, his ego and the superego are almost completely suppressed by the id, and even said they have been swallowed up by the id. And now, what Zhou Yi is doing is to use wisdom as a seed to reawaken his ego, and then to form his superego.

   This may be an improper or even risky behavior in the eyes of many people. Because in their opinion, a four-handed Hulk that is as reckless as Beast is scary enough. If this allows him to have the wisdom and know the tricks and tricks, then it is simply the tiger who gave the cage directly inserted A pair of wings is directly an unmanageable result.

   stupid. It’s not Zhou Yi who said that. It’s the guys who think so. Because they are purely speculating about the Hulk situation based on their own circumstances, and fundamentally ignore the evolution of people in a situation like Hulk after they gain wisdom.

   only knows about conspiracies? That pattern is too small. If conspiracy and trickery can represent wisdom, then all intelligent creatures, including humans, deserve to be tossing inside the planet for a lifetime, without touching the starry sky above their heads until they die.

  Wisdom should have a broader meaning. To a certain extent, it is the interpretation and understanding of everything. This is a real thing equal to infinity. What makes Zhou Yi, who has become the incarnation of the two-in-one destiny at this moment, is curious about what miracles are created when wisdom is combined with the characteristics of Hulk that constantly exceed the limit.

   The answer was quickly revealed. After Zhou Yi gave wisdom to Hulk, Hulk, which was originally driven by anger, has slowly slowed down its own speed.

  His expression began to change significantly. From the terrifying face to the obvious doubtful confusion, it was only a short moment. And just after the complete transformation of his expression was completed, he had already stopped his steps. And with his palm that was a circle larger than his head, he began to scratch the back of his bald head inexplicably.


   is probably the reason why he rarely said other words besides shouting “Hulk“. There are only three simple words, but he shouted dryly, which took a lot of time.

   But with this beginning, he quickly adapted to this rhythm. It is also necessary for the wise beings, and whenever there is a question, he will definitely want to find an answer. After he asked himself this question, he quickly thought about it.

   There is an old saying that when humans think, God laughs. If we say that the definition of God is set as a true benevolent creator of all things, rather than the old-fashioned woman in the Bible that allows women to conceive first. Then the meaning of laughing is not necessarily a manifestation of derogatory meaning.

   It is more of a commendatory meaning, a kind of gratification that, like an old father, sees his hard-working and hard-working children finally make a difference. And if you start from this point of view, then you can imagine what kind of power thinking is.

   It is the foundation for the degeneration of life from ignorance to civilization, and the foundation for the sublimation of consciousness and soul. The evolution from Beast to humans started from this. In Hulk at this moment, thinking will also become the beginning of his transformation from a manic Beast to a truly self-fulfilling individual.

   The transformation has already begun…

   “I am…Hulk!”

   As an iconic spoken language, Hulk is very easily and gave his own answer. However, this answer is only the beginning. Because to define a name for yourself only means to separate yourself from the mundane world and countless beings.

   This will make him realize that he is different from others, and that he is unique in this world. And every person who thinks he is unique in terms of self-knowledge will inevitably question deeper questions.

   “I… why am I here? What am I going to do? Where did I come from? Where am I going?”

   This kind of question is not easy to answer. Because if it is the kind of answer that pretends to be dumb, it is natural to convert this kind of question into a parent’s shortcoming. But if it is drilled into the tip of the horns, then it is the most standard ultimate problem of the universe.

   where life comes and goes. Throughout the ages, countless philosophers and sages have thought about similar issues, but they basically ended up without disease. And even if it were those high above gods, or even Zhou Yi, who had now mastered their destiny, it was difficult for them to give an accurate answer to this question.

   It is too difficult and too grand. Far beyond what Hulk can think about today. It can be said that he has almost broken his mind, and he has not been able to come up with a general idea from it. And because of the irritability in his heart, he was even more thrilled, so he greeted his head.

  The posture is probably the same as when you did a math problem with a very simple answer. In the end, I didn’t know how to do it all the time, so I could only slap my own big ears. But his strength is much stronger than that of Big Ear Photon. To put it hard, it means that he slaps himself. Otherwise, if any other person is in the middle, I am afraid it will only end up as a small pie.

  His power is still growing. Yes, it’s so unsolvable. Even if it’s just hitting itself like this, Hulk can become more and more powerful.

   However, this kind of power is meaningless to him. Because being strong in strength does not mean being strong in intelligence, it will not help him at all in solving such problems.

   Many people believe that violence can solve all problems. But violence is actually not so powerful. For example, your mathematics teacher gave you a problem, and your most violence is to kill your mathematics teacher, but it is absolutely impossible to say that you use violence to force this question to give you the answer.

   This is the limitation. And because of this limitation, Hulk can only force itself to make a breakthrough in wisdom.

   In this regard, his talent characteristics are still able to play a role. It was as if the so-called geniuses suddenly found clues from under the fog, and then worked out the answer. His talents made him almost a flash of aura when he really started thinking, or simply a flash of aura N.

   He soon realized that there was no point in such blind horns. If he wants to find the answer to this ultimate question, he must find the most suitable method. Simply put, he needs a tool.

   And what tool is suitable? Working behind closed doors, he can only think hard in his mind.

   Just like Pythagoras, Lao Tzu, Socrates, and Zu Chongzhi, these human sages, he also grew out of nothing, from fragmented to standardized, a little bit from his own wisdom. Out of knowledge systems such as philosophy and mathematics.

   mathematics is the best tool he finally found for himself. Of course, mathematics is never easy. Especially as the pioneer of his own mathematical theory.

   He needs to be like those great mathematicians who appeared in the past, to explore, dig, research, and improve on his own. Until this tool is powerful enough to directly unlock the ultimate mystery of the universe.

   It takes time, wisdom, and a lot of luck. Fortunately, these things are not indispensable to him.

   He pondered hard, searching up and down. Like a rock, like a star. If it’s not that there are so many people watching him in the infinite universe, if it’s not that they know that this is a monster that has smashed fate and has never given up challenging it, they really haven’t Fa took this old school that hadn’t taken any major actions for thousands of years, even if there was one, it was just an expression of confusion or sudden realization on his face, as the one that had nearly destroyed all worlds and made the infinite universe complete The terrible existence of the end.

   His changes are really great. Basically, it is equivalent to blooming flowers from the stone, transforming from Beast into a sage among human beings.

   No joy or sadness, this is his state of mind at the moment.

   The manic Beast in the past was already tamed by him, trapped in the deepest part of his heart. It can almost be said that there will never be a chance to see the sun again. As for violence, he still shakes his fists. But it will not be the same as before, just out of anger, out of meaninglessness.

  He has his own ideas, and they are rational enough. Therefore, he knows exactly what he should shake his fist for, and when he should restrain himself.

   for hatred? Having already wanted to understand where he came from, he knew very well that all his hatred objects were already dead under his fist. It’s the kind without scum left. The only exception is probably Zhou Yi, but for them, I am afraid it is hard to say that it is really hatred.

   As for the sake of pleasure? Does shaking his fist really make him happy? No, he is sure. That will only create problems, not solve them. This is the most wrong approach before he and Zhou Yi have no irreconcilable contradictions. With that effort, it is better to continue thinking about his ultimate problem.

   He thought so, and it could be said that he did so. Everything in the past has been left behind, only the ultimate question still lingers in his mind. And that is, after a very long time he finally made it, like an epiphany, sending out a special emotion in the endless river of time and space.

  ”I want to understand. The ultimate question of the universe…it turns out to be the answer!”

   At this moment, countless people are paying attention to him. Because no one doesn’t want to know what the answer he got is.

   It’s just that Hulk is obviously not generous enough to share what he has gained for countless years. So it was just a flat smile. He said this with his palms slightly closed.

   “You are not qualified to know.”

   For an instant, it was as if the server was down. This special system, which was established by the court of life with the power of fate, allowed countless rulers of the universe to watch by the sidelines, and broke directly. They stared at this place for countless years and plunged directly into darkness. Only Zhou Yi, who have become the incarnation of destiny, can retain the qualification to communicate with Hulk.

   is just Hulk, and I don’t want to make this exchange now.

   “We will meet again. Sir!”

After a word of   , Hulk disappeared without a trace. It’s as if he doesn’t exist at all. In the face of this scene, even Zhou Yi they couldn’t help but show their surprise.

  What does this mean? They can’t understand it.

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