Sun God Marvel Chapter 2026: Counterfeit hero 0-like means


was called by Frank as Ashon, enough to prove that the relationship between the two imp is naturally extraordinary. Even if it is said that it is out of righteousness, Zhou Shang will not refuse Frank’s request at this time.

He bent his knees and exerted force. The next moment he was already in the air, rushing towards the anti-Hulk armor that had just stabilized like a flying missile. And looking at Zhou Shang, who just took off from his own eyes, Nick Fury immediately flashed a strange color in his eyes.

can fly, which will not be good news for him anyway. The speed and strength that Zhou Shang had shown was already amazing. Now, with the addition of a flying ability, this is enough for him to pull Zhou Shang’s threat level up.

Although he still has a little confidence in Stark ’s Mark armor, he still has a way to be careful in the face of Zhou Shang and Frank, who has already shown such strength at this age. Not an exaggerated idea.

Tear the face and completely push the opponent to the opposite side, which is a very bad choice in itself. Less than a last resort, he will not let things fall to such a point anyway. And while it is not so bad now, he can only be saved as much as possible.

“Frank. You should be sensible. I did n’t do this for anything else. I just wanted to keep your father ’s life in vain. You should be very clear about this.”

“With this dirty method, after my father died, he threatened his son and usurped the legacy he left? If so, then I really can only say that you still It ’s really noble, and it ’s so noble that it can be said so eloquently even if it is such a disgust! “

Frank ’s reaction undoubtedly illustrates his attitude at this time, that is, it is impossible to convince him by easily.

This is not a question of willfulness, but morally he occupies the absolute high ground. Did not look at those ordinary agents, they looked at Nick Fury‘s eyes obviously something.

Although they said that they would not be able to open up the justice by smashing their rice bowls, it does not mean that they cannot defame the boss ’s shamelessness in their hearts.

As long as the three views are not distorted to be like the perverts in Hydra, then most people in this world still know what is called shame and what is called unbearable.

Nick Fury does n’t necessarily know this truth, but he has done a lot of dirty work under his hands, and he does n’t care about the contamination on his hands, and what kind of vision others are using to see him. So even if the eyes of the people under him were strange, even if Frank’s eyes were staring at him like a knife, he was still expressionless and responded casually to him.

“You should be able to understand. Frank, you need to know what kind of responsibility your father had taken in the past, and after he left, what kind of vacancy did he leave.”

“If you want to fill this gap, someone must make a sacrifice. At this time, the only person who can do this is you, the only heir of the Stark family. This is made by the people and the country. Choice, if you still think of yourself as the son of Tony, you should not exclude and oppose all of this. “

“Shit!” He shook his hand fiercely, as if he was throwing it on Nick Fury’s face. The disdain on Frank’s face not only did not dissipate because of his words, but became stronger.

“Do n’t take my father as a matter of course, now my father is right or wrong for everything in this country, and it ’s still a question for me. So you want to use moral kidnapping to deal with me, absolutely Impossible thing. Because I do n’t have any feelings for this country, even if she said that she would collapse in front of me at the next moment, I would only applaud it all. “

“To be honest, to use such a dirty method to maintain their own existence, even if such a country is dead, it will not be regrettable.”

If Frank Fury could accept him for the reason that Frank had insulted him, then now, when it comes to the country he defends, Nick Fury can no longer be like It was as indifferent as before.

“For the sake of Tony, I have tolerated you again and again. But now it seems that this tolerance seems to be a wrong decision. You may indeed be very smart, Frank. But your cleverness is wrong Place, and your idea is already distorted. “

“You can deny my actions, but you cannot deny that this country is your motherland, something you must protect. Do n’t forget, this is something your father has worked hard to maintain throughout his life. And, Do you think it is because of what it is today, or because of your Stark, because of your father’s series of actions? “

“Now that he is dead, he can leave everything carefree and leave. But who is going to clean up this mess, do you have to rely on you as a stinky little devil? It ’s us, it ’s our group of people who built everything with him at the time, and at this time is willing to end up with these swearing idiots and idiots! “

“We are just trying our best to fill the mess left by your father, and if we have the choice, do you think we will be willing to grab something from your little child? No, I tell You, as long as your father did n’t do things so badly, now we can have more choices. So, it ’s your father ’s fault, it ’s your father ’s problem. If you still recognize yourself If it ’s his son, then just give me the honesty, do n’t always complain that it prevents us from doing the right thing! “

Jiang is still old and spicy. Nick Fury showed the ability to reverse the black and white at this time.

does n’t mean that he is actually reversing black and white, but a little personal construction and transformation based on the existing facts, and then using words and his own expressive power, he easily reversed himself with Yi (easy). The image of himself has transformed himself from the previously unbearable wicked man who bullied the orphans and widows into the present image of a patriot who would rather bear the reputation and be tainted with filth.

He has shown quite a level, which can be roughly seen from the scornful eyes of those agents who have gradually become somewhat admired and admired in it. However, the agents are agents, and Frank is Frank.

Perhaps the lives of these agents are very exciting. They walk in special environments all year round and they are beyond the ordinary people in their judgment and human relationships. However, Frank’s big data judgment is not vegetarian.

The conclusions and thoughts in his mind are not just a child ’s paranoid thoughts, but he obtained the combination of the logical inertia of human thinking and his personal emotional bias, obtained under the screening and correction of big data The final answer.

Simply put, when faced with the question of one plus one equals to several, ordinary people get the answer of two directly based on their feelings, while he lists the calculations and obtains the result step by step through formulas. This is the answer calculated by mathematics, but he does not think that mathematics is a subject that can go wrong.

“I refuse. How to fill this mess is your business, but I want to take away the things belonging to our Stark family from my hands. I have only one sentence for you, that is impossible!”

is still refusing, and at the time of saying this, Frank has already begun to retreat proactively, stopping until the edge of the damaged window.

This looks like some kind of resistance, but Nick Fury does n’t think things will be that simple. Looking up at the window, it is clear that between Zhou Shang and the fake Iron Man, there is already a victory or defeat. The counterfeit Iron Man, which he had high hopes for, is now like a large air trash, falling to the ground with the flames.

It takes only a few sentences to make a total of one hundred dollars, and a scrap of hundreds of millions of dollars is scrapped into garbage. Even a prolonged period of time could not be obtained, which made Nick Fury swear in the heart.

One of the things he is most worried about now is that Frank slipped under his eyelids now. Seriously, under the premise that he has clearly stated that he is unwilling to cooperate with the government, Nick Fury is really not sure. Without the control of himself, he has the power of the Stark group.

“Stop him, everyone is out, don’t let Stark escape from here!”

The last killer, even when he said he did n’t want to use it, he had to take it out. After his order, dozens of counterfeit goods dressed in Mark armor suddenly vacated from various secret places, and then sprinted towards Zhou Shang collectively without saying anything about it.

“Give me a minute!”

Zhou Shang took the time to shout at Frank by the window, and then accelerated, heading towards the Iron Man legion and hedging over.

The sound of the tumbling flames immediately came from the air, and Frank ’s thin body was also blown by the violent airflow, which seemed to him a little shaky.

Nick Fury was afraid that he would just fall like this. If such a thing really happened, he would jump into the Pacific Ocean under this kind of publicity, and he might not be able to get rid of the crime of killing the heir of the Stark family.

What ’s notorious is the next thing. The key is the remaining woman in the Stark family. The ghost knows whether the lady with mental problems will be completely mad because of the pain of the bereavement. Use the huge financial resources of the Stark family and the US government Endless?

The current US government can’t stand such tossing. So after realizing the seriousness of the problem, he immediately strode towards Frank.

“I know you do n’t want to see your family ’s wealth swallowed up by the government like this, but I assure you that this is only a temporary measure for emergency. As long as you hand over the control of the Stark group, as long as the government spends the moment This difficulty. Sooner or later, the Stark Group is still yours. And, at that time, you will definitely get more rewards than you have lost, much more! “

Nick Fury is not completely fooling people, if the US government can really survive the robbery in front of it, and if the Stark group has not been exhausted by them by then, then he can really take the lead, Return the Stark group, and use the political power he had at that time to give Frank a greater benefit in return.

This is the same as the national bonds sold by Captain America in the last century. As long as you can survive, then basically you have the opportunity to double your bonds.

Nick Fury also hopes that Frank can take a long-term view and give them more confidence. After all, how can they say that their ancestors have also been widened?

Despite the saying, Frank can hardly have too much confidence in them. If someone else, it may really be bluffed by these Nick Fury ghost words, but he is not an ordinary person, and as the son of the Stark family, he knows better than anyone. In order to maintain the operation of this country, the past What great wealth Stark paid in those years.

Unemployment, national welfare, and reform of the medical system. In order to fill the vacancies and turmoil caused by the consortium ’s departure, Stark had to use his own property to fill this vacancy ~ ~ That ’s why Stark clearly mastered the cold fusion technology Arc Reactor, but still could n’t borrow it This brings the reasons for the entire United States to completely reverse the situation. In order to fill this big vacancy, Stark did exchange with other countries and took this technology as a bargaining chip.

Don’t think that other countries are so kind, willing to provide you with such a huge low-interest loan easily. There are prerequisites for this, and this condition itself is a huge profit cut.

Tony Stark is a genius, he has the ability and courage to give up such a huge benefit. However, in the current US government, do they have such a skill?

is difficult. Under the contemplation of a consortium outside and internal chaos and internal chaos, Frank saw no hope that they could persevere.

Without his father ’s genius characters standing in front and leading them, they are just turning around in a dead end. Even with the support of the Stark family or other big companies, it is the same. At most, it just persists for more than a few years or more than ten years. By that time, what else is left of the Stark group that has been hollowed out, it is estimated that even the building in front of you will be taken over to pay off the debt.

The calculation tells Frank that this is the future ending of this country. These people are just struggling to die, and they have no good feelings for them. What reason does he have to accompany them to chronic death at this time?

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