Sun God Marvel Chapter 1815: Weird city means

The ground in the city itself should be hard rock and soil. The demons drove the evil spirits and removed them one by one from the nearby mountains and rocks. Through thousands of years of different types of devil’s continually trampled, the ground of the entire city has already been trampled by trampling. To say something unpleasant, even the first highway in the United States may not have the solidity of the city’s ground.

This kind of solid ground feels different when you step on it. That kind of hard sense of anti-shock, that kind of rough friction, has always been their favorite for road knights. But now, the situation is different. Because only the feet stepped on the ground, God Bianxiong could feel that tactile change.

The faint sense of collapse feels like stepping on a precious carpet. With the deepening of this sense of collapse, God Bianxiong felt more and more uncomfortable.

“Damn, what the **** is that!”

It feels like you are stuck in a swamp, and it seems that you are stepping on the internal organs and intestines of some animal. This feeling is not pleasant anyway. So now, God Bianxiong can’t help but scold. And when he pulled, he lifted his ankle that had fallen below the surface. His face changed color even more.

A dark piece of mud sticks to his leather boots like mud, with a slightly warm touch, even if it is separated by a layer of boots, it can be felt clearly. This alone is enough to make people feel guilty, not to mention, look carefully, and you can see the internal structure like this in the black muddy mud. This is naturally a horrified surprise that God Bianxiong is inevitable.

You know, as a knight of evil spirits, he is accustomed to demons and ghosts, and he is a ghost. The fact that he was shocked was enough to show how weird the situation was.

The average person encounters this situation, I am afraid that his courage has already been frightened, but God Bianxiong is different from the average person. Although he was also shocked, he hadn’t messed up yet. He knew that, as Randekiel had said, the situation was extremely wrong at this time, and only the timely withdrawal would be the best response.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, but twitched the throttle violently to urge the evil locomotive to the extreme. You know, the evil spirit locomotive can be regarded as the housekeeping sign of the evil spirit knight. So the situation is strange, but God Bianxiong doesn’t think it is time to give up this weapon in his hand.

Intensively, using the ability of the evil locomotive to rush out of this strange city at a stretch, this is his current thought. However, although he thought well, he still overestimated himself and underestimated the situation.

As soon as he turned the throttle, the locomotive made a thunderous roar. And under such a circumstance, the whole city seemed to be a sleeper who was suddenly clamored to, and suddenly woke up.

Suddenly, the ground began to wave like waves, and most of the wheels that had been sunk deep under the thick, swaying waves could not stand at all.

Rao is the desperate urging of the **** Bianxiong, and the wheel is about to spark when it spins. But he was stuck in this deep mud and could not move forward. It even said that when the whole ground was like a gastrointestinal motility, and the strange sound of swallowing continued to be emitted, the entire evil locomotive did not move backwards and forwards, and began to sink into it a little bit.

At this time, as long as a discerning person can see it, it is already an unlikely thing to want to walk out of this strange city by land.

Randkiel was reluctant to take this risk, so immediately, he stretched out his wings, grabbed God ’s shoulder, and pulled him into the air.

In fact, at this time, he had two options. The first is to fly solo by yourself and allow God Bianxiong to fall into this strange city.

This approach has the advantage of being able to rely on the ability of God Bianxiong to find out the details of this city. For the strange situation at the moment, even with the experience of Ran De Geer, it is impossible to say why. He was already guarding himself secretly, worrying that Lou Zi would be stabbed with carelessness. And if there is someone with good strength to explore the depth of it for him, then no matter what the result is, it is beneficial to him.

Of course, he has another option. That is to get out of this strange environment with God Bianxiong together. The advantage of this is to buy people’s hearts. Anyway, a boss who can remember when he is in danger is convincing enough.

Ran De Geer did not ask God Bianxiong to get his brain hot, so he threw his head and sprinkled blood on himself, and went to the chase. That is something that can be done only by people who are loyal to the liver and brave. The evaluation of God Bianxiong’s distance is not a little bit worse.

However, with such a layer of ties, as long as it is not the most critical moment, he does not have to worry that God Bianxiong will abandon him and leave. This is equivalent to having a layer of life-saving symbols. In contrast, the benefit of investigating the details is naturally not worth mentioning.

With wings as a mount, Ran De Kiel is naturally fast. With just a fluttering effort, he had already reached a height of 100 meters. And standing at this height, he can almost see the whole city.

Almost all the ground has changed into that weird look, as if a whole intestines and stomach are swallowing and digesting. Such a weird shape really made him feel horrified. After this creepy, of course, he refused to stay for a long time, but his wings fluttered, and he would take the **** Bianxiong to leave this land of right and wrong.

Rand Kiel is not the kind of risk in the movie, and he has to poke into the fool. Seriously, that kind of person is estimated to show up in a horror movie and act as a cannon fodder to promote the value of the plot. In reality, as long as there is a person with a brain, it probably won’t die to this point.

After all, there is only one small life. For the sake of temporary stimulation, I have to put in my second half of my life for decades. To what extent can this be done?

Anyway, De Kiel can’t do this kind of thing, so one escape is the safest choice for him.

He wants to go, this is not wrong, on the contrary, it is very wise. There is only a very obvious problem, that is, this strange place at the moment, can not allow him to escape easily.

For the weird city underneath, the presence of Ran De Kiel and God Bianxiong is no different than the fat meat delivered to his mouth. It was already hungry, and its mouth was so dry that it didn’t know the taste. Now that there is a duck delivered to the door, if it is allowed to fly away again, then it will really crumple its heart.

Hunger and thirst are hard to fill. This city is naturally unbearable, so in an instant, just like the waves of the sea, the countless tons of earth and stone have been turned into a flexible tongue in the mouth of the monster, full of viscous like saliva The gloomy, surging waves swept across Randekiel.

The height of one hundred and ten meters is not a distance at all, and it caught my eyes almost instantly. In the face of such a change, while Ran De Kiel was shocked in his heart, he almost wanted to regenerate a few shirts, and now he fled quickly.

You know, he has just recovered, and it is far from a day or two to reach the peak of his combat power. At this time, it is really difficult for him to confront this strange and unpredictable thing. It ’s just that the situation is that you can only honestly turn into a terrible situation if you do n’t resist, so he can only force up his strength, while he dodges, he orders the **** Bianxiong stand up.

“Hurry up and attack it, don’t let it catch up. If you are caught by it, neither you nor me will have a good ending!”

Do n’t elaborate, God Bianxiong certainly knows how powerful it is. So he immediately ignited the flames of **** on his body, just like the same flamethrower with a full mouth, and sprayed the blazing flame against the giant tongue that was chasing him.

The temperature of Hellfire is not good anymore, it is also a magical flame that can melt steel and burn stubborn stones in easily. So at this moment, the rolling earth and stone on the tip of the tongue was immediately burned into fat and flowed down.

It’s just that the blow that seemed to burn was bright, almost half of the sky’s posture, but compared to the giant tongue that rolled up a million tons of earth and stone. It’s just a disease of ringworm.

After all, even if God Bianxiong has the ability, the flames that are blasted can only burn through a building, and there is no forest in the ghost place like **** to fuel the fire, so he is at best. .

Fighting for a while, then declining and exhausting again. It was only a moment later that the rolling earth and rocks still beat the shore, but God Bianxiong was weak, and even the flame in his eyes became weak by three points.

All this De Keer sees is plain, but naturally, some thoughts have appeared in his heart.

Something like abandoning a car and keeping a car, this is by no means impossible. Not to mention human beings, but any wise creature, when it comes to this desperate moment, I am afraid that it will take the preservation of oneself as the first priority. Naturally, De Kiel is no exception, and the reason why he has not done so is only because things are not so bad.

He feels that he and God Bianxiong still have the power, so it is too early to leave him to stop him from disaster. Therefore, he simply held his strength, while flying high, he urged against the **** Bianxiong.

“If you have any skills, use them as soon as possible. If you do n’t use them, both of us will be finished!”

What is the situation right now, God ’s ambition is also a little bit. Seriously, even if Ran De Kiel suddenly let go and threw him down to attract the attention of the monster below, it was not surprising. On the contrary, it is now like this. Until this time, he still took a hand. This really made him wonder.

But it does n’t matter if you do n’t understand, the key is that your life is still protected. He himself knew that this kind of protection was only temporary. If there was no way to resist it, he said that after a while, they would be dragged into the roll by that big tongue. By that time, 10,000 tons of earth and stone were swept down by the dirty black mud. Even if they both had a great ability, it is estimated that the toad eats mosquitoes, and even the run has no chance of ending.

No one wants to die so miserable, and God Bianxiong will naturally be no exception. So immediately, he snarled, his upper and lower jaws stretched out like a python rumination, and he spit out many indescribable foreign objects.

At first, these foreign objects were only a small flame, but when the wind hit the wind, it became a lot of weird images in just a blink of an eye. Some are like big trees with lush foliage, while others are like samurai in armor and with long noses and wings. Some are beak-shaped turtles, and some are like wheels with embedded human heads ~ ~ is different in shape, and it is exactly similar to the monsters in Japanese ghost mythology. And if they have something in common, it is probably that most of them are burning flames belonging to God Bianxiong, and to some extent, they are obedient to God Bianxiong’s orders.

God Bianxiong is the evil knight of Japan, and as a country with its own civilization still a long time, it is naturally impossible for Japan to have only one supernatural being on its own. Like the gods of Gao Tianyuan, the ghosts in the hundred ghosts at night, although not necessarily all will appear, but more or less will reveal some. Under the premise that Japan itself is only so big, it is already inevitable that God Bianxiong meets with those ghosts.

As the saying goes, there are two tigers in one mountain. This is also applicable to God Bianxiong and those ghosts. In particular, the character of God Bianxiong vaguely meant to restrain these ghosts, so of course, they quickly accumulated contradictions.

Under most circumstances, God Bianxiong can gain the upper hand. But in the face of some powerful ghosts and monsters, even he is difficult to get benefits. Once or twice, he could barely get rid of it, but after a long time, he would inevitably be in great trouble.

Of course, since he is here now, it is natural to show that he was ill at the time. In fact, he did hit an adventure.

It was a coincidence that this adventure happened to be related to the King of Tibet. And it is precisely because he encountered such an adventure that he can kill a life from the big monsters who are famous in the hundred ghost night walks.

Of course, to elaborate on what this strange encounter is, then let ’s start with the story of Jian Zhen monk … https: //

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