Sun God Marvel Chapter 181: Ark Energy Armor Conception

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“Hey, this is where I work. I need it to be brighter. You better open a skylight for me. Anyway, the light must be better.” The empty cave is now full of busy figures, Tony Command these terrorists, let them put what they need in the designated place. And it has drastically transformed the environment here.

He really did not expect that this group of terrorists actually had this energy, and even various experimental equipment could be obtained in just one night. Although these are ordinary, even incomplete goods. But getting this kind of thing in such a ghost place is already a big skill.

However, although everything you need has already been obtained, Tony is still unwittingly whipping up these terrorists. Nothing else, just to make yourself happy.

“Put this thing around the corner, right. It ’s there. No, no, the missiles are all piled aside for me. Do you want me to blow it up when doing the experiment? The skylights are opening a little bigger It ’s better to go a little further. “

Tony can vigorously toss these terrorists, and Yinsen also constantly helps him translate his needs. The big beard was listening to him, and he told his men. Although Tony spoke fast and chaoticly, and often turned upside down, the group of bearded men always had no complaints. He completed his instructions honestly.

So soon, Tony lost interest. He wanted to see how this group of guys were desperately angry. Since he couldn’t achieve his purpose, he naturally chose to give up.

“Get welding tools for me, acetylene and propane. There are helmets, goggles, and crucibles. How much energy can you get, and it ’s up to me to figure it out. You can get me again Two cleaning instruments come over, don’t give me these junk stuff, you have given enough junk. I want to be above the standard. “

Beard bears a honest note of what Tony needs. When Tony closed his mouth, he asked anxiously.

“Is this enough, and what else is needed, you better make it clear at one time.”

“When you have brought everything to me, I need your people to be far away from my laboratory. It’s a hell, so many people don’t even have a guy who has an engineering degree. ! “

Listening to Yinsen‘s translation, the horizontal meat on the beard’s face twitched. This is the first time he has heard people burying their terrorists with insufficient academic qualifications. But thinking of the role Tony can play, he still tolerated this breath.

The terrorists acted very quickly. They completed all the conditions required by Tony in just one morning. After putting down the two cleaning instruments he specifically requested, the beard came to Tony and stared at him.

“You can start working, as long as you complete what we want. We will give you freedom.”

Speaking, he held out his hand.

“He said he would give you freedom, but seriously, I don’t believe him.” Yinsen said to Tony with a smile. And Tony responded with a smile on his face.

“I don’t believe it!” Saying this, Tony took the bearded hand and shook it solemnly.

A big smile immediately appeared on Beard ’s face. He did n’t know what the two men said, but he had filled the conversation between them with his speculation, and he was very satisfied with the speculation. .

Watching the big beard walk away with his men, and seal the gate from the outside. Yinsen rubbed his hands and asked.

“What should we do now?”

“You can do whatever you want, just don’t stop! Don’t forget, aim at the lenses above. As for me, I want to see if the equipment that can help us escape is not complete.” Tony shouted this sentence, just Drilled into the middle of the pile of missiles.

He is a typical solo traveler, especially in research and development. Many times, he likes to do it alone, or just rely on his own developed mechanical equipment. This may be because he is too genius in this area. Even ordinary researchers will delay his progress even if he hits him. So he has developed such a habit.

However, Yinsen obviously cannot accept the arrangement of Tony. Especially when he is facing the surveillance camera alone, he feels at a loss.

“Hey, Mate, I do n’t know what to do at all. Can you tell me how you usually work in the laboratory?”

Tony is trying to move a missile at this time, although it is usually a training exercise. But it would be too much trouble for him to move this big guy by his own strength. So after hearing Yinsen for help, he sighed and said.

“Forget it, I guess you do n’t have this talent either. Come help grab a hand and carry this thing to the table. If we go back, we must remember to remind me that the work must be smaller. Forget it, estimate I will never do this kind of thing again. “

It took a long time for the two people to lift the missile to the table. Tony put a bag of tools directly into the arms of Yinsen, took out a screwdriver from the inside and began to toss the missile in front of him.

His movements are skillful, because all of Stoke ’s current high-end weapons are invented by him, including the missile in front of him. Therefore, he knows the structure of the inside well, and he knows exactly which part of it he needs, and what can be used to deceive this group of terrorists who are generally not well-educated.

Yinsen‘s eyelids watched Tony take off the warhead and threw it on the ground. He also pulled out a bunch of seemingly complicated machines from the missile. I couldn’t help asking curiously.

“What are you doing, don’t you really want to help them make things out.”

“As you can see, I ’m disassembling the missile and finding out what we need from it. As for the thing, it must be done, but I can guarantee that what I made is definitely not what they want. They least want it. “

As Tony spoke, he kept moving in his hands. When he used tweezers to remove a small part from a machine that seemed complicated, he threw the machine and said to Yinsen with the tweezers in his hand.

“This big tuo is useless. Have you seen it, this little thing is what we need.”

“What is this?” Yinsen looked at the little thing, which was smaller than the chip. He couldn’t think of any use for this escape.

“This is metal palladium, 0.15 g equivalent. We need 1.6 g, so all the missiles inside must be removed.”

“Are you sure?” Looking at the missiles stacked up much larger than a car, Yinsen smiled bitterly.

“Of course, hurry up. We have to hurry! I really do n’t want to stay at this ghost place!”

“You said, what the **** are they doing. I don’t understand at all.” On the other side, the two terrorists staring at the monitor started chatting in Persian. Hearing this question from his brother, another terrorist said with a sneer.

“Idiot, if you could understand it, would you stare at this here?”

“So what should I do?” the questioner asked again.

“You can go to the base and make a bomb, idiot.”

“Sounds reasonable.”

The monitor is chatting and farting idly, while the monitored person is desperately rushing for time. Tony‘s work is efficient and fast, and soon they got the 1.6g palladium they wanted, and with the help of Yinsen, this precious 1.6g metal palladium was shaped into the shape that Tony wanted.

This is the only thing that makes Yinsen proud except for language. A pair of sturdy hands that have been practiced for many years in the surgical operation allows him to not waste even 0.1 grams of material. Although he still doesn’t know what Tony wants this thing up to now.

And soon, he knew. It seems that the idea has been completed in my heart. The hands of Tony have become more efficient than any instrument in the world. The copper wire, circuit, frame, everything is assembled around the 1.6 grams of palladium. When the day went to the last moment, a finished product was finally born from the hands of Tony.

Bright blue light blooms from this small finished product, which is crystal clear and translucent, turning the original rough-made device into a large blue gemstone, and it is still the type that emits light by itself. A cable extends from this small device and connects to the electronic equipment inside the cave. Let these original lifeless equipment immediately work.

Looking at this charming little thing, Yinsen couldn’t help but admire.

“Wow, this is really pretty, but I do n’t think it ’s a Jericho missile!”

“Of course not, this is Miniature Arc Reactor. You can understand it as a miniature nuclear reactor without radiation. This problem has puzzled Stark for thirty years. Now, in this ghost place, I finally uncovered it.”

“What is its power generation capacity?” Yinsen continued to ask. It was hard for him to imagine that such a small thing would be a nuclear reactor, and he could not imagine what role it could play.

“If I did n’t make a mistake, I would n’t make a mistake. It should be 3 billion joules per second. If converted, it would be the energy consumption of a large machine for 15 minutes. You know what I mean by a large machine is The big one! “

“I still don’t understand, what do you do with this thing? Do you provide these guys with free energy?”

“Did you see me, I have been through at least fifteen guns, and anti-tank missile bombing. Although not directly bombard me. But the result is the same, safe and sound.” Tony said aside , While using a small knife to forcefully pull on his arm.

Blade rubbed his skin and was blocked by a layer of fine metal particles with electric light. Tony said to the dumbfounded Yinsen.

“This is a product of a friend of mine, the nano metal suit. With it, I can be invulnerable, but I can’t do more. So I was thinking, if there is a bigger piece, the equipment is more advanced, the weapon is more With complete armor, can I get out of it from here. And to do this, the most important problem I want to solve is. “

“Energy!” Yinsen answered for him, Tony has already achieved this level, and he can’t guess it is the IQ problem.

“Yes, that’s it. Show you my finished product last night!”

Tony was talking while taking out a bunch of seemingly messy design drawings ~ ~ Yinsen glanced at it, and had no idea except to feel puzzled.

“What is this?”

“Wow, be careful, don’t break it!” Retrieving the design drawings from the tossed Yinsen, Tony put them on a backlit table. The cicada-like designs are stacked together, and finally form a complete whole, a steel armor that looks powerful and domineering.

I finally could n’t help but admire the Yinsen who really saw Lushan ’s true colors.

“Great, Tony. I can only say that you are a genius!”

“I’ve always been, I don’t need you to confirm it again!”

The design was disrupted, and Tony started working again. To complete this big iron bump is not an easy job.

(Repeat again, do n’t bring the performance of the movie into the novel. In addition to the timeline and some plots are borrowed from the movie, most of this book follows the comics and my own ideas. So please do n’t think , I know everything after watching the movie.)


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