Sun God Marvel Chapter 1798: Void Lord of the Necronomicon

The galloping ground is flowing wildly, which is due to the impact of the nuclear bomb. To the earth, a nuclear bomb falls on it as if it hurts its surface skin. Although it will not have much impact on itself, it is inevitable that some small things such as broken capillaries will appear. symptom.

The earth’s veins are the blood vessels of the earth, and even if this small defect of capillary rupture appears in front of Baron Modu, it will become a turbulent earth’s undulation. Want to control it in your own hands, not easy. But Modu still used all his power to control these restless forces.

Actually, he did n’t need to do this. Because if his purpose is to help Satan enter this world only by manipulating the earth’s veins, then his purpose has been achieved. Under this premise, it is undoubtedly a waste of energy to spend energy on the control of the ground. Especially in this turbulent and unpredictable situation, it is a foolish act that outweighs the gains. And will Modu make such low-level mistakes in this kind of thing? Obviously impossible. So naturally, he did so with his intentions and ideas. And what exactly he was plotting did not begin to show signs until this time.

Crazy earth veins are still running, but at this time, the flow of earth veins is already under control. They acted almost entirely in accordance with the will of Baron Modu, and this made the restless terrain begin to show more powerful power than usual.

Geography magic has always been one of Karma Taj ’s most magical spells. To some extent, it can even be placed on top of the Karma Taj spell.

This ranking is not determined by power, but by practicality. In terms of power, although there are many magical methods of earth magic, but compared to those unpredictable curses or extremely devastating celestial magic, it is still more than one step away. But when it comes to practicality, terrestrial magic is definitely the first-class magic in the world. If it must be described in one word, it is changeable.

The network that Karma Taj used to monitor the mysterious sideways movement of the entire earth in the past few hundred years was built on the basis of the magic of the ground. Similarly, the Karma Taj Master’s teleportation technology is based on the magic of the earth. The host of the three major temples of Karma Taj requires all to have considerable attainments in the magic of the ground to serve. Baroness Modu was able to help Satan to open the way to the earth because of his mastery in geography magic. This is not the limit of the magic of the earth veins. If he wants to give him enough time, he can even change the landform of a region or even the entire ecological characteristics.

As long as you dare to think, you will think, there are very few things that Earth Magic can’t do, and it is because of this that Earth Magic is so highly regarded. Now, Baro Modu’s follow-up means rely on the magic of the ground.

His goal is nothing other than the angels of the Dark Angel Legion and the ghost knights who are almost exhausted by pulling Satan into the world.

In other words, he ca n’t deal with so many angels and evil knights at all. It was a fluke that he met one or two when he met in a narrow road. And even with sufficient preparation, a dozen or twenty are almost his limit.

But it ’s different now, because now these fallen angels and evil spirit knights are nothing more than a group of remnants.

The power of nuclear bombs has weakened their strength very well. The angels are just supporting them. As for those evil knights, they are even more miserable, because after they almost exhausted their power and pulled Satan into the world, they also suffered a core attack from a nuclear bomb.

Super high temperature, light radiation, shock wave, they are full. And in such a situation, they can still survive by the luck of the undead. They want to have the original strength again, which is not something that can be recovered in a day or two. Next, they are almost the same as the angels, that is, artificial swords, I am fish!

The magic of the earth’s veins has become a weapon of restraint in Sir Modu’s hands. The invisible gravity is like a shackle, firmly encased in each angel and evil spirit knight. This is the power from the planet, the magical technique of the earth ’s own gravity, unless it has the ability to completely break the gravity of the earth, or simply rely on its own powerful body to withstand such a heavy pressure, otherwise it is impossible. Get out of this shackles.

This is Sir Modu ’s first step, and after he finished this step, his movements were immediately discovered.

Satan has always been curious, why the priestly disciple of the Supreme Master, the magic master of Kama Taj, why easy chose to rebel and chose to trust himself. He thought it was because of jealousy and resentment in the hearts of the people, but he didn’t think that just because of this would induce such a big figure to betray his camp and his race.

He must have another conspiracy, but until he entered the world, he did n’t find out what Modu played. This made him once think that he was more attentive and looked at this guy high, but only now did he realize that he still underestimated this guy.

Being able to tolerate the onset of attacks until now is really not something ordinary people can do. It’s a pity that it’s just a ant’s struggle.

Thinking of this, Satan sneered in his heart and reached out to Baron Modu.

The best way to break the trick is to smash it with your fist. At this point, Satan clearly has absolute confidence in his own strength. In his opinion, no matter what Sir Modu did, it was very ridiculous, because he had no counterattack in front of him. Just as a fox wants to challenge a tiger, even if the fox uses all his powers, can he stop the tiger’s slap? It is impossible.

At this point, Satan was right. Even Sir Mordo himself would not deny his thoughts. Compared with Satan, he has a fundamental gap in strength. No matter how hard he tries, he cannot be a rival of a devil like Satan. But he is not, it does not mean that others are not, at this point he has already prepared a backhand, and this backhand is also the second step in his plan.

The black book of undead opened in front of him, and the book of magic road made of human skin turned frantically under his consciousness. Black shadows circulated in it, countless monsters hissed among them. Baron Modu did not care about this, he just deliberately penetrated his consciousness into it, into the lightless, shadowless, silent silence of the void, to communicate a horror in the endless void world The presence.

“Dormam, I call on you and offer you a precious sacrifice to pray for your reply!”

His idea conveyed his own words, and just after the idea was sent out, the outside world was immediately swallowed by an invisible shadow with an angel clamped by the magic of the earth’s veins, and then completely disappeared into nothingness.

This is a gift given by Modu for the existence of Domam, and it is the precious of fallen angels. This gift is really not precious, so it is almost immediate, this endless void world One of the ideas gave him the reply he wanted.

“I have received your sacrifice, Modu. Very delicious sacrifice, quite rare. Say, what do you want? Strength? Or endless life?”

“Strength, what power can you give me, from the shadow of this void and the power of darkness, let me become those monsters enslaved by you? Endless life, I think you want to devour me Make me a part of you. When I become a part of you, I naturally have an endless life, right! “

The condition of the monster named Dormam is very tempting at first, but in front of this tempting condition Sir Mordo maintains a high degree of calmness. He didn’t believe this guy’s words at all, because he was already very clear about the details of this guy.

Domma is a monster in the endless void, a terrifying ghost entrenched in the shadow of the universe. Look at the dead worlds and planets in the void, they are all like the earth, full of vitality. Now, they are completely dead, there is no longer a flower and a grass, any living soul, or even any living soul, or the life of the planet itself, has ceased to exist.

Only Dormam can live in this void, these terrifying existences known as the Void Lord, and those parasitic twisted monsters parasitic on their massive bodies. These two, no matter which one, are not acceptable to Modu.

He did n’t want to be that kind of twisted monster, nor did he want to be assimilated by Dormam, so he refused very simply.

“Enough is enough, Dormam. Do n’t play your ridiculous tricks. I ’m not a fool who can be fooled by you. I do n’t know what I ’m going to pay. If you really have that sincerity, just I’m honestly making this exchange! “

exchange? What kind of exchange? No, before this, I should ask this question first, Modu, what kind of qualification do you think you have to do exchange with me?”

Voice’s voice ridicule, and obviously, he didn’t take Modu’s eyes at all. However, it is true that a person who can corrupt the entire planet and transform all the souls and souls into his own food can indeed not pay attention to Baron Modu. Like Satan, they and Modu are not at the same level.

Muduo knew this well, but since he dared to summon Dormam at this time, he certainly had his countermeasures. So immediately, he just responded to Dormam.

“Qualification, I think I certainly have the qualification to do this exchange with you. Do n’t forget, the book of Necromancer is in my hands, do you need me to remind you what this book means? Or let me Remind you, the past that you have almost forgotten? “

This sentence is full of taunts against Dormam, and in the face of such words, the existence in the endless void immediately seemed to be mad, and gave a terrifying roar to Mordu. .

This roar that can shake the soul. If this sound can be transmitted to the real world, then millions of people will disintegrate their souls because of this roar. Such an attack was not something Modu could resist, but he didn’t need to resist, because the power from the book of Necromantics made him completely immune to the attack from Dormam.

They have already started exchange, this is the thing that the book of Necromantics has been certified, and before the end of exchange, they can’t hurt each other.

Is it amazing? Who can think of a magic book can have such power. This is simply incredible, but if someone can understand the true origin of the book of Necronomicon, then it is estimated that no one would think so.

The origin of the book of the Necromancer seems simple. It is a book written by the Arab crazy poet Abdul Al-Hazad from the unknown existence deep in the stars, at the expense of his madness. The ultimate dark secret. This is already recognized by the mysterious world. However, when Mo Du came into contact with this book in depth, he discovered that the origin of the book of Necromancer is not that simple.

It is not so much a book as it is a contract, a product from the endless void, condensed by the will of the void itself.

It is invisible and intangible, and can only be projected into the world by the hand of the person gazing at the Void Abyss. And those who hold the projection of this book will get an opportunity, a crisis-ridden but also full of opportunities.

As Modu said before, power or eternal life is readily available to those who hold this book. Of course, the premise is that you want to be able to accept what you will get.

Because the Book of Necromancers will force the person holding the book and the last one in this book to perform exchange, and the previous owners of the Book of Necromancers are all lords of the void, just staring A horror that is enough to make people sane. These guys are not kind people. Their exchange has always been covered with sneaky traps.

No matter what you choose, it will be difficult to escape from these traps in the end, and this end is often what Modu said ~ ~ becomes a completely irrational twisted monster, or is Assimilation is part of these terrorist existences.

This is the end of the vast majority of people, and there are always some people who will be an exception. For example, Dormam.

Dormam is not born as a Void Lord. At the beginning, he was actually the life of a certain planet, just like most people. And if there is anything different to say, then his identity is special. Like the Supreme Master, he is the most powerful wizard on his planet and the guardian of the planet.

This identity lasted for a long time, until he got the book of Necromancer.

The reason for this is because after obtaining the book of Necromancer, he did not choose to bury and hide it like the Supreme Master or Mephisto. Instead, he chose to accept its existence, and used it and the owner of the previous book of Necromancer, another Void Lord to make a exchange.

He chose eternity at the expense of himself and the entire planet he guards. Under the witness of the Book of Necromancer, he was able to split half of the power from the previous Void Lord and evolved into a new Void Lord.

Void Lords have been born from generation to generation for countless years. They obtain new food through the book of Necromancer, and they also produce new successors because of the book of Necromancer. Dormam is not the first, nor will it be the last. And like all the Void Lords who have experienced this, he does not like this exchange. However, he could not refuse. So at this time, he could only vent his anger frantically, and then questioned Modu aloud.

“No, no, you are not qualified to do so. You ca n’t get enough chips to make exchange! You ca n’t, you ca n’t!”

“Maybe, who knows?” https: //

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