Sun God Marvel Chapter 1770: A talented lucky girl

“My name is Domino.”

The black chick said her name, and then the deadpool questioned her seriously.

“Okay, Domino. What special skills do you have?”

“My luck is good.” Domino replied in a serious way, but obviously, her statement is not convincing.

“Good luck. If your luck is so good, then why are you here again. This is not the kind of place where lucky people will stay. By comparison, I think the 24 hours of selling lottery tickets Convenience store may be more suitable for you! “

“Ha, believe me. If you get either a first prize or a special prize every time, you will never be willing to spend more time playing this kind of game. This is too boring, even to say that it is in Waste this kind of talent God has given you. “

Domino said such things casually, and to this, not to mention the wealth and death, even the weasel showed a feeling of envy.

With their eyes closed, they can earn a lot of money, but it has always been their dream. To put it another way, if they had such luck, who would do the job of pinning their heads on their belts? They would have experienced the happiness of the rich.

Do n’t talk about ideals or pursuits with people like them. Their ideal is to make money, and their pursuit is to make big money. Of course, for them, this is probably a dream that they can’t achieve in their lifetime, so they just wailed like a dog, and then returned to the topic seriously.

“I don’t believe you, domino. Good luck is only temporary and can never be treated as a superpower. I want to cross you, yes, I want to eliminate you!”

Deadpool wants to exercise its power as a judge, but the other judge weasel is not very happy. After all, Domino’s luck sounds unreliable, but as a mercenary, her past can be verified.

The information in his hand clearly shows that every Domino’s previous mission was solved by her in a very magical way. It’s common for any target to accidentally drink water and choke to death, or the top secret information fell off the plane and fell directly in front of her. With so many extraordinary normal bottoms, he obviously couldn’t ignore Domino’s luck. So immediately, he whispered to the Deadpool.

“Wade, I think you should change your attitude. You are so tough on her, and be careful to be taken aback by her luck. Everyone who knows her knows that this chick’s luck is evil!”

“Have seen, weasel. This is a scientific society, don’t tell me such a superstitious topic. I just sit here and firmly cross her. I don’t believe it, how can her luck do me ! “

Due to his immortality, Deadpool is very tough. However, soon, he saw what was called the emperor’s face.

Domino ’s information is not only available to them, but also to Maria. And for a mercenary who can rely on luck to complete difficult tasks repeatedly, Maria said that it is absolutely impossible not to be interested.

For someone like her who has been involved in confidential incidents all year round, she is well aware of such a situation. That is, no matter how precise your plan is, the best you can get is only 80% or 90%. This is the limit that manpower can reach, and 10% or 20% of what is lacking will ultimately fall on unpredictable luck.

This is the so-called conspiracy of people, and the success of things. Even if you have great skills, you can’t control this.

Of course, luck can’t be controlled, but it can be a coincidence. For example, tuck a lucky person into his own team. This seems to be a good idea to score points, provided that Domino is really as lucky as the legend. But this kind of thing is unfounded, the key is to see the true reflection of the scene. So without hesitation, Maria called the Weasel again.

“Hey, it ’s me, there is one thing I need you to verify …”

After receiving Maria ’s call, the weasel ’s first reaction was of course immediately nodding and accepting. But soon, his expression changed, and he began to look embarrassed.

“Isn’t this inappropriate? I mean, it hurts so much …”

His voice is so low that the Deadpool can only hear such a thing. And what Mary said over there, because he had been covering the microphone, the Deadpool couldn’t hear it at all.

This makes the Deadpool very unhappy. You know, being a judge is a rare thing for Deadpool, but he really enjoys the feeling that this nonsense can decide others to stay. In this process, of course, he does not want anyone to intervene to interfere with his power. So immediately, he said this to the weasel.

“Give me the phone and let me talk to the boss. She should believe my vision, I have lived so big, but I have never seen someone missed me!”

“Boss hung up the phone. She already has arrangements and doesn’t plan to listen to you.”

The weasel hung up the phone and shrugged helplessly at Wade. Upon hearing this, Wade just wanted to vomit, but was immediately attracted by the movement of the weasel around him.

The weasel pulled out a gun and was putting a bullet into the magazine with a hard face. While watching his movements, Wade immediately covered his face with his hands and screamed loudly.

“Waswolf, what are you doing? Are you actually playing with a gun?”

As a good friend of the weasel for many years, he certainly understands the problems with the weasel. This is a very handsome guy, one of the biggest features is fear of pain. According to his own statement, if he hit his toes today, he would n’t want to work on that day.

The gun thing, however, still has some reaction. It’s like an ordinary person playing a large caliber pistol and accidentally spraining his wrist. Unless you play the ultra-small caliber ladies gun, otherwise, more or less, you will still suffer some reaction.

It does n’t matter to the average person, but to the weasel, it ’s a serious problem. He almost closed the bar’s door for one day with a shot. He might have hidden a quilt and cried for a week under a blanket. Knowing him for more than ten years, Wade had never seen how he shot, and now he was surprised to see him loading all the bullets.

“I can’t stop listening to the boss’s order. For that qualification, I recognize it!”

The wealth is touching. The qualification that Mary gave is related to the happiness of the weasel in the rest of his life. Even if he closed the door for a month, he would have to grind his teeth to do what Maria ordered.

Despite that, the weasel’s hand holding the gun still shuddered. This is because he is afraid of pain. On the other hand, it is because he points the gun at Domino.

Domino ’s good luck, Wade does n’t believe it, but he believes it. As a broker, he has more news than Wade, who is living as a woman at home. And it is precisely because he has heard more rumors about domino that he is more worried about what he will encounter next.

It hurt my hand with a shot. This is a trivial matter. A shot exploded and **** fell apart, which is a big deal. If it were more serious, he shot a bullet and flew in the opposite direction, directly knocking him on the forehead, then he would not even have to think about it.

This is not a small problem, but a very serious problem. Don’t look at this kind of thing sounds unreasonable, there is no scientific basis at all, but weasel knows very well that this thing is really possible.

He did n’t want to fill himself up with this unlucky thing, so while aiming the gun at Domino, he was already talking carefully to Domino.

“That, I know your skills, and I believe in your luck. So this is just a test, I have no malicious intentions for you. So if you do n’t like me holding a gun at you, you can say, It ’s okay if I change it. “

“It’s okay, please do whatever you want, I am confident in my luck.”

Fortunately, Domino had never minded the Weasel pointing a gun at her, even saying that she deliberately opened her hands and took two steps forward. It’s as if the weasel is not afraid of a real gun, but a water gun.

The more confident she is, the less confident the weasel is. He was froze for almost five minutes, his face was white, and his sweat was about to leave a basin, but his trembling hand still failed to pull the trigger.

In the beginning, Deadpool was patient and looked on, but after so long, he obviously had no patience. So immediately, he got BB at the weasel.

“Please, Mate. Is it your mother who has been separated for many years? Is it so difficult for you to pull the trigger? If you are afraid, close your eyes and buckle. If you are worried, If the gun does n’t kill her, just make a few more deductions. Forget it, give me the gun, I ’ll come. I really ca n’t stand the speed of your grind. ”

“Don’t, don’t do it!”

It ’s only possible to shoot yourself, but Deadpool shoots, but it ’s very possible to shoot yourself. He didn’t want to see the dead waiter hug himself regretfully and kneel in the pool of blood. So immediately, he closed his eyes and pressed his fingers hard.

It clicks and gets stuck. The appearance of this situation made the dead waiters stunned, and the weasel took a long breath. The bad situation did not happen, it was just a jam, which is definitely a blessing. In his view, this is definitely the same wordy as his old mother. In the view of Deadpool, it must be that the weasel’s gun has not been used for a long time and has failed.

“Damn it. Any broken gun you use can get stuck. Come, change it for me. I can’t believe her and hit her!”

“Sorry, Wade.”

I did n’t take the gun that Deadpool shot in front of me. After weeping, weasel had already pulled the trigger directly against Wade ’s thigh.

This time, there was no jamming, and after a bang, Wade’s thigh was shot directly through a big hole, and a shocked expression immediately appeared on Wade’s face.

“Damn, what the **** are you doing? You actually hit me, not even my mother shot me like this!”

The weasel actually shoots himself, which is shocking to him when he starts to play with guns. At this moment, he couldn’t help but wonder whether the weasel didn’t love him and planned to empathize.

A good friend for more than ten years is not something that can be put down. So questioning is naturally an indispensable situation.

In response to the question from the Deadpool, the Weasel did n’t reply, but raised his gun again and aimed at the domino with an expressionless expression in front of them.

Pull the trigger and get stuck. The same situation happened again, which is no longer an accident. Not to mention the deadpool who didn’t think about this kind of situation at all. Even the psychologically prepared weasel was full of shocking thoughts.

This is really good luck. With a gun jammed, this is even more bizarre than a million.

However, the bizarre situation is far more than that, because after finishing the stuck shot, the weasel aimed the gun at the thigh of the deadpool again.

Bang, it means that Deadpool got another shot, which also means that the firearms are absolutely normal. When the muzzle was again aimed at the domino, it was the sound of the pistol jamming again.

Time after time ~ ~ time after time. Domino was safe and sound, the weasel was worried, and the blood was left in a crotch.

Even if such a situation is placed in front of a fool, the fool should see what is going on. Although Deadpool may have such a problem in his mind, at this time, he also has to admit that Domino does indeed have such a skill as the goddess of fortune.

Lucky girl! Even the eggs that he almost collapsed could not be taken care of, the Deadpool crawled over quickly, hugged Domino’s thigh, and pleaded with her with a little dog’s eyes.

“Ms. Queen, my goddess. Please, tell me the draw number of this lottery. As long as you tell me the number, you can let me do anything, even if you let me It ’s acceptable for me to regard you as a Virgin Mary and erect a small statue at home to pray every day. Please, please pity me! “

“Good boy, this is a small meaning, you can do it anytime!”

He dragged his dead chin with his finger and watched him nod to himself like a pug. Domino, while expressing absolute self-confidence, also questioned the weasel.

“If you look at it this way, I should have won the job, right.”

“Of course, ma’am. No one will refuse a lucky girl like you. It’s our pleasure to join you!”

The weasel has Maria ’s approval, and of course it is impossible to have any other opinions on this issue. Domino’s joining has become a foregone conclusion. With her joining, Maria also has more confidence in her plan.

A little bit of luck is likely to have different consequences. Isn’t it?

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