Sun God Marvel Chapter 1648: Ominous hunch news feedback

As soon as Peter Parker returned to the camp, he immediately received a message that was not good.

And when he heard the news, he subconsciously developed a bad hunch.

Old Carter is more formidable.

Otherwise, he will not leave his most beloved pipe like he left a last word.

And thinking of the old Carter probably no longer, he immediately felt like a gunpowder barrel was lit, and an uncontrollable impulse came out.

He wanted to find the traces of old Carter, and wanted to pull him back before everything had fallen to the worst.

However, this is just an idea.

Although he is so tempting in his heart, he is so emotionally urgent and panic.

But at the end, he suppressed this emotion and made a decision to stay inactive.

Although Peter has always been an emotional person, no matter how emotional a person works, he will inevitably become rational when he assumes responsibility.

Because it is only you who are involved in feelings, and once you start to take responsibility, what you want to involve is far more than one person ’s business.

He has to think about their overall interests, and once you have considered this issue, you will find that staying on the ground is the best choice he can make.

This will ensure that their losses will not increase.

It was the biggest accident that happened. They just lost two officers.

Compared with blindly packing the strength of your men to the door without knowing the strength of the enemy, this is already the best result.

But in the final analysis, Peter is still a little unwilling.

He mobilized himself to find the old Carter ’s idea, but he had n’t waited for him to start putting it into action. Those veteran heavyweight knights were already standing in front of him, preventing him from such impulsive actions.

has lost a Carter Shirley, and they can afford it.

After all, Carter Shree is old, and his symbolic significance is far greater than his actual meaning.

But if Peter Parker is lost, then things are completely different.

They gathered here because of Peter Parker.

Peter Parker is not only their backbone, but also their brain, the key core of their unity.

Once he is lost, the evil knights will immediately become a mess of sand.

In the case where no one can convince the crowd, let alone counterattack hell, even if it is barely keeping everyone together, it is unlikely.

Most of these old knights are not young, and they will follow the footsteps of old Carter in a few years.

For them, this may be the only opportunity for revenge in hell, so no matter whether it is public or private, they can’t let Peter take risks.

Of course, in the face of this argument, Peter will definitely speak with his own strength.

He thinks he has enough ability to protect himself, even if he can’t overcome the secret black hand, he can guarantee that he can retreat.

However, despite his repeated guarantees, others are still reluctant to agree with him.

Because for the old knights, they are already overwhelming everything for this war.

Under this premise, they must guarantee a foolproof result.

Even if Peter has a very low chance of an accident, they cannot take this unnecessary risk casually.

This is the big picture. Peter Parker is the brain, of course, the big picture should be the priority.

can’t convince these old knights and can’t force out.

Of course, Peter can only suppress the restlessness in his heart and start a tormented wait.

He tried to use his fate cards to divination old Carter ’s fate, and wanted to give himself some comfort and confidence through some kind of foreshadowing.

However, whether it is a sign of death that symbolizes the end or a tower that symbolizes destruction, he makes him feel a more and more pessimistic about the final result.

He was a little uneasy, and wandered back and forth, his entire emotions were already on the verge of bursting.

And just as he was about to endure this kind of mental torture and was about to burst, a news came that made him stop immediately.

“God Bianxiong is back, he came back alone.

“Hearing this, Peter‘s mind suddenly seemed blank.

Almost subconsciously, he rushed out like a gust of wind.

At this time, at the exit of the evil knight’s hiding place, a group of old knights had already surrounded the **** Bianxiong who had just returned.

Even if it is due to the relationship with old Carter, they also need to get first-hand information about the life and death of old Carter.

Peter pushed away these people and came straight to the front of God Bianxiong.

And looking at God Bianxiong’s current state of embarrassment, the ominous feeling in his heart grew stronger.

God Bianxiong looks bad now.

His body is broken.

Bone racks are full of cracks and debris. Although the fire of **** is repairing this damage, obviously, with the weakness of the fire of **** on his body, this repair may take a long time.

For a ghost knight, if you want to be embarrassed to such a degree, then you must have experienced a terrible battle.

At this point, these knights have no doubt about him, because if the enemy is not strong, there will not be so many knights who have been blackhanded, and they will not be able to return.

The strength of the enemy must be strong, the question is which powerful enemy will beat their idea at this time? In the past, it was difficult for them to guess a specific answer, but now, there is a living witness, God Bianxiong.

It ’s already a light Yi (easy) to get this answer.

Someone intends to ask.

But just before they were ready to speak, Peter had already questioned the God’s edge and stepped forward.

“Old Carter? Didn’t he go to you? Why are you the only one who came back!” Compared with God Bianxiong, Peter hopes that the person who comes back is Old Carter.

But at this time he obviously could n’t say that, so he could only question, hoping to get a reply from God ’s mouth that would make him feel lucky.

For God Bianxiong, this is a problem that makes him suffer.

From the conscience, of course, he wanted to tell the truth, to spell the infamous name of the thousand husbands, but also to explain things.

However, in the final analysis, his conscience is no better than his actual interests.

Since he has disguised himself as he is today, he is naturally already psychologically prepared.

So immediately, he threw himself on the ground, kneeled down in front of Peter with a guilty look, and then almost cried back to him in tears.

“It’s all my fault, it’s all my recklessness that hurt him.

Mr. Shi Lei, Mr. Shi Lei, he has sacrificed in order to delay his opponent! It’s all because of me, I’m guilty, I hurt him! ”Once this was said, many people sighed, revealing what they looked like.

Only Peter, in the rage, picked up God Bianxiong, and then almost slammed and asked him.

“What are you talking about? Tell me again! He chased you out, and now you are back, but told me he died.

Why do n’t you die outside too, ah! ”Although many people are aware that this is Peter ’s anxious and unintended language, those old-fashioned people still do n’t want Peter to say such unreasonable words.

So now, an old man persuades him.

“Calm down, Mister Parker.

He did n’t intentionally cause this kind of thing.

Rather than blame all his errors on him, let him tell all his experiences.

In this way, at least let us know who our enemy is, so that his sacrifice will not be in vain.

So let go of him.

I do n’t think old Carter would want to see what you look like now.

“” Say, how on earth is it? What did you encounter? Old Carter, how did he die?

Give me everything you know. If you dare to say one less word, I will never spare you easily! ”After persuasion, although Peter was still burning, but he still chose to obey this admonishment, and let the **** Bianxiong on his hand loose.

Of course, this does not mean that Peter really intends to completely let him go ~ ~ Whether he can let him go, the key lies in his next explanation.

If he ca n’t give a good explanation, or if there is any ingredient in the process of betrayal of his compatriots, then Peter can guarantee that even if he can escape that robbery before, in his hands, He will only be a fate of death.

This point is also clear in God ’s ambition.

So immediately, he lowered his head and explained to everyone present in a sincere and painful tone.

“After I left here, Shi Lei he quickly caught up.

He stopped my action and wanted to take me back.

However, we have not waited for our agreement.

We are already under attack.

“” Attack? Who is attacking you? Is the devil in hell? ”This is a point that many people are concerned about.

Because everyone knows that the incidents of disappearances born before are probably inseparable from such attacks.

The enemy is secret, and no one wants to live this fearful day.

So now there is a chance to reveal the true face of the enemy who is hiding in the dark, and everyone present is becoming urgent.

This is what was expected, of course, this was expected by Randekiel.

At this time, God Bianxiong had an indescribable admiration for Randekiel’s materialistic means.

However, on the bright side, he still kept a painful look, and answered them word by word.

“No, not the devil jerks we imagined.

It ’s not anyone else who really does all of this, it ’s the fallen angels, the **** birdmen with wings! “

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