Sun God Marvel Chapter 1625: Escape the first chapter

“It is good for you to have such confidence.”

Stark does not care about the way Gu Yihui solves such problems. Because in his opinion, this belongs to Gu Yi’s personal problem. Since he didn’t plan to seize Gu Yi’s wealth, there was no need to explore such secrets that he shouldn’t know.

After all, knowing nothing is the better. Too many people in this world die from knowing too much. He didn’t intend to let himself be one of them.

With this recognition, Stark certainly showed its restraint. And this also made Master Gu Yi a smile on his face.

She was thankful that Stark did not choose a wrong answer. Because for her, she didn’t want anyone to want to explore her secrets more. This is not just because she is an old-school conservatism, habitually guarding her privacy. Most of the secrets contained in her body are hugely influential and unpredictable.

Leave aside, just a secret of the location of Zhou Yi may drive the world into madness.

She already has a deep enough understanding of the current state of the world. The status and influence of Zhou Yi in this era far surpassed her imagination. She couldn’t imagine how many people would want to welcome him back at all costs if she leaked the news of Zhou Yi. And up to this time, she still firmly believes that letting the emperor who controls the entire world return to the earth is definitely not a good thing for the entire human beings on the earth.

There are conspirators like Chisongzi in this world, and there are already troubles and crises. If there is one more overlord like Zhou Yi, then the end of the whole earth will almost come. In line with the good ideas for the earth and all mankind, Gu Yi felt that he had to keep this secret. The best way to keep secrets is to eliminate all those who are curious about the secret itself.

Gu Yi couldn’t imagine, when a person like Stark is curious about such a secret, how she should deal with it so that she can take care of the overall situation. Because it is difficult for her to say with certainty that the importance of Stark is higher than the specific information of Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi‘s existence is related to the survival of the entire world, which is the first level of all her secrets. And Stark, for now, Stark is only part of her plan to fight hell. He chose Stark as a partner only because he is the most suitable, not because he is the only one. Even without Stark, she can still find new collaborators from other places. Therefore, which is higher and lower is simply a matter of clarity.

Stark‘s luck allowed him to avoid a catastrophe, but he himself hasn’t been so conscious. As far as the current situation is concerned, he has no idea about the relationship between Gu Yi and Zhou Yi, and even said that he has never even imagined this aspect. If he really knows the connection between Gu Yi and Zhou Yi. So what he is most likely to do now is probably to persuade Gu Yi and ask her to bring Zhou Yi back.

The reason why I say this is because no one knows the importance of Zhou Yi to the world better than him. Whether Zhou Yi is in this world or not, the difference is huge for the whole world.

The former is like inserting a needle in the turbulent sea, so that all the sneaky nights and ghosts dare not make random times. And the latter, just like the end of the world, all kinds of monsters and monsters began to pop out and swagger through the market.

Stark certainly hopes that Zhou Yi will still exist, so that he can frighten these restless **** demons and let them stay honestly in their own troubles. It’s a pity that he didn’t guess this special connection, so he can only support himself and face such problems with human power.

It exhausted him physically and mentally. After all, before this incident, he had already carried a lot of burdens that ordinary people could not imagine. The rejuvenation of the country, the challenge of the emerging empire, and the threat to the entire world from the conspirators he hates most. No matter which one of them is, it is enough to single out an ordinary person’s body and mind. That is, he himself is extraordinary, with perseverance, otherwise it is difficult to say whether he can continue like this.

The United States and many parts of the world are actually preparing to watch Stark‘s jokes, because in the eyes of many people, Stark forcibly becoming the president is simply a foolish trick.

Yes, he is a genius, whether as a Ming family or as a businessman, he is a top figure in the world. However, even though he has proven his ability in this regard, this does not mean that he can be a qualified politician.

Science, business and politics, the span of these fields is really too big. Perhaps some geniuses can take care of both sides, but those who take care of the three parties or more are always rare and almost non-existent. At this point, no one would think that Stark would be a pioneer in this regard, because in many people’s eyes, the performance of Stark is actually a failure.

To overthrow the previous puppet government and rescue the United States from the clutches of Hydra. This may be the greatest achievement that Stark has made in the eyes of many people. From this point of view, he is actually qualified to be on the throne of the president. . However, afterwards, whether it was to abolish the system of separation of powers that had been maintained for more than two centuries, to put the power of the country in the hands of the president, or to crack down on capitalists and expel consortia from within the United States in a nearly self-sufficient manner. It is a flaw that many people have criticized.

As for why I say so, there are many reasons. The most important thing is that ordinary people simply can’t bear this kind of change.

You must know that the system of separation of powers is the crystallization of the Western political system. In many cases, the dishes and freedom that Westerners are proud of are actually based on such a system. They may not know much about how capital penetrates government agencies and controls the power of the country under the separation of the three powers. But they can understand that their voting rights can only have real value on the basis of this policy.

They have become accustomed to making their own voices on national affairs, and they are accustomed to commenting on the country’s direction. They don’t care whether everything they think is good or bad for the country itself, and whether what they elect has meaning for the country itself. They just want to make themselves look like the masters of the country, even if this is just a false fantasy, they will be happy.

Unfortunately, Stark‘s changes to the political system completely destroyed their illusions in this regard, making them feel that their rights and interests have been violated. So naturally, these people will criticize what Stark does.

Of course, if this were only the case, then there might not be so many people who would choose to be hostile to him. Because anyway, the changes Stark made to the government are indeed beneficial to this country.

He made sure that this country will no longer be infiltrated by some deliberate nails because of some stupid elections. He has ensured the stability of the country and the transparency of government authorities. Given the turbulence of the US central government at the time, this might be the most appropriate choice. This can be seen by anyone with a little bit of wisdom, otherwise, at the very beginning, they will not be able to make Stark stand firm.

What really made Stark a thorn in the eye and was stared at by many people and prepared to watch the jokes was because of his brutal actions against the capital consortium.

Most people cannot see the special relationship between this country and the consortium. They don’t know how far this country has been infiltrated by the consortium, or how much fresh blood the consortium has drawn from this country by relying on its tentacles in the United States.

When the United States was strong in the past, the consortium has become a burden on the United States, giving this world-dominant country a heavy pressure that cannot breathe. And when the country fell into a trough and fell to the point where it was later, their existence, and their greed and acceptance of the country itself, which is almost sluggish, put the country itself in a danger of being drained of blood. Point.

Ordinary people simply cannot imagine that Stark, as the president of the country, made low-level requests to the representatives of the consortium, asking them to support the national rejuvenation and raise bank interest to support the national confidence when they were bitterly rejected.

They can only see that Stark has driven away the consortium, making many of them lose their jobs, and they have to do more work to barely maintain the dilemma of basic life.

In the old days, they mocked the decline and fall of Europe and mocked the fiery life of the people of those third world countries. And now, those people are beginning to enjoy their new life of science and technology, enjoying the higher welfare and benefits brought to them by the consortium. But they can only stare blankly. This kind of jealousy and envy produced incomparable hatred, of course, it caused them to burn the fire on the Stark who initiated it.

It can be said that if it were not because the American people had lost their right to vote. If it is not clear to everyone, the United States is a mess, and no one is willing to take over. Whether the Stark can sit securely in this position is basically a question of two things.

Even due to the situation, Stark can only continue to sit in this position. The vast majority of people are also constantly slandering his rule, criticizing his policies from all sides, and degrading his every move as a failure.

There may be capital forces secretly leading But it is definitely impossible to say that the people do not have such an idea.

Not many people are optimistic about Stark, and no one thinks that he can continue to stick to this position. Many pubs and even casinos are secretly setting handicap, thinking that there are still a few days before the end of the Stark rule.

They seem to be eager to see Stark fall, see this once hero falling in front of them, crying and confessing what they have done.

Unfortunately, this is just their unrealistic fantasy. Because Stark is still persevering, and still regrets continuing to persevere. As for how long he will persist, this is probably the answer that only he can know.

……Feng Hou is not my wish, I wish Haiboping. Some people are destined not to be understood by ordinary people.


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