Sun God Marvel Chapter 1602: The Advent Carrier Ceremony ends

Randkiel is the seven angels, and he has definitely had more than one encounter with the Messiah. And it is precisely because he deeply realizes the stupidity and incompetence of the Messiah that he will resolutely fall from heaven as an archangel.

For him, following Lucifer is the real glory. Bending your knees under the so-called Son of Christ is just to dust your honor. His contradiction with the Messiah has already reached an irreconcilable point. He even said that until now, he still thought of counterattacking heaven and letting the so-called Son Christ kneel in front of himself.

Of course, although he looks down on the Messiah, he has to admit that God ’s elaborate arrangement for the Messiah does have its uniqueness.

The ritual of the cross can kill the spirit, and the attribute that guides the advent really helps him a lot. Otherwise, there is really no way for him to cross the contract signed with Gu Yi under the witness of hell, and come to this world.

Know that even the existence of Mephisto and Satan can be threatened by Gu Yi, signing a contract that should not infringe on the world, not to mention that he is slightly inferior.

He also has an agreement with Gu Yi, even saying that the agreement between him and Gu Yi is even more demanding.

Do n’t say that it is the real body that has fallen onto this world, even if it is a projection avatar to intervene in the world, it is not allowed. On this issue, Gu Yi may have some scruples about Satan and Mephisto‘s **** masters, and give them some milder conditions. But for him, for a guy like him who is not even worthy of her enemies, the Supreme Master is not so good at speaking.

Either sign a contract, or die out. At the peak of his life, the Supreme Master with the most overbearing style would not give them more conditions. For most people, how to choose is actually a matter of obvious Yi (easy). Although it is inevitable that some humiliation, compared with living, what is humiliating is acceptable?

Randkiel accepted the humiliation that year, and this left him a huge trouble.

If he wants to get involved in the world, he must bypass this contract. And how to get around this contract, the cross ceremony is the only way he can imagine.

And the ritual of the cross cannot be opened casually. Just as the Messiah had to use the body of **** when he first came, he must find a carrier that can carry him if he wants to truly descend on this world. Above this world, under the eyes of the Supreme Master, such a carrier can be said to be non-existent.

Ordinary people simply cannot bear his terrible power. As the former seven angels, his attribute of power also led to the existence of a close relationship with the source of angelic power in order to be the medium of his coming. From this point of view, the saints who once belonged to the Vatican may be a good choice. But in the end, they are nothing more than mortal bodies. Even if he came to the past, the final result is likely to be a dead body.

He has n’t been crazy enough to give up his life just to breathe in the world. So although he knew this method long ago, he didn’t mean to take it out of the box until today. In such a process, it is indispensable that the time and place are harmonious. Fortunately, everything is on his side.

The disappearance of the Supreme Master has created the best opportunity for him. At the same time as Satan’s most important right-hand man, King Dekel can make the evil spirits lurking in the whole world become his own eyeliner.

And most importantly, the old **** of Mephisto is also finished. Without his constraints, he was fully capable of reaching out to the former Hell Guards, those evil knights. After a careful selection, he chose Dan Cage as his advent carrier.

Nothing is more suitable as a carrier of his coming than the evil knight, the spirit of revenge. You know, the evil knight itself is a mixture of angelic power and **** power. The dark angel, in essence, has the same qualities as the evil knight.

As a pure elemental life born in heaven, they inevitably become contaminated with the power of **** during the process of falling into heaven. Although the power of **** is powerful, it does not completely reverse their essence. Therefore, every fallen angel is actually a mixture of angelic power and defensive power. The only exception is Lucifer.

Just like he abandoned his past name and called himself Satan. When Lucifer fell into hell, he completely abandoned his past, together with the core of his own angel, was completely destroyed in the arms of hell.

Surely such a dedication paid off, he was favored by hell, and he was recognized. Became the only **** monarch born for thousands of years. Under the blessing of the power of hell, he took his angel army to the vanguard and conquered almost every corner of his hell. Satan’s prestige also echoed throughout the world at this time, so that the old devil like Mephisto had to recognize his equal status.

Of course, Satan is special. Apart from him, there is no second such exception. The remaining angels, including Rande Kiel, can only keep the shape of their mixture.

He is the most powerful one, so naturally, when he chooses the carrier, he will also choose the most powerful one.

Maybe before, Johnny Brezer, who is hosting Zatanos ’soul, would be a better choice. But if it means that he has to face the oldest existence in Hell Devil, he would rather give up this opportunity. Mephisto is not something he can afford. So he would rather wait, until now, when this Mephisto and Johnny Blazer are gone.

Although he lost the best choice at this time, he also had more possibilities. So there is nothing to regret. Dan Cage might be a little bit behind, but by comparison, he is actually qualified.

And again, compared to the dangerous spirit of Zatanos. The spirit of Norber Kane is obviously much better to deal with. There is no need to fight, just to carry on the ritual of the cross, he can replace it and become the new revenge spirit occupying Dan Kage’s body. With his personality and strength, and the essence of Zatanos power possessed by Dan Kage, he can completely break the shackles of the past and raise his strength to an unprecedented level.

This is a tremendous temptation, and he is not tolerated. Coupled with all this is also related to a huge conspiracy they calculated, he naturally has no reason to give up all this.

So, although Dan Cage called it fiercely, he still couldn’t arouse his sympathy. Like a ruthless judge who sentenced a crime, he continued to order mercilessly to his men.

“Continue, carry on this ritual!”

The angel obeyed the order and continued to beat the hammer. Under his movements, Dan Cage’s left and right palms and left and right feet were successively penetrated by wooden wedges and crucified on the cross. This caused bright red blood to flow out of his wound. First blood, then fluid like lava.

That is the blood of the Spirit of Vengeance. At this step, it means that the ceremony of the cross has officially begun, and the victims have been completely tied to it. Unless he can have the same level of power as God or Satan, he will not be free from this ritual.

Unfortunately, even with the essence of the power of Zatanos, the vengeful spirit named Norber Kell can still not reach such a point. So he can only be bound to it honestly, waiting for his next destiny like a lamb on a cutting board.

And then, the dark angel took out a crown of thorns and slammed it on Dan Kage ’s head.

The spikes of thorns undoubtedly scratched Dan Kane ’s forehead, allowing the lava-like fluid to flow directly from his forehead. The wailing of the Vengeful Spirit became incomparably clear at this moment, because he could no longer escape from Dan Kage.

This is the second step of the ceremony. The blessing of the crown of thorns means the complete unity of spirit and flesh. No matter who your soul belongs to, no matter how special your inner is, when the spirit and the flesh are completely united, the physical life and death will also be transformed to the level of the soul. Both glory and loss.

At this time, Dan Cage has had a hard time maintaining his human appearance. The unity of spirit and flesh makes him directly a ghost knight ~ ~ the burning skeleton messenger. Even though he has completely recovered his power at this moment, because of the ritual of the cross, he still can’t break free from such restraint.

At this time, the angel responsible for performing the ritual had picked up an old bronze dagger from the tray behind him.

It is actually an inaccurate statement to say that it is a dagger. Its true form should be a spearhead. To be more precise, it should have a louder name, that is, the gun of Longinus.

The spear once used to penetrate **** is now the best way to perform this ritual. So in the first moment of picking up this gun, the angel had already penetrated through Dan Cage’s side ribs without hesitation.

Longkinus’s gun pierced, pulled out, and the lava that spewed out was like a lake of fire pouring out. The Spirit of Vengeance is also crying in pain, because it was killed at this moment, and began to die gradually.

At this point, the ceremony has entered its final stage, and Ran De Kiel’s sigh also sounded at this time.

“Finally, it’s done. The long-lost world, I’m finally back!”

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