Sun God Marvel Chapter 1595: You can show suspected monsters

An old sentence characterizes this kind of thing as someone is fooling around, and it ’s not that she is casually talking about it.

It is true that, judging from the information currently available, the final conclusion is actually uncertain. Things may be as described by Gu Yi, but they may also be completely different. Fan looks like this. She reached this conclusion without going through a deeper investigation. There are indeed some arbitrary. However, since she dares to make such a conclusion, then she naturally holds full evidence.

This evidence is nothing else, it is the power of the artifact Agomoto Eye in her hand.

The eye of Ago Moto can take her through the torrent of time and give her an overview of everything that was born in the past. Although it stands at the present time, the past is not absolute, but it will be For various reasons, there are infinite variables. However, with Gu Yi ’s insights and abilities, she has the ability to find the one closest to the real one from the past of the forests and forests she has seen.

It can be said that if she is the only one here, she does n’t need to perform so many complicated operations, she can bring back the soul of a dead person, and she can directly give the answer. And the reason why she wants to do this , The main reason is to show Frank.

She will not forget Frank’s identity. In addition to her own student, he has another identity but is a representative of his collaborator Stark beside him. In other words, she wants to give Stark an account, then You have to pass him. Therefore, even if she knew something about herself, she still had to spend a lot of effort to put it on the bright side.

Of course, you do n’t have to put it all on the bright side. As long as you can roughly frank Frank, it ’s almost the same.

Now this level is just right, so Gu Yi did n’t mean to continue to find trouble, to follow this clue to continue to exploit it, but to wave a hand and take everything from Cersei directly from the world. Erase it.

The tool Cersei has no use value for her. Of course, she ca n’t keep her to harm others. Solving her is the best choice. At the same time, she also needs to make room, To deal with those guys who hide their heads and hide their tails and secretly play ghosts.

Fucking in front of her and wanting to retreat all over the world, how can there be such a good thing in this world.

After making up his mind, Gu Yi immediately stretched out his hand and drew a circle out of nowhere. The energy of magic immediately began to flow between her palms, following her will, and drew layers out of nowhere. The stacked geometric figures come.

These geometric figures are bright and colorful, and quickly fill the entire room, making the interior of the room look full of mysterious colors that are difficult to describe. And in it, Frank will naturally feel weird. Of course. He is not weird for this kind of confusing external appearance. Such external performance can be done anytime and anywhere as long as he wants. There is nothing surprising.

What really feels weird is that the magic spells used by Gu Yi. With the help of heavenly eyes and supernatural powers, he can go through the appearance to a deeper level. This is like x-ray It is the same as the difference between the human eye. The latter can only see a skin phase, while the former can penetrate into the inside and see every detail including musculoskeletal. Now, he sees the internal details of these spells .

Although it is composed of ingredients that I ca n’t understand at all, Frank has had over 60% confidence in what he observed. The basic formula of this spell and the intelligence he recognizes The language is very similar. In other words, if you can understand the specific meaning of the factors that make up the formula, he can make up an approximate magic like a fabricated program.

This can be considered a surprise, because it means that he will get a very powerful help in the process of learning magic. If he can successfully learn the basics of magic, he can completely within a short time. Inside, he dives into the path of the magic world.

This news is enough to make him ecstatic, but unfortunately this kind of thing cannot be said casually to outsiders. So he can only suppress the euphoria in his heart, and then pretend to be casual, Asked Master Gu Yi who was busy in front of him.

“Your Excellency Gu Yi, can I ask about the specific role of these magics you are now setting?”

“Function?” The movement in the hand does not stop. Gu Yi responded while moving. “It’s very simple. I intend to use the basic information I have at hand, and the residual breath left by the ghosts. Pull them out of the dark to see who has the courage to dare to violate us. The agreement made! “

“Are you sure you can do this?”

Although I have seen the magic of Gu Yi, Frank still has a feeling of listening to the big words about her statement. I didn’t even find the ghost shadow, so I wanted to pull out the ghost behind him, which is not very practical no matter how I look at it. So now, he asked directly.

For this problem, Gu Yi smiled slightly, showing a confident smile.

“Of course, this is not difficult. Although I have not done such a thing for many years, I can still guarantee that as long as I have a clue, all the guys related to this clue do n’t. I want to run away from the palm of my hand, no matter what he is! “

After finishing this sentence, Gu Yi has already folded his hands together, and then yanked like a tracker pulling the rope. In an instant, the magic image spreading throughout the room shook violently as if it was energized, and at the same time, a strange enough large life was already struggling and dragged from the wall of the room Came out.

This is a living body that Frank has never seen. The lower body is a spider-like structure, while the upper body is an ugly deformed human body. The extremely large eyes should theoretically have a very high observation ability, but Frank does not think that such a monster can have ordinary vision.

Why do you say this? The reason is simple. He clearly saw the anomaly of this monster, its eyes were completely pierced and stitched with wire like metal wire.

This is not a feature that normal creatures should possess. From a biological point of view, even those species that are born with amblyopia will never grow such strange, self-mutilating things on organs such as eyes. Therefore, there are only two reasons for this monster, or it is a man-made toy. Just like the monsters transformed by Hydra. Otherwise, it is not a gadget born on the basis of natural biology.

On this issue, Frank believes that the former is more likely. Because he does not think that there will be any species that can break away from the natural growth system. But magic … has this premise, and he really does not have such a certainty, dare to make a certain assertion.

Frank’s caution is not unreasonable. Because at this time, Gu Yi had already told the origin of this monster to him.

“This is a spirit-eating monster, a rare species hiding in the depths of hell. How to say, from the perspective of mysterious student research, this creature should be strictly a ritual creature. Both It wasn’t originally like this, but it was transformed through rituals, and then became like this. However, that was a long time ago. When the gods ruled the world, a wrong magic contributed to The birth of this kind of monster. Then a series of accidents made this kind of monster free from the control of their creators, entered the depths of hell, and began to multiply like ordinary creatures. “

“They are intelligent creatures. The things you see that violate the natural breeding of creatures are things that have been passed down from generation to generation like customs. It is like humans have some tribes who will put collars on their necks to artificially Just like increasing the length of their necks, the sutures on their eyes are also added to the day after tomorrow. As for the purpose, it is very simple. That is to shield the vision and then mainly develop another set of sensory systems for them. “

“Soul touch. The spirit eater can perceive the existence of the soul through its sensory organs. The soul is like food for them. The survival of any species is inseparable from the most basic conditions. So for food, it is not unacceptable for them to discard some useless organs ~ ~ Moreover, the benefits this will bring to them will be far greater than the disadvantages. “

“Abandoned vision and focused on soul vision. They have greater capital to focus on mysterious and unpredictable soul magic. From this perspective, every spirit eater will be a good player who plays with the soul. It is not difficult for them to control the soul and complete the deception and transformation of human beings. Therefore, they are fully capable of doing the thing we investigated. “

“So, are you sure this guy in front of you is the one that we are looking for?”

After listening to such a long list of explanations, Frank certainly understood what Gu Yi meant. So he immediately raised a possibility. Regarding this possibility, Gu Yi smiled a little irresponsibly, and then focused his attention on the spirit-eater.

“I said, they are intelligent creatures. So is it right? We will know when we ask!”

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