Sun God Marvel Chapter 1518: The mystery of Kunming Kunlun

Using kites and threads to metaphorize heaven and Kunlun is itself an inappropriate thing. Because it is, after all, a world, a mountain that connects two worlds. The kite can get rid of the shackles of the line and completely get its freedom. But a world is not so easy, aside from its relationship with the pillars of the world.

This is the case with Celestial Realm and Kunlun. Even if Kunlun has been cut into three sections, Celestial Realm seems to have completely lost contact with it. But in fact, they are still broken, and there is no trace of Yi (easy)‘s perceived connection. Gu Yi knew this particular connection, so she could have the confidence to say such things to Zhou Yi at this time. In the face of her interpretation, Zhou Yi asked her with some doubts.

“Are you sure that Kunlun Mountain has such a role? If it is as you said, then why are there so many gods in the heavenly realm, and no one knows how to use it to open up the passage to the earth again?”

Zhou Yi will ask such questions, and Gu Yi is no surprise. On the one hand, he has not yet had enough trust in himself. This alone is enough to make him skeptical of himself on most issues. On the other hand, what I have said is indeed doubtful and difficult to convince.

However, since I dare to say this, Gu Yi certainly has his own strength. So when faced with Zhou Yi‘s question, she immediately said unkindly.

“Is Kunlun Mountain useful? My answer is affirmative. In addition, as to why the gods you mentioned did not find this method, I can only say that this is because their ability limits them. Thought, so that they can’t think of this at all. “

“So, you mean, there are countless gods in this heavenly realm, but no one can think more than you?”

“No, no, I don’t mean this.” Waving his hand, Gu Yi transformed the Zhou Yi‘s statement into another one. “I mean, their ability is not enough to use Kunlun, so they can’t think of this.”

“Do n’t forget who was the truncated Kunlun Hill. In order to prevent the truncated half of the Kunlun Hill from being rediscovered by the realm. The red pine nut guy used very unusual means to deal with the half of the Kunlun Zhiqiu is banned. But if you are not polite, with his ban, even if there are countless gods in this world, who can find the half of the Kunlun Hill? Have you ever been a fairy in this world? No, they must have searched, and they have searched more than once. It ’s just that they have no ability to find where it is, so they can only give up this idea and treat it as false. “

“So, can you find the half of Kunlun Hill?”

After hearing what she said, Zhou Yi immediately stared at her with glaring eyes. In response to his questioning, Gu Yi nodded confidently, and then said this.

“Of course, do n’t forget that I am the same as him. I am his apprentice, and all my spells are learned from him. Although I do n’t know what he used to divide Kunlun, But according to the characteristics of the alchemy he used, I was able to determine the location of the half of the Kunlun Hill. In fact, I was not only able to detect it, I even went into it and inspected it personally. And you can never imagine that What an interesting situation is in the half of the Kunlun Hill. “

“How do you say this?” It’s about Kunlun, and Zhou Yi is also inevitably interested. And watching him come interested, Gu Yi immediately smiled at him and said. “Have you seen the Journey to the West?”

A Celtic asked a Chinese, have you seen Journey to the West? This is really an interesting question. Even with Zhou Yi‘s current anxious state of mind, I can’t help being amused by the question of Gu Yi. Instead of being someone else, he might mock him well. But in the face of Gu Yi, a lady, he still can hardly bear his own thoughts.

“Of course. I have read the Journey to the West in Chinese, English and Spanish in three languages ​​when I was six years old. This is my children’s book. So, I understand it better than you think More. “

“So the 65th round of Journey to the West, do you have any impression?”

After hearing this from Zhou Yi, Gu Yi smiled slightly, and then asked him. This question is really a bit remote, but with its own deep impression, Zhou Yi still gave a less certain answer after some reflection.

“The demon assumes that Xiaoleiyin, the four people are in great trouble? I remember it was right this time, but is this related to the problem we are talking about?”

“Of course there is, and it’s still a very coincidental relationship. By coincidence, this insider makes me want to laugh every time I think of it.” Guan Er smiled and Gu Yi said slowly.

“We all know that although the book Journey to the West is somewhat impractical, it is still very exciting overall. Just like what people on earth often say, art comes from life, but art is higher than life. Writing art like this is of course nothing wrong. But if things happen in reality, would it be more interesting? “

“Think about the 65th story of the Journey to the West. The yellow eyebrow monster stole the cymbals and race bags of the Maitreya Buddha and set up a small Leiyin Temple on the West Journey Road. The monsters are transformed into the gods of the sky, used to trick the four monks and priests of the Tang Dynasty. It is ridiculous to pretend to be true. However, although ridiculous. But this does not mean that such a thing will not happen. In fact , On the truncated half of Kunlun Hill, the same thing is happening. “

“Remember what I told you, the difference between the Kunlun Hill and the Kunlun Ruin? The Kunlun Ruin is the Palace of Heavenly Emperor, and the Kunlun Hill is the way of the lower realm to the sky. Before the Qin Dynasty, the lower realm soared through Kunlun The Qiuqiu entered the ruins of Kunlun and met the heads of male and female immortals before they were officially included in the immortal book. After the Qin Dynasty, when the heaven and the human world were barely connected, the immortal in the lower realm wanted to ascend and was supported by the messenger of heaven Leading the way, you can also safely enter the heavens and become a member of the heavens. “

“However, the sky is farther and farther away. As the sky is deeper into the depths of the void, the messenger can no longer continue to lead the fairy in the lower realm. Soaring becomes more and more an impossible thing. After the dynasty, there were no more fairy men. This point, the gods of the heaven realm knew nothing but helplessness. But the monks in the lower realm did not know this. They made up many situations and made many responses. This is an old saying, people are forced out. “” Past senior ancestors in the past all went to heaven, without anyone guiding, then they tried to find a way to cultivate the immortal. The way to heaven is cut off, and there is no more way to heaven. Way. Then try to find another way. For those monks who take flying as immortal as their ultimate goal, the thing they most desire is flying, that is, going further on the road of practice. If they see it It ’s the end of this road. Do you think they will take the risk and take another step on the road ahead? ”

Wait for Zhou Yi to answer, Gu Yi already gave the answer.

“The answer is yes. All difficulties can’t stop these monks in the lower realm from wanting to ascend. Even if the heaven is far away from the earth, they will still hope in case they want to try to enter the heaven. Among them, this is almost the consensus of the monks after the Ming Dynasty, and it is precisely because of their moths that threw the fire, some accidents caused by mistakes and accidents were produced. “

“The vast void is certainly vast enough to kill all the adventurers. But it is inevitable that some lucky people can survive the void and have survived for hundreds of years since the Ming Dynasty. There are more than a thousand soaring fairies. Even if only one percent of them can survive, it is quite a remarkable number. And the question is coming, where are these surviving guys? Heaven is impossible. At such a long distance, even if their number is more than ten times, do n’t think that one person can enter here. They can only go to a relatively close place, a place that looks like coordinates to them. Where is this place? The half of Kunlun Hill is the best choice. “

“You mean they accidentally flew to the half of Kunlun Hill? How is this possible?”

Zhou Yi is surprised, he really did not expect such a result. Gu Yi explained this to him.

“Nothing is impossible. You need to know, but all the schools of monks who inherit and order in detail will record the position of the Kunlun Ruins in the practice method. Soaring, in the final analysis, is through the Kunlun Ruins The breath fluctuates and uses it as a coordinate to enter the heaven from the earth. Now the ruins of Kunlun are far in the void, they are not the existence they can perceive. The half of the Kunlun hills that are close to each other are not Are they the only choice? “

“But ~ ~ is still wrong. Did n’t anyone tell them the difference between them? You also know that the real disconnection between heaven and earth is after the Ming Dynasty, and no one has discovered this before then. Is something wrong? “

Zhou Yi is still suspicious of the letter. He is really hard to believe that such an oolong thing will happen. But Gu Yi was sure, and gave him such a statement.

“Unfortunately, no one really found anything wrong. After all, such a thing as Feisheng is a big deal. Before the Ming Dynasty, no one would make a joke about this kind of thing, try to enter the half of Kunlun. Qiu. And after the Ming Dynasty, even the soaring guys realized that something was wrong. They could n’t find the object of the complaint at all. So it ’s the wrong outcome, which became the only result. ”

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