Sun God Marvel Chapter 1367: Successful destiny and destiny

Smith Zhou ’s teeth gritted his teeth, it really makes people unable to see that he is talking about a myth that has been condensed for thousands of years of history, and the history of the blood and tears of a human race. But what he told was indeed related to these, and as he told, the story became deeper and deeper.

The rise of a race cannot be glorious, and there will definitely be various conspiracies. What Smith Chou is doing now is to uncover this conspiracy little by little towards Zhou Yi.

“King Yu became the first son of the human race, but because he became the son of the emperor, I ca n’t continue to be with him. The Eight Lords of Heaven and Earth are closely watching him, if they find me Existence, that is everything I planned will be affected. I can’t allow such things to happen, so I continue to resolve, wandering in this world as a reincarnation, silently planning everything. “

“It is another two thousand years, and my arrangement has finally reached the most critical time. Everything is ready, only owes Dongfeng. And this Dongfeng is a man of destiny like Xuanyuan and Yuwang. I was disappointed, he really appeared. And this person is Zhao Zheng, Qin Huangzulong! “

“The Qin Emperor swept the Liuhe, the tiger looked at He Xiongzai. He wielded his sword and decided to float the clouds, and the princes came to the west. Li Taibai’s poems did indeed express the majesty of the emperor. The attitude of heaven and man, even compared with the emperor and king Yu, is not inferior. For the human race on this land, his greatest merit should be the unification of China, the same text, the same car, the same track, all things. 1. But Emperor Shi ’s true merits are far more than that. In my opinion, his greatest merit should be to conquer the heavens and turn the world upside down! ”

“Fei Tian Tian?” Hearing such a statement, Zhou Yi couldn’t help frowning. The history of Huang Di and Dayu is too far away, and there is no actual historical record to verify. So it can only be what Smith said. But the first emperor was different. The history from the Warring States Period to the Qin Dynasty is clear, even if it is a bit biased, it will never be deviated from. And Zhou Yi, who is very familiar with this period of history, does not remember at all what the Emperor Shi had done.

Know that in that era, things like levying the sky would certainly not be a trivial matter. Even if it is not seen in the official history, there will be corresponding records in the wild history. But is there such a record in wild history? Zhou Yi is very clear, no. So he doubted the authenticity of Smith Zhou’s remarks. But looking at what he said eloquently, it was not like talking about a guy. So thinking about it for a moment, he just asked Smith Zhou.

“I have a question. You said that you have been secretly manipulating all this through reincarnation. So what was your identity when the first emperor was?”

This is a kind of temptation. Faced with this temptation, Smith Zhou smiled slightly and said such a name.

“Fang Shi Xu Fu. That is the identity of my life. I believe you should be familiar with this name.”

Of course, he is no stranger to the name Zhou Yi. He almost immediately asked what he knew.

“Xu Fu, is that Xu Fu who took three hundred boys and girls to go to sea to find the elixir?”

“Yes, that’s me, I’m Xu Fu. But immortality medicine, this kind of thing will be discussed later. Now let’s continue with the previous topic first. I know what is in your heart, you think These words I said are impractical. Because the history you see now has no relevant real records, right? “

“About this, I can tell you something. This kind of thing does not have a clear record. However, there are some clues. For example, the twelve gold men!”

“Twelve Gold Men?” Zhou Yi does have some impressions about the Twelve Gold Men. There is such a passage in Jia Yi’s Guoqin theory. Pin Feng Dysprosium, cast the twelve golden people, to weak people. On the surface, this means that Qin Shihuang collected all the weapons in the world and cast twelve gold men, so that the people of the world would not have weapons to resist him. But for this statement, Zhou Yi sneered.

Is this method of collecting weapons really useful? You know, the so-called weapons are always artificial. As long as there is a rebellious heart, what if there is no weapon in his hand. Rising from the pole, can’t you resist if you cut the wood? Chen Sheng did not think so during the Wu Guang uprising.

Moreover, is it necessary to be afraid of Qin Shihuang’s soldiers and horses? You know, that’s Megatron, a powerful army that destroys the Six Kingdoms, and is the most powerful arrogant soldier in the world. When the six nations were at their heyday, they could not be enemies with them, not to mention the defeat of these survivors of the six nations.

In the final analysis, it was only those scholars and experts who were later unable to make a reasonable explanation for the Twelve Gold Men, so they only fabricated such reasons in a far-fetched way. Now, Smith. Zhou’s words clearly mean that he knows the secrets of the twelve gold men. This made Zhou Yi unable to help curiosity and wanted to find out.

Chou can feel the curiosity about Zhou Yi. He didn’t sell anything, he explained it directly to him.

“The so-called Golden Man Twelve is not a decoration for the weak people of the world. They have a huge effect, and even can be said to be terrible combat power, and these are all prepared for the gods of the heavenly court!”

“Since the Yellow Emperor era, I have been laying out a big plan. At that time, the Yellow Emperor and I worked together to create an artifact called Zhuzhao Zhaojing Mirror. With this artifact, we surrendered to the countless evil gods and demons. Imprisoned in the mirror of the demon. In the era of King Yu, using the convenience of water control, King Yu created Jiuding under my suggestion. The ten million monsters who were surrendered by me and others were confined in Jiuding. Jiuding was just me A forbidding left. And this forbidding was ultimately used on the twelve gold men. “

“The twelve gold men are Jiuding as the core, and the soldiers of the world are trained as talents. He has the resentment and magic power of thousands of monsters, and the sharpness and blood of the soldiers of the world. Even if it is the gods of the sky, few people can resist such existence. And as long as we surrender to the Eight Lords, then the so-called heavenly court, it is impossible to stop the emperor’s soldiers’ front. “

Speaking of this, Smith Zhou’s eyes are already brightened. Obviously, the story he was talking about had reached its climax and reached a place where his blood could be stretched.

“The first emperor named Zen Taishan in the name of the emperor. The eight lords of heaven and earth are the main lords of heaven, and they have to come forward to cope with it. Taking advantage of this opportunity, with the power of the twelve gold men and the power of the heavenly mirrors, the eight lords of heaven and earth In one fell swoop, I fell down and completely suppressed under the Kyushu. And the Eight Lords had gone, and the heavens had dragons without heads. The first emperor’s soldiers pointed out that the so-called natural gods were simply incapable of being defeated, and they were killed cleanly. The road is cut off, and no more gods dare to surpass the human race above China. “

“So you won in the end?”

This result is somewhat unexpected from Zhou Yi, because when he wanted to come, since Smith Zhou was able to reincarnate to continue to work now, then it must have been defeated. But judging from the stories he told, he didn’t seem to fail. Instead, he showed his ambitions and thoroughly accomplished a great cause. This made him a little confused. The development of things shouldn’t be like this.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yi could only ask a question curiously, and when he heard this question, he was already very angry. Zhou immediately sank his face, then replied with a somber face.

“No, I lost. Because I miscalculated one thing, that is, my biggest enemy is not heaven at all, but the so-called destiny!”

“When the Emperor ruled the world, I thought what I asked for in my life was finally fulfilled. But what I did n’t think of was that it was not what I thought it was. Destiny, **** destiny! When the first emperor made the elixir of immortality, the first emperor was murdered by two traitors, Li Si and Zhao Gao. He let a destiny’s son appear in the world and completely destroyed the emperor’s rivers and mountains. “

“Xiang Yu, this son of destiny who has the same heavy eyes as King Yu, is madly destroying everything that the first emperor established, even if I am also caught by him, there is no way to go ~ ~ nowhere to go. Xiang, I am not his enemy. In order to save my life, I had to go to the west and away from this homeland. Since then, China Huaxia has completely walked out of my control. That is from that time, I realized A serious problem. That is, without defeating destiny or destiny, everything I seek can never be achieved. “

“The Son of Destiny is born of Destiny after all. Destiny gives birth to life and death to death. Whether it is the Yellow Emperor, King Yu, the First Emperor, or even the husband of Xiang Yu. Their lives are in the hands of Destiny. No matter how much I do, it is impossible to change their destiny, so I finally understand that it is a mistake to pin hope on the Son of Destiny. So from that time on, I have already decided that my long-cherished wish must be made by me. To do it by myself, everything must be led by myself. “

“For this decision, I began to travel the world, from east to west, I have been to all the countries of the world, and all the history of the world has my footprint. I plan my step by step, a little bit. A little bit of calculation for my long-cherished wish. I ca n’t make it, it ’s another one. It ’s five hundred years, and finally it is today. Finally, I and you are today. ”

“You know, my son. Everything you do now is made by me, your strength, your achievements. It is because of me that you can have today. You are born to be me People on this side, you belong to me, do you know? “

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