Sun God Marvel Chapter 1355: Germany ’s two-pronged approach

Ultron gave the German chancellor a condition that he could not refuse. Because compared with the risks brought by him, the benefits brought by this condition are far more than the former.

The problem of the US garrison is not only a government problem, but also a social problem. You know, since the East-Germany merger, the German people have asked Americans to get out of their territory more than once.

Parades and protests have been used by almost all means by the German people, and they have almost directly hit American military bases. It’s useless to say that, but the effect is really insignificant. Americans are thick-skinned. Except for the symbolic reduction of the garrison when things are too big, most of them are like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water. This made Germany very helpless, watching the American garrison as their legacy.

Now, the condition put forward by Ultron is to solve the problem left over from history. She is very clear that if this problem can be solved, it is not only for Germany to shed a big burden on itself. And you can also get an important political capital for yourself. Not to mention, the re-election in the coming year must be proper.

This is very important for her now, because now she has a terrible problem on her back. Because of the war in the Middle East and the catastrophe caused by the apocalypse, many refugees in the Middle East began to flee to Europe. This formed a terrible wave of refugees, which directly affected the basic social order of many countries. In order to protect the order and security of their own countries, some European countries in the neighboring Middle East began to lock their borders as if they were enemies. The result of this is that they have caused tragedies.

In order to reach Europe, these refugees in the Middle East are willing to make crazy moves. Either flesh straight across the border guarded by heavy soldiers, or drive a broken ship, forcibly crossing the Mediterranean. If someone succeeds, naturally someone will fail. Most of the failed people make it miserable, because it is impossible to show mercy to you.

And precisely because they are so miserable, so many easy Europeans can’t stand it anymore. So a huge human rights parade to rescue Middle Eastern refugees also began to flourish.

This is probably because the people who have lived in so-called civilized societies for a long time have been fed up, perhaps because they have been in love with the Middle East for a little bit of guilt for so many years. In short, many Europeans began to sympathize with these Middle Eastern refugees who were desperate to survive, and because of sympathy, they began to make their voices and strongly demanded that their governments help them.

This is a good thing, because it really reflects the friendship between humans. But this is also a bad thing, because they are totally hot in their minds, and have not considered the possible consequences of doing so.

Centuries of faith conflicts, coupled with huge differences in cultural practices, may have a huge impact on their lives and even directly affect their future.

They ignored this problem only because of the impulse. And under their impulsive behavior, the governments of some countries have to start to stand up. After all, they are democratic countries, and the people have already made such a voice. It is really inappropriate for them not to express their views.

And among these, the German Chancellor made one of the biggest mistakes. That is, she regards this as a political capital of her own and uses her best efforts to do this well.

She accepted more than one million refugees into Germany. Not only give them basic welfare assistance, but also provide them with training and follow-up employment arrangements. It can be said that as long as the refugees have entered Germany, then it can be regarded as their second hometown.

This is a good thing, which highlights the humanitarian good thing. But because of this practice, the entire Germany and even Europe have been buried hidden dangers.

Arrangement of refugee employment will definitely affect the employment of ordinary German people, and allowing a large number of refugees to enter Germany will inevitably affect the basic social order of Germany. You know, Middle Eastern people are standard green believers, even if traditional gods such as God have been beaten down, they still maintain their beliefs and customs. These beliefs and customs are absolutely out of place in the entire German society.

The ordinary German people may respect the beliefs and customs of these Middle Eastern refugees, but these Middle Eastern refugees may not necessarily respect their beliefs and customs. In addition, the Germans are sometimes not as civilized and courteous as many reports say, so naturally, some conflicts broke out again and again.

From fighting to bloodshed, the severity of the situation exceeded the people and the government ’s imagination. And when this situation spread to all of Europe, almost all countries that accepted refugees encountered this kind of thing. Some countries that have suffered so much have inevitably resented Germany, which is the main advocate.

It can be said that because of this matter, Ms. Prime Minister is making trouble both inside and outside. Not only is it often ridiculed and condemned by other countries, but even the domestic approval rate is diving all the way. In this way, she is likely to end her political career in eclipse. And of course this is something she cannot accept. So naturally, this opinion of Ultron becomes the only way to save yourself.

However, although I was already excited about this condition, I also confirmed its value. But Ms. Prime Minister did not agree in a single breath. She is a mature politician, knowing when she should nod and when she should be silent. Like now, when she doesn’t even have a word, and she hasn’t seen a mature plan, she can’t cooperate with Ultron anyway.

The key is to look at Ultron to see how much his plan can be implemented. And at this point, Ultron is already ready.

“The US garrison is not actually aimed at you, but they need a foothold to ensure their interests in Europe. They ca n’t move in other countries, because other countries do n’t have the convictions of Germany, and they do n’t stand upright. This heel. So they can only choose you, and this is where our opportunity lies. “

“My idea is very simple, that is, your German government came forward to make a summary confession of all crimes committed during that war. It was like Willie Brandt kneeling in front of the Jewish monument The same. Not only can this change the image, but it also allows you to occupy the commanding heights in morality. For a person who has regretted and turned back, the people of the world are absolutely tolerant and agree. If at this time, the United States still seizes this If you do n’t say anything, then they have a problem. At that time, as long as we put a little force on public opinion, I believe that they will soon be able to feel great pressure. “

“Is this feasible?” Ms. Prime Minister was hesitant and doubtful about such an idea. She was so skeptical and hesitant not because of what she was going to do in this plan. Seriously, as a politician, such a thing as skin is completely negligible. If enough political capital can be obtained, then it is no big deal to kneel again. The problem is that she is worried that even if she kneels, she may not do much. And if that is the case, it would be too embarrassing.

Ultron also knows the scruples in Ms. Prime Minister ’s heart, so he smiled at her with relief.

“Of course it is possible, and please be assured that this is only part of our plan. I have additional backers to ensure that the plan is carried out.”

“In order to maintain Germany ’s European Air Force base, the United States must invest an astronomical figure every year. This figure was no problem in the past, but today it will be a burden for the US government. They have to rely on Squeeze money out of the teeth to ensure the basic operation here, and we can completely let him not squeeze out the money between the teeth. Think about it, the American soldiers stationed here can’t even maintain their daily expenses. When the U.S. government ca n’t even pay for military expenses here, can they continue to stay here as they are today? This is certainly impossible. Even if the U.S. government wants to support it, those soldiers Not necessarily willing to support. The final result can only be called your heart, isn’t it? “

“What are you going to do?” At this time, Ms. Prime Minister was completely unable to hold back. She knows that such a feasibility is extremely high, and since it has such a high feasibility, then cooperation has become an imperative. She couldn’t miss this, so she said immediately. “Is there anything I can do? If I can really achieve this goal, I can help to some extent.”

“Of course, my lady. There must be a place for you to contribute.”

The goal was achieved ~ ~ Ultron‘s face suddenly smiled.

“You do n’t have to worry about the economic aspect. I ’ve already contacted the consortium in your country. We will work together to give the US government a good look and let them know who is the real powerhouse in finance. So, in the whole plan, you Only two things need to be done. “

“First, you have to make sure that your confession is enough to move people ’s hearts. My advice to you is that you can arrange for all the victims of World War II, not just Jews. Anyway, Japan is gone. You can arrange their past crimes in the name of your allies. Believe this is done, you can get the support from Asia. With the support from there, the United States will not dare to sing out the backlash. “

“Second, you must definitely check the level of security, and you must not give any other excuses for the United States. Especially smart weapons! Americans may want to use smart weapons instead of soldiers as a garrison replacement, and you want to What they do is that they cannot be given this opportunity! “

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