Sun God Marvel Chapter 1336: Fate of heirloom choices

Harry didn’t board for too long, but already got a reply from Max.

“BOSS, I have found the blueprint of the president’s office. The space under your feet is marked with a product showroom. According to the records in the data, this was ordered and supervised by Mr. Osborne himself. The company’s most advanced DNA anti-theft system is used, and the only import and export is only in the office of the president. In theory, only Mr. Osborne has the right to enter. If you want to go in, then I am afraid that we It will cost a lot of hands and feet! “

“No need. Okay, this is the end of this matter. Remember, anyone who asks you about this matter must keep my mouth shut. In addition, do n’t forget your job. I will transfer you In this department, it is not for you to be a decoration. Holding the entire security department, this is what you need to do now. Do n’t let me down! “

“Relax, BOSS. I will never let you down.” Max promised to say something more, but Harry had already hung up with him in the morning. His time is precious, and no extra space is wasted on Max. In fact, when he was so nonsense with him, Harry had already strode into the so-called showroom.

The staircase in the showroom is descending in a spiral shape, and at the bottom of the staircase is a closed glass door. The door is showing the words that need fingerprint to open. Looking at this situation, Harry hesitated a moment and pressed his palm up. And with the scanning text displayed on the glass door, the infrared rays were like a superb old tailor, which accurately caught every gap in Harry’s body.

“Fingerprint verification, passed. Bone ratio verification, passed!”

Two consecutive words appeared on the LCD display of the glass door, and then there was a drop, and the thick and unimaginable glass door was separated. As the door opened, Harry finally saw the truth of the so-called showroom. Rather than saying that this is a product showroom, it is more accurate to say that it is an arms and weapons laboratory.

Looking around, the whole house is full of armor and weapons. There are high-energy bombs that are only the size of a plum, but can destroy everything within a radius of 20 meters. The steel flywheel is made of special alloy steel and has the function of rotation positioning. It can achieve supersonic flight and avoid all the flying skateboards locked by the detection radar. These are the most types of weapons in the entire room, and the large number can be equipped with an armed squad.

In addition to this, there are bionic wings that can provide flying ability. Rhino skin condensed by special chemicals. It is very similar to the octopus tentacles used by Dr. Otto Gunther Oktaves, or the same exoskeleton octopus armor.

These are displayed in the showroom. Among them, one of the things that caught Harry’s eyes most was a special dark green armor.

Sharp outline, refined lines. From the first impression alone, Harry had to admit that this set of armor was very cool. Especially its metallic luster revealed from above and below the whole body makes people feel cold and cruel like a war weapon.

However, this is just the first impression. If you look closely, you will find that this armor is not as simple as imagined. The maintenance behavior immersed in the nutrient solution alone has highlighted its difference from other equipment.

Know that the best protection environment for any piece of metal equipment is a vacuum environment. This can be seen from the other pieces of equipment. They are all placed in a vacuum showcase. Only this dark green armor is placed in a thick green liquid.

Huge mechanical devices are constantly replenishing the liquid in this particular showcase, and on the armor, there are a few thick pipes that are constantly pouring something into itself.

The more he stared at this dark green armor, the more Harry had such an illusion. That is that this armor is a living thing, he is just breathing. This illusion made Harry couldn’t help but scolded him, but soon his eyes narrowed again.

He felt the armor was familiar from the beginning, but now he finally thought of where he saw the armor.

The last time his father appeared in front of him, he was wearing such an armor. Although the armor on his body had lost the left and right arm parts, and the whole body was smoky. But if he recognized it carefully, Harry could still be sure that this was the one on his father. And this makes the armor of extraordinary significance to Harry.

Know that the Osborne family is a noble family from Europe, and originated from the knight education of those nobles. Such a family often retains one or two heirlooms with special symbols. Especially the military aristocracy, many of them use armor and blade as the symbol of their family heritage.

A brand-new set of armor will become the gorgeous armor seen by people after several generations of use and repair. Of course, for modern people, this kind of armor only has ornamental significance. But for people in this family, this heirloom is more a symbol of the continuation of the family and the precipitation of history.

The Osborne family did not leave such a thing. Because when the Osborne family came to the American continent that year, it was actually a broken settlement. The Osborne family who failed to hold the thighs of the Industrial Revolution quickly lost everything in the turmoil of the times. In order to make a living, they had to take a boat to the Americas, take root in this place of exile of criminals and poor people, and start over reproduce.

The efforts of several generations, combined with the talents of old Osbourne, made the Osborne family rise again. In this process, the Osborne family also left some commemorative things. But because of what happened that night, all these things are gone. Even if Harry wanted to find some relics that his father loved during his lifetime, it was not easy to find, because there was already an ashes.

In this case, this set of armor left by his father has already become a kind of existence similar to a family heirloom. He is a symbol of the connection between his father and himself, and a treasure left by his father. At this point, Harry was very sure, because if it were not the case, he would never be able to see these things, and even said that even entering the showroom was impossible.

The way DNA opens the door, the method of scanning fingerprints and bones, everything has been explained, his father has already been premeditated, and wants to leave it all to himself. In this case, he naturally had a deeper thought about the armor that appeared on his father.

He really wanted to put this armor on himself, but he didn’t do it. Because he knew that before doing this, it was best to try to understand the details of this armor. He didn’t want to cause accidents to happen to him because of the wrong operation. Such words were not only ridiculous, but also sorry for his father’s pains.

Fuming around, Harry finally found an operation panel on the side of the armor, and after some operations, he immediately found information about the armor.

Green Devil Armor II, a biological armor made from the genes of Mutants Darwin. Liquid Edman metal is injected into the biological tissue structure. Theoretically, it will have stronger hardness and defense than the first generation Green Demon Armor, as well as better environmental adaptability. Because it is an organism, it must have a symbiotic relationship with the user to play its due role, and because it needs to adapt to the environment to continuously evolve, its energy consumption is amazing.

The information clearly shows that the Green Demon Armor can only be used by new humans that have been implanted with a desperate virus and opened the door to evolution. Once ordinary people use this kind of thing, they will immediately be absorbed by their powerful energy supply requirements.

And seeing this, Harry immediately couldn’t help looking at his palm. He clearly remembered that his father implanted that special cube into his own hands. And since that time, he has had special abilities all his life. He didn’t want to understand what was going on, but now it seems that this is something that his father has arranged ~ ~ For a time, it was really hard for Harry to say what he was like Mood. His father left him such a fortune. In theory, he should be happy. But when he thought of his father’s death because of these things, he couldn’t get up with joy.

For these things, is it really necessary to pay the price of life? What did his father do to develop these things? Knowing now, he could not understand such a problem. In other words, he has already found his clue, but he dare not delve deeper.

Ambition, not everyone has it. For a person like Harry, it is really impossible for him to do what his father did, and he would do whatever he could for the sake of greater rights and interests. What he hopes more is that he usually lives in this world happily, and enjoys every beautiful bit of his life with the best attitude.

And now it seems that all this is impossible. His father’s last words, all that his father left behind. Already put a huge problem in front of him, let him choose.

How do you choose? Harry was already lost in confusion.

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