Sun God Marvel Chapter 1309: The situation is spreading.

For any country in the world, a nuclear strike can be regarded as an attack method that must be guarded and feared. In order not to be ignorant when facing a nuclear strike, any capable country will deploy its own military satellites in the sky to monitor all possible threats.

In this case, the sudden outbreak of India’s purse is simply impossible to be concealed. The huge mushroom cloud can be seen clearly even from thousands of miles away, and from outer space it can be clearly seen that the entire Indian continent is rendered red and black by the color of the nuclear explosion.

There is no need for anyone to convene. After receiving this information, all the heads of state gathered spontaneously and discussed this sudden situation. Because they are also worried that this nuclear explosion in India is just the beginning, and that the war on the Indian continent will gradually spread into a global nuclear war. That is something that no one can escape, so even for them, it is impossible to continue to watch from the sidelines.

“What the **** happened in India, what happened to the Haigutaires? What the **** was he doing? Why didn’t he use nuclear weapons without notice? Isn’t he crazy?”

On this issue, India’s neighbors are the most emotional. Countries such as Nepal, Bangladesh, and Pakistan Stane simply can’t hold back their breath. Although the big brother across the Himalayas can barely maintain his composure, he can tell from his eyes that he is also very opinionated about what happened in India.

It can be said that this move in India scared almost everyone. So naturally, the Sky Hammer Bureau, which is responsible for monitoring the situation in India, will inevitably take some trouble on this issue.

Although he hated the madness and stupidity of the Indian government, the person in charge of the Skyhammer Bureau knew very well that this was not the time for them to shirk their responsibilities, so immediately one of the three people at the meeting explained in a cold sweat.

“We have no way to contact the federal government of India. The impact of the nuclear explosion is huge. The entire India has completely cut off communication with the outside world under the influence of electromagnetic pulses. And according to our observations, New Delhi is also a nuclear explosion. It is in the core kill zone of a nuclear explosion, so we are not sure whether the Indian federal government still exists at this time.”

“You mean that the Indians are so crazy that they don’t even recognize the enemy and me. They bombed their capital and government offices with nuclear bombs?”

As soon as the Skyhammer Bureau finished the explanation, someone immediately asked it back. The reason for their questioning is also very simple, that is, this situation is really incredible. No matter how stupid the Indian government is, they will not know how terrifying nuclear weapons are. And using this kind of thing to hit one’s head, this is no longer a thing that can be explained when tired of life.

You know, this is not something that a cramped duty officer can take care of by mistake. There must be something else hidden in this, but what happened to make the Indian government crazy like this? Their brains simply can’t imagine the answer.

Some people have begun to speculate that this is related to the existence of Hydra. Because in their view, the Indian government is not so far. So this means that the nuclear bomb was released by Hydra. And if this is the case, then there is a prerequisite that needs to be resolved, that is, Hydra has mastered nuclear weapons.

This is such a terrifying thing to think of, so much so that the heads of government of many small countries have begun to become frightened. You know, not every country can be as vast as India, and with their slapped land, they really can’t withstand the bombing of one or two nuclear bombs.

Seeing the scene becoming chaotic, Coulson cleared his throat and said loudly.

“Everyone, we can be sure that the nuclear bomb was not the work of Hydra. Because our investigators have verified the source of nuclear weapons, the destroyer-type nuclear submarine from India. This is a secret force directly under the Indian government, and only the prime minister Has the right to order it. Therefore, this should not be the act of Hydra, but the act of the Indian government itself.”

“The behavior of the Indian government itself? Are you saying that the Indian government itself ordered the bombing of itself? Are they so vigorous even to die?”

Although Coulson has stood up to refute the rumors, more people still can’t believe his explanation. Their reasons were the same as before. No one would believe that a politician like them would be crazy to such a degree, especially when Hegtel himself was an old fox.

As for their doubts, the chairman surnamed Wang stood up and said.

“Maybe this kind of thing is really hard to believe, but this is the fact. We have sufficient evidence to prove this. Of course, the specific situation has yet to be determined. What happened to the Indian government must still be There is another hidden story, and if we want to know what this so-called hidden story is like, we need to investigate further.”

“What about the agents? What about the agents of the Skyhammer? Haven’t you been monitoring the war between the Indian government and Hydra? Didn’t you find any signs in advance?”

Someone pointed the problem at the Skyhammer Bureau, and the implication was obvious, and that was to accuse the Skyhammer Bureau of negligence on this issue. In the face of such accusations, none of the three directors of the Tianhammer Bureau had any rebuttal. Because they themselves have to admit that they are indeed negligent on this issue.

Because they estimated the interests of the countries behind them, they used their authority to cut off the possibility of the Skyhammer Bureau’s influence on the Indian War. Originally, their idea was to sit back and watch the situation in India become erosive, and then use the method of reaping the benefits to eliminate the remnants of Hydra and destroy the trend of India’s rise. It’s just that they didn’t expect that the vicissitudes of the situation in India were really unprepared. It was clearly under control the moment before, and the next moment it was turned into a wild horse, which completely exceeded their expectations. Therefore, even if someone accuses them of negligence, they really have nothing to say.

Of course, even though they themselves have this attitude, this does not mean that the leaders of the great powers behind them are willing to make them bear such a crime. So immediately, Tony helped them out.

“Don’t forget, it’s a country’s internal affairs. Let alone the sky hammer, even if we casually intervene, we will be criticized by international public opinion. And Hegtyel still has that attitude. Do you think that with Hegetel’s cunning, he will allow Skyhammer to do something on his turf?”

“Your Excellency Stark, we are now discussing the matter. The Skyhammer Bureau does have an unshirkable responsibility on this issue.”

“We also have a responsibility. If we don’t worry about unnecessary omnic problems, but focus all our energy on monitoring the war between Hydra and India, then things will not be able to progress to today. This step.”

Both sides are clamoring, and I can feel that if everyone is not talking through a virtual projection screen through a screen, maybe the two of them will be able to fight immediately. Of course, if something like that really happened, the person who accused it would be unlucky. Although Tony is not the strongest superhero, he is definitely the most capable one among the world’s heads of state. Talking with his fist is definitely an act of seeking hardship.

Of course, you can’t let that happen. It is impossible for them to continue to argue like this. So soon, the big brother who had been silent all the time made a sound, interrupting the language conflict between the two men.

“Enough, now is not the time to argue about this kind of thing. Now we have to figure out what happened in India. And what kind of targeted actions we should make next. In this regard, God Does Hammer have any relevant records? About what happened in the previous Indian War?”

“Yes, sir. We have a very detailed record.”

Nodded, and the chairman surnamed Wang said so.

“From the very beginning of the war, the Indian side has been in a disadvantageous state. Especially after our forces withdrew from India, they themselves were completely passive. At the same time, because of the Indian government’s own institutional problems, They have also been robbed by other forces in their homeland. Those rebels took the opportunity to capture several remote cities-states in India, and the Indian government began to get exhausted.”

“In this Indian government has achieved very few results, and almost all ended up with Hydra. The Indian government has a lot of scruples, and their command force is very scarce. In contrast, Hydra is a superweight player. He turned the Indian government into a daze, and then took the opportunity to occupy Mumbai, an important city in western India.”

Hydra‘s actions are equivalent to cutting off India’s economic lifeline. Under such circumstances, the Indian government has integrated all military forces and handed them over to the command of Rama Mujam Sen who was promoted to marshal. , The Indian government and Hydra launched a tug-of-war in Mumbai. In the process of this tug-of-war, Hydra launched a beheading attack on the Indian government and directly destroyed the entire Indian federal government’s decision-making stratum.”

Speaking of this, the chairman surnamed Wang took a breath, and then continued.

“Our news shows that the only one who survived the Indian central government was Hegtyl. But a day later, armed conflict broke out in New Delhi again. We don’t know how it turned out for the time being, but according to the news we have received The Indian Parliament intends to allow Rama Mujam to return from the front lines and take over the post of Prime Minister to become the new Indian leader. This is our last news. We originally thought that India would shrink its power and turn offensive to defensive. But we did. Unexpectedly, things turned out to be that way in the end. This is our negligence! I am willing to accept organizational punishment.”

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