Sun God Marvel Chapter 1282: Thunderstorm outbreak means

The golden light that hung down suddenly became intense, and everyone can clearly see the incredible change in the soul floating in the light at this time.

His body began to grow tall, and even his thin body became full of muscles. A pair of huge wings stretched out of his back like a tender grass that broke out of the ground, and soon covered with golden feathers. And when he fluttered these wings and floated in the sky, his entire body became generally the same as those of the light messengers around him.

This general sublimation change stunned everyone. Some people are cheering, those are his children. For these children, they don’t care about the meaning behind such a change. For them, such a thing has only one meaning, that is, their father has returned and returned to his side, which is more important than anything.

And some others do n’t think so. With the exception of these children and the messengers of light, almost all of them faced such a situation that they were silent and did not speak only a few words. They are not unsure what such a change means. It’s that they are too aware of everything involved. The huge amount of information inside fills each of them with complex ideas, and it is precisely because of this that they will maintain a short silence now.

Yes, this silence is short-lived. With the disappearance of the golden light in the sky, almost immediately, someone questioned everything that happened.

“Why, what the **** is this?”

“Why is this murderer, this Evil Demon can become this look. And we still want such people to live without ghosts or ghosts?”

“We need an explanation, we must have an explanation. Why can he get it all!”

No one even needs to be instigated. These have been stirred up by the deepest jealousy in my heart. If it is a glorious past, and enough to be called a sage has become like this, maybe these people will not have much reaction to the current state.

But the Christian is different because his existence is too controversial. Perhaps from the point of view of his children, their father is a great being and an absolutely right person. But for others, especially those who are hurt by Christians, he is definitely a thorough Evil Demon, an unforgivable villain.

Now, it is such a villain in their eyes, Evil Demon, which has been transformed into the favor of the gods and directly changed into the messenger of the gods. This naturally made them feel unfair in their heart and could not accept it.

Because this is not a trivial matter, it is a big thing enough for anyone to be moved. Zhou Yi said to Christians at the beginning, some people are willing to use all their own in exchange for such an opportunity is not a joke. Because anyone who is smarter can understand what such a thing would mean.

That means that as a mortal, you will have to get rid of the biggest shackles that exist in yourself. The most terrible factor of time can no longer be the sword of Damocles hanging on their heads. They can obtain eternal life, even youth. And in the eyes of any human, it will be a dream.

Especially under the current contrast, this dream may become more intense. It can be said that just looking at the ugly appearance on one’s own body, and looking at the bright and dazzling appearance of the messenger of light, many people can bite their teeth in their hearts. Not to mention, the danger of their precariousness was compared with the immortality and power of this bright messenger.

Envy, resentment, and all kinds of deep grudges almost burst out of everyone’s heart. At such a time, almost no one can maintain the most basic reason. They were all swearing and yelling, almost trying to rush up uncontrollably. And if these are viewed from the perspective of a light messenger, you will find that everything in front of you is like a Wang Yang filled with venom, roaring constantly at yourself.

The light messengers are not weak sheep. When faced with such threatening behavior, they will not show any withdrawal. So immediately, they pulled out their weapons and moved towards the refugees as a whole. And looking at their actions, the refugees who were still a little impulsive immediately swelled their flags.

Things belong to others, and life is your own. No one would use his own life to make such a joke. Although they are jealous, even those who are jealous are a little crazy. But they are well aware that they are facing an existence that they simply cannot confront. Threatening the gods, they don’t have the courage yet. Especially letting the gods give them the same thing, it’s a fool’s thing. Only those stupid people who cannot see everything at all will have such illusions. Although there is no lack of such existence among them, a considerable number of them are still wise.

So from beginning to end, they never thought of fighting such a stupid thing directly. The reason they put on such a posture is that they hope to be able to put some pressure on the opposite side in this way, so that they are forced to want to compromise. However, this expectation seems impossible to realize now.

The light messengers acted tougher than they thought, and the attitude of not willing to negotiate with you almost immediately suppressed the arrogance of these people because of injustice and jealousy. Go on.

Unfortunately, this is temporary. Because although those sane people have scuttled their flags, those stupid guys did not choose to give up without those easy. Under the leadership of the sages, they already had some out-of-control performance. Although it was said that the situation of calming down suddenly made them at a loss, it did not mean that they were willing to calm down the situation.

There was still a sigh of anger in their hearts, but what was lacking was that some people took them to make trouble. And at this time, although the sensible guys dared not make the situation more serious, do n’t forget that it ’s not just them who have ghost ideas here.

For Hydra, this situation is a godsend, and they have no reason to miss it anyway. So immediately, they were already commotion in the crowd.

“Do n’t be afraid, rush up, these guys must not dare to treat us!”

“Yes, we are civilians, and these guys in the sky must not dare to really deal with us, so they will only be more unable to explain.”

“Are we going to indulge these injustices? Are we going to watch these guys flaunt us in front of us? Do n’t forget, what kind of **** turns us into what we are today! Do you just So would you like to create another same class of exploiters? “

Human ignorance is that most people are reluctant to think. They only have physical execution, but no ideological awareness. Sometimes, they will only succumb to their own instincts, to some kind of impulse in their hearts. As it is now, when many of them hold their breath in their hearts, they simply do not want to think about more problems. But under the encouragement of these people, they immediately seemed to find the target, and they burst out in one breath.

Despite the consequences, there are even some who do not count on life and death. These people rushed up again under pressure. And this time, even those sane guys have switched camps, and it is impossible to try to stop it all. Crazy people don’t care about anything anymore. At this time, they are only concerned about one, that is, rushing forward and rushing through that special gate to prove their so-called victory in this way.

Seriously, such a situation was indeed unexpected by the light messengers. Like those Hydras said, they really don’t have the power to do anything to them. Even the current oppression is more deterrent in nature. So suddenly faced with such changes, each of them is somewhat at a loss. So naturally, their blocking has become somewhat weak.

The surging of hundreds of thousands of people is absolutely endless terror. Even if the light messengers are extremely powerful, it is absolutely impossible to intercept them completely under such circumstances. They need Thunder Means, but Thunder Means can’t be moved with instinct ~ ~ And as these refugees are about to cross their lines of defense, suddenly, countless brilliances explode.

That is Yuehua, the power of Serena. And immediately after such a glorious appearance, countless Yuehuali arrows spattered from the sky. Most of these arrows shot into the empty space, but this does not mean that no one will be hurt. In fact, it was exactly the idea that Serena was already born with a killing opportunity, so naturally, her outburst was naturally impossible to return without success.

Dozens of people were penetrated by these sharp arrows almost instantly, and under the power of those moons, their entire bodies immediately burned like a torch.

The burning of the flame is naturally extremely painful, so the wailing of these people is also unusually loud. It’s so loud that even if there are hundreds of thousands of people here, it is impossible to cover up such a voice. And this also made these people who were stunned by anger immediately wake up their brains, and they almost subconsciously stopped their crazy actions.

And under such circumstances, Serena had already strode into the air and asked coldly about these refugees.

“Who else wants to try this taste of death?”

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