Sun God Marvel Chapter 1274: exchange inheritance.

“What do you want from me?”

Rama Mujam is not a stupid, he can guess a general idea just by using his brain. This gave him hope again, and even the look on his face became calmer.

“If you want to harm me, you only need to report honestly what you know, and you can sit and watch me die without burial. But you didn’t do that, you were just in front of me. I was sneered at me. I can only think of two possibilities in this way. One is that you want to be nasty to those **** Koreans. But this possibility is unlikely, because unless you are a member of those Koreans, otherwise You won’t have any friendship with them. Those idiots have the ability to turn all their friends into enemies.”

“Since this statement is not valid, then there is only one possibility. What do you want from me. Maybe it is a substantive benefit, maybe you want to use me. But no matter which one , For me now is the only life-saving straw. I have no more choices, because my life is in your hands. This is why you chose me and are so cynic with me Reason. Because I can only accept this kind of charity from you, right?”

“Yes, you are right!”

Since it has been seen, Smith Zhou did not intend to continue to cover up. He looked at Rama Mujam who was angry in his eyes, still speaking to him with a smile on his face.

“The reason why I say these things to you is not to entertain you. It is to see how much you can bear. A person with a stronger heart is always more reliable than a waste with a weak heart. One point. And working with such a person, somehow makes people feel more at ease, doesn’t it?”

“Cooperate, why do you cooperate with me?”

Even though his handle was held in Smith Zhou’s hands, at this time, Rama Mujam still displayed the majesty of his fleet commander. The reason for doing this is not to say that he wants to do something stupid that he would rather die than surrender, but that he simply doesn’t want to make himself so passive.

Since it is a cooperation, there must be a primary and secondary relationship. Rama Mujam didn’t expect that he could take the initiative, but he didn’t want to completely let Smith Zhou slaughter him like a pile of dead flesh. That’s not cooperation, it’s just a unilateral use. And once the use value disappears, he will be discarded as an abandoned child. He knew this very well, so in any case, he had to win enough benefits for himself.

Rama Mujam’s response was not swift. Under such circumstances, it is really commendable that he can think of these things in such a short period of time. And this also made Smith Zhou look at him a little differently.

As a person with special ideals, he has a better tolerance and greater tolerance for smart people. Because in his view, this is the pillar of future humanity and the cornerstone of his future dominance of the human world. If he has the ability corresponding to this kind of intelligence, then he doesn’t mind giving him a chance. So immediately, he grinned and smiled at Rama Mujam.

“Cooperation is just a nicer way of saying. If you want to hear a little bad, I don’t mind calling your actions as a robbery. Mr. Admiral, I think I need to remind you a little bit. Only I am willing to let go , You have the qualifications to talk to me about qualifications. If I don’t let go, you will only be a lowly prisoner. Even your life is not yours. What qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with me?”

Although I admire Ramah Mujam’s quick-wittedness, this does not mean that Smith Zhou will compromise. He is a person who habitually stands on the highest point. And people like him have always had this mentality. That’s what I give you. You can only take what I don’t give you. Don’t try to grab the things I don’t give you.

This kind of thinking is naturally very domineering, but in terms of his status and identity, even hegemony is reasonable. Although his identity cannot be known by Rama Mujam, but with the important information he has at hand, he is enough to make such a thing as Rama Mujam bow his head.

And as Smith Zhou thought, Rama Mujam certainly didn’t have the determination to die. At this time, if someone could give him a way to survive, he would even dare to do exchange with the devil.

Smith Zhou seems to be much safer than the devil, so doing exchange with him is naturally not an unacceptable thing. Ramah Mujam was also afraid of pushing Smith Zhou in a hurry, so after hesitating for a while, he quickly lowered his head.

“Well, I admit that I am indeed not qualified to negotiate terms. But, Mr. Watcher. You must let me know what your terms are? I have seen many stupid people make a mistake because of a mistake. I’ve been completely trapped for my whole life. I don’t want to be that kind of idiot, even if it will spend my next life in prison. Because I know very well that some things are more terrifying than life in prison. I need to make a choice. Compared with that, only then can I decide my next move. Whether to cooperate with you! Or to surrender to confession!”

Speaking to such a point, it means that Rama Mujam is no longer willing to make any concessions. As the party holding the initiative, Smith Zhou did not intend to push him further. He just said to him like this.

“Relax, Mr. Lieutenant General. I didn’t intend to use this to completely turn you into a pawn. As I said, I just want to find a partner. You have this potential, nothing more. Me. I can help you at this time, and all you have to do is to give me a promise. A promise to use all your strength to help me do one thing at a special time. How about, This should not be difficult for you.”

It sounds as if everything is within the promised range, but Rama Mujam does not dare to take it lightly. A special moment has created infinite possibilities. No one can guarantee when it will be, and no one is sure how much the cost of doing so at that time will be. It is likely to be a light Yi (easy) move, but it is more likely to be an unbearable huge pressure.

If possible, Rama Mujam is not willing to promise something so uncertain. But obviously, he does not have more options now. So he could only sigh, and then stretched out a hand to Smith Zhou.

“It seems that I don’t have any more choices. I just hope you can let me pass this level safely, Lord Watcher. If I can’t even pass this level, I think I No matter how much you promise, it doesn’t make any sense, doesn’t it?”

“Of course, solving the current problem is the most important thing. But rest assured, Mr. Admiral. With me, it is not difficult for your problem to be solved completely. All you have to do now is While watching. Waiting for us to give the answer, all your questions will be solved.”

Smith Zhou assuredly promised boldly. As a powerful man with infinite abilities, he certainly has such confidence and confidence. But Rama Mujam didn’t know all this. In his eyes, Smith Zhou’s answer was too frivolous, so frivolous that he didn’t dare to have any confidence in him.

After all, this is something related to his life’s future. If possible, he certainly hopes that there will be a more secure solution. But what makes him regretful is that in this matter, he has no right to speak at all. He can do nothing but be a bystander. And you can only watch your own destiny enter the crucial three forks in a bystander way. There is really nothing worse than this.

Smith Zhou Ke doesn’t care how much trouble his behavior causes to Rama Mujam. He just looked at the group of commissioners who appeared to be attending the banquet in the Skyhammer Bureau, strode forward, and said seriously to them.

“Gentlemen, are you here for the banquet? If so, do you want me to call your boss and ask them to call you some young ladies to accompany you? Want to enjoy life, You can apply for resignation. I believe that with your worth, you will always be more comfortable than you are now. And now, please don’t forget your work. The Skyhammer Bureau sends you here, but it’s not for this kind of social entertainment. Things.”

These commissioners are not Smith Zhou’s subordinates, so naturally he doesn’t need to save them any face. As Smith Zhou said, how can they continue to enjoy the hospitality of Rama Mujam one by one. Looking at Smith again with a little embarrassment. After Monday’s glance, they immediately started to act.

While seeing these easy being delayed by themselves, the Skyhammer Commissioners started to Mujam couldn’t help but get to Smith Zhou’s side, facing him anxiously Complained.

“What are you doing? Why are you urging them to do this kind of thing. Don’t you know that these things I’ve done simply cannot withstand scrutiny? This is what you call a cooperative attitude. Can you be forced to die?”

Rama Mujam is not allowed to worry, because only he himself knows how likely it is that things will be revealed. After all, the commissioners of the Skyhammer Bureau are the best agents in the world. If they carefully investigate, many things will not escape their eyes. Ramah Mujam was a paralyzing tactical idea from the beginning, but now, all of this has been destroyed by Smith Zhou.

Smith Zhou can understand Ramah Mujam’s current mood, but this does not mean that he will be willing to change his way of doing things. Facing Rama Mujam’s accusation, he just shook his head, and then responded with a smile.

“Be calm, Mr. Lieutenant General. I just want to understand things as soon as possible. You have to know that many things are not true if you see them. If you hear them, your eyes will deceive. You, your heart will also blind you. The truth may be right in front of your eyes, but if you want to catch it, it’s not so easy!”

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