Sun God Marvel Chapter 1267: Ignore non-following plans

“What, all destroyed?”

What happened this night was quickly reported to Rama Mujam. For him, what happened in that temple is just a microcosm of the overall battle in his hands. Taking a glimpse of the overall situation, this sudden attack can be said to be a failure in the end, and it is definitely a heavy loss. Therefore, even if Rama Mujam had prepared enough for the possible counterattack of Hydra, at this moment he could not help but exclaim.

In the face of his exclamation, the intelligence officer, who had wanted to make things smaller, shuddered, and immediately reported the information in his hands completely.

“Yes, Your Excellency General. We have launched a total of raids on the temples of people and gods in 16 states in the early hours of yesterday. But in terms of the results, they have not achieved the expected results. Except for a few areas calling In addition to the completion of the mission with the support of intelligent equipment, all other operations ended in failure. We have lost 1,422 members of the police and 1,700 members of the army. According to comparison, this It should be the domestic battle that suffered the most losses since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. “

“The most terrible?” From the beginning of hearing the report, Rama Mujam, whose face was not very good-looking, was already ugly at this time. For a soldier, especially a commander, such a name hangs on his body, that is definitely a shame in shame. And even as a politician, this can be a very ugly stain.

It can be said that since the perseverance in my heart was put down, Rama Mujam’s heart has been biased towards himself as a politician. So at this time, he was not saddening the soldiers who had sacrificed, but thinking about how he could cover himself up.

Seriously, this is indeed a man. However, Rama Mujam always has such a special wit in this regard. So he just thought about it and asked the intelligence officer in front of him.

“Do you have a summary of the number of losses the opponent has in your hand?”

“What?” After hearing this question, the intelligence officer was stunned, and then opened the file in his hand like a sudden enlightenment. After observing it carefully, he faced Rama seriously. Mujam said. “Yes, Your Excellency General. I have counted the number of enemy losses. There are a total of 28,724 people. There are also some regulations that do not count the number of people outside the location. If you need … “

“No need, just like that.” Waving his hand, Rama Mujam ordered. “You just go to a press conference and tell the media that we have achieved a huge victory of ten times the war-to-loss ratio overnight. You have played down the numbers a bit yourself, don’t give specific data, understand?”

“Yes, sir. I understand!”

The intelligence officer paid a very respectful gift and turned and walked out. Looking at his performance like this, Rama Mujam nodded in satisfaction, but also quietly relieved.

He knows that as long as he can reach an agreement with the intelligence officer, there will be no problems in the criticism of outside media. After all, he did not lie, this assault was indeed a tenfold loss ratio. Of course, this is certainly not the same thing in the eyes of the discerning.

With a gun in his hand, a soldier can suppress hundreds of unarmed civilians. Even without weapons, the normal battle loss ratio between soldiers and civilians should be between three and five. They are professional fighters, and of course they are different from civilian professional guys. Therefore, the question of calculating the war-to-loss ratio based on the loss of a pair of civilians is simply a matter of bullshit.

Of course, this kind of thing is rarely considered in India’s national conditions. People who can see this are basically in the military, and the military will naturally shield him. As for the government, few people can manage it. As long as you have identified this matter, it is basically impossible for someone to reverse the case. And even for someone with this ability, such as the Prime Minister Hegtel, he can’t understand that the war damage is more greasy than the one inside.

That is to say, as long as similar problems no longer occur in the future, then this level is considered to have passed. And what to do in the future, Rama Mujam had already figured it out in his own mind.

“The actions of several states in the north can be postponed for a while. If you go on like this, it will only increase the loss further. It is not good for me, but it may give others a handle. Can’t do it. But, it can’t be delayed for too long. Prime Minister Hegtel has been paying attention to this issue. If I don’t act for a long time, it will still be scored before him. I ’m afraid I ’m going to be shaken out when I lied about military affairs. ”

With a wave of stakes in mind, Rama Mujam couldn’t help pulling his beard and muttered to himself.

“In this way, it is still necessary to rely on the power of those intelligent machines. However, borrowing their power will also lose points in front of your Excellency the Prime Minister. That will make many people think that our government is incompetent, only Can rely on this high-tech from the United States. Then use heavy weapons for a full range of strikes? “

“That wo n’t work either. Let ’s not talk about the issue of whether the heavy firepower is enough. The northern states are not very stable by themselves, and they are bordered by the Bucky Stane. Once heavy weapons are used, they will likely lead to chains. Response. Once the situation starts to change to the worst place, then this huge responsibility will fall on me. And by that time, can only be a child? “

After thinking about it, Rama Mujam still thinks that using wisdom equipment may be a more reliable option. And when he wanted to understand this, he was stunned to find that he did not seem to have the right to command Zhizhi.

The instructions of the Sky Hammer Bureau are very clear, in front of this special action. The Intelligence Machine, Sky Hammer Bureau and the Indian Government are three independent and mutually reinforcing systems. Of course, as the Indian government, they are not willing to accept such a situation. So until now, they have been working hard to solve this problem as much as possible.

This is a condition that the Indian government headed by Hegtel strongly strives for, and is also the default of the governments behind the Sky Hammer Bureau. Although everyone does not believe that the Indian government can have this strength, as the heads of various countries, no one wants to set the precedent and use the Tianmu Bureau as a platform to forcefully intervene in the internal affairs of other countries.

As soon as this precedes, then people in the future may have reason to put the same thing in their country. Hedong in thirty years and Hexi in thirty years. No one can be sure that his country will be reduced to such a day. Therefore, in order to avoid such things happening, they can only give the Indian government more face at this time.

That’s why it is nominally a tripartite linkage, but it has always been the reason why the Indian government is acting. Because as long as the Indian government does not show that the situation is out of control, they have no idea what to do. Then no matter whether it is Zhijian or Skyhammer Bureau, they will not act on the bright side to support them. This, including the previous aid of Zhiji to the soldiers, is actually only an agreement reached in private through the Sky Hammer Bureau.

Rama Mujam does not have the right to command Zhiji. He can only negotiate with Zhiji through the platform of Sky Hammer Bureau, and reach certain agreements. This was something he had been reluctant to do in the past, including the previous situation where he only looked at the face of Tian Hao Bureau and had no choice but to do it. But the situation is different now. The situation is that he has to do things that he does not want to do.

For the benefit, for the future, for ambition. He quickly converged those emotions in his heart and turned to an exclusive phone.

“I ’m Rama Mujam Sen. Honorary Advisor, level 8. I request to discuss things with the person in charge of the smart machine.”

The intelligence officer of the Sky Hammer Bureau quickly reported this request to ~ ~ and it did n’t take long for Rama Mujam to hear a very mechanical electronic sound from the other end of the phone .

“Hello, Admiral Rama Mujam. Sen. I am Jarvis, the second generation leader of Zhiji, do you have anything I need to provide services?”

There was a problem with Ultron, the initial head of Zhiji, which caused a small disturbance in the United States. This is something most senior government officials know. They also know that the United States soon replaced the second head of the Zhiji, and because there has never been any problem in the operation of the Zhiji, the governments of various countries have only paid attention to it, and have not stopped. It is precisely because of this that Rama Mujam did not have any surprises because of the self-proclaimed Jarvis. He simply greeted him and said directly to him.

“Your Excellency, I need your support to help me suppress those godly temples!”

“Mr. General, we have provided you with corresponding support!”

Jarvis just replied that Rama Mukjam had interrupted him and spoke to him more directly.

“I know, sir. What I want is more powerful support, and even further, I hope that your wisdom equipment can become the main force to suppress the gods and temples!”

“But general, will this be too involved in your country’s internal affairs. Is your government willing to let us take over all this?”

Jarvis responded this way, and his argument was unreasonable. At this moment of tension, if Zhiji takes over such tasks in a large scale, as Rama Mujam said. Then it is likely to give the countries behind the Sky Hammer Bureau a special signal that India can no longer support it. This is definitely not what the Indian government wants to see.

And for this, Rama Mujam already had his initial plan.

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