Sun God Marvel Chapter 1263: Slaughter the truth and torture

Hydra? I do n’t know what you are talking about?”

The person caught by Rhodey replied tremblingly, as can be seen from his expression, he was not lying, he really did not know what Hydra said by Rhodey. And such an answer really makes Rhodey feel incredible.

Because for Rhodey, the relationship between these people and Hydra is very deep. They accepted the transformation of Hydra and became the kind of non-human monster. This kind of change is enough to label Hydra in their bones. Now they actually say they do n’t know what Hydra is. This is just a joke with themselves.

However, Rhodey does not think that he will read anything wrong. I am afraid this person really does not know what Hydra is. And why is this so? Turning quickly in his head, he immediately thought of a possibility, and this also made him say this directly to this guy.

“What about the human gods? Do you know where the human gods are?”

The name “Humanism?” was so familiar to them, so immediately, a stunned expression appeared on their faces. “What’s wrong with the human gods? Are you looking for them?”

“Where are they?” Finally, he got the answer he wanted. Rhodey directly excitedly stuck the man’s neck and picked him up. And such a fierce move naturally scared the unlucky guy. He almost danced, struggling in mid-air.

“I don’t know, I don’t know. Those gods and adults have left the city a few days ago. They are not in this city at all now. I really don’t know where they are?”

“Not in this city? How is this possible. So many of you have accepted their transformation and become their people, how can they leave you alone. And, you have assembled such a large scale Army, do n’t tell me this is the order of the Indian government! “

“Sir, this is not an army at all. It is just a militia we have built to protect ourselves. Looking at us, we are not soldiers at all. We do not even have a few decent weapons. How can we be an army. As for what you said to accept transformation, it is because we cannot live in this environment without transformation. Everyone is like this, and we have all accepted the gift of humanism, this is just to survive. We I really have no other thoughts! “

People caught by Rhodey are begging and begging, wanting to let Rhodey put their own way. Hearing his words, Rhodey‘s original calm palm shivered uncontrollably.

He thought of a terrible thing, a terrible thing that made him unbelievable. This made him a little bit unintelligible, but after a while of silence, he encouraged his courage and asked such a question to this unlucky guy.

“What about civilians? Those civilians who have not been transformed by the gods and gods, have not become monsters like you? Where are they?”

“Civilians who haven’t been transformed? Adult, we don’t have such a guy here.”

Despite the emotional instability of Rhodey at this time, for the sake of his own life, this unlucky guy answered honestly. For such a Rhoda, Rhodey immediately excitedly increased the strength in his hand.

“What is it that there is no such guy? How could there be no such ordinary person? You guys, what did you do to those ordinary people?”

The pain of being nearly cut off the neck made this unlucky guy struggling violently. He did n’t have the power to resist Rhodey, so he could only say hoarsely, intermittently.

“We do n’t do anything, sir. Those ordinary people ca n’t live in such a world at all. They can only accept the option of transforming people ’s religions. We will not force them, this is their own choice. .Even if we are the same, we also come from such a choice. The ordinary people in your mouth who have not undergone transformation simply do not exist. I think except those who are not really invaded by radiation and monsters. Outside the mountain village, only those big cities protected by heavy soldiers can exist the kind of people you said. But believe me, their number must be pitiful, and they will only decrease in number until they disappear. Of. “

“Why, is it so unimportant for you to be a person?”

The explanation from the captive gave Rhodey a confused and anxious look in his eyes. He asked the question he wanted to ask most. In the face of this problem, the guy as a captive was emotionally excited.

“Adult, do we not want to be humans? No, you high bureaucrats are forcing us to not give us any way to live. Let us only give up and continue to survive as humans! Who I do n’t want to live well, who does n’t want to live my life as a human being. But now do we have a choice? Either live in this form or die like a garbage. You tell us what we should do, It ’s right. What the **** are we going to do, so that you, the bureaucrats and the government, do n’t let it go! We just want to live, we just want to live! ”

The words of sorrow and anger entrust the most real thoughts and despair of an ordinary person in the face of such a flood of disasters. They are just fallen leaves and can only drift with the torrent. Even their fate has never been in their hands. What qualifications do these Rhodey people have to force them, and what qualifications do they have to judge them.

Rhodey also understands this truth, so he let go of his palm weakly, and let this emotional captive fall to the ground. At this time, he knew he was wrong and was wrong from the beginning. There have never been any enemies here, there are just a group of poor people here. A group of poor people who have to make choices in order to survive.

As a soldier, he can point his weapon at any enemy, and he can use any means to destroy any enemy. But can these people in front of you really be called enemies? He was very skeptical, not just him, but everyone who knew the truth began to doubt.

They are convinced that these people cannot be called enemies at all. They are not even soldiers. At most, they can only be regarded as civilians in the enemy camp. And what are they doing now? Slaughter a group of civilians? This is simply the most evil army, something that a villain like Fascist can do.

They are not that kind of guys, and they are very sure of the heroes and agents who have such knowledge in their hearts. But even if they are sure, they cannot deny that they are already covered with the blood of these innocent people, they have become what they want to be the least, and the kind of existence that they are most spurned by.

This cruel reality is placed on their hearts, which is nothing short of falling apart. It can be said that under such circumstances, the most fundamental belief of everyone has been subjected to an unparalleled and powerful impact. They are all suffering from the torture of their own souls. This is what the agents are like, and even the heroes are like this. Compared with those agents, the heroes of the ranks have been hit harder.

Because they are the main messengers of all this, they are the commanders and moderators of the order. In this massacre, the responsibility they have to bear is the greatest, and among them, Rhodey has become the person most responsible for all this.

He is a criminal. This is an unquestionable fact. Under this fact, the soldier who was determined to save the innocent and fulfilled his mission immediately fell into painful self-blame.

“Damn, what the **** did I do, what did I do? It was my order, it was all I did. We murdered, we slaughtered these civilians? Why the **** did I **** Such an order, why did I choose to do this. Who can tell me? Who can tell me! “

At this time, he was roaring like Beast, and every word revealed between the lines showed how desperate and helpless he is now. It can be said that what he wants most now is to find a solace, an excuse that can free him. Unfortunately, this is simply impossible. Because all he has done is already a foregone conclusion. The cruel reality and the definition contained in it have already explained a problem, that is, he must bear all this, and he can only carry this heavy sin on his own.

Is this something a person can carry? Yes, if you are the kind of heartbroken villain, you can indeed carry this sin. But Rhodey is obviously not such a person, so he can only blame himself, even saying that this is the rest of his life. No one can help him, because anyone here is suffering from the same mental torture as he is.

Rhodey is a crime ~ ~ and they are accomplices, and none of them can escape this.

Where to go, this time is already a question that they must consider. In this case, no one can open this mouth. They are already scared. They are already afraid of the future and this cruel reality. They are already Gu Guwei, and they dare not continue to take any action. They are afraid that they will continue to make mistakes.

At this time, someone needs to come forward. And who can do this? Soon, this question has an answer. Because at this time, a person who had a similar experience stood up. He strode forward to Rhodey, lifted him directly, and shouted at him.

“Did you give up? It is not the time to give up. We need to continue, we cannot stay here. Wake up, Rhodey. This is not the time when we should indulge in self-blame and grief, we have our task Do it! “

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