Sun God Marvel Chapter 1244: Detailed review of entry direction

Guarantee, promise. No matter how much you say, let’s repeat it. In fact, it’s hard to say how much assurance you can use to convert all this into reality. This is the same even if it is placed on Zhou Yi. Although he was a vowed and confident face when facing these women, he really couldn’t make up his mind when he really waited for him to take action.

From which aspect to start, this is the biggest problem he faces. He has been out of touch with this world for too long. In this ever-changing world, he can’t find a space where he can easily intervene. Although Banner‘s help would be a good starting point, in that matter, Zhou Yi did not think he could help him too much.

Save someone? How to save. Unless he can make governments all over the world obey their orders, let them disregard the victims of their own country and apportion the victims across India. Otherwise, no matter what he does, it is just a cure for the symptoms but not the root cause.

And does he have this ability? The answer is obviously no. If he can be a kind of government, then he could not betrayed by humans before.

So, although India ’s problem is a matter of urgency in front of him, Zhou Yi does not think that he would directly intervene and would be a good choice. At the very least, starting as Banner envisaged will not work. Then what should be done?

He could n’t think of a reason why he planned to collect a wave of information first to see if he could find something useful. Just as he was preparing to do so, an unexpected news reached him.

Selena is back. The return of this woman with the identity of a messenger can be said to give Zhou Yi a surprise, because at this time he suddenly remembered that Serena as a representative of the Radiance City expatriate, the information she has been exposed to is more than a corner The self came much more, and if she helped her, her own way of breaking the game might have landed.

This is a piece of exciting news for him, so soon, Serena was brought to him. And the first time he saw Serena, she spoke to her very eagerly.

“You just came back, Serena. I was planning to ask you something. Do you know anything about India?”

“Yes, master, I know. I have a detailed understanding of everything, this is my job.”

Although a little surprised that Zhou Yi would ask such words, Serena, who always thought of herself as his maid, answered quickly. This immediately made Zhou Yi‘s face smile.

“You know? That’s great. Sit first, and then you tell me carefully what is going on. Why is it that a country with good strength has been reduced to this in such a short period of time? The point? “

Although I haven’t been in touch with current affairs for a long time, Zhou Yi has not lost his political sensitivity. In his view, in today’s world, it is very difficult to want a country to fall. Because now the focus is on global integration, no country can ignore other countries, close the door and play to the point where it is dead and not let others intervene. Even if the government of this country really intends to do so, other countries will never allow them to do so. As in India, the example of direct nuclear bombs washing the ground and thoroughly putting yourself out of the game is too special. It is so special that he does n’t believe that this kind of thing will happen.

But the facts have proved that such a thing has indeed happened, and there is no room for change. And if this is the case, then it can only be explained that there must be a crucial point in this matter, and there is a turning point that directly affects the outcome of the matter. Only in this way can we explain why things will change to what they are today under the most unlikely circumstances, and only in this way can we explain why other human powers in the country have not been able to stop this from happening.

That’s why Zhou Yi has learned a rough idea from Banner, but still has to re-learn the details from Serena. Because in his view, this key point is the key to breaking the game, and only by finding this key point can he have a way to really change all this.

How does Zhou Yi think, Serena doesn’t know. All she knows is that Zhou Yi wants to know all the details of things, and she is naturally satisfied with him, telling all the details she knows.

“What happened today in India should start with the concealment of Hydra. After Steve Rogers was found to be undercover of Hydra, he disappeared directly into people’s sight. And When he appeared again, he was already in India, and as a religious leader, he pulled up a new and powerful religion. “

“This was first discovered by Tony Stark. At that time, Mr. Stark was too excited and challenged Steve Rogers directly. According to previous records, he should have a considerable record of victory. But from the results, things are not like this. I have followed Mr. Stark for a while. Before and after that battle, he has undergone tremendous changes, and this change has reason to convince me that he may be in The side that lost in the battle. “

“As a loser, Mr. Stark was not willing to let Steve Rogers continue to behave in India. So he launched a joint meeting between the allies and singled out Steve ’s actions in India. This also led to an agreement reached at the time of the Allied Conference, which is to require the Indian government to eliminate the religious organization led by Steve as soon as possible, otherwise, other countries will intervene in India by force. Among. “

“The Indian government is not willing to be intervened by force by other countries, so they can only mobilize national forces to start actions against Steve ’s religion as requested by the allies. And at the request of the Indian government, it belongs to The Indian Navy ’s Honorary Advisor to the Sky Hammer Bureau, Rama Mujam Sen, became the military commander of the operation. “

The name “Rama Mujam. Sen?” is really a bit strange to Zhou Yi, because in his memory, the only Indian who can call the name is probably the Indian Prime Minister Hegeti. Nothing more. So, when such a name popped up, he naturally became curious.

Be aware that this is related to the dignity and sovereignty of the country. The average person does not have that qualification to play such a role. And since this Rama Mujam has been designated as a military commander, it naturally means that he has the ability to convince the Indian government. Such a person had never heard of it before, but it was a bit unreasonable.

“Who is this guy? Why is he assigned such a heavy responsibility.”

“Rama Mujam Sen was a major general of the Indian navy and came from the Kshatriya family. Because the Indian government has plans to expand its maritime field, he has become a pioneer in the implementation of this plan by the Indian government. And in the process of carrying out his mission, he has received major awards from the Indian government and the Sky Hammer Bureau for his major accomplishments. So he can step into the sky and officially enter the sight of the Indian power. The Prime Minister of India Black Gettel named him as the commander, but he did not buy the hearts of the people, and cultivated him to mean his own arms. “

As a spokesperson for one party, Serena has long cultivated a very high degree of political understanding. Many things are clear in her eyes, so when Zhou Yi asked, she could quickly point out the key points. This immediately made Zhou Yi more interested in this character.

“Important merits? What merits will enable him to be promoted to this point at a stretch?”

“He prevented an operation of Hydra in the Pacific Ocean. The operation suffered huge losses. The Korean government has almost lost all of its overseas fleets. This is one of the world ’s top fleets. The Indian side is In the case of armed backwardness, the final victory was achieved. Although the Korean government has been criticizing the Indian government ’s betrayal of allies, from the situation at that time, the Indian fleet did indeed win a brilliant victory. This is the official ‘S argument, as evidenced by the investigation of the Tian Hao Bureau. “

“It’s a bit interesting, go ahead. I think this guy’s future moves should not be small, he must have amazing things.”

With some inspiration, Zhou Yi said this, and after hearing his words, Serena was also surprised.

“You ’re right ~ ~ He did make a lot of unexpected actions. For example, he wanted to facilitate negotiations with the pacifists in the humanistic religion led by Steve. But The final result was that he was assassinated by Hydra in the negotiation process. And because of the chaotic situation at that time, the matter had once developed into an armed massacre of more than 100,000 people. This was to promote the human religion to enter India. The key to the armed confrontation of the government. After that, many interesting things happened. “

“For example, the Sky Hammer Bureau wanted to use Zhiji to join the encirclement and suppression of humanism, but it was used by the Hydra to use the virus against Zhiji to fight back. It was also because Zhiji was in this operation. The emergence of uncertainty and harmfulness made the Indian government take the opportunity to directly cut off the tentacles of the governments of all countries and even the Tian Hao Bureau infiltrating in their own countries. He proposed a new theory of intellectual threat, which made governments have to use their own The internal threat was given priority, and the interference with the current situation in India was temporarily abandoned. In the later events, it almost became a situation of confrontation between the Indian army and the gods led by Rama Mujam and several anti-government armed forces. . “

“This character is critical. After the dehumanization of the Indian government by the **** of religions, he became the only successor selected by various parties in India. If India does not have problems with the subsequent nuclear bomb attacks, the current He should be the new prime minister of India. “

“So, do you think this person is suspicious?”

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