Sun God Marvel Chapter 1231: Reveal the truth.

  What kind of identity can scare yourself?

   Hearing the words of the catastrophe, Alexia was taken aback for a moment, and then she couldn’t stop doubts in her heart. She had to think about this question, because she felt that the answer to this question must be an unexpected result.

  , you know, Hydra has become an out-and-out behemoth since its development. And with an identity like her now, it is no longer a matter of standing in front of her casually, that can surprise herself.

   said unceremoniously, even Tony Stark, or all the Avengers, stood in front of her. She wouldn’t be as shocked as the catastrophe said. Because this is the biological mothership of Hydra, and she is Alexia. Just by relying on these two points, she is confident that she will leave all the above mentioned. Therefore, she naturally cannot have any emotional fluctuations because of these.

   This point, the man who wants to come across from him should also know it. And after seeing so many secrets about Hydra, he dared to say such a thing. Alexia really couldn’t believe that he was just talking about it. He must have confidence, but still that sentence, why?

   It is very obvious that it must rely on strength. Because apart from this thing, everything else is empty and fake. But strength? Want to have the strength above Hydra, how can it appear casually?

   Alexia, who has already stood very high in his own right, knows very well that people with such strength in this world can really count them with their eyes closed. She knew only Victor who inherited the power of Mephisto except for the powerful father and son Smith Zhou and Zhou Yi. In addition, the Chishui goddess who ran away was considered one, and the Phoenix female by Zhou Yi and the Red Sea goddess were also considered to be one. For the rest, even if the strongest in Mutants, Professor Charles and Magneto work together, it is impossible to achieve this.

  He is not any of those people, so, where does he have the confidence to say such a thing?

   In this situation, just thinking about it, I’m afraid I can’t understand it at all. Alexia was also aware of this, so soon, she lowered her face and asked calmly at the catastrophe.

   “Who are you anyway?”

   By this time, Havoc is no longer necessary to hide his identity. So right now, he gave Alexia a meaningful smile. And as this smile bloomed, his face was slowly changing.

  The current appearance of Havoc is caused by using his own black hole gravity to forcibly twist the light. Although it was only a slight correction based on the five senses, it was already enough to change him from one person to another. In theory, whether it is the human line of sight or various observation instruments, most of them will be affected by this method. So as long as it is not touched on his face, it is naturally impossible for people to discover his true identity. And will the catastrophe be touched on his face? This is of course impossible. Therefore, until now, no one has discovered his true identity.

   But now it’s different. He has let go of this little way of disguising his identity. And when this little trick disappeared completely, what he revealed to everyone was naturally his truest appearance.

   The angular features and the impressive features. In just an instant, Alexia had completely lost his sense of measure and screamed almost frantically.

   “Impossible, impossible! How could it be you, how could it be you!”

  ”Why can’t it be me? You Hydra should not have the ability to take care of me!”

   Although I knew that Alexia’s fright was because of another identity he represented, Havoc still mocked her by mistake. And hearing his words, Alexia’s face immediately fell silent.

  The catastrophe’s words are not good, but they are not bad at all. Although Hydra is powerful, it really doesn’t have the ability to manage it. Not for anything else, just because of his strength.

  The strongest **** in the world, the king who made the whole world tremble. Such an identity is enough to make Hydra retreat. It’s not that they haven’t thought of targeting him, but every time they are targeted, they can only get the worst result in the end. It can be said that if it weren’t for Hydra to hide too deeply, and Zhou Yi itself was disappointed in this world, and was unwilling to intervene in it. Then the current Hydra is afraid that it no longer exists.

   After so many failures, Hydra has almost completely abandoned its plan to be an enemy of Zhou Yi. Even if Smith Zhou, the owner of Hydra, has no less power, he has never thought of it. He just wanted to win over Zhou Yi, at the very least, to use his identity to keep Zhou Yi in a neutral position.

   even his own boss means this, and Hydra is naturally less likely to go against him and go against Zhou Yi. Therefore, even with the huge power of Hydra, they actively gave up their interests in Radiance City. At the same time, he showed an attitude of innocence towards Radiance City Autumn.

   They are also afraid, afraid that they will incur a fatal disaster because of a little contradiction. After all, with the power of King Ming, even if they just do it casually, they can’t stand it at all. It is one thing to be an enemy of the entire human race, and another thing to be an enemy of the strongest **** in the world. Hydra is not stupid, they know exactly what they should do to be correct.

   It’s just that there are certain things that will never happen if you don’t want to do it. The drama of fate is here, the more you don’t think about it, the more certain things will happen. As it is now, it is simply inexplicable, they are already forced to start facing an enemy that they can’t fight at all.

   At this time, Alexia didn’t even have any extra thoughts to think about her deep hatred. There was only one thought left in her mind now. That’s how to escape from the hands of the catastrophe!

   If you don’t run away, you die. And she didn’t want to die at all now. You know, she has been asleep in the laboratory in Antarctica for more than ten years. It can be said that it hasn’t been long since her life really started. Moreover, she finally found a man worth entrusting to her for life at easy, so she would not be willing to die in such a place, this time!

  Just, where is it so easy to escape? All the opponents of Zhou Yi, who can escape from his hand by easily? Maybe there is, but Alexia knows that there is absolutely no name in it. Then he is dead. How can this be, how can it be possible?

  Even ants know about stealing, let alone a woman like Alexia with obsession. She almost immediately made up her mind to live anyway. But at this moment, Haojiao grinned, and once again told her a shocking news.

  ”Are you scared? Don’t worry too much. Although I look exactly like that guy, I’m not that guy. If you still have someone watching him, you’ll find that he hasn’t left himself at all. That site. I’m not him, I’m pretty sure about that.”

  What does this mean? Hearing these words, Alexia’s first reaction was not to believe it. Because there has never been another person exactly like Zhou Yi in this world. So she has every reason to believe that this is Zhou Yi playing with herself. It’s like a playful cat playing with a mouse under his paw. However, when she carefully observed the appearance of the catastrophe, she suddenly discovered that this guy who looked exactly the same as the Zhou Yi seemed really different.

   She is already familiar with Zhou Yi. Whether it is Smith Zhou’s special relationship with Zhou Yi, or his own threat, it is enough to make her remember every feature of Zhou Yi in her heart. In the beginning, because of the revealing identity of the catastrophe, she really lost her sense of measure, so she couldn’t find the difference in him for the first time. But now, when the catastrophe took the initiative to point out this point, she immediately discovered these problems.

   First of all, hair color. Those who know Zhou Yi still in the past Dawn Knight era may not remember this But as a large organization with specialized information collection channels, Alexia knows that the real Zhou Yi has long been He is a man with pale temples.

   Although it sounds weird, because such a powerful god, everything should be the permanent residence of youth. But Zhou Yi has become like this, and Alexia also knows why he has become like this.

   That’s what Smith Zhou told her. He told Alexia that Zhou Yi may have touched the basic rules of this universe, and was backlashed by these basic rules, before it completely changed into this appearance. Because of this, his appearance is unchangeable. No matter how powerful he is, as long as he can’t detach from the rules of the universe itself, then he can’t change back again.

   And now, this Zhou Yi in front of me is not like this. His jet-black hair color is clearly the same as the previous Zhou Yi. And the majestic and terrifying aura on him was completely different from the Ming Wang she knew.

   King Ming’s aura is like the sun, although the same majesty, but it is the kind of bright and upright aura. Powerful, but it will never give people a sense of horror. But now the feeling in this person is more like an abyss that swallows everything and destroys everything, completely turning King Ming over.

   He is really not Zhou Yi! Alexia has already determined this, but who is he? Another puzzle was placed in front of her.


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