Sun God Marvel Chapter 1073: News now.

The return of Tony is very high-profile. Although he wanted to end his recuperation and resume his normal work, he did not show the weakness and low-key after being seriously ill. Instead, he directly used a press conference to show that he had returned.

This makes a lot of people wonder which drama Tony is going to sing. And only a few people who are very familiar with him know that this is a kind of warning, a special kind of warning.

It can be said that as soon as he learned the news, Nick Fury immediately got rid of his face. He slammed a fist on his car. And Coulson, which has always been a smile, inevitably put on an embarrassing look on his face.

Naturally, these two people know that this behavior of Tony is for whom to see. Apart from warning them, such an action has no other meaning at all. And this directly illustrates a problem, that is, Tony completely distrusts them.

It’s normal to think about it, after all, when they were making a decision before, they stood on the opposite side of Tony. And such a position is enough to make the careful Tony hate them for a lifetime.

Just, is it necessary to achieve this level? Regardless of whether it is Nick Fury or Coulson, in fact, I think that the move of Tony is a bit fussy, and there is no need at all. Because they can indeed be regarded as sincerely repenting now. What happened to Steve hit them hard. And under this kind of blow, they will naturally inevitably develop a mentality of revenge. And wanting to retaliate against the current Steve, is to wait for the enemy to use the already powerful Hydra. This is simply not something that one person can do. The only option is to take refuge in a stronger force. Tony is the most suitable and firmest among them, so there is only one choice in front of them.

It’s just that the attitude of Tony really makes them a headache, and in this case, they have to make a choice. Is it to cater to him in a low voice? Or deliberately raise the price to be cold. Thinking and thinking, adding up and adding up. After all, these two people decided not to provoke Tony on this issue.

Tony is a bomb character. They didn’t think they were wrong at the beginning, but the result was that they two were put in jail and squatted there for almost two years. If this trouble happened again, they would really not be sure what kind of means Tony would use to deal with them.

So, the two of them had to rush to the White House in a hurry. Show your attitude towards Tony in this way of meeting in the first place.

A statement of attitude can determine many problems in the future. For example, whether it is an enemy or a friend. Tony definitely can’t tolerate a guy who works against him in his subordinates, no matter who it is. Therefore, when two people expressed such an attitude, his heart was actually relieved.

He could see what these two men meant to yield, and the present yield meant that they would no longer have any right to oppose themselves in the future. Everything is still in my own hands, and this rarely makes Tony a big belly.

It’s like now, facing this press conference that I ordered. He immediately took out a very praiseworthy attitude and praised these two guys.

“I think you all know that I had to cultivate because of some physical discomforts. When I was training, I was actually worried about whether the work of the government could proceed normally and steadily. After all, now The government and the previous government are two completely different models. It is more efficient and more concentrated. The past politicians who talked and laughed and lingered in cocktail parties and luxury venues can not adapt to this kind of heavy task. Only those real elites , Real talents are qualified for this kind of work. And I am actually not very sure whether the people I temporarily appointed are such elites.”

“And now, the facts have proven. They are doing very well, I think they are fully capable of continuing to hold such an important position. So I announce that Mr. Nick Fury and Mr. Phil Coulson will continue to be in the present In addition, Ms. Maria Hill will also become the new vice president to assist me in completing the work of the American government. Thank you!”

Three main positions were appointed in a row, especially to fill the vacancy of Vice President. The news given by Tony is not without explosion. So for a while, all the reporters rushed up, eager to put the microphone in their hands into Tony‘s mouth, and asked him questions.

“Your Excellency President, you have cultivated due to illness, what kind of illness did you have? Is there a fatal risk?”

“Some simple physical discomforts are all there is no problem after recuperation.”

“Your Excellency, the two gentlemen you appointed have no previous inauguration experience. Is it really appropriate to put them in this position?”

“They were previously working staff in secret agencies, and decades of work experience made them fully qualified for such a job. So I think they are very suitable!”

“Your Excellency, you have revoked the position of the current FBI director. Is there any special reason?”

“The FBI is responsible for domestic security and intelligence work. But according to my investigation, one of our bases has been completely taken over by Hydra. Because of the confidentiality level of the base, I cannot tell you how much the loss is. But I think The FBI has to take full responsibility for this matter. Therefore, someone must take up this mistake!”

After answering questions from many reporters, Tony waved his hand and motioned to the surrounding guards to separate the reporters. Journalists do have the freedom to report news, but the White House guards also have the right to maintain order on the scene. The two are not in conflict, the key is to see whose body is more dominant.

And obviously, the guards who rely on physical fitness to feed on are better. So after they intervened, even these reporters wanted to post like crazy dogs, and wanted to make some big news. But they were still helplessly pushed out of the cordon little by little.

In this regard, American journalists are obviously inferior to their counterparts in the UK and Hong Kong. Seeing that Tony was about to return to the White House, at this time, a person leaned in quickly.

“Look, it’s the former FBI Director Phillips!”

The sharp-eyed reporter immediately saw the identity of the person. In any case, this is also the domestic intelligence leader in the United States, even if it was once, it is also a big man. And now he appeared here, still posing a menacing look. This immediately made the reporters present feel the breath of big news.

What is he doing? Almost all the reporters present were speculating on this issue. And they, who never had to muzzle, started whispering directly in private.

“It should be unconvinced. I was forced to retire when I was in my fifties, and I still used this kind of excuse. I knew I would not be reconciled if I thought about it.”

“Maybe it was to beg for mercy. After all, it is an old man who has worked in the FBI for so many years. The President wants to remove him from easy. It is likely to compromise and change his position. “

“Should not this kind of thing be discussed in private? How can I find it just like this?”

Although the physical changes have not stopped, Tony‘s current physical fitness has reached the realm of superman. So these reporters were whispering in private, and he could hear them clearly. And this immediately made him feel deeply disgusted with the former director who appeared in front of him.

His dismissal was an order of Maria, and on the surface he was quite innocent. But if you think about it carefully, you will find that he is not innocent at all.

Let’s not talk about the escape of Ultron. It was just that Hydra’s biochemical monsters invaded the heart of the country, and almost captured the entire base without being discovered by them. This can be regarded as their negligence.

The loss is the second thing. The key is that this incident has shown that he is fundamentally unreliable in intelligence. If something like this happens again, and it happens in the city. So fortunately, the country where easy has settled down will immediately fall into chaos. Therefore, he has no reason to keep such a guy in such a position.

It can be said that at this time, Tony has already made up its mind. No matter what he said, don’t even think about staying. Only today, Phillips did not come to discuss such a matter with him at all.

No one knows what Phillips has suffered during this month. Because no one goes back to pay attention to the fate of a loser ~ and only he knows how much he has paid for such a decision.

As a spy organization that monitors the country, the FBI has no reason not to offend people. Moreover, it will never offend ordinary people, most of them are the roles of some fierce gods Abomination (Fiend). In the past, when the great power of the United States was the backer, these people had to be cautious and could not do anything to him. And now, he was beaten clean all at once. Naturally, those who had been rectified by the FBI in the past will put this account on him.

For more than a month, various assassinations against him have been endless. Although relying on his professional qualities and the protection of omnics, he survived several deaths. However, his family was not so lucky. His children, his wife, and two grandsons were all assassinated. And this directly forced him to the border of collapse.

Phillips is now in his fifties and has worked for the FBI for almost 30 years. But it turned out that the family was destroyed. Who do you want to settle this account with? His own answer is Tony Stark.

Because of him, I lost everything. Because of him, his family was ruined. Maybe he is a hero for this country. But for his own family, he is the chief culprit. Therefore, he must make him pay the price, even if at all costs!

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