Summoning the Holy Sword Chapter 689: The storm is coming

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With the return of Vivian, the last piece of puzzle in Rhodes‘s hands is now completely completed. Until now, it can be said that under Rhodes’ hand, a complete system is considered completely established. Marlene is responsible for the internal affairs of the territory, and it controls the financial, domestic and diplomatic work of the entire Glennvell Territory. Ann Clark also officially became a subordinate of Rhodes’ and started working for him. As the deputy of Marlene, Ann is mainly responsible for negotiating with those Business Association and businessmen from other places. According to the report of Marlene, this former eldest young miss is indeed in this regard. There is a lot of potential. Although the experience in dealing with people is not enough, she has an innate keenness in the face of economic changes and business negotiations. She can keenly notice the loopholes and contracts in businessmen ’s negotiations and contracts. Trap and point it out. Although Ann is still too naive, he can’t do “no mercy, no mercy”. But Marlene believes that as long as time is taken, Ann will become a powerful assistant for Rhodes subordinate/hand.

And the military is completely handed over Jade Orchid Heart ,recruit soldier , Train, mobilize and legion She is responsible for the distribution. This can also be said to be the current Rhodes The busiest department in the territory. before Rhodes There is no specific military concept, just let John Temporarily responsible for hosting, and John The primary management is naturally his cavalry regiment, so there is not enough attention to the infantry. So all the time, do n’t look Rhodes subordinate/hand Majestic, but there really aren’t as many private soldiers, plus John The cavalry team is only a few hundred people, and thankfully Rhodes The only thing you need to maintain law and order now Fortress , Fortress There is Little Bubble Gum with Canary Hooded, otherwise this is a private soldier, where it hasn’t been a mess before long.

However, after Jade Orchid Heart took office, things have changed a lot. This adult who looks like a sleepy all night staying up all night does not have much requirements for the source of subordinate/hand soldiers. There is only one ——— Obedient then it will be alright does not matter if you lack arms and legs, as long as you can meet the conditions, be able to fight, and loyal is enough.

Under such “loose” conditions, the vigorous conscription work was also carried out immediately. The current Fortress has been much more prosperous than before, and many people nearby have immigrated here. At this moment, I heard that Lord is going to recruit troops. Many people came to sign up immediately, and most of them passed smoothly. However, although there are many people in this part, after all, they do not have rich combat experience, so Rhodes has promoted a group of experience rich old mercenary from Starlight Guild. With the support of Prestige System, he can of course easily find those who are very loyal and loyal to himself The admired mercenary came to join, and was responsible for the discipline and training of these recruits. Among mercenary, many people used to retreat from the army. Naturally, they are very familiar with these, and they are also very handy in doing this. Instead, they have solved a problem for Rhodes’. For the decision of Rhodes’, mercenaries is naturally welcomed by both hands. originally many mercenary chose to join Starlight Guild in order to be valued by Rhodes in the future and become his official. Now, these mercenarys have not only joined the Rhodes’ army, but also have titles like Squad Leader or Instructor. With their fame, status and wealth, these mercenarys are naturally envious.

With such an example, those mercenaries who joined guild also began to work harder, wanting to get the attention of Rhodes’ with their outstanding performance, and eventually became his family and his subordinates as he wished. In the field, many mercenarys have also joined in and want to develop here. And in this way, Starlight Guild has also entered the track of a virtuous circle. In just a few days, Rhodes subordinate/hand‘s private soldiers have grown to about 3,000. After that, in order to maintain stability, Jade Orchid Heart temporarily suspended the recruitment process, but even so, suddenly increased so many soldier Have a certain impact on Fortress. But in this way, but another person suffering, that is Labise.

Although Alchemy Department, which Labise is in charge of, has become more stable with the increase of personnel, but because of the soaring number of private soldiers, Labise and others have put more energy in the production of alchemy potion and alchemy construct in the hands of Rhodes Among them, the research and development of new potion and alchemy equipment was suspended. This made Labise have some minor complaints, but she is also very clear that the resources in the hands of Rhodes are not enough to support her to complete the imaginary inventions. After all, it takes a lot of materials, and although Rhodes made a heavy blow from Alchemist Association before, these are only enough to make equipment. If you want to research and develop, I am afraid that it will not be enough to double it.

Although the personnel brought back from Marlene joined Labise subordinate/hand, which made the production speed of Labise much faster, but after all, upgrade is limited. In this respect, Rhodes refers to the player of Production-class in the game to make a suggestion to Labise. In the game, Alchemy-class also has a lot of player. Although they occasionally pick medicine from Secondary Profession, they should be responsible for from carving to mosaic A series of processes such as production, even player, cannot be overridden. Not only does it take a long time, but also the production efficiency is low. Therefore, Alchemy-class player often buys various collected raw materials and semi-finished products from other people, and then assembles and sells them by themselves.

And Rhodes also refers to experience in this respect, and proposes a reform plan for Alchemy Department of Labise. In the past, because there was only Labise, Rhodes did not propose this plan for safety reasons. But now there are more and more people around Labise, and more or less Mastery alchemy technique, there are already mature conditions, so Rhodes came up with this plan. That is to divide the people at hand of Labise into several groups, and give those who are not technically skilled in the alchemy process to others to do things, such as collecting magic plants, making containers, or carving and casting shells. Labise can recruit Some blacksmiths, herbalist and craftsman came, let them complete according to the design drawings, and then handed over to the students of the college brought by Marlene around Labise to supervise and assemble the assembly work after the production was completed, and they could also take the opportunity From the selection of some spirit/mind dexterity, people with alchemy talent train into apprentices, and then expand the scale, can also speed up the production speed of alchemy equipment and potion.

For the Rhodes’ proposal, Labise was initially opposed, but in fact not only her, but even Marlene and others did not quite understand it. I have to say that people ’s thoughts in this era are still relatively conservative. They It is generally believed that if there is not enough knowledge of alchemy technique, it is impossible to manufacture alchemy products, because he simply does not understand the nature of these things, what should I do if there are problems in the production?

But Rhodes does n’t take it for granted. In his view, it ’s the creator ’s job, and in fact, even if a worker does n’t drive a car all his life, it wo n’t prevent him from making tires. Of course, if he wants to design a new one Tires are another matter.

I have to say that the traditional strength is powerful.

Although Rhodes is exhausted, Labise and Marlene still have doubts about this. Although they admit that Rhodes’ is feasible to a certain extent, they still think that the existence of magical strength equipment such as alchemy technique is not enough. Knowledge cannot be manufactured. And Rhodes can’t do anything about it. He is nothing more than player, not the designer of this game, and in the game, although the semi-finished products of alchemy player are also made by other Production-class player. But after all, it doesn’t seem to require you to sculpt and make it yourself in reality, but just put the raw materials and required things in front of you, and then start skill to do it. Although good things like this have a certain failure rate, but after success, they must be “qualified products” that meet the system program specifications, but that is a game, and this is reality, maybe there is really a difference …

In the end, both parties took a step back, and Labise and Marlene agreed to hand over some of the less important work for those people to complete, and ultimately the important equipment inlaying and carving work came by themselves. Of course, if it goes smoothly, they will consider the next expansion according to the Rhodes’ recommendation ……… For this, Rhodes can only go with them. After all, in magical technology, Labise is Master Alchemist, Marlene‘s Shenia Family is magical family, in this regard they are experts, they can do what they have done, as for how the effect can only be seen later.

And among these, Chris is the most gratifying for Rhodes. Now she has become a very important assistant beside Labise. The drawings and drafts she designed are not only beautiful but also very beautiful. Practical, even Labise, whose head is full of Belhems Clan alchemy knowledge, also sighed and appreciated can’t help but.

However, Marlene has expressed some concerns and doubts about Rhodes in private. According to her observation, the magical lines in the drawings designed by Chris are not only beautiful and simple, they all imply some It is designed according to the law of alchemy technology. If this kind of design drawing is not a person with rich knowledge of alchemy and experience, it is impossible to design. But looking at Chris … She doesn’t seem to be like alchemy technique, and even if she starts learning from birth, it is impossible to reach this height. Not to mention what kind of life Chris Tie had lived before. Marlene is as clear as Rhodes. In that case, how could she learn the design of magical technology? What makes Marlene even more surprised is that after the inquiry on her side, Chris didn’t know what she was talking about. She said that she designed it only because she thought it was so beautiful. If a blind cat hits a dead mouse, one or two accidental accidents have also been said in the past, but —— has always been the case. Is n’t could it be a very abnormal thing?

However, Rhodes didn’t make much explanation about Marlene‘s questions, but asked her not to worry too much. In fact, although Rhodes does n’t know why Chris knows this, he has a vague answer in his heart, that is, what Chris did unconsciously, I am afraid that he has done it in his dream. See “another Christie” related. Although he and the “Chris tee” have only met twice, each time, the other party has given herself great help. She first helped herself repair Graciel and Madaras, and then showed him the roots of two Holy Sword Card Where. That “Chris pedicle” must not be a simple character. Not only that, but what makes Rhodes feel a little strange is that the scene he saw in his dream seems to have been seen somewhere … but he can’t remember it for a while.

However, the appearance of another “Chris pedicle” is not regular. Although Chris teddy often came to sleep with Rhodes, the “Chris pedicle” only appeared twice in the Rhodes’ dream.

However, during the recent period, Rhodes never let Chris come to find him again. The reason is very simple, he was entangled by Annie.

Since she has tasted the sweetness, Anne has been looking for Rhodes twice in three days from time to time, which makes Rhodes even feel a bit overwhelmed. Although Marlene and Leiya will have such a period after the first taste of personnel, they all have the restraint of a girl after all. In the face of Rhodes, it is just a sneaky hint. But Annie is completely different. No matter whether it is day or night, as long as no one is present, Anne will make a courtship action to Rhodes, and in the face of the meat delivered to the door, Rhodes naturally raises the gun without hesitation and goes to work In one game, until the player ran out of food, he slammed the flag and closed the army. Not only that, Annie will come to Rhodes almost every night, which also causes Rhodes to temporarily let Chris pedicles sleep in her room, so that she will not encounter some “children’s prohibition” scenes.

Fortunately, Rhodes’ constitution is far beyond the human value, otherwise he would have been squeezed out by Annie to a drop, but even so, Rhodes has also felt numbness under his body several times, without consciousness … Now he I can only hope that Anne ’s hair period will end sooner, otherwise, I ’m afraid that Rhodes can only sneak down to go to Labise and let her help make a few bottles of inconvenient potion.

Of course, for Rhodes, this is just an anecdote for leisure and rest, and besides mixing with Anne, he naturally has more important things to do.

Since the start of Sky Net Plan, information from all parts of Continent of Light has been continuously transmitted, which also allows Rhodes to obtain the first-hand data. This is very useful for Rhodes. Although as a top rank player, before crossing, Rhodes can be said to have experienced everything that happened on this continent, but he is after all a player and not a history recorder, a large, personally participated history He can still remember a few things, but the only thing he hears is that God only knows in what year, month, and day they happened. And now, according to the information transmitted by “Sky Net“, Rhodes can use this to determine the clues above, and rely on his own memory and knowledge of this piece of continent to know what is or will happen.

And he is most concerned about Kingdom of Light’s news.

After Dragon Soul Holy Ceremony, Rhodes slapped their **** and slipped back to Moon. But Parliament of the light fell into chaos. Under the spread of intentional and unintentional people, Old Parliament Elder paid half kneeling ceremony to Lydia and the fiasco of Magical Knight Regiment afterwards spread throughout the entire Kingdom of Light. For a time, Parliament of light was lifted to the top of the storm It’s humiliating to scold the Parliament for what they did, and they are ashamed of their predecessors who gave everything for human freedom and faith. Some people even call that day National Shame Day, thinking that Parliament of Light has betrayed their belief in freedom and justice and has fallen completely. Even the House of Commons raised solemn protests on behalf of the public to the light of Parliament. Not only that, the people also spontaneously organized demonstrations in front of the light of Parliament to protest their weakness and incompetence. This almost wiped the face of the light Parliament. Not only that, judging from the situation of the territories around Kingdom of Light, most of the territories that support Parliament Faction have remained silent during this time, and at the same time they have kept a distance from Parliament of light. It seems that they are also worried about the Parliament of light. Stabilize the situation.

And Lilian also took action at this time.

As you can see, this Dragon Soul of Light Your Majesty is also an idealist. She sent people to Daerkest to talk with the people there, and made a series of decisions to re-plan and transform there to ensure that those people can Live a normal life and have a job. However, these things must not have been conceived by Lilian, and the residents of Casablanca have mixed opinions. They have already had great opinions about Daerkest. Now Lilian is willing to solve this problem. It’s good. But on the other hand, there are also many people who worry that this will be the first step of Dragon Soul of Light‘s attempt to regain the right to rule, and this is full of concerns and doubts.

The prestige of Parliament of light began to shake, Dragon Soul of Light began to intervene in the internal affairs, and now there is chaos in Kingdom of Light. The people are worried, angry, uneasy, and various emotions are intertwined. According to intelligence, even in cities other than Casablanca, some people started to march and demonstrate in protest against the inaction of Parliament. In addition, this time, the light of Parliament has not received the funds provided by Moon. Although this money was also used in China by Lilian, she will definitely not use it to fill the financial loopholes of light Parliament. It can be imagined that once By next year, when Parliament cannot make ends meet, they will face a greater crisis.

Rhodes is very clear that Five Major Financial Groups will definitely not be the first to shoot. If they really want to thoroughly and deeply control the light Parliament, the best way is to let the financial loophole exposed, and wait until the light Parliament ca n’t get everything done, They appeared again as saviors.

Why are heroes always welcome, just because they always appear on the Demon King to ravage the land, bully men and women, and bleed into rivers, this world is full of wars and deaths, and people are panicked in the shadow of despair All day long. Only in this case, a hero who can defeat Demon King is the most respected and welcomed. And if Demon King just ran out, Yang Tian laughed three times, “Hahaha, I want the world of destruction!”, And even before the time to show their ambition and be killed by the brave “Shua”, how many people will Respect this hero?

The Parliament of light is not a fool, of course they also know the idea of ​​Five Major Financial Groups, but Rhodes understands that they will not make Five Major Financial Groups so successful. As Rhodes said before, the reason why the light Parliament dares to seize power from the light dragon is for itself. Although Five Major Financial Groups in normally will also exert influence on them, but Parliament of Light still has political rights after all. And if they are pitted by Five Major Financial Groups this time, then they will really become puppets of Five Major Financial Groups in the future, saying what is what. If this is the case, it would be better to continue to rely on the dragon of light to be her subordinate/hand. Anyway, what people say is still the soul of Creation Dragon, much more noble than a group of humans, and it is not disgraceful.

Rhodes can be sure that things will not end so easily. Moreover, whenever he looked at the information from Kingdom of Light in his hand, the more embarrassed the light Parliament above was, the more he could n’t laugh. Although as a player, he could n’t wait for the light Parliament to die as soon as possible. Die in Freedom Square. But now, watching the light of Parliament so stormy, he has an unknown hunch. It is as if standing alone on the plateau, watching the thick black clouds tumbling in the distance, will cover the entire sky, even if no weather forecast is needed, you can see that a heavy rain is coming.

Sure enough, things started to change gradually.

Among the information collected by Rhodes, Light of Parliament has been keeping silent, but another thing, it slowly began to spread. That is the rumors about Dragon of the Dark Night Kingdom. I do n’t know when it started. Within Kingdom of Light, the rumors of Dragon of the Dark Night Kingdom attacking Kingdom of Light border guard began to gradually spread, and the people of Kingdom of Light’s gradually turned their attention away from the embarrassing situation before the Parliament of light. Start to worry and talk about these things.

In fact, the border disputes between Dragon of the Dark Night Kingdom and Dragon of Light Kingdom are ancient, even between Moon and Dragon of the Dark Night Kingdom. As we all know, Dragon of the Dark Night Kingdom is mostly undead creature. Some of them secretly cross the border for various purposes. The Kingdom of Light and Moon, which have more living people, some are spies, some are for their own Undead Spell research or other purposes. Of course, Dragon of the Dark Night Kingdom will certainly not admit that they are regular troops. And Moon and Kingdom of Light didn’t expect them to admit it, just come back and hit it. It’s as if Eastern Mountain has always been the frontline between Moon and Dragon of the Dark Night Kingdom, where fighting against undead creature is already commonplace.

But now, rumors about the Dragon of the Dark Night Kingdom attack, and even about to attack Dragon of Light Kingdom, began to circulate everywhere. Before, people did not know much about these, because most of the news was blocked at the border, but it has never been widely circulated. But now, there is obviously a problem with the speed of dissemination of this information. If it is only one or two places, it is better to say, after all, this kind of thing is unstoppable, and there are always loopholes. However, if the entire Kingdom of Light suddenly began to circulate these, then things would immediately be different.

These rumors have caused many Kingdom of Light people to be in a state of panic. There is also an opinion that Parliament of Light now sweeps the ground, Dragon Soul of Light wants to seize power, and Dragon of the Dark Night Kingdom obviously intends to take advantage of this opportunity to attack Kingdom of Light!

I have to say that this opinion is very popular among the people. In the intelligence collected by Rhodes, many Kingdom of Light’s people think so.

And at this time, Parliament, the light that has remained silent, suddenly made a move.

They formally protested to Dragon of the Dark Night Kingdom through diplomatic channels, asking them to hand over the murderers who attacked the Kingdom of Light Border Guard!

Dragon of the Dark Night Kingdom will not take the light of Parliament for granted. In the face of the request of light of Parliament, they just said that it was only accident/surprise, and there was no evidence to prove that the Kingdom of Light army was attacked by the regular army. They thought it was some The defected undead creature did, so they regretted that the Kingdom of Light army was attacked and said they would investigate this, but that ’s the only way. You want us to hand over the murderer … that ’s impossible because the simply murderer does n’t exist. . How do we hand it over?

In the face of Kingdom of the Night‘s rhetoric, the light of Parliament is an uncharacteristically tough, they showed a lot of evidence and witnesses that the attack on Kingdom of Light’s is a regular army of Kingdom of the Night, and again issued tough speeches, requesting Dragon of the Dark Night Kingdom must explain this.

As a result, Kingdom of the Night did not play with Parliament of the Light this time. They said that there might be some misunderstandings. We can communicate with Dragon Soul of Light ……… It can be seen that Kingdom of the Night is also well aware of what is happening at Kingdom of Light. Taking this to disgust about Parliament, they absolutely don’t care.

But then, things changed.

In the face of Dragon of the Dark Night Kingdom ’s position, the light of Parliament is still not reluctant. Of course, they cannot let Dragon of the Dark Night Kingdom negotiate with Dragon Soul of Light. Therefore, the light of Parliament once again asked Kingdom of the Night to make an apology and compensation, but this time, the light of Parliament and Not only empty words, but during their statement, several troops were mobilized to the border area where the Kingdom of Light was reportedly attacked by the Kingdom of the Night army. They declared that this is a new year ’s routine military exercise, but what exactly do they want to do , Is something that everyone can see.

After knowing this news, Rhodes has understood that the war ——— is inevitable. RS

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