Summoning the Holy Sword Chapter 591: Door of elements

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According to Agawei, the book of elements was not long ago (Note: Never have any hope for the time concept of element creature). A group of Spirits/Elves who opened the door of the element and fled into element world brought it, when Element Lords felt the book of elements In the powerful strength, in order to avoid its impact on Four Great Element Planes, it is no wonder that Element Lords sealed the book of elements in Extreme Cold Ice Region ——— of Water Element World.After all, Fire Element World and Wind Element World in Four Great Element Worlds are not suitable for storing things, then only Earth Element World and Water Element World With such strength. And to say the seal, this is naturally the expertise of Water Element World.

As a member of Sea Elf, Agawei once spent a period of time in Water Element World and happened to witness those scenes where Main Plane Spirit/Elf escaped the element plane, and because of this, she would know the whereabouts of the book of elements. Although it is an understatement , But it makes Rhodes sound very powerless, although he has not considered the possibility that the book of elements will be in the element plane. But Four Great Element Planes is not small, if you are aimlessly searching, you do n’t know when. There are results. And Spirit/Elf here has clear clues, so Rhodes will focus on pursuing these clues. The result did not expect to the end … Rhodes feels that he is completely attracted by the mule that is tied to the carrot, in his eyes Only the radish on the rope in front of me and the fresh grass around me was ignored.

This is really stupid ……………

Although this makes Rhodes very embarrassing, he soon brazenly ignored his previous stupidity, anyway, the result is good, everything is fine. And if it is not through the Spirit/Elf investigation clue, he will not be so quickly associated. Element plane, it seems that I am still very smart. Un, that was just carelessness, just a momentary negligence. After all, this time is busy, you see the attack of Chaos, and the entire Dragon Soul Continent thing must be handled by yourself. Occasional omissions are understandable. It ’s not that there is a good sentence. It ’s not too late to fix the problems. We must learn to learn from our mistakes and summarize experience. Struggle to achieve greater and grander goals …………… this time The lesson is painful and the error is profound, but we must not only look at the past, but also look at the future ………………

& quot; ………… So that ’s all I want to say. What else do you have to add? & quot;

Speaking of this, Rhodes stopped here, and then he took a breath and stretched out his hand to pick up a cup of tea from the table next to it and moistened his throat. In the face of Rhodes’ inquiry, everyone just stared blankly at him until a moment later. Little Bubble Gum sighed.

& quot; Captain, I know that people will always change, look at you now ……… After talking for an hour of nonsense, I did n’t talk about ideas, I honestly said that you are stupid enough to forget To ask the residents of the element plane to run around for so long, do n’t you get it? Looking for an hour of excuses, are you tired? It ’s as if the head of the dead fat pig in our school is talking! & quot;

& quot; ………………… & quot;

Hearing the accusations of Little Bubble Gum no trace of politeness, Rhodes’‘s expression is slightly stiff, and then he is took a deep breath.

& quot; Of course ……… this time ……… the main responsibility ………… & quot;

Speaking of this, Rhodes dragged his breath for a long time, and then gave a glance to the next Canarys, but it is a pity that no matter which Canary looks indifferent to the Rhodes’ eyes, originally can be heart-to-heart, but they completely ignored this time. Rhodes’ for help. As true love, should n’t you come out and give yourself a step at this time? As a qualified subordinate and lover, you should take the initiative to take responsibility at this time. Just say a few words & quot; In fact, we are also responsible … & quot ; What, such a good-looking leader, it will not be convenient for me to do things in the future ……… Hey, what is the trust between people?

& quot; ………… this responsibility ………… & quot;

Give a helpless glance at the two Canary sisters, Rhodes let out a long sigh, and repeat the previous words again.

& quot; ………… Un ………… It ’s mainly me ……… & quot;

& quot; Look, it ’s just such a fart, Captain, you still hold back for so long … Are you also corrupted by the capitalist sugar-coated cannonballs? Making a mistake makes you write a review as if you were murdered ………… & quot;

& quot; Okay, okay, let ’s stop talking nonsense. & quot;

In the face of Little Bubble Gum ’s complaints, Rhodes was very shameless and chose to ignore it. What kind of joke, whether it is to lead guild or to open the harem, how can it be done if the skin is not thick? It ’s thick, and I do n’t want to change my face and heart when facing the instructions of Qianfu. Hengmei coldly bowed to Qianfu ’s fingers and was willing to be a good cow ……… There should be nothing wrong with this sentence.

deep in the heart comforted himself a little, Rhodes coughed, and he was just a little active before. Now that Little Bubble Gum has no mercy tsukkomi’ed, then Rhodes should also be the time to do his own thing Now that I have found the whereabouts of the book of elements, then the next step is naturally to release the seal of the book of elements. But before that, Rhodes has another very important thing to do, that is, to open the door of the elements … …

The importance of Four Great Element Planes is self-evident. The original creation dragon created this piece of continent, but if there is no Four Great Elements, the world cannot really take shape. Their importance even exceeds seven Illusory World, after all, seven Illusory World itself It is just an existence derived from Four Great Element Planes, just like Sea Elf in Sea of Silver, and originally is a resident of Water Element World.

It’s just that it is more difficult to enter the element plane than the seven Illusory World. The element plane is pure element. [,! ] The world of primitives, there is no way for everything to enter. And, although the element plane can be said to be everywhere, but it is not an easy thing to really find the entrance of the element plane. But for player such as Rhodes, It is not difficult, as long as you can find four people with powerful elements strength, use their strength to call the rules of the element, and then open leafed door, you can step into the world of elements.

With the existence of Four Great Elements Power … and the most important thing is that they must be local residents. Because only the local native will have the closest connection with the world of Dragon Soul Continent. In this way, Projection Guard and Player Legion of Rhodes subordinate/hand are natural There is no way to use it. But fortunately, by his side. There is no shortage of such expert with rules.

Vivian as Fire Element Lord. He was the one who opened the door to the element and entered the elemental world. Anne was selected by Rhodes as the representative of wind element. Anyway, Anne ’s body also has Element Lord level blood flowing, And her wind element control also has enough powerful strength, as for water element. Rhodes has Little Mermaid enough to fill the vacancy, as long as Forbidden Halo is added, then Little Mermaid‘s Water Element Power is also enough to open the element’s leafed door, then the only thing left It ’s earth element ……………

Rhodes does not own card of Earth Element Attribute, and no one seems to have such a strength in his memory. Fortunately, Rhodes has a super plug-in system, so he quickly opened the territory list and then followed Sort level by their respective attributes. Then Rhodes easily found First at Earth Element Attribute, but … After seeing the above name, Rhodes found himself stupid again, because that person. Not only does he know, And very familiar ………

& quot; Ling? & quot;

Hearing Rhodes’ talking, Chris was surprised and stared at his eyes, watching Rhodes.

& quot; ………… Rhodes ………… You mean … Need Ling help? & quot;

& quot; Yes. & quot;

Hearing Chris‘s inquiry, Rhodes also smiled bitterly at nodded. He knew the strength of Ling, after all, it was Rhodes who took Ling out of the refuge, and at that time she already had the strength of Legendary Level, not only that, little brat also Possessing Order beacon ……… But Rhodes didn’t expect it at all. This little girl who has been following Chris after being taken out of the refuge will actually be the Domination Rank of Earth Element Attribute. It is no wonder that Ling has Legendary Level. Strength, but in Rhodes‘s view, little brat‘s combat experience is too little, and it is not suitable for fighting. So he simply let Ling accompany him beside Chris, on the one hand, protect Chris, and on the other, expect Chris to change Ling. What ice-cold looks like. From now on, being with Chris does make Ling change a lot. Although it is still as few words as before, but it is a little bit more human feelings, it is no longer like items in the past. .

& quot; Is there ……… is it dangerous? & quot;

& quot; I do n’t deny that the element plane ’s trip guild is a bit dangerous, but rest assured, Chris, we will not go too long. & quot;

In order to get back the book of elements in the shortest time, Rhodes intends to go to the territory of water element in person. But fortunately, the element plane has the advantage that their time is almost nothing. This is why the time of element creature The reason why the concepts are very vague, even if Rhodes stays in element plane for half a month, it is only two or three days in the time outside. This is why Rhodes will choose to go to element plane by itself, of course, another reason The element plane is very demanding for entrants. Without the protection of the huge elements like Vivian, Anne, Little Mermaid and Ling, mortal will be completely eliminated at the moment of entering element plane. Rhodes is Dragon of the Void , The attribute level is higher than the element, so don’t worry about this problem.

For Rhodes, this is very simple, take four people into the element plane, and then go to Water Element World to get back the element book, and then open the element door again to return to Dragon Soul Continent, then everything is solved … Un , Rhodes sounded the pa pa of the abacus, so there should be no problem at all!

& quot; Will you follow me? Ling? & quot;

After explaining to Chris, Rhodes looked at the girl who had been silent for a while. After hearing the Rhodes’ inquiry, Ling, who had been standing quietly next to it, hesitated a little, and finally, she looked up, Forced toward Rhodes nodded. Although Ling still didn’t say a word, her meaning was obviously quite obvious.

It’s not too late. Chaos will not wait for anyone. After getting the reply from Ling, Rhodes is not polite.The next day, he took Ling and others to the square behind Grandia Palace. I have already prepared magic formation to open the door of the element.

& quot; Be careful. Brother, I wish you all the best. & quot;

Holding Rhodes’ both hands tightly, Younger Sister said softly. While hearing his own Younger Sister, Rhodes smiled at her nodded. But at this time. Little Bubble Gum next to him was whispered. Then came a bit strange smile started talking.

& quot; Hey, Captain, you are born to work hard. Go for it, it ’s okay to hand it to me here! & quot; On the one hand, Little Bubble Gum took a picture of his chest that did n’t develop much at all, and on the other hand smiled and gave a thumbs up to Rhodes. & quot; There is a good saying. Captain, my wife, I raise it, you do n’t want to Worry too! & quot;

……………… Is this sentence used in this place?

Hearing Little Bubble Gum, Luo. [,! ] De twitched the corner of his eye, followed by the next moment, and his iron fist was just hit by heavily on the head of little brat. ——— wanted to drag the ancient text, go back and understand the meaning first, and then say it!

& quot; So. We ’re gone, I ’ll leave it to you here. & quot;

Glancing at Little Bubble Gum with his head squatting, Rhodes turned around and looked helplessly at giggled ’s Younger Sister and Canary ——— which are different from others. Of course they are very clear about what Little Bubble Gum said just now What does the word mean, this is the difference between the top students and the addicted girls.

& quot; rest assured, brother, there will be no problem if we are here. & quot;

After getting the answer from Younger Sister, Rhodes was relieved, then he turned around and walked into the center of magic formation, then, Rhodes looked at Vivian and made a gesture to her. While seeing Rhodes’ action, standing fox-eared young girl in one of the circles suddenly showed a leisurely smile.

& quot; Oops, I really did n’t expect that there would be a chance to invite Master to Element plane for a day trip, so … …… are you ready? The plane is about to take off, passengers, please put away your dinner plate and fasten it Seat belt ………… & quot;

While speaking bizarre words, Vivian raised his hand high.

Along with her movements, the change suddenly appeared. originally‘s calm magic formation exuded a bright glow at this moment. Then the dazzling fire light burst from the body of fox-eared young girl and turned into a sky-high flame pillar jet. On the other side, as if echoing each other, the roaring hurricane revolved around Anne, and on the other side, the ice edge frozen by the roaring cold air spread out like a fountain between the arms of Little Mermaid Generally flowing. And after that, ——— is the petite posture of Ling. Facing the magic formation in front of her, the girl stretched out her hand like this, eyes opened, soon, the earth began to tremble, and then, the tall stone pillars rose flat .

The power of Wuther ’s element achieved peace at this moment, and then, in the element of everyone, the multi-colored element brilliance flashed out instantly.the next moment, five people including Rhodes, so completely disappeared.

As Vivian said, crossing the element plane is more like the feeling when flying in a plane. Rhodes only feels a dazzling and complex flash in front of his eyes, and his body suddenly rushes towards the front. The shackles of his gradually disappeared from his body. I don’t know how long it has passed, maybe for an instant, or maybe a long time later, suddenly, the whole world has changed.

The radiance that was still wrapped around me disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the weightless body stepped on the ground again. The whistling cold wind blew through my ears, and I could see the vast snow-covered snowfield in front of me. , And the woods growing like ice crystals in it. Flying caves rushed across the face, blowing on the face, even Rhodes, I felt a chill of bone.

& quot; Huah ………… Very good, everything went well, this flight was not delayed, passengers, we have arrived at Cold Ice Throne outside Water Element World! & quot;

Hearing the voice of Vivian, Rhodes can’t help but looked at her. In the element plane, all the outside will be hidden by the inside. At the moment, Vivian is also the same, although it still retains the appearance of original, but it is on the girl ’s body , You can see the flaming, illusory red flame. This is the characteristic of the element plane. On the other side, the little murloc and the Ling are also the same. In the eyes of Rhodes’, the blue water and the yellow Earth Element Power wrap them The body makes the two people look like they are wearing an unreal translucent luxury dress.

& quot; Okay, now that we have arrived, then we should also prepare ……… & quot;

As I said, Rhodes glanced at Annie who was standing not far from him, and then, he can’t help but gawk.

Just like everyone else, Anne at the moment is also wrapped in wind element‘s strength all over her body. The hurricane hurricane turned into a slender long skirt that wrapped the girl’s body in it. But what Rhodes paid attention to was It is not the elemental dress ——— on Annie’s body but behind her.

At this moment, behind Anne, a totem mark that looks like a debate is floating there. As a well-informed player, Rhodes certainly knows what it is.

That is the Wind Element Lord mark.

(.) RU

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