Sui Tian Gou Chapter 867: It’s windy, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Wu Broken Sky Dome!

Bao Fengnan and Yi Jing did not expect Tolstoy to take this creed so seriously, but they all agreed without hesitation. It is guaranteed not to kill any monk in the Yinyue Hall.

At this time, a few more bells rang in the direction of the hall.

But the sound was no longer as fast as before. It was very slow. After nine ding-dings, it finally stopped.

The monks who lined up in the square in order to pray, at this moment also seemed to have finished their prayers, everyone put their hands together, divided into groups, lined up to the side buildings on the left and right sides of the main hall.

There was probably where they slept, and the night was already late, a few people were almost certain of the current Yinyue Temple. Except for Void, Xuming and Xushen. No one else.

After that group of monks all retreated, the three of them finally took a sigh of relief, and Yi Jing said to Thor, “Tuo Shao, the monks have all retreated. What should we do in the second step.”

“Wait.” Thor finished, looking up at the sky. Both Yi Jing and Ba Fengnan understood what he meant, only the moon was again in full bloom irradiating the earth. Only Gui Longbi in the main hall will absorb the energy of moonlight again. At this time, the Dragon Bi who was in “Swallowing.” was terrible.

With the power of Xu Shen, Xu Ming, and Wu Kong, they can’t suppress this energy, which shows how terrifying the energy in Longbi is.

At this moment, although the moonlight is darker and lighter, it has not reached the point of satisfying them.

“No good, dark clouds are coming.”

Seeing a big dark cloud, suddenly flew slowly from the east sky, covering the half-dark and half-bright moon in an instant.

The hearts of the three people suddenly sank, and sweat came out of their palms. Even Thor, who has always been very calm and inaction, swallowed nervously, looking forward to the grand moonlight coming to the earth again.

“Ah, the dark clouds seem to be over.”

“Yes, the gods and Buddhas in the sky, please, I must take away the dark clouds. Give me a bright moonlight, please, I will build a golden body for you when I go back. .”

Bao Fengnan smiled and scolded, “Make a promise to the gods and Buddha, you can’t make promises. If the moonlight is open for a while, you must fulfill your promises.”

Yi Jing patted his chest and was about to speak when Thor suddenly said, “Okay, the opportunity is finally here.”

I saw the dark clouds slowly dispersing, and the moon, which was still gazing off just now, seemed to be washed by water at this moment. It was almost “blue sky like washing.” It was as bright as a white lamp, illuminating the entire sky very brightly. .

“The Immeasurable Heavenly Sovereign, Immeasurable Soul Sovereign, Immeasurable Supreme Sovereign…”

Four monks in bright yellow monk robes, everyone chanted their slogans, and immediately walked out of the hall in a hurry. He also closed the door of the hall.

“Don’t close the door, please, don’t close the door. Don’t close the door of the hall…”

But Yi Jing’s prayers were useless, and the door of the hall was still closed.

Tor said to the two whose hearts were beating hard, “Now that the bright moon is in the sky, for a while, the process of Gui Longbi’s absorption of moonlight energy will not stop. Our opportunity is at this time. Two Brother remembered.”

Tor continued, “Be sure to attract the enemies outside the temple for me. Otherwise, the three of us will not only not be able to take them back to Dragon Bi tonight. They may also be the same as the last trip to Shaolong Temple. The souls will be condensed. Dan was killed.”

As soon as Thor mentioned Soul Ning Pill, Yi Jing’s heart ached.

That time, even though they succeeded, they each managed to absorb at least two-thirds of the energy of the Soul Condensing Pill.

But in the end, it turned out that the ghosts and gods were so cheap to the Xie Zunsheng Zhixuan, which greatly increased his magic power, and now he has finally become a great disaster on the Wuhun continent.

If this operation fails again, the Xian Zunsheng will soon be killed to Yinyue Tower. They will face a greater threat than stealing and returning to Longbi now.

They are all clear-minded people, and no one understands this truth. Therefore, Yi Jing and Ba Fengnan knew that Tolstoy would risk his life to fetch treasures. They can only agree, but cannot oppose.

Instead, they will do the same.

“Brother, take good care of yourself. Wear this heart protector on your body. It has protected me for a long time.”

Yi Jing took off an old-fashioned crock-shaped protective goggles from his body and helped Tolstoy fasten it.

Tolstoy smiled bitterly and thanked him, and immediately took his fame and peerless soulbreaker blade across the ten-meter high wall and threw it toward the top of the side hall.

He can only enter the Yinyue Tower by flying to the side hall and then throwing from the side hall to the main hall.

When Tolstoy flew away, Yi Jing’s heart almost jumped to his throat.

“Brother Bafeng, let’s act too.”

“Well, you go to the wing on the left and right. I will go to the wing on the right. The two side halls are also photographed together. Once someone drives towards the main hall, no matter what method is used. Stop it for a while. Call one. The condition is that no murder is allowed. This is the trust that Tuo Shao has placed on us, and we must not take it seriously.”

Yi Jing laughed and said, “I remember stronger than you, don’t worry, we are here to borrow treasures, not to make enemies. The old guys such as Xukong Xushen and Xuming. Everyone’s martial arts skills are world-class. . Such an opponent, most of my Yi Jingjing can have a headache to death. How can I kill their disciples and offend them for being so stupid. Go away.”

In Yi Jing’s memory, all of this is like a re-enactment of the history of personal cultivation. Everything is full of fresh and illusory feelings.

In the end, when they worked together to take the Soul Condensation Pill from Shaolong Temple, the situation they encountered was almost exactly the same as the situation in the Yinyue Tower.

It’s just that the opponent they will encounter this time is the top three masters in Xuanzong. Instead of those bald donkeys in Shaolong Temple.

From the little King Peng, Yi Jing has learned how powerful Xu Shen and others are.

Since even the previous generation of Zhennan Kings couldn’t beat the virtual depth, it can be seen that these master-level monks are indeed very powerful. To deal with such a wise man with outstanding martial arts combat skills, one must have more clever wisdom.

Tolstoy has already taken a crucial step for him. What Yi Jing and Ba Fengnan have to do now is to do everything to maintain the quietness outside the temple. Even if it doesn’t help, we must not let a monk from the Yinyue Sect break into the main hall to protect the law.

At this moment, Tolstoy had slipped quietly from the shadowed corner of a hall under the shining of moonlight. But his feet didn’t touch the ground, and his body hung upside down on the roof like a spider. He crawled below the roof of the temple for about a long time before he finally reached the position above the door of the temple. From a barely visible gap, he peeped in.

It’s just that the entire Yinyue Hall is gloomy, as if you can’t see anything.

If you look at the shadows from the bright places, you can generally see clearly, but when you look at the shadows from the shadows, your eyes are often blackened.

Tolstoy wiped his eyes, then injected the power of his martial soul into his eyes. Increased the perspective of the eyes. A divine light from both eyes immediately imprinted all the visible space in the entire hall into his eyes.

“Ah, it turned out to be like this.” As far as Tolstoy’s eyes could reach, the furnishings of the main hall were no different from the Buddhist hall.

In the middle is a huge table-shaped offering table, dedicated to the ancestor of the Yinyue Sect.

On the altar table, there are several artifacts. The surrounding ebony carved beast lamp holders exude a very strong light. It’s just covered by the lamp holder, so although the light is strong, it can’t illuminate the entire hall.

Through the faint light, Tolstoy could still sense a few extremely faint breathing sounds that seemed to exist and did not exist. It’s just that he is not so sure at the moment. If the sound of breathing is from a person, not from the wind. Then he should immediately seize this opportunity and enter the temple.

If the sound is really human breathing, it is likely to prove that there is someone inside. Even those breathing sounds were the three old guys Xu Shen, Xu Ming and Xu Kong.

Thinking of this, Tolstoy struggled deep in his heart for a while, muttering to himself, “Should I go in or retreat? Well, it’s already here. Now. Even if it’s returned, it’s a huge risk, no. In order to lose money, I have to take this risk.”

Tolstoy finally made up his mind, and immediately climbed backwards about one meter from the corner of the corner. From his boots, he took out a dagger. Put it in the gap between the two lintels of the main hall. From small to large, from weak to strong, the power of the martial soul is slowly injected. The tips of the short swords with only two palms let out a soft chick, and there was a soft sound of power interaction.

Fortunately, when the gate of the palace slowly opened a larger gap, there was not much noise. Tolstoy’s hanging heart was finally relieved.

Squeak! As the gate of the palace opened wider and wider, Tolstoy’s heart was pleasantly surprised, and his doubts were further magnified. And instinctively stopped all the movements in his hands for the first time.

Suddenly, from the blind spot in the hall that he saw, a voice suddenly came out, “Junior Brother, it seems to be windy outside. Go and see what’s going on.”

“Yes, brother.”

Tolstoy’s scalp was numb, and he was so thankful that he didn’t enter the inner temple for the first time. Otherwise, they will directly become the “prisoners” of Xushen and the old guys.

At this time, the sound of the chanting in the Yinyue Hall became louder and louder. Xu Ming came to the temple door and frowned when he saw the slightly opened temple door. With a cry, under the bright moon, a strong wind blew in from outside the hall. The clear light in the hall was dangling constantly. Xu Ming sighed slightly, “The wind is coming up again.” In an instant, he opened the door of the palace a little more space, then raised his head and looked outside and closed the door tightly.

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