Stunning Edge Chapter 201:

Chapter 201

In the sprinting team of the horse thief cavalry, there is a sword and sword, but the wildebeests under their mounts are uniform. It is no wonder that wildebeests will become the favorite of the mounts of the rogue cavalry. For the entire chaotic area, the low-level magic beast like wildebeests is not strong in individual strengths, but it has many advantages, good endurance, and fast speed, which is very suitable for long-distance raids and large-scale transfers. It is on such short distance sprints that the neat steps of wildebeests can also cause most caravans to start panic, as if they are not facing a thief, but an army of a country.

Across the chaotic area, most of the exiles are not even capable of building a wildebeest cavalry. Therefore, there is a wildebeest cavalry, for the thieves, it is a complete symbol of their strength. As for the benefit of the cavalry team to their entire thief regiment, it is even more numerous.

If there are no cavalry, if these thieves were hiding somewhere in the canyon in advance, presumably some scouts in some large mercenary regiments, it would be easy to find them.

The three major thieves of the Windward Gorge have been rampant and have a lot to do with their cavalry’s frequent raids.

Now, at a glance of Ling Feng, I saw a small team of soldiers and horses standing still beside this fast-running cavalry, which was a hundred meters away from their defense line of Ling Feng. The look to Ling Feng came from the leader of this team, a big man. Beside him, there was a young man who seemed to scan the entire caravan intentionally or unintentionally.

They do n’t look like traditional thieves. Of course, they are definitely not mercenary or merchants.

Ling Feng‘s heart suddenly felt a sense of Yin. The thieves around this squad did not have the slightest confusion about their appearance. Obviously, their already and this rogue group were very familiar. And who is familiar to the thieves? Ling Feng‘s mind could not help thinking of Sister Joeina of Qiangwei Commercial Bank, saying that their commercial bank was ransacked by a new force of thieves. However, the number of people in front of this team is also a bit small, right? There are only a dozen people. It looks like it doesn’t look like it.

The distance of hundreds of meters is almost instantaneous for wildebeests.

When the first thief of the thief group came into contact with the mercenary on the front line of the defensive circle, the whole battle was completely started. Regardless of the caravan’s tail or head, the thief’s behavior is like a slippery loach, slipping past the periphery of the entire elliptical defense, and once a weak link is encountered, a powerful attack is immediately given.

The caravan’s defensive personnel can only stick to their defensive position and give resistance. Someone keeps falling down and somebody keeps taking over. The arrogant figure of the thief has been confirmed in the hearts of the people again and again. Their speed, the long knight gun and epee in their hands, are far more impactful than the mercenary standing on the ground.

Apart from some mercenarys who are more powerful than thieves, and people who have physical advantages like Ada Four, it is almost impossible to find a one-on-one way to defend against thieves.

“It won’t work like this, it’s too inactive.” Ling Feng pondered, and seeing that the three major thieves seemed to interact with each other in the attack process, letting Ling Feng, but also more mercenary, felt a sense of helplessness.

“High-level warrior followed me, we left some people as backup, others followed me and killed them, disrupting their formation.” One of the high-level warrior shouted, “To deal with cavalry, just disrupt Their formation, their impact is weak. “And many people of insight immediately followed him, rushing out of the defensive circle, like a nail, nailed like a cavalry array. Especially the high-level warrior, the fighting spirit that can be used makes the cavalry of the thieves quite discouraged. The sixth-order warrior‘s pale yellow vindictiveness, the seventh-order earthy yellow, and the eighth-order orange-yellow, like a yellow blender, stir the horse thief passing through here.

Ling Feng can’t help but look a little **** when standing behind Ada.

As for the occasional red vengeance of the ninth-order warrior, it is more like a poisonous snake spitting a red letter. Which thief bites, which thief suddenly falls from the horn, or is trampled by the wildebeest, or is tightened. The big swords of the mercenarys who followed are waiting.

“Hold on.” Someone shouted, “As long as their formation is chaotic, we have hope of victory …”

Such words, all of a sudden, made mercenary feel more confident. So many businessmen who do not have much force, also take advantage of their spare time to give the thief who placed the order a few fists, as if the entire team really became a whole.

Only, while Ling Feng is excited with everyone, it also pays attention to the emergence of masters in the rogue group. A rogue group cannot be all cavalry on the charge. When the high-end warrior of the caravan side is consumed by the cavalry, who will deal with the high-end warrior of the rogue group?

They are three thieves. Will there be fewer masters? Such an attack now can only be regarded as a preliminary test. In the end, the masters of both sides definitely need to take action.

Ling Feng But I have heard that no matter who the thieves in the chaos area meet, they first come to attack, and then, after they have taken advantage, they begin negotiations. If there is a powerful existence in the prey, you will receive less profit; if not, you will win all of them directly.

This has almost become the established mode for the robbery to rob the caravan.

So, Ling Feng glanced at the head of the large mercenary regiment. At this moment, he was angry at the leader of the black armored thief cavalry regiment. As for the other warrior who seemed not to be weak, they must be Waiting for the craziest attack of the thieves.

It’s just that the choices of mercenary are helpless. Is it possible to abandon the current defense for the battle between the coming masters? If there is no solid defense now, let alone talk about the future.

“Door, don’t be scattered, and rely on each other.” Ling Feng ordered the eager Dow and then said to Ada and said: “Ada, pay attention to the road A few people. Also, save energy. The battle has just begun … “

Speaking, Ling Feng subconsciously glanced at the three gorgeous carriages, and the faces of the guards remained indifferent, shaking their heads.

Suddenly, there was a flash of fire across the sky, and a fireball fell from the sky.

The water magician in the caravan immediately released a water magic defense to greet him. At the same time the fireball was extinguished, it caused a burst of panic. In particular, some mercenarys who are taking care of themselves can’t help looking at the people or property they care about in the defensive circle.

At this point, the thief’s attack suddenly intensified.

“Pay attention to the front, pay attention to the front!” Ling Feng looked at a point not far away, and was almost broken by the thieves almost immediately, and greeted him immediately. Several high-end warrior are also followed closely. In the hands of Ling Feng, almost every knife carried the knife air, and it was chopped sharply on the leg of a wild horse that rushed into the defensive circle. And Ling Feng‘s body is also very fast. In a moment, the wildebeests that rushed into the defensive circle suddenly hissed into one. Several wildebeests that fell to the ground even made a “humming, humming” sound.

“Magic attacks are dealt with by magicians. Everyone must believe in their friends.” A mature mercenary shouted, “For these abominable thief cavalry, brothers, let them taste the sword in our hands!”

“Okay!-” There was a shout around.

“This brother, that’s good.” The shouting mercenary smiled at Ling Feng and said. Immediately before Ling Feng answered, immediately turned around and killed the thief.

“It’s really good.” Ling Feng shook his head with a grin.

Suddenly, the magic competition between the two sides also started vigorously. Some fires and waters are intertwined with each other. Occasionally, they carry some piles that suddenly appear on the ground. Not only were some people in the thieves afflicted, but so was the caravan. Many of the goods, already, were taken care of. As for the women in the carriage, most of them were taken out of the carriage. Ling Feng can only serve as a member of the emergency team temporarily.

Even thieves have such gorgeous magic attacks, what a world is this. Ling Feng sighed. Fortunately, there are not many magicians. Otherwise, you can send a whole team of soil magicians to defend the Rogue Cavalry.

Ling Feng looked up to the sky, and suddenly came up with a whimsy. If an air cavalry consisting of flying magic beasts was organized, wouldn’t this rogue regiment be invincible? If you can fight, you can fight, but you can’t run.

Best of all, the mounts are as fast as Baijiahei (white plus black).

Oops! Ling Feng moved to his heart and immediately looked at his carriage. At this point, the entire caravan was chaotic. Because no one was driving the Ling Feng‘s carriage, the red hot horse was frightened, and naturally it was instinctively avoiding magical attacks that occasionally leaked from the sky. The carriage seemed more bumpy.

Okay, okay. Ling Feng was fortunate when a fireball smashed down and happened to hit the carriage.

It’s over! Ling Feng sighed from the bottom of his heart, not forbidden to touch his nose.

“Who did it!-” A tender voice rang through the audience. Ling Ling looked angry, holding Baijiahei (white plus black) in his hand, looking around his head, seeing Ling Feng, he couldn’t help running immediately, and said indignantly, “Brother, someone smashed our carriage. No I just ran out of it. You ca n’t blame me …. Hmm, someone dare smashed my carriage. I want him to look good. “And he waved his little hand clenching his fist, and provoked Many mercenary curious eyes.

Only Ling Feng, and Cassano who is watching Ling Ling, and the talents of Ada know the power of this little fist.

At this time, another string of fireballs flew over from the thief group. Ling Ling looked up and said, “Xiaobai, hurry them down. No, find out who fired these fireballs.”

“Wait a moment.” Ling Feng said suddenly. At the same time, the Rogue Cavalry seemed to have received the order to stop, and all returned. The three major thief groups approached the caravan again in an array. This time, the number of thieves is increasing.

The entire caravan is almost 2,000. And three thieves, each of which removed hundreds of cavalry, and nearly a thousand other members. The total number is absolutely close to five thousand. Ling Feng looking at their size, each thief group alone has more than a thousand people, it is no wonder that dare to hijack the large caravans.

Besides, on this trip, they are three big thieves.

Of course, if they want to completely loot this big caravan, they also need to pay the corresponding price, which they cannot afford. Otherwise, there is no need for them to stop.

In the face of the three major thieves, especially when the numbers are not dominant, many of the caravans start to worry and fear.

The leader of the large mercenary group, a middle-aged man with a shameless face, feels relieved at this time, explains something to the caravan leader, and then shouts at the crowd: “Brothers, we have passed the first level of already. As long as we resist the next level, we can retreat. Think about it. When we continue our mercenary career, we can tell others that we have In Yingfeng Gorge, this is the place now. Under the lookout of the three major thieves, we bravely broke through. What a great glory. So we must persist and never give up. We must know that if we I ca n’t stand it, and the disaster will fall to our relatives and friends. But now, I can tell you loudly and proudly that you already are doing a good job. Now the next thing to do is to strengthen your confidence and then Help the fallen comrades around, look at me, Aku Mirosius, look at our ‘Tianlong’ mercenary group, escorted the caravan, and walked out of the Windward Gorge with confidence! “

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