Stray Chapter 9: Remove (be sure

“It turns out that, purely theoretically, this huge ritual system is indeed an amazing innovation, and there is no problem…”

Medea nodded thoughtfully, then she looked at her master, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

“Then – master, although I don’t know why you know so much secret information, but you told me all of it so frankly, the purpose is definitely not just to share this secret with me, right?”

“I’m not sure about this, I heard that a shared secret can bring the relationship between the two closer…” Xia Ran smiled softly, and then said sternly, “If possible, I hope Caster You can study it, I am really curious about the third method.”

“Well, I can only say that I will do my best, not to mention that this is your request, Master, I am indeed very interested. If there is such an opportunity, I am not willing to give up…”

Glancing up and down at the boy in front of her, Medea nodded slightly.

“It’s just that, according to you, Master, the essence of the Saint of Winter is just a “thing that reproduces the third magic” born by chance, not that she has mastered the third magic herself, it can only be said that Touched the edge of the realm…”

“If the third magic is a textile technology, then she is a fine weaving that embodies this technology. There is still a difference between the weaving and the textile technology itself. I am not sure that it can be incarnated from her. Among the characteristics of the Great Holy Grail, how many useful things have been researched…”

“If you’re lucky, you might be able to really see the mystery of the third magic, but if you’re unlucky, you might just be wasting your time…” She thought for a while and came to such a conclusion.

As expected of the Great Magician of the Age of God, this kind of vision and judgment is really rare.

Xia Ran is naturally very aware of this, because the origin of the Einzbern family was originally a workshop established by the disciples of the magicians who realized the third magic, and it has continued since the first year of the Western Calendar.

They tried to reproduce the teacher’s miracle, but couldn’t do it on their own. Instead, they made the same individual as the teacher, and then that individual reproduced the magic. So at the end of nearly nine hundred years of futility, the cyborg known as the Holy Maiden of Winter——Justice was created.

She was created entirely by accident, and has nothing to do with the understanding, effort, and skills of those magicians. In the end, it’s just a sudden mutation whose cause is unclear.

Although she won’t grow old, she will also die due to her frailty, and she will not grow at all. Objectively speaking, it is something like “repeating the same day forever”. It can only be said that the existence of the possibility of the third magic is proved, but it is not that she has mastered the third magic herself.

There is a difference between the two cases.

And her magical circuit decomposes and magically replaces the human universe, and the Great Holy Grail, which is transformed into a great holy grail, should retain the characteristics of a very complete third magic, but it is definitely not the detailed technology itself.

Although Medea’s ability level should be at the level of a magician, she also doesn’t dare to make any guarantees on this kind of thing… The most important reason is that the Holy Grail War is too short, and she doesn’t have enough time. .

“I don’t have enough time… that’s right, this is really the biggest problem…”

Xia Ran muttered to herself, then smiled helplessly, and waved her hand casually and freely.

“But caster, you don’t have to be under any pressure, just do your best. If you really don’t get any results, then forget it…”

This kind of thing cannot be forced, and he also knows that he is not playing any strategic turn-based game, and it is impossible to say that he is researching a technology. Tell him how many rounds it takes from the beginning, and then he will be able to research it.

Especially a terrible technology like the third magic, even if there is a real hope of peeking into its secrets, it may not necessarily be able to be mastered by him.

It can only be said that there is such an opportunity in front of Xia Ran’s eyes. If he tries hard to win it, the probability of success may be very slim, but if he doesn’t even try at all, there is definitely no chance any possibility.

That’s it, he’s still quite open.



“What’s the matter?” Xia Ran was slightly puzzled, and looked at her caster, just in time to see him withdraw his gaze.

“It’s nothing, master, I’ll deploy my position as soon as possible, and start summoning… Then if there’s no need for me, I’ll focus on this.”

The witch shook her head gently and said so.

I’m not talking politely, that is to say, the master is really eager to obtain the mystery of the third magic, but this is normal. After all, there is such an opportunity in front of you, any magician who pursues magic will try to seize it. .

However, he didn’t directly lose reason because of the third magic, and he didn’t think that her “can’t guarantee” and “can’t do it” was a prevarication, if it was another magician , may have been very unhappy at this time and even turned his face and threatened with a Command Spell.

After all, the cultivation of magic is difficult, and being able to approach the illusory “root” one step or half a step is what the magicians in this world are tirelessly dreaming of, and they will be crazy in this regard.

However, my own Master…how should I say it? Although there are many secrets hidden, people have a lot of doubts and incomprehensible places, but Medea really feels more and more satisfied and relieved.

It doesn’t matter if they have their own secrets, everyone has their own secrets anyway. She also didn’t feel that the Master not only had to give her unconditional trust, but also couldn’t have her own secrets, so she had to tell her all to be honest.

Medea’s standards are not so strict yet. In her opinion, as long as she doesn’t lie when she treats her, and she doesn’t simply cheat and use her, then this is enough.

But it is precisely because of this that the witch has begun to have some competition to prove her mind——

Summoned the weak class recognized in the Holy Grail War. I heard that I was not suitable to play, and the master didn’t care at all…

To be honest about the secrets that I have learned, and to make it clear that I want to obtain the mystery of the Great Holy Grail, but I say that I may not be able to do it, and the master still doesn’t care too much…

What else does he care about? Or even if I summoned myself, I don’t actually have too many expectations on myself. Once the request I put forward cannot be fulfilled, I will give up quickly. It seems that I just ask with the mentality of giving it a try. now…

There is no doubt that this is indeed a very good Master, and he will never be **** others. But Medea had an inexplicable feeling of being underestimated. She hated others cheating and taking advantage of her, but she didn’t like the feeling that the Master didn’t think she was of any use at all and had no hope.

“Well, then please… By the way, you should also pay attention to safety when researching, and don’t rush too deeply. Due to the last ritual, the Holy Grail system may have been contaminated, you should know.”

Xia Ran didn’t think about it too much. After thinking for a while, she nodded and said so.

The illegal summoning has not yet started, because Medea has not yet found a suitable basis. He originally wanted to mention the mountain gate of Liudong Temple, but after thinking about it, he still did not give his suggestion.

The foresight aspect has been shown enough, and other fixed information can be explained. But it is very likely that Medea has a plan now, and if she can still collide with her thoughts, this is really strange.

“Well, I know this, master…” Medea nodded, not surprised.

When Xia Ran explained the source of inspiration for his illegal summoning, he mentioned Angola Manuel, an out-of-spec avenger who was summoned by the Einzbern family during the last Holy Grail War.

She is also very clear that the servant who was summoned illegally may be very weak, but its nature is doomed. Once the soul is absorbed by this huge ritual system, the colorless power in the Great Holy Grail will be very strong. May be blackened.

That would be a very dangerous thing, and she certainly couldn’t take it lightly.

“That’s good, then caster, you can slowly run our base camp here in Liudong Temple… Tomorrow night, I will play with Berserker, so that people will not pay attention to you. “

Xia Ran said calmly.

“Master, are you going to pretend to be a servant directly?” When she heard this, Medea’s expression couldn’t help being a little weird, and she couldn’t help but ask such a question.

Since you are going to cover her up so that others can’t notice that the real caster is still developing in the following waves, then you can only pretend to be a caster, right? But considering his melee ability is so sturdy, I always feel that something is not right…

“How could that be? I have always been able to change my name, never change my surname, never pretend to be someone else…” Xia Ran shook her head and said very calmly, “I will play directly as the master, as for them If there is no misunderstanding, it is none of my business…”

Medea: “…”

There must be a misunderstanding, right?

When a servant tries to decapitate you, and you blow the dog’s head with your backhand, as long as you are a normal person, you will suspect that you are actually a servant!

Is this a way of not lying at all, but someone else inexplicably falls into a scam through their own brain supplementation?

She suddenly felt a little bit of self-doubt. Could she have been tricked by herself? But if this is the case, how should such a thing be counted? If the other party has never lied to you, is this also considered cheating and taking advantage of yourself?

The witch pondered and found herself caught in a paradox.



Another day has passed, the sun has begun to set, and night is coming.

The people of Fuyuki City are still living every day foolishly, and the Masters and Servants who participated in the Holy Grail War are searching the whole city for 24 hours without interruption, while hiding their own whereabouts, while searching for the whereabouts of the enemy.

Until the winter sun finally completely set, the streets were covered with another layer of color in the dark night, and many people were suddenly excited, and their eyeliners sent back the message, it seems that the first official battle will be tonight. sounded.

The location is at the mouth of the Weiyuan River, on the west side of the Fuyuki Bridge, where there is a large seaside park.

One servant made no secret of his aura, as if he was provoking all the opponents hidden in the darkness, while another servant had rushed over without hesitation, and was willing to make an appointment for such a declaration of war.

Seeing that a war is about to begin, everyone will naturally focus on that area.

The master is watching secretly behind the scenes, and the servants are rushing to the battlefield…

To the east of the waterfront park is a warehouse street, which also has harbor facilities and separates the new capital from the industrial area further east.

Because of the night, there are almost no people here, and the dim lights illuminate the street, which makes the scene even more empty. Unmanned cranes are neatly lined up by the sea, looking like huge dinosaur fossils, making people feel a little uncomfortable.

On the wide four-lane road, the two servants stopped about ten meters away from each other, facing each other like this.

On one side is Saber, a beautiful girl with blond hair and blue eyes and a petite body. One is a lancer with two brushes and looks like a man with decent features.

I didn’t say much, because this is a death battle, and hiding one’s real name and information is a necessary quality in the Holy Grail War. No matter how long it can be hidden, it is not guaranteed that this will give you too many advantages, but at least it will prevent yourself from being targeted.

So, the battle is on!

Facing the space that is completely opposed to the physical laws of the world, the surrounding air emits a nervous whimper. A frantic storm rages on the deserted shopping streets, destroying and trampling everything.

Saber’s Master, Irisviel watched in amazement as the legend reappeared in front of her. As the only exposed Master on the battlefield, her situation was actually very dangerous.

Because there are a lot of people watching here in the dark, but everyone is not stupid, and it is hard to believe that a master appears in the battlefield so carefree, it looks more like a bait.

Actually, in a sense, it is true. Saber’s true master, the magician killer Emiya Kiritsugu, is currently on the container yard between the bank walls, using the lens of a sniper rifle to peek into the center of the battlefield.

Everyone is waiting for the opportunity.

But at the next moment, at the far end of the street, a violent explosion suddenly occurred, and a sea of ​​fire burned in an instant, dyeing the night red.

The duel between saber and lancer came to an abrupt end. They had sensed the approach of a third party before, so they had restrained a lot. In order to prevent being attacked, they could stop at any time.

However, what they didn’t expect was that the third party did not sneak up on them after entering the field, but played the art of explosion in the distance of this street?

What is this doing?

The two who stopped subconsciously looked over, just like the other people hiding in the dark to observe the battlefield, they were attracted to the attention, and then they happened to see a figure wearing a black robe and a white skull mask. An embarrassing scene of being forced out of the flames…

Huh? Wait, wasn’t this assassin wiped out in front of numerous witnesses last night?

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