Stray Chapter 82: Talk

“…Well, I already know about this, and I didn’t expect you to be targeted by her. It’s my fault…but you don’t have to worry about it. Everything I said to her is completely unreliable. is skeptical.”

The girl’s calm and somewhat abnormal voice came from the opposite side-

“Although she is a tricky person in every sense, she shouldn’t do such a thing of forging recordings to frame others, as long as you didn’t say anything that shouldn’t be said at the time, It’s no longer a problem.”

Although Yukinoshita’s voice was unusually calm, Xia Ran intuitively felt that there was some kind of turbulence behind the calm.

——What is the reason?

…Is it because I hate Yukinoshita Yono meddling in her affairs? … Or are you dissatisfied with the topics that the two of them just discussed unilaterally that offended her?

Of course, this is probably a perpetual mystery, and one that will never be answered.

“Who knows? I’m just doing it for the sake of safety, and I agree with what you said before, Yukinoshita-san, in case she makes a move in the future, so I’m scrambling to find a way to deal with it.”

Although Xia Ran was also a little curious, she wisely didn’t ask any questions at this time, but casually echoed—

“After all, your sister seems to be really…well, she’s the kind of person who can only act according to her own interests. If she doesn’t have interest, she won’t do anything. If she’s interested, she has amazing ability to act… …”

Because Yukinoshita’s impression on him is not bad, Xia Ran doesn’t really hate her, and the other party is still Yukinoshita’s sister, so I can only describe it as euphemistically as possible. Check out your own perception.

Although the relationship between the two sisters seems to be very rigid, it seems so bad that when Yukino Yukinoshita talks about her sister, she will be very impatient, as if she was touched Inverse scale.

However, Xia Ran still doesn’t think it’s a wise thing to say bad things about her sister in front of her sister. If someone really does this, it’s definitely an idiot.

“Then you’re still quite sharp, not hopeless… You must know that after seeing her, everyone is full of praise for her.”

Yukinoshita sighed softly.

“Huh?” Xia Ran suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

“What’s the matter, isn’t this surprising? She’s beautiful in appearance, first-class IQ, both civil and military, versatile… No one can be as perfect as her, and everyone will naturally be full of praise for her…”

Yukinoshita explained somewhat impatiently.

“No, that… Yukishita-san, are you praising yourself in disguise?”

Xia Ran was silent for a while, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that Yukishita-san seemed to be talking about herself… No, it wasn’t, she was talking about herself at all.


Hearing him say this, this time it was Yukinoshita’s turn to be surprised, as if she discovered this problem only after realizing it, or that she never had this self-awareness and felt that she was in the eyes of others Also perfect?

“Forget it, let’s not talk about this for now, and I think the feeling your sister gives is just a camouflage protective color… Well, how to describe it? Her perfection is like putting on herself. A layer of armor.”

Xia Ran pondered for a while, and based on her own feelings, she came to a more precise conclusion for Yukinoshita Yono.

That’s right, the “perfect” that everyone praises is not real, it’s just a layer of armor that she specially equips herself.

——The reason why Xia Ran felt that Yukinoshita Yangnai’s words and deeds had a natural sense of incongruity, probably because of this reason.

To say that she “wrapped herself up” should be the most apt description, but ordinary people are mortal to the naked eye, so they can’t see it at all, and even praise it.

“Hum, mortal wisdom…”

“What are you talking about?” Yukinoshita wondered, “What mortal wisdom?”

“It’s nothing, I’m just feeling it…” Xia Ran breathed a sigh of relief, “But your elder sister is really smart. I guess most people won’t find her wearing a mask.” /

“This is of course, as you said, it’s just what she shows. She is the eldest daughter in the family. Because of her work, she often has to visit various places and attend banquets. As a result, she naturally has That side…”

Yukinoshita said calmly.

Xia Ran listened to her voice quietly, but she couldn’t help but use her brain at this time, thinking about why Yukinoshita Yangnai became like this.

Is it really because of her background and family that, as the eldest daughter, she unwillingly undertakes the family’s various social entertainment and future political and business responsibilities, so she sees through people’s hearts prematurely?

If this is really the case, that means her perfect disguise, her black belly and bad heart are actually her way of protecting herself in the face of the world’s malice and ugly people?

Although it is very strange, there is one thing that Xia Ran did not disclose, that is, Yukinoshita’s performance is not strictly hypocritical. Although he judged that it was the armor she armed herself, he did not deny that those attributes were also A side of her—

Because the mask can’t be taken off after wearing it for a long time, it’s like getting used to it.

Even if Yukinoshita Yono was really putting on that perfect armor for the sake of protecting himself, but after so many years, it is estimated that he has already become accustomed to it, who can say Are these attributes not her real side?

“…Xia Ran, are you listening to me?”

At this time, Yukinoshita’s displeased voice sounded, bringing someone’s thoughts of running horses back to reality.

He couldn’t help shaking his head, dispelling the various possibilities that flashed in his mind in an instant. After all, it is meaningless to speculate wildly here, after all, only she knows what the situation of that sister is.

So, for now, it’s better to deal with her sister first—

“Sorry, I lost my mind just now, what are you talking about?” Xia Ran didn’t hesitate for even a second, and decisively explained that she didn’t pay attention to what Yukinoshita said just now, and she didn’t plan to perfunctory.

If it was Yono Yukinoshita, he would probably just reveal it with a smile on his face, and both sides were tacit. But Yukinoshita Yukino has a very serious personality, so perfunctory is not a good choice.

“I mean, what do you think of her sister?” the girl repeated unhappily.

“Didn’t I say it? A very troublesome person…”

“Only this? I mean a more specific review.”

“Well, let’s put it this way, I think for most boys, your sister is the ideal type.” Xia Ran thought about it carefully and gave such an answer.


“Yes, we can easily talk to each other, no matter if it’s true or false, at least she feels good, always has a smile on her face, I doubt she can even talk to Hikigu Classmates speak normally…”

“Don’t you think your judging criteria are a bit rude for members of the same club?”

“Don’t you think what I said is wrong?” Xia Ran asked rhetorically.

“On the basis of the conclusion, it is indeed not a mistake…” Yukinoshita had no way to deny the fact, and could only change the subject helplessly, “So, besides this, do you have any other opinions?”

“Do you want to say more? If you just want to say a few more words…” The magician thought hard, “Probably she seems to be able to close the social distance with others very easily, almost sticking to the whole person. That feeling, the skin-to-skin communication is very close, it feels so soft…”

“Are you a pervert!”

“It’s all said that she got stuck, what’s it to me, has she always been like this?”

“How is that possible? You are the first person to be treated like this…” the girl said coldly.

“Is that so? It seems that she really cares about you, that’s why she acts like this?” Xia Ran thought about why Yukinoshita Yangnai was interested in him, probably because Are you one of the few people who can get close to the iceberg of her sister?

At least when the other party said this reason, it was really sincere. Maybe she is really a girl who cares about Yukino Yukino, but she has no way to change the mask she is wearing, take it off and put it on The armor is now——

So there is no way to care about your sister like a normal sister? Can you only detour through such a seemingly black-hearted and wicked way?



Yukinoshita didn’t speak, and seemed to be noncommittal about it, but also seemed to instinctively didn’t want to talk about this kind of issue.

“Cough, come on, Yukinoshita-san, aren’t you in the classroom right now?” Xia Ran also knew that there would be no more conversations in the follow-up on this topic, so he quickly changed the topic and compared the time. , asked very confidently.

“I’m in Hiratsuka-sensei’s office now.”

“Huh?” He originally thought the girl was in the activity room.

“Because I have already completed the answer sheet before, so I don’t want to continue wasting time in the classroom, I might as well take this time to do some other meaningful things…”

Yukinoshita Yukino seemed to sigh helplessly at first, and her tone was no longer as cold as before.

“What’s the meaningful thing?” Xia Ran asked with great interest, “Are you still having a headache for those two people?”

Yukinoshita didn’t answer, it seemed to be a tacit consent, even though she was just on the phone, Xia Ran made up her expression in an instant.

“It seems so, but you can’t do anything right now?”

Xia Ran sighed, he felt that this kind of thing might make sense, but it’s really hard for outsiders to intervene——

“Do you still plan to take advantage of this time to find them one by one and let them reconcile directly?”

“Of course I’m not that stupid…” Yukinoshita said displeasedly, “I just want to confirm whether their team application for job apprenticeship has changed.”

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