Stray Chapter 78: Call Total War

  ”Damn…what’s going on…”

   Hamazura Shishang turned the steering wheel of the four-wheel drive car slightly, and muttered, the violent storms outside the car were coming from all directions, seemingly endless, the dense rain curtain and the splashing water mist made the visibility extremely low.

  Even if the wipers work hard, even if the light from the headlights shines straight out, it is still difficult to say what effect it has. He has to drive the vehicle carefully and stare at the front with all his attention, but he still feels blurred, even blurred. Don’t know where I am.

   I always felt that before I knew it, I had strayed from the familiar streets of Academy City and fell into some otherworldly realm.

   The companions in the car did not speak, and the silence was very quiet, especially when the wind was howling outside, the torrential rain was crashing down, and the deafening thunder was roaring against the background sound of the environment, it was even more unusual .

  This is because they all have a vague premonition…

   something ominous as if it were real.

   This sudden summer thunderstorm is actually too abnormal. The dark storm is more like a deliberate cover up… Although they are just a group of gangsters, but they spend all year round on the streets to make a living, and they can still stay forever. If there is no accident and they are alive and kicking, it means that their senses are keen.

  ”Wait, what’s that…what?”

   went forward cautiously and braved the storm to open a distance. Hamazura Shigami’s eyes suddenly widened, but on the contrary, his pupils suddenly contracted.

   He saw in the boundless dark storm ahead, the faint shadow of a towering, majestic building standing in the looming outline of the city.

What kind of plane does    do?

  I didn’t even see it when I passed by here last night… Wait, could it be that I unknowingly drove to other places in the thunderstorm weather with extremely low visibility? But this is not justified. Even if such a building is placed in the entire Academy City, it cannot be ignored.

   No matter which school district or street it is in, it must be a landmark building that can be seen at a glance.

   So… when did you leave Academy City? Did you really drive the car in the thunderstorm and traveled to another space? Hamazura Shi glanced at the navigation subconsciously, and a few drops of cold sweat poured out on his forehead unconsciously.

  ”…it doesn’t seem right, shall we go and take a look?”

   stepped on the brake with one foot, and the little gangster looked at his companion.



  ”It’s just hateful! This tower cannot be left in the world!”

   “Destroy it! It must be destroyed, and it will turn to ashes!”

   “That’s right! Use Gregorian Choir! “

   From the top of the head to the soles of the feet, the knights in the airtight silver armor stood on the street and let the wind and rain blow at them, but they couldn’t care about it anymore, they just stared at The high tower in front of him revealed undisguised resentment and anger in his fanatical eyes.

   gathered all the forces of the Crusaders and launched a very comprehensive and terrifying raid. Not only did they break through the gate of Academy City in an instant, but also paralyzed the functions of most areas of the city. Lightning strikes Huanglong directly, killing the vicinity of the target.

   This shows that their previous preparations were indeed not wasting time, but rather fully formulated tactics. Maybe they even carried out various rehearsals, and they had run in the tacit understanding between the action teams, even through divination or divine inspiration. In a class-like manner, we explored the detailed location information of the target to be eradicated.

   blah blah blah.

   As one of the vanguard troops, the Knights, after seeing the magnificent tower standing in front of them, unexpectedly felt the anger of leaving, they have the most devout and fanatical beliefs, why? It is possible to accept this kind of disrespect to God!

  The Tower of Babel failed to be built, and you deserve it! Therefore, to destroy it, it must be destroyed, and this tower must not be left behind, which will humiliate the prestige of God.

   The zealots who quickly reached a consensus organized the spell in anger. They wanted to let the arrogant blasphemer understand that some things can never be done, and if they do, they must pay a price, and that price It is absolutely impossible for the other party to pay!

  ”According to John’s Revelation 8:7-“

   As if they had rehearsed countless times beforehand, the knights lined up, and the leader of the knight commander raised the great sword originally hung on his waist to the sky, and the sword quickly shone with red light. In the thunderstorm weather of heavy rain, it is like a conspicuous lightning rod.

  ”──The first angel, the sound of destruction with a wind instrument is reproduced here!”

  The high-pitched voices of countless fanatics sang hymns of praise in unison at this moment, and the terrible spell called “Gregorian Chorus” was about to be activated!

   This was originally the ultimate weapon of the Roman Orthodox Church. Three thousand three hundred and thirty-three monks gathered in the sanctuary to sing the great magic of the holy mantra. Just like focusing sunlight with a magnifying glass, the power of magic can be greatly increased.

   at the same time.

  ”What is this for…”

   At the end of the street in the back, several figures were drenched in the rain, squinting at this blurry scene, a little confused.

  ”Could it be those mysterious new religions that have arisen recently?”

   “Oh, that kind of organization that makes people take strange drugs and brainwashes them with the doctrine of “people who don’t believe in gods will be punished by God”? “

   They discussed in a low voice, thinking that maybe that was the case, otherwise it would be hard to explain why this group of people gathered on the street in the heavy rain to engage in such mysterious and strange rituals, which was obviously brainwashed by a cult of people.

   is just that.

   In the next second, their eyes widened in astonishment.

The moment the high-pitched chant of    fell, the red-blazing great sword in the hand of the leader of the knight commander made a very abrupt trumpet-like sound, as if an angel blew the seven trumpets announcing the end of the world. the whole night sky.

   In the next instant, all the sounds disappeared.

  Whether it was the sound of the doomsday horn, the roaring sound of the loud storm, or the thunderous roar that was like an apocalypse that would tear the whole world apart, they all disappeared without warning in an instant. .

   is like a video tape being played, and someone suddenly pressed the mute button.

   Originally floating in the dark sky, the dense and thick rain clouds were suddenly blown away at this moment, revealing a huge void.

  The sun came in for a short time, and the light passed through the dense storm, making the twenty-third school district and the nearby places return to the daytime environment for a short time, although it was still relatively dim, the sunlight seemed soft and even Weak, but enough.

   Almost everyone outside can see it, like a huge falling thunder, a thick beam of light released from the sky to the world appears in the sky near the tower, the beam of light is as bright red as blood, like thousands of flames The arrows gathered and fused together and turned into a huge spear.

   pierced through the clouds with this blow, and fell fiercely towards the tower-shaped building that appeared in the twenty-third school district at some point!

   Looking at Gulian’s magic spear, it hit the blasphemous tower in an instant, and the knights who activated the spell showed a frenzied and cheerful smile. Just die!



   The laughter stopped abruptly, like a croaking duck being strangled by the neck.

   Their smiles froze on their faces, and their eyes seemed to see an unbelievable scene.

  Boom! !

   The furious sky erupted with a deafening roar, the flames in the gaps of the clouds flashed dazzling electric lights, the previously penetrated holes were refilled by the surging rain clouds, and the short-lived sky was once again shaded, the sun disappears.

  It was as if nothing had happened, the tower was unscathed, and the spire that could not be seen at a glance sank into the endless rain clouds, stepping into the hell-like sky formed by the rain clouds, glittering Deep in the whirlpool of thunder and lightning.

  Torrential rain, hurricane, thunder, all the violent forces of nature cannot shake it.

   This is also a matter of course, because this is above the world, to be on an equal footing with the throne of the authority in the sky, the so-called “turmoil” tower… or “God’s gate”.

  Since it is a feat of challenging the power of God and trying to achieve the status of a new god, it is naturally a “great cause” that surpasses all “miracles”, and the “mystery” of the mere magical mysteries can never be damaged in the slightest… …because the mystery is always subservient to the higher mystery.

  ”How, how could…”

  The Knights couldn’t believe the scene in front of them. The “Gregorian Chorus” didn’t work at all?

  ”This is impossible!”

   “In the Vatican Cathedral, the world’s greatest spiritual place, the holy mantras uttered by 3,333 monks are gathered, which can accurately turn any corner of the world into ashes!”

  ”This tower is no exception! It’s all fake! It’s all fake!”

  Some people are full of grim faces, their expressions are distorted, and they shout hysterically, refusing to accept what happened in front of them, and some people seem to have lost all strength at once, and the big sword in their hands fell to the ground with a bang. .

  ’s fanatical belief is a double-edged sword, which can not only provide cheating buffs to fanatics, but also instantly defeat their perseverance and heart defense when they are shaken.

   The “Gregorian Choir” was displayed by them, and it was completely the power of the original version. Especially after this period of pre-war mobilization and preparation, all the cross religions abandoned their previous hatred under the same goal and joined hands… …the force should be able to achieve the theoretical maximum result.

   Such a powerful power, such a sacred power, was completely annihilated at the moment of collision, without even causing any impact on the target?

   What a joke, they simply can’t accept it.

   also found it unacceptable, and at the end of the street behind, Hamazura Shishang waited and hid in secret. Their faces were full of astonishment. The red lotus gun was so powerful just now, but it turned out that the thunder was loud and the raindrops were small?

What kind of plane is    doing?

  da, da, da

   At this moment, the sound of crisp footsteps came from behind, and the loud thunderstorm could not cover the small sound.

   A few thugs suddenly jumped in their hearts, subconsciously turned their heads to look back, and then the whole person was stunned.

   The long hair is as bright as gold, and it is not affected by the outside world. The violent storm also seems to consciously avoid her figure. Those vermilion eyes are gentle, with a certain This kind of high-level deterrent force made Hamazura Shishang and others feel completely unable to breathe just by looking at it.

   They are shaking all over, every cell is shaking, this is the instinctive reaction of life when faced with extreme terror.

   will die…

   As long as you meet this woman, you will definitely die…

   I can’t even raise the idea of ​​resistance, I can only obediently be killed by her, like an animal encountering a natural enemy sadly facing its own destiny…

  ”The power…is amazing.”

   didn’t even look at the few gangsters around, the figure of a girl with blonde hair and red eyes walked forward step by step. As she walked, she raised her palm and looked at her body. A faint smile flashed in his eyes.

   suddenly appeared in this strange city shrouded in thunderstorms, and an inexplicable memory flashed in her mind, which was also an unprecedented experience for her.

   But after removing the junk information in that unfamiliar memory, such as “This is a game, it’s not a test who made this game, maybe it’s gods, maybe it’s demons, it’s more likely to be aliens After strange introductions like “people or future humans”, she finally understood her situation.

  I was not summoned here by my real body, but a form of existence similar to a Servant.

  Someone used her information to create a clone of her and drive her as a Servant.

   Of course, the rewards are also amazing…

   Feeling the surging power of her body, she narrowed her eyes slightly. Since it is not her body, there is no risk. Just follow that guy’s thoughts. I just hope that guy can have the last laugh. And fulfilled his promise…


  ”Stop! Are you a heretic too?!”

  ”Sign up!”

   The members of the group of knights in front of them sensed the huge magical aura approaching behind them, and quickly turned around, shouting angrily, their hostility and murderous aura undisguised.

   “Just because of you… don’t even want to know my name.” Those vermilion eyes were indifferent, as if looking at a group of dead people, “Granzogg, kill them!”

  The terrifying tide of magic power whistled and swept away, shattering the surrounding rain and storms, and countless crow feathers that appeared from nowhere fell. The knights go!



  ”It’s back…”

   holding a wet cigarette at the corner of his mouth with a melancholy face, the red-haired priest looked at the city in front of him, wiped the rain from his face, and turned to look at the girl “Saint” beside him.

  ”This environment is not good for me, Kanzaki, I may have to spend more time setting up…”

  ”I know.”

  Kanzaki Kaori nodded and said in a light voice, but she didn’t look at her companion, she was still staring straight ahead, not knowing what she was thinking… The war has finally begun, she has no way to refuse this war, because it is said that this is God’s new covenant.

   Fortunately, Index and the others should have followed their advice and left this doomed city.

   “Why don’t you…you act with the people of the Amakusa-style cross sect? I may have to delay a lot of time.” Stiyl thought for a while and suggested this.

   “No, didn’t we agree?” Kanzaki Kaori shook her head, this environment was indeed very unfriendly to Stier, she was worried that if she didn’t follow, what would happen to this flame magician Accident.

   This city is not completely powerless.

  ”It’s up to you…”

  Stiel nodded noncommittally, then his eyes narrowed and he looked at the street ahead.

  Kanzaki Kaori’s reaction was quicker, and he had already stepped forward to block his companions. He grasped the hilt of the Seven Heavens Seven Swords at his waist and narrowed his eyes slightly.

   There are slight footsteps mixed in the background sound of thunderstorms. In the darkness at the end of the street ahead, a figure slowly walked over. From far to near, the footsteps gradually became clearer, and the same figure itself gradually changed. be clear.

   What finally appeared in the eyes of the two magicians who acted together was a…


  Kanzaki Kaori frowned. She had already seen that it was probably a woman wearing a nun’s clothes.

   Is he also a member of the Crusaders? The companions who acted together this time?

   She thought so subconsciously, her tense body unwittingly relaxed a little, she let out a small breath, and just at this moment, the nun had come closer, she could clearly see it The true face of the opponent.

  The hair is not shaved, and the long black hair hangs down under the hood…

  A pair of Mora’s horns growing on the top of the head are the things of the devil…

  Like a goddess, like a bodhisattva, a woman dressed as a nun shows a smile, and the sanity, rationality, morality and ethics of those who see it are shaken.

  ”How, how…”

  Kanzaki Kaori felt a slight dizziness attack, his sense of balance and realism was being shaken, he stared at the other party in shock and anger, and the seven swords in seven days suddenly came out!


  ”Human beings are all immature beasts, which can be described as devouring desires, indulging in desires, and melting into the foamy fruits of desires”

  The Demonic Bodhisattva still just showed a smile, and that smile made people shudder. She looked at the eyes of the two magicians opposite her, as if she was looking at two tiny insects that were destined to be unable to turn over the palm of her own.



  ”What are you, you dare to stand in front of this uncle?”

   In the deep voice, with naked and undisguised murderousness, the man with red as the keynote gives a great sense of oppression, and his gloomy and fierce eyes are looking straight ahead.

   Fire on the right.

   The chief and substantial leader of the “Right Seat of God”, the darkest part of the Roman Orthodox Church, known as the “Right of the Right”, in charge of the red, the right, and the “fire” in the four attributes, with ” The Godlike” nature of Michael.

   He was in a very unhappy mood. This sudden jihad made many of his ideas and plans impossible to carry out. However, as a member of the Cross religion, he had no way to reject God’s new covenant, and he had to follow God’s will to participate. This “Eastern Expedition”.

   But he was still in a turbulent mood, especially when he wanted to make a quick decision, act alone, and was stopped by someone before he rushed all the way to the target location.

   blocking the road in front of the fire on the right is a white-haired man. He is wearing a complicated and noble dress. He has the same temperament as a wise king. Looking at each other silently.

  ”I am”

   He whispered so, a daze flashed through his mind.

   In the end, a strange and familiar name emerged in his memory, which convinced him.

  ”…The Magic King Solomon.”

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