Stray Chapter 42: Fate of War

The magic barrier presented by the liberation of Matthew’s Noble Phantasm, and the outline of the city wall of the ideal city, which was looming, persisted for a full half a second under the impact of destruction.

This is very important, although in the end this magic barrier was like tofu being smashed by a hammer, and it was completely torn apart under the impact of the Great Annihilation, but it bore the brunt of the great terror that fell from the sky. The first solid barrier of the time.

Behind the first line of defense, followed by the more than ten layers of magic barrier set up by Miss Medea, although it was also shattered in an instant in the mad dance of destruction, it was like paper paste Generally…

——But no matter how you say it, it resisted it more or less.

As for what happened later…Fujimaru Rika doesn’t know, and it’s impossible to know.

She just felt suffocated, and her eyes went black, as if every part of her body, including her chest, heart, belly, etc., had been violently hit by a huge hammer at the same time!

Under this huge shock and shock, there was no accident at all, she bluntly lost all perception. The last sight I saw was that a wave peak higher than a skyscraper slammed down on its head, but there was no sound, and it was so silent that it was like a silent silent film.

And in the girl’s last consciousness, the only thought that flashed was——

“Is it finally going to die? I’m really unwilling, I hope Matthew and the others are okay…”

Yes, I’m really unhappy.

It is clear that after a lot of hard work, I have come to this point, and even five singularities have been repaired, and only the last two are left, and the restoration of human nature can basically be completed.

But in the end, there is still no hope, and it falls directly at the sixth singularity? Although before she set off, she was already conscious, just like before every previous journey started.

After all, when was there ever a time when it wasn’t dangerous?

It’s just that the doctor is right, this sixth singularity is an unprecedented EX-class case after all, everything is unknown, and the danger far exceeds the sum of all other singularities combined…

It is not like the singularity of the past, although it is dangerous, it can see a chance of life, but it completely cuts off all hope.

Even Chaldea and his party have never had any direct contact with the kingdom of Camelot that has continued to this day, nor have they seen that mysterious magician. It’s just the aftermath of what the other party did, maybe even the other party didn’t notice it.

But just such a aftermath swept over lightly, and for the people of Chaldea, it was already a disaster.

At the last moment of her life, Fujimaru Rika can only hope that Mash and the others are okay… Although, if the business of humanistic restoration ends here, it seems that all this will be meaningless.

It’s just that she doesn’t have time to think about it.



About the same time.

The location is on the British island, the capital of the Kingdom of Camelot, standing in the central palace complex of the chalk city on the Great Plain.

In the study where The Lion King usually handles government affairs, because he can no longer use the identities of King Arthur and King of Knights, Arturia, who called himself the Lion King at Xia Ran’s suggestion, also received relevant information at this time.

“Mirabreas… There was an accident in the process of escorting back to the capital, and the magic airship crashed into the sea, so Mirabereas may have escaped?”

“The nearby dragoon corps has responded and is currently searching the wrecked sea area, but there is no more detailed further discovery for the time being, so I hope to get… um, any instructions on the next step?”

The bright emerald green eyes blinked gently, as if a noble girl who walked out of a medieval European court thought carefully for a moment, and then put down the urgent message in her hand.

After she pondered and was silent for a while, she looked at the secretary next to her with some doubts, and finally asked: “Well… Then again, who is Miraboreas? Why? Escort it back to the capital? Is it some wrong vassal?”

She really didn’t feel that the name sounded familiar at all. After thinking about it carefully and seriously, she didn’t have any impression at all, so she subconsciously sought help from outside the venue.

Altolia looked at it very carefully and found that there was no more detailed information in the expedited message. In short, it seemed that those people did not know the so-called Mira Who the **** is Boreas.

The reason why they were dispatched urgently was because they received a notification from the “Spiritual Calculation Device Tonatiu” that coordinates the national spiritual communication network, and only then did they know that there was a magic airship accident in the waters of their own jurisdiction nearby. The whereabouts of the prisoner transported by the airship are unknown.

That’s why they rushed out to search and investigate. After all, no matter what they said, an airship crashed in the waters of their nearby jurisdiction. Such a thing, such a loss of heavy equipment, was enough to shake the entire kingdom.

Even if it’s not their turn to take the blame, Camelot doesn’t have a fashionable attitude of finding someone to be responsible, but it’s impossible for them to do nothing, and naturally they have to take action—

For example, at least try to find out the cause of the crash and investigate the whereabouts of Miraboreas.



“…Sorry, Wang, I don’t know…”

The secretary is also a blond girl with a dry and refreshing single ponytail. Facing the king’s question, as the king’s closest official, her expression seems to freeze.

After a while, after racking her brains and thinking hard to no avail, she bowed her head in shame and said that she had no relevant impression of this aspect at all, and had never heard of the name.

“Really? You don’t know…”

Alturia nodded suspiciously, but did not blame her secretary, but felt a little strange, the other party’s ability was still impeccable, otherwise she would not have been screened and become her own secretary.

It is precisely because the other party helps me on a daily basis that I am so handy when dealing with various government affairs, large and small. A lot of times, Arturia wondered if she didn’t need to sleep at all.

In the daytime, she is always by her side, no matter what she asks, she can blurt out directly without thinking, and explain all the relevant intelligence information to herself in a detailed and specific way…

At this level, it’s hard not to make Arturia suspect that the secretary doesn’t sleep at all at night.

It is very likely that I spent all night sorting out various government information from all over the country, summarizing it, and reciting the full text by the way, so that I can answer my various questions at any time when I go to work the next day…

Indeed, very competent, but a little worrying.

But now, the secretary actually said that he didn’t know, and Arturia felt a little strange. Could it be that my guess is wrong, that Miraboreas is not actually a vassal, nor is he someone who has made mistakes recently and is about to be convicted?

However, “Spiritual Calculation Device Tonatiu” responded immediately after it detected that the related spiritual network node link was disconnected and determined that the corresponding magic airship had crashed and disappeared. Not a small thing.

Maybe it’s just that the level of secrecy is so high that the relevant information is hidden and requires high authority to read?

Under Arturia’s instruction, the secretary began to consult the relevant files, but unexpectedly, even her authority as the king’s close official was not enough to read the hidden parts. In the end, the king’s authorization is required.

This gave the secretary a sigh of relief, and the feeling of shame was greatly reduced. It turned out that it was not that she was derelict of duty, but that this part of the information was really out of reach, but she became curious because of it.

In the air in front of the desk, a three-dimensional and delicate holographic projection shows an operation interface. After all, as an important place like the palace, the construction of the spiritual network is naturally the most complete.

Because the palace itself is like a magic workshop, any floor tile, beam, or wall has been specially treated in advance, engraved with dense runes or applied with various magics Mode.

In addition to functions such as detection, warning, defense, counterattack, etc., it can also be viewed as a whole spiritual network node, without any receiving device or terminal type. to interact with the costumes—

Being able to directly board the spiritual network anywhere in the palace, more or less a kind of sci-fi feeling… Of course, for people of this era, it is a kind of magical feeling.

Just like you don’t need to bring a mobile phone, as long as you are in a high-tech house, no matter where you are, the Internet of Things can directly project an interactive interface for people to directly publish or query information on the Internet in various ways …

Of course, because the current Lingzi network has not developed any entertainment functions, even Magic☆Merry’s website cannot be updated in this singularity, so there is no need to worry that people in the palace will be there. During working hours, surfing the net and fishing or something… and they are all visible and recorded.

After all, it has not reached the level of directly linking the spiritual network through brain waves. Others can’t see themselves surfing the Internet at all, but they have to operate in front of them, opening an interface that everyone can see with the naked eye… …

——Through the keyword search of “Mirabreas”, there is only one entry result, which is a project established in the second year of the new calendar.

——The code name is “War of Destiny”, and it is an entry compiled by the palace magician Xia Ran himself, with the highest level of confidentiality…

Accompanied by the quick query of the secretary girl, she entered a deeper hidden interface. The projection displayed a dense line of text content. It listed the relevant information in great detail, and also accompanied the relevant information. pictures and videos.

“The war of fate…”

Artoria narrowed her eyes seriously, just looking thoughtful, chewing on the meaning of such an entry.

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