Stray Chapter 203: End

However, this incredibly powerful spell can only buy time.

Unless all the planetary planes in this universe are still the corpses of Idra with no subjective initiative, rather than the gods themselves who are being resurrected… So although the one who has performed this level of spells The magician is so powerful that it is impossible to suppress the gods by himself.

If he really wanted to be so cruel, “he” would have already reached the level of Anu’s existence.

So this technique is just a short time to buy time, it just uses the essence of the “tower”, after all, the “tower” is the law and rule to stabilize the world, even if the original stone of the snow tower only symbolizes the sky, it can still maximize the the role of magnification.

“It’s really troublesome, obviously I have reduced my sense of existence to the maximum extent, and only at the end did I make a full shot, and the result was only these tens of seconds? The correction power is too strong…”

The magician on the Golden Tower released the spell, and then frowned. “He” found that his figure was beginning to become illusory, like some kind of delicate projection, as long as it was Feng Yi Blow through, and the edges of the outlines will have jagged, fuzzy ripples.

But this was already within “his” estimate, so it wasn’t too much of a problem.

Under the action of the previous spell, the world that was about to fall apart was forcibly stabilized——

The most intuitive manifestation is that all kinds of earthquakes of various sizes and sizes suddenly come to an abrupt end…

Volcanoes all over the world that are erupting underground energy are suddenly misfired…

As for those terrifying peaks of hundreds of meters high, they are also whistling, and before they hit the depths of the continents, they suddenly collapsed and sprinkled the sky…

It seems that all terrifying natural disasters have been suddenly pressed the pause button, unreasonably stopping this apocalyptic disaster film with the theme of the end of the world.

It’s hard to imagine the impact and shock that that overly strong sense of drop has brought to the beings in this world, especially those continents, countries, and tribes that have been directly involved in the natural disaster of the world… Corresponding The creatures of the race were already desperate, but they didn’t expect the disaster to be forcibly stopped at this moment!

About a few breaths passed, it seemed like an entire century, long and quiet, they finally reacted and began to cry and scream, and some people laughed, just laughed and laughed Now, two lines of twisted tears streamed down his embarrassed, scarred and dusty cheeks.

Not only for themselves, but also for their family and friends, and for the tragic situation around them, the once familiar environment, family and even the world have been shattered by natural disasters in a short period of time…

They were just lucky enough to survive. Even if they escaped the catastrophe, seeing the tragic situation around them was still a source of uncontrollable grief, which made their hearts hurt so much that they seemed to be split open and dripping blood.

It’s gone!

There’s nothing left!

A beautiful life, a happy family, all kinds of relatives and friends, and all the familiar people who liked and even hated all died directly in the previous collapse and never came back…

Why exactly? Why did they suddenly encounter such a thing? What are they doing wrong?

For a time, the planet of Nien was full of grief. Every continent, every country, every village and town, and people of different races and different races were crying and crying.

However, since the pause button is said to be pressed, and it is said to be aborted rather than terminated, it also means that the great disaster has not really ended at all.

Within ten seconds, thunder came again from the thick lead clouds rolling in the sky, and a dull sound came from the volcano in the distance that was emitting thick black smoke and sparks. Under the ground full of cracks and cracks, there is a movement like the friction and collision of the mantle and the core…

The ensemble of the destruction of all things is ready to play again.



In an instant, these grief-stricken, grief-stricken people at the same time were ducks strangled by their necks, and could no longer make any sound.

Their expressions gradually solidified, and the sadness in their eyes gradually turned into panic and despair…



This is a huge disaster that will destroy the entire world, the cornerstone of the world will no longer exist, and all living things on the earth will be swept away.

Who is wrong? This can only be said that no one is wrong, because this world has been equal to heaven and earth from the very beginning. Whether it is the gods above, or all beings on the ground, they are all illusory existences themselves.

Everything is just a dream of the head of the gods, once Anu wakes up, all records will cease to exist.

Mortals have the right to live, and the gods have no obligation to die. The latter created this world from the very beginning not for all beings and everything, but for transcending this void and meaningless universe.

Even if the gods really sacrifice themselves for human beings, there is only worthless nothing at the end of this world, everything is a sad and futile reincarnation…

What’s more, no matter what the reason for the creation of the world in the first place, at least they have sheltered this world and all living beings have prospered for countless years. Now, they have to struggle for their own chance of survival, not planning to incarnate the world again, but to take back their own lives…

The purpose is not evil, and the starting point is not cruel, just because the world has existed from the beginning, it was created through their death, and fate has played a very bad joke on everyone.

The magician on the golden tower in Snowman City lowered his eyes and waited for the moment, without pity or sigh.

After more than ten seconds, the magician, whose figure was blurred to the point of disappearing, raised the Chaos Staff again high in his hand. “He” also couldn’t save everyone, only the ones within his power. This part-

“Recovery Paradise·A distant ideal hometown!”

Another incredible spell was released. With the golden tower as the center, it radiated to the entire Snowman City, the entire Snowman Collar, and the entire Skyrim Province, because the original stone of the “tower” was originally used. The original stone of the snow tower that symbolizes the sky.

So the scope of this spell is not as vast as before, but the effect is enhanced to the extreme!

As for what theory this spell was constructed based on, and what kind of effects it has, you can basically get a glimpse of it.

——”Distant ideal hometown”…

Refers to Avalon, the legendary resting place of King Arthur. It is named after the town of goblins. It comes from the strongest guardian known to a certain world, forming an absolute defense that even the five major magics cannot touch.

——”Paradise Restoration”…

It refers to the story in the “Bible” that refers to the redemption of human beings after the last judgment and their return to paradise.

Because the ideal land can often be extended to a variety of similar concepts, such as Avalon in Celtic mythology, Tyrnano in Irish mythology, and the golden apple of Hesperides in Greek mythology. The Holy Garden and… Eden, the blissful paradise of Jewish mythology.

These concepts are extremely similar, so there is no problem with the compatibility of this combination.

It is precisely because of the doomsday trial that redemption can be obtained, so this magician cannot directly activate it from the beginning.

But it also has to wait until Skyrim Province is also swept away by the natural disaster, before being able to cast this spell, let Skyrim return to paradise, and use this effect to lock in the ending you want.

Thick clouds in the sky were dispelled…

The torrential rain came to an abrupt end…

Light comes from every inch of the ground…

In an instant, the overflowing light dyed everything white, and people couldn’t help but think of words like “pure land”.

These pure white rays of light follow the direction of the leylines and the magnetic field, centering on Xueman City, spreading out to the land in all directions, like spider webs. The speed of the spread is so fast that it surpasses everything, covering the entire Skyrim Province in an instant.

Everyone couldn’t react, and only saw a faint white light in the field of vision, but it instantly became larger and stronger, overflowing, and suddenly came to their own eyes, and put their own submerged.

The endless pure white world surrounded them, but everyone’s panic only appeared for a moment, and they immediately calmed down. They could feel that this gentle pure white was protecting them, making them feel Comfortable.

As if I heard a crisp bell, I can no longer feel the heat and cold, and the temperature seems to have disappeared…


The entire province of Skyrim disappeared from the continent of Tamriel, from the torn apart planet of Nirn! Not just on this timeline, but all other timelines too!

This means that even if the Dragon Break phenomenon ends and the timeline is reunited, this fact will not change.

Because it was separated from the concept of “the world” by the spell, and then placed into another dimension that cannot be reached. In just a moment, all the truths in this world have been isolated.

So Skyrim Province has disappeared from the cause and effect of the entire “Elder Scrolls” world, and it has become a non-existent information, as if it has never appeared, even observation can’t be observed, and naturally it can’t be interfered.

And after the disappearance of Skyrim, all creatures in this world soon disappeared, or died in the apocalypse.

The land sank and everything turned into the ocean…

The shape of the planet is gradually torn apart and fragmented, as if the invisible shell is shattering, and the invisible skin is fading…

The “thing” inside the planet is fully awakened, and so are the other planets…



A huge empty platform, surrounded by a cold and dead cosmic blackness, and in the center of the platform is a ball of light that is emitting a soft glow.


Xia Ran rolled on the ground holding his head, feeling that his head was about to burst, his eyes were tightly closed, and there were two tears of blood on his cheeks, shocking.

He had never experienced such severe and deadly pain. He felt that someone was brutally stirring a red-hot iron rod into his brain, making him unable to think and concentrate.


It hurts…

He struggled and rolled around frantically on the ground, and he didn’t know how long it took before he condensed a thought with great difficulty, communicated with the soft light ball above, and issued a clear command.

A beam of light fell from the sky and enveloped him…

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