Stray Chapter 185: demo


It hurts!

The illusory and severe headache made him unacceptable, and he almost struggled in his sleep.

Because of the pain, he was able to feel the existence, and he definitely did not expect that the first time he felt the existence of the soul, it was because of this reason…so clear, so unbearable.

I don’t know how much time has passed, he is like a man who is about to drown, struggling to wake up from a sleep that is not at all good, and gradually gather his will .


With a short cry, he sat up from the bed sweating profusely, gasping for breath, like a drowning person who was almost drowned in the depths of the water, and was caught at the last moment. Life-saving straws climbed to the shore.

He was breathing heavily, greedy and uncomfortable, his lungs were burning as if they were burning, and it continued like this for a long time.

The room gradually calmed down, the panting sound disappeared, the man breathed slowly and feebly, and the violently heaving chest also calmed down. He felt that he had a long dream, but it was just a nightmare.

Until now I woke up-

Looking around, the house with four walls, a completely unfamiliar environment.

The man sitting on the bed turned his head to look at it, and the expression on his face gradually froze. For a while, he couldn’t tell whether he had just woken up from a nightmare or… just woke up from a nightmare. Come?

To be honest, he just couldn’t tell whether it was midnight or morning. He even had a feeling that he couldn’t tell the time, so he subconsciously thought he had overslept and was worried about being late for work next time. .

However, at this moment, it seems that there is no need to worry about these…

And it seems that there is no need to worry anymore…



In the dead silence, the man swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, feeling paralyzed all over his body, and the weight in his stomach seemed to be a bag of stones.

He subconsciously reached out and placed his hand on the flesh on the inner thigh. He hesitated for a while, but then slammed into the piece of flesh and twisted it fiercely, and the effect was almost immediate.


He stooped down in an instant, his entire face contorted together.

——It hurts!

——It really hurts! You are not dreaming!

After a while, when the pain in the **** disappeared, the pain in my mind that was so sharp that it seemed to pierce the soul gradually calmed down over time, and was weakened quite weakly…

He then got off the bed with a very complicated look and put on some tattered, smaller pointed shoes.

He has noticed that his body seems to have become much thinner, like a minor who has not yet grown.

But it’s a matter of course – he’s muttering in his head as if mocking himself.

My current situation seems to be crossing…

Japan’s time-travel elements are also quite popular, especially in the past two years. For various reasons, light and animated dramas that travel through different worlds have emerged one after another.

However, because people in the real world have fantasies about adventure and the unknown, it seems normal to be popular. As a social animal who has just entered the society for less than a few years, his daily entertainment activities are only Only these things-

These things can somewhat relax his tense spirit, so he can take a breath so that he won’t be completely overwhelmed by the burden of life.

So he still has some understanding of these things, and it is precisely because of this that at this time, this strange knowledge and cognition also played a role to some extent, helping him vaguely understand his own situation.

Although it’s absurd and grotesque, let his rational thinking instinctively reject this conclusion.

However, everything in front of me, as well as the huge and jumbled messy memories in my mind that definitely don’t belong to me, are indisputably telling the iron truth.

He even felt as if he was morbidly schizophrenic. On the one hand, his consciousness felt that everything in front of him was unfamiliar. Including this empty and shabby house, the dim light outside the wood-paneled windows…

All of this was so unfamiliar that he felt a sense of rejection and fear from the bottom of his heart.

But on the other hand, there is a strange sense of familiarity rising from the bottom of his heart, which makes him very familiar and kind to this house. It seems that he has lived here for a long time. own psychological safety.

At the same time, all kinds of bizarre memory images were constantly piled up in his mind, making him both a bystander and a witness, almost thinking that he had symptoms of split personality.

After taking a breath, he walked to the window that was firmly nailed to the thick wooden board, and he could only observe the scenery outside through the crack, took a deep breath, and then he took a deep breath and mustered up his courage. Glancing out the window.

As a result, the originally ugly face suddenly became even more ugly.

It seems to be a town outside, and the street where his house is located seems to belong to a dirty and dilapidated slum, the main road is barely level, and the nearby sewers emit a strong rancid smell, which can be seen from far away. Turns off the appetite.

The houses on both sides of the street are not tall, and they look quite old. At first glance, there are eight houses in the ten houses, all of which are like the houses he is in. The windows are all nailed with wooden boards. smell of decay.

The whole street is filled with an indescribable sense of ruin.

There are also some houses that seem to be in disrepair, half of them have collapsed, basically they are ruins, and no one has come to clean or repair them, and only a few houses have a few large logs to hold them together. supports the wall on the side close to the street.

This is a very rare treatment. I am afraid that people are also worried that the wall on their side will collapse, which will directly turn the streets into ruins and affect traffic travel, so they will be given such special treatment…

No matter how you look at it, the people who live here probably won’t be of any kind of property. This is a comprehensive inference based on the body he passed through and the depression and dilapidation of the entire street.

Once a social animal, now the thin and weak minors are almost blacked out and almost fainted on the spot.

He has somewhat accepted the fact that he has passed through, but should this style of treatment be so realistic? !

Ordinary social animals died unexpectedly and traveled to another world to directly gain full-level super **** combat power. Shouldn’t this theme be the most common? Is it because he is not a liver-exploding engineer, and he did not cross over with a smartphone?

He thought about it carefully, and felt that it was probably the case—

I don’t seem to have passed through directly, but my soul has passed through this world, so I can’t be attached to a powerful protagonist, or an extremely powerful panel ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…

At this moment, I woke up to the “traverser” who realized how bad my time-travel treatment was, and I had the urge to burst into tears.

Wait, it seems that among those who did not use their own bodies to travel through, but their souls, it seems that they belong to the lowest category! Why didn’t I transmigrate to become a slime, or start with a big tomb!

Even if you abandon your original body, a skeleton frame is acceptable! So, is he really the one who forgot to wear a halo? !

Finally, from such a brutal blow, he regained some mobility. The traveler smiled wryly and regained his spirits. He looked out the window, trying to gather more information.

It’s not that he really has a clear mind or a firm mind, but that he subconsciously resists and fears the completely unfamiliar world outside. This small house actually gives him a sense of security at this time. .

He didn’t want to go out in the first place, so naturally he had the option of continuing to observe inside.

Pedestrians on the street are in a hurry and look a little urgent, and they are wearing strange clothes, either bloated and ill-fitting coats, or similar to the overalls of the industrial age.

There seems to be a faint sound of a train in the distance, accompanied by what seems to be a harsh braking sound, almost reminiscent of the sparks between the wheels and the rails, presumably the train is coming to a stop… …

The traveler moved in his heart. Could it be that this is really the industrial age of Western Europe? Maybe there is still some hope for myself without the halo?

At least not some dangerous swords and magic, with superhuman strength, a powerful individual can threaten the whole social order…

But after a closer look, although I found that some houses on the street seem to have been transformed into pavements, and there are signs outside, but the text on it is not the expected English, nor is it Japanese or Chinese characters. Familiar but not recognizable.


At this moment, a dull solemn bell rang suddenly, seemingly from the center of the town.

In an instant, the faces of the pedestrians who were already in a hurry on the street changed their faces, and immediately walked like flying.

Also, in the houses on both sides of the street, it was as if they had received instructions at the same time, with dim yellow lights on, almost not less than a second, as if someone had been waiting before the candles or oil lamps. As soon as the bell rang, the lights were lit immediately.

Could it be that this era still has policies like curfews, and if you stay outside after the bell rings, you will be caught and fined?

The stunned traveler looked at the sky in the distance. At this time, it seemed that it was already evening outside, and the sunset in the distance seemed to sink below the horizon at any time, so he thought so subconsciously.

It’s just that the sight of the setting sun and night coming soon gave him an indescribable sense of crisis, as if something very bad would happen after the sun went down.

At the same time, the dull pain in his mind seemed to intensify slightly again, as if some memory had been touched. At one time, a large number of light and shadow images flooded in at the same time, and the overload of data caused the feeling of brain heating.

Breakthroughs of dizziness caused the traveler to stand almost unsteadily. He could only stretch out his hand to support the window sill, so he didn’t fall down.

A large amount of information poured into his mind, allowing him to come into contact with or “remember”. With the rapid absorption and digestion, his face became more and more pale – this world seems to be a bit strange.

You can’t stay outside when it’s dark.

You must stay in a place with light.

He jumped up abruptly. He felt a sense of crisis aroused by the terrifying information in his memory. He subconsciously turned around and lit the oil lamp in the room, but before he had time to act, his body completely froze.

He doesn’t know how long he’s been dizzy…

It’s getting dark outside now…

And just outside the house, there was a bloodshot eyeball that was passing through the gap outside the wood-panelled window, staring at him in the darkness of the house.

The vicious, greedy, and undisguised malice made him stiff, like falling into an ice cellar, and his mind was completely blank, unable to think.



“Not so good…”

Xia Ran twitched the corners of her mouth and looked at the scene in the black crack: “Sure enough, it’s right to go step by step first. The adaptability of these people is not at the same level as the protagonist of Qingli. It’s a waste of too many opportunities. now…”

“Maybe your settings are a little malicious…but from the results, it’s completely feasible.”

Yakumo Zi sat opposite him, looking at his own gap with interest to open the passage to the other party’s world of thoughts.

“I do feel the generation of “fear”, and it can flow into reality through my gap. If this virtual world is useful to those monsters, it will definitely be enough to produce the power of faith to supply the gods. exist…”

“Monster…” Xia Ran was stunned for a moment, then thoughtfully.

He ignored that, what monsters need is fear, but the essence is no different from the beliefs that gods need… In this case, it seems that not only can gods invest?

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