Stray Chapter 17: Untitled

Xia Ran naturally wouldn’t believe it was a coincidence.

If there is really no interference from the mysterious power in the dark, his flesh and feathers cannot be lost inexplicably. Although it is said that it is out of his control, the nature of this matter is similar to the natural fall from the human body. Dander and hair were about the same, so he didn’t care much at the time.

He knows all too well that the reason this all seems natural is because the conspirators want to hide themselves while eliminating as much of their power as possible from their plans.

It was for safety, to ensure that after Xia Ran noticed something was wrong, she couldn’t find out who they were involved in.

In this way, the risk of being targeted by the victim and blowing up their dog’s head on the spot is avoided. After all, they are ruthless people wrestling with God, and they will naturally choose to be careful. A very simple and unpretentious plan that even mortals can understand, but it is quite effective.

Faced with such a situation, Xia Ran could only recognize it by pinching his nose. After all, he couldn’t confirm who was involved in this matter, and if he dared to calculate it on his own, it was impossible to stand on the sacred side of all the upper realms. the opposite of .

The second is for the plan itself.

After all, what those gods and demons hidden in the dark are currently doing, by analogy, it is like a group of evil scientific organizations, trying to clone by collecting the dander and hair tissue of the target object, and reproduce similar but different The replica, and then obtain the desired information and mysteries from the replica.

In theory, this can indeed be reverse engineered, just like idolatry. A fake with similar appearance and characteristics to the original object will also have some of the properties of the original object.

However, this experiment itself is a very difficult project. If they are mixed with their power and influence, it will easily pollute the purity of the material and the experimental body, and affect the final result. Therefore, any additional Interfering factors are best excluded.

The magician thought about it for a while, but gave up the clue.

After all, this clue has actually been broken, and the group of guys in the dark haven’t interfered directly from beginning to end. It’s a little too cautious.

It is estimated that it will be difficult to find anything next, and there is definitely not only a single case similar to this world. They have one of them. They are all cunning and cunning giants of all ages. It is impossible to put eggs in one basket. Here, self-confidence can succeed at one time, it must be cast a wide net, catch more fish, and choose the best.

Can’t help pulling the corners of her mouth, Xia Ran suddenly realized that she seems to be the second Misaka Mikoto next.

After discovering the truth, I began to run around constantly, trying my best to investigate. There is a laboratory that counts as a family. As long as it is caught, it will immediately carry out a thunder strike and eradicate all the ongoing evil experiments… But there is still no way to remove it. Its uprooted.

The wildfire can’t burn out, and the spring breeze blows again.

That’s about it.

“No, I have to shake people too.”

He pondered for a while, and made a decisive decision. He was facing an unknown number of great powers from the infinite world. If he only relied on his own strength, he would not be able to defeat him at all. This abnormal timeline was shattered by him, and perhaps another hundred and ten timelines have been unfolded in high dimensions.

I’m too busy, really too busy, I need to develop a downline and let the other party fall into the vast ocean of the people.

After making the decision, the magician took one last look around, turned around and disappeared into the air, as if it had never appeared before… Before that, let’s clean up these messes, in the end, I still have some responsibility of.


No one senses God’s departure, just as no one senses God’s coming.

On the moon, which was almost split into two halves, there was a cloud of ruin and despair. The soldiers collapsed in grief, their faces were ashen, and they basically did nothing, just quietly waiting for death to come. .

They burn themselves for their ideals and beliefs, and after burning, there are only ashes, nothing has changed, only the despair of all will remain… How brave and firm they were before they set off, how broken they are now Powerless.

It’s not human beings, it’s not the earth, it’s just that everything is gone, and the entire universe is rapidly coming to an end.

As the flesh-and-blood monster said, it’s like a balloon was pierced through a hole. It didn’t blow up on the spot, but it was rapidly deflated. The matter in the universe was being ejected at a terrifying speed. This The process is fast for the universe, but not so fast on a human timescale.

At least not in the blink of an eye.

But it won’t be too long, the end of destruction is not far away in the foreseeable future, little by little.

What’s the point if all they do is futile and sad?

At this moment, everyone is ashes as they are, and they no longer have any strength. Some are quietly closing their eyes and waiting to die, some are hysterically arrogant and roaring to deny the truth, and some are nervously muttering to themselves as if Saying final goodbyes to my family on earth…

The vines are entwined, high on the throne of flesh and blood in the sky, the vague flesh and blood group indifferently overlooks the creatures of these ants, without any action.

The predecessor of “it” is not carbon-based life, but another form of life, using gas giant planets as oceans, shuttles in them, and is older than the birth of many planets… No matter the older the more Powerful, or the more powerful the more ancient, “it” is obviously very qualified.

The essence of being born is an innate demigod. With a long time, even if there is no systematic evolutionary route, it has accumulated more and more powerful power.

I don’t have too many thoughts, I just exist, I can’t find anyone of the same kind, there is nothing in the universe that can threaten me, and there is no need or desire… Until the terrifying extinction The catastrophe of the world is coming.

Such a great life for Honghan!

Just like God!

The drop of blood killed the former “it”, but it also brought new life, endowed with infinite possibilities… After being reborn through calamities, “it” has absorbed the history and civilization of the wisdom species on the earth. The accumulation of crystals also accepts the grand mystery brought by that drop of blood, even if it is only a part of the fragment.

“It” knew that the universe was about to be destroyed, but it didn’t plan to do anything, and it didn’t have the ability to do it.

The only thought is whether I can rely on the benefits from that drop of blood to survive the next mass destruction, or escape at the moment when the end of the universe comes… On a more grand stage, even a great existence that is billions of times more honorable than the universe, “it” is also the first time that a desire similar to impulse and pursuit has sprung up.

That’s about it.

Speaking of which, why is there such a huge difference with similar forms?

“It” looked coldly at the collapse and despair of those tiny creatures called human beings, then raised its head and looked into the starry sky, from the impact of the countless waves of information brought by that drop of blood, although its own His consciousness almost collapsed, but he also caught a glimpse of God’s indescribable majesty and mystery.

The reason why I chose to hibernate near the earth countless light years away after escaping the eroded space and ushered in death is also due to instinct.

But now it seems that maybe I think too much.

The physical similarity should be purely coincidental.

Flesh and **** silhouettes staring at the stars, feeling the mysterious celestial light, listening to the majestic nebula and the mournful wailing of the Milky Way, knowing that everything is slipping irrevocably into that abyss, unless a miracle happens .

Such a strange thought flashed through “it”‘s consciousness.

In this way, the apocalypse is ushered in.

Everything suddenly stopped, sounds, energy flow, the trajectory of celestial bodies, and even time itself, as if someone had pressed the pause button in an unknown place, even people with a mental breakdown stopped their hysterical roars Or nervously muttering to himself, raising his head under an inexplicable premonition.

They stared blankly at the dark void beyond the moon.

From the boundary of the universe to the center of the world, it seems to fill every inch of time and space. It seems that no matter where you are, you can see the outlines surrounding the world. The universe can’t contain it.

It’s a grand, sacred, indescribable…


At this moment, all the creatures understood, their understanding betrayed them and made them fully understand what it was. Their universe is like a glass ball, and this face belongs to that pinch Live in the glass ball and look at the person inside.

The next moment, they felt a strong dizziness and a strong sense of suffocation at the same time. Their thoughts seemed to be frozen, and their consciousness seemed to be shattered. They were too small, so small that they could only see After realizing the truth of the gods and realizing the crazy truth, it was almost completely destroyed.

It is well known that encountering horrific situations in the common-sense world, witnessing cruelty, war, abuse, betrayal, loss of social status, lovelorn, or any other intense personal experience has been Can cause mental trauma.

Of course

These experiences are all the more important when seeing things that are simply unimaginable, thinking in ways that are not of this world, confronting terrifying knowledge and existence, and understanding mentally and physically terrifying truths It will shake and destroy people’s normal worldview and reason.

Different from the feeling that the God of Flesh had shown them before, a larger and more terrifying reality, engulfing the souls of all people like fire.

In an instant, eternity is but a split second, the indescribable **** gently stretched out his hand to heal the great wounds of the universe and prevent the death that would not end in bloodshed.

“So it was”

The vast voice resounded among the stars, making everyone realize the reason for everything in an instant, as well as the faint anger of the gods above the dimension.

“Go and find them.”

The gods withdrew their hands dully, and the sacred face that vaguely appeared in the entire universe also dissipated in an instant.

When those insignificant beings were still unable to react, they were just as shocked and shocked, their consciousness was blank, and the outline of a humanoid who couldn’t think was already understood.

I have become the extension and execution tool of the will of the Supreme God…

You may not understand, but you must obey.



Western Paradise.

This is a boundless and pure land of Honghan, boundless and boundless, spanning hundreds of millions of eons. It can be equated with the supreme gods of Taoism’s Daluotian, Cross religion’s crystal sky, Greek mythology’s Mount Olympus, etc. It is the forty-eight great vows made by Amitabha Buddha’s spiritual practice, and he feels a solemn, pure and equal world.

It is said that this place is far from the world of Jambu, the world of ordinary people, and the world of Saha, the world of five turbidity and evil.

There is a lot of light in the void. The shara flowers fall one by one in the void. They sprout, grow, and bloom in an instant. There are living beings as many as the sands of the Ganges River in the Brahma flower, and there are countless and boundless Buddhas.

There is Xumi in the dust, there is eternity in the moment, and between the blooming and falling of flowers, it is success, life and failure.

And in the Pure Land, countless Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arahants, Galans and other sages are sitting in front of them, teaching sutras and practicing one by one. At this moment, they saw the big Buddha on the central golden seat smiling and sighing : “Every life is suffering, every thought is delusional…”

All the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were stunned and frowned slightly. When they were puzzled, they saw a white-robed monk standing up next to him, saluting, and said with great bearing:

“There is no security in the Three Realms, just like a house on fire, but there is too much firewood. When I kill it cleanly, no grass will grow, and it will naturally grow clean and self-sustaining.”



For a time, there was silence in the boundless Buddha Land.

The big Buddha in the center smiled slightly, but said no more.

The long, jade-clad monk in white turned around and faced the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas under his seat, as many as the sands of the Ganges River. He no longer had the demonic energy that was contrary to the Buddha when he first came in. Instead, he was liberated and pure, not stained with dust,” he said. “With a slight smile, he said loudly:

“Your Excellencies, do you have any other opinions?”



For a while of peace, the minds of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are turning, either through the fullness of the leaks, or through the eyes of the heavens, boundless magic power, boundless mighty virtue, and any transportation. Ins and outs.

After a while, a golden Buddha finally spoke, with a solemn appearance, shaking the void: “Then kill them!”

“One kills one!”

“Be merciful and merciful, what is said is very…”

“Let them get rid of body and mind, liberate and purify”

Other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas also argued.

The treasure is solemn, compassionate and pure, but the words are murderous.

The monk in white has a calm expression on his face. This is really normal. Who is the great supernatural power person who can practice step by step until this point?

Turn his eyes to look at the thirty-six days of Taoism, he smiled, everyone has a backstage, who is the one who fights alone?

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