Stray Chapter 125: “Reception”

  ”There are still thirteen yuan, which is really troublesome…”

   At the same time, the young monk wearing a black cassock had already returned to a corresponding world line in the Fate universe, relying on his connection with the real body.

   He appeared in the dead and dark space, calmly overlooking the blue planet under his feet, the wisdom in his eyes dissipated, and he returned to the original clarity and purity, as if there was some kind of simple and peaceful Zen. It slowly washed away on him.

  In different worlds, the flow of time is different. These days, the demon Buddha clone has spent a long time on the earth in another mirror universe. He enlightened the alaya consciousness and arranged The Lotus Dharma Realm and the Demon God Fragment were suppressed…

   After finishing this series of things, he also took care of his own “torch” backup – although he knew it was not the case at all, he subconsciously felt that it was his inversion.

   So I still can’t help but give the other party a chance, so that no matter what the other party wants to do in the future, even if they want to become a partner of justice, they can have a chance to achieve it.

   Although there is no change in that world on the surface, it is secretly turbulent and undercurrents are surging, making people wonder if the spiritual energy has recovered.

  Governments around the world are getting nervous, thinking that this is an unprecedented crisis, while trying their best to seize this opportunity…

  Uh, well, it’s actually just a nervous state, because only this country responded quickly, and also made various responses quickly, or be careful, or take aggressive risks, anyway It’s just a matter of consideration.

   As for other countries, either they don’t know anything yet, or they know but can’t react.

   Bloated organizations at all levels, different factions on the hilltops, their own interests… Even if they cooperate smoothly with each other, they don’t have such a fast confirmation and response speed, not to mention that they are always wrangling or kicking each other’s balls.

  Rationality and arrogance have made them refuse to believe the intelligence of these nonsense urban rumors from the very beginning. The first reaction to the reports reported by various places is not to send someone to confirm, but to fight back directly, and at the same time severely reprimand those who submit reports.

   And after the first level of arrogance and prejudice finally passed, the next step is that different internal departments or different factions smell the blood and start a new round of infighting. Compared with speed, efficiency, Issues of national interest—

   They pay more attention to their own interests and must continue to hold power firmly in their own hands no matter what.

   This is an example of the governments of various countries that are a little faster. Although they have confirmed the situation, they have been unable to respond because the internal consultations have not been completed. Although everyone knows that the situation is urgent, the big things are not bigger than their own rights and interests.

   So if this matter does not allow you to gain as much interest and power as possible, then you must not allow it to pass smoothly! If you can’t get it, then you have to do your best to destroy it!

   It is conceivable that it is difficult to reach a unified opinion before those big men have finished their confrontation, and if their wills are not unified, then the corresponding country will have no way to make any official response.

The organization could not be established, the procedures could not be passed, and the funds could not be approved…


  The Celestial Dynasty quickly established special affairs offices, secretly established branches all over the country, began to systematically summarize the records of abnormal events, and even controlled some small-scale meeting points, selectively containing some special thing.

   That’s it, it still feels that everyone is faster than its own, so it is nervously fighting with the air.

   “But that’s fine.” The Demon Buddha avatar chuckled and shook his head. This was a development he was happy to see, lest the situation be too chaotic.

   If the Celestial Dynasty is not the mainstay, but if ambitions like the United States become the police of the world again, then the end of the world, which he postponed and wiped out, will make a comeback again, just in a different form.

   For example, from natural disasters to disasters, from earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and other disasters, to the third world war and the like.

   This is very possible.

   But the time is short, so they have no way to promote a technological explosion so quickly. They want to crook the technology tree and figure out some mental technology, psionic power and the like, so this kind of thing is also It can’t happen in a short time.

   And although the Demon Buddha clone has left that world, the corresponding time and space coordinates have been anchored, and he has left his own backhand. As long as there is a need, you can rush back at any time, there will be no problem.

  The reason why he deliberately came back once was mainly to take out another piece of debris and dispose of it.

  The essence fragment of the demon **** also has the characteristics of multiple uniqueness. The items and equipment brought by the strange quantum uncertainty between Xia Ran’s parallel existences are shared, and there is no way to act on the fragments… His personality and The mystery is not enough to cover the essence of the devil.

   So you can only use such a stupid method, take one piece out and dispose of it, then come back and bring another piece… This is also to spread the risk, after all eggs cannot be put in the same basket, if the clone takes all the pieces out , and then just rolled over…

   That would be equivalent to letting the tiger return to the mountain with your own hands.

   The demon Buddha avatar glanced at the earth at will, and quickly locked onto the surface of the planet, the huge magical storm invisible to the human eye, the terrifying spiral and cloud wall spread in the far east, beyond the planet From a bird’s eye view, the scene looks like a weather map of a super typhoon.

   And at the center of the whirlpool, of course, is the troubled city of Fuyuki. If the Holy Grail War is not abolished, it will soon be like New York in the Marvel world. In some subtle records The previous competition was superior.

   Having a panoramic view of everything in Fuyuki City, and even seeing “self”, the Demon Buddha clone retracted his sight.

   He pondered for a while, and activated his mana. Between the opening and closing of his eyes, there seemed to be all kinds of scenes circulating, arising and dying in an instant. The whole person seemed to possess the nature of Buddha at this moment, as if he had attained the supreme. Bodhi’s living Bodhisattva.

   Heavenly Eyes, able to see all images, see thousands of worlds, and see three thousand worlds like seeing patterns on the palm of your hand… Of course, he can’t do it to this level at the moment, but it’s enough.

   All the troubles on the entire planet cannot be concealed from his perception, and the possible future directions of various parallel time and space are also flashing in his eyes. After a while, the Demon Bodhisattva closed his eyes slightly.

   didn’t find it, no matter how I searched the world, I didn’t find anything.

   It seems that Jewel Weng indeed left this world not long ago, and travels continuously in parallel worlds that are infinitely juxtaposed… For the time being, he has no plans to come back. He is still thinking that if the other party notices something wrong, just Come back and take a look, you can be caught by yourself.

   “Could it be that the old thing just noticed something in advance, so he packed up and ran away?”

  Xia Ran pondered, thinking that this should be unlikely. Gem Weng may be able to guess what might happen in the future through the similar changes in the parallel world, but he is also the second magician, and he also has various The uniqueness of nature and diversity.

  Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for the variable “he” to appear in advance among the changes in the parallel possibility observable by Gem Weng…

   So that means that the old guy was really lucky and just avoided this disaster… ahem, he means, this is a rare opportunity.

   Demon Buddha avatar shook his head with some interest and turned his eyes to the depths of the starry sky.

  The old gemstone is not there, and there are so many fragments left, which is really a headache!

   He sighed softly, Tianyantong was still working at full strength, which made him enter a mysterious state of perception. Wherever his thoughts came, the mountains were far from the sea, and everything was far away, and everything opposite the starry sky seemed to be close. in front of you.

   Countless celestial bodies fly by in front of us, countless galaxies and nebulae, the splendid Milky Way is slowly burning and rotating, all kinds of stars, gas, cosmic dust and dark matter are fleeting in an extremely clear field of vision …

  Xia Ran’s perception seems to be in the deep and boundless universe, and continues to penetrate into the deep space and time in the form of a mysterious movement.


   seemed to have a sudden glimpse and glimpsed something, and the sighing monk in black who was frowning was slightly taken aback.

  ”This is…?”

   He was a little surprised to find that he seemed to see the figure of a monk walking in the depths of the starry sky.

   solemn, holy, perfect…

  The mysterious monk has a simple and simple Zen charm, surrounded by a sacred atmosphere, although there is no place where he has passed, the Buddha’s light is shining, the ground is full of Bodhi, and the auspiciousness is like a dragon. The elephant, but between its actions, it has changed the world——

   That figure disappeared into the perception of the Demon Buddha clone in an instant.


  Xia Ran’s mouth twitched, and almost immediately, she had locked the other party’s true identity.

  ’s true identity is the founder of Buddhism, the Sakyamuni Buddha who has become enlightened. Xuanzang Sanzang called him “the lofty Buddha living in the heavenly realm.”

   Awakened beings do not possess divinity and are not gods. Although he once responded to the call as a Servant, his origin, his true form, is a Bodhisattva who exists in the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, possibly the Great Sun Tathagata…

   Well, what exactly is the relationship? In fact, Xia Ran is a little unclear, but the only thing that can be confirmed is that this Buddha is an existence beyond time and space, even before the story of CCC’s world line begins. For nearly a thousand years, enlightened beings have left this universe.

   seems to be a real boss, or the so-called enlightened one, but in fact it is simply the great achiever of Buddhism, manifesting in this universe…

   “I should have seen the historical records of the past…” Xia Ran thought about it, and quickly found the correct explanation.

   He sees the scattered time in the universe with his celestial vision… Actually, it is not very mysterious, just like the sun that humans see is the sun eight minutes ago, and the starlight that he sees may be thousands of years ago. The light just happened to reach the Earth.

   is such a thing, his perception transcends time and space, maybe he just received some light information in the depths of the starry sky that I don’t know how many years ago, which happened to record the Buddha who I don’t know how many years ago. A scene of walking in the depths of the universe.

   The other party did not hide himself, so it could be recorded.

   But is this a coincidence? Still…

  Magic Bodhisattva pondered for a moment, then continued to operate Tianyantong, and followed the clues just now to find out.

  If it is really a coincidence, then there is nothing to worry about, everything has passed; and if it is not a coincidence, then I have already entered the eyes of the boss, and if I think about escaping at this time, I am sure That’s too late.

   The other party is not in a half-dead state like Mephala, so it’s better to be calm, whatever you come here, just catch it yourself.

   entered that mysterious state of perception again, he quickly captured those traces, and continued to capture along the traces of the mysterious monk walking, wanting to see what this ancient Buddha wanted to do.

  The ancient Buddha, who existed in the past, seems to be unaware of the peeping from the future, but just keeps moving forward in the universe, measuring the heaven and the earth.

   However, the demon Buddha clone did not relax because of this. He carefully observed the figure of the ancient Buddha and confirmed that this was indeed the enlightened one, and there was nothing wrong with his speculation. Because of this, he didn’t say anything, not even a polite greeting.

   I don’t know how long it took. In his vision, the ancient Buddha that existed in the past finally stopped at the periphery of a huge gaseous planet.

   He raised his head, looked around, and finally slowly turned his head to look in a certain direction. A smile appeared on his face. Although he still couldn’t see clearly, Xia Ran felt inexplicably. He seemed to have grasped the other person’s expression exactly.

   Like an enlightened monk, there is no trace of filth and shadow, giving a sacred feeling.

   The next moment, the small figure of the monk disappeared from the universe, as if it was swallowed and melted by something out of thin air.

   The avatar of the Demon Buddha didn’t have time to think, and then he felt as if his thinking had become a blur, unknowable, indisputable, only the pure id wisdom was pulled by a strange force of attraction Somewhere in the infinite heights flew away.

  The physical universe was instantly distant, and for a moment, he felt in a trance that he was being led to a certain pure land, like an ant entering the kingdom of giants.

   It is a solemn pure land that spans hundreds of millions of eons. It was born in an ancient Bodhi tree, like an incomparably magnificent tree of the universe, sprinkled with a little wisdom and brilliance, and scattered into the thousands of worlds that linger around.

   The inside and outside are transparent, the glazed light turns, boundless, pure and self-producing.

   There are countless Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, Galans, and Bhikkhus as many as the number of sands in the Ganges, sitting right in front of them, teaching sutras, blowing cockroaches, beating drums, performing justice, making Buddha images, all kinds of solemnity, and each one is beautiful …

  The sky is chaotic, the ground is surging with golden lotuses, and the endless Bharat flowers are scattered in the void.

   As many as the sands of the Ganges River, the infinite Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the heavens lie across this solemn pure land spanning hundreds of millions of kalpas, and together surround an immeasurable solemn golden Buddha, whose body is boundless and vast, as if sitting in the center of the world. Wisdom boxing, sitting in cross-legged posture.

  The Great Buddha slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were like golden lamps, he looked at a certain space and time outside the boundless pure land, he nodded lightly, his hands were folded together, and he made a grand and boundless sound that shook the time and space of all realms:

   “Have Buddha nature, great goodness! If you enter my ascetic, you can live forever…”



  What the hell? Is this to recruit staff? But do you need your old man to recruit in person?

   And my body of existence is obviously the devil of the true nature of the anti-Buddha, right? Don’t you care, think it can be whitewashed? The demon Bodhisattva who was brought in was completely stunned at this moment.

   At the same time, as a magician on Earth, he calmly opened his personal page, and unsurprisingly, he saw that the residence time item had begun to flash red, giving a warning.

  He looked up in the direction of the sky, his sight passed through the heavy obstacles, and he saw the depths of the universe.

   Countless nebula-like images flowed through his eyes, and the entire universe flickered like a broken fluorescent tube. In the deepest part of the boundless and distant starry sky, there was a statue of immeasurable size and solemnity. It is estimated that the irresistible Buddha Dharma is taking shape.

   takes the vast universe and space as the carrier, and forms the body with countless nebula galaxies. The ancient and great existence that can never be understood by human wisdom is slowly emerging. It is like a totem in the vast universe. standing in the vast cosmic space.

   (PS: Everyone pay attention to keep warm… I almost vomited my stomach today, and my stomach still hurts from time to time…)

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