Stray Chapter 108: Not normal

“Kato-san is really good at talking. There is no need to discuss this kind of thing. I can just talk to her directly. She will definitely not object. Don’t worry, it’s really not a big problem…”

Seeing Yukinoshita’s frown, Xia Ran thought she didn’t believe what she said, so she took the initiative to explain it thoughtfully.

“I am very relieved.”

Xuexia replied indifferently, her tone had not changed, but inexplicably made the client feel that she was not at all relieved, and she was just saying the opposite.

But it should be an illusion, I just forgot to tell Megumi Kato, so I wouldn’t make Yukinoshita so worried… Well, an illusion, it must be an illusion.



“Cough, come on, about the notes I gave you yesterday, what do you think, Yukishita-san…” Xia Ran noticed that the atmosphere seemed to have suddenly quieted down, and she was a little uncomfortable, so she started another conversation. a topic.

“I haven’t read it yet… Lend me a few more days, and I’ll give it back to you later.” Yukinoshita was stunned for a moment, then looked away and said in a low voice, a trace of anxiety in her eyes with irritability.

This is quite normal, Xia Ran almost immediately understood what was going on.

Because once upon a time, he also had such distress. After all, he was indeed not a genius a long time ago, and it was all accumulation of time and patience, but this process was the most difficult at the beginning.

It’s like I made up my mind that no matter how difficult it is, I must learn something. Then I opened the math book and found that I didn’t understand anything. I recognized every word on it, but when combined together, I don’t know what I’m talking about…

——No matter how firm the will is, this process is quite difficult.

Xia Ran was also in the reincarnation of nightmares at the beginning, and found the gap in the dream, and accumulated it bit by bit. Completed all the knowledge of the three-year high school curriculum.

However, not long after that, the dream revealed its true colors, and he became a lost person, no longer worried about going to college or anything.

But this experience did make him very clear that some things are indeed not so easy to do. Often, the more determined people are, the more uncomfortable it will be in the process, because they are forcing themselves to learn and understand those who see things. Something I don’t understand…

If it’s a more free and easy salted fish, it’s fine if you can’t understand it, and if you don’t force it at all, you will definitely not feel any torment.

What Yukinoshita is currently facing is no longer as simple as a high school subject, but a mysterious knowledge from other worlds that is different from the scientific system, and she has no different skills as a lost person. This kind of convenience is naturally impossible to have a clue.

“You can keep your notes, don’t worry about this…”

Xia Ran shook her head, hesitated a little, and remembered what Yakumo Zi said last night.

“But Yukinoshita-san, are you really interested in magic?”

“I just want to see what’s going on…” The girl replied calmly.

“No, no, I’m a very serious person. Let’s not talk about talent or not. If you don’t have magic power, even if you can understand these things, you can’t apply what you have learned…”

Xia Ran hesitated for a while, and considered her words, “But if you are really interested, I actually have a solution.”

“…” Yukinoshita was stunned for a moment, but quickly responded: “What’s the solution?”

This is a disguised indication that she is indeed interested, although she just doesn’t know whether her interest is for the occult itself, or is she trying to get in touch with the occult for other reasons.

“Give me your hand first…” Xia Ran looked at the girl’s expression and finally made up her mind.

“So…” Yukinoshita hesitated for a while, but still stretched out his hand, and the magician grabbed Hao’s wrist.

Xia Ran is not trying to take advantage of her, her magic power is just a little bit of flow, and she has already determined the girl’s aptitude. According to the evaluation standard of the fate world, she is an ordinary person with no magic aptitude.

But this is normal, it’s just the difference between the planes. If you evaluate it according to the standards of the fate world, everyone in this world has no magic qualifications. After all, the magic circuit has never appeared in this world. , the offspring mutation can not be changed.

Even Xia Ran himself is the same, except that he is a lost person and has a compatible patch of space on his body, so he can use secret techniques and ability systems from different worlds, and his physique and qualifications are completely the kind of panacea— – As long as there are no hard restrictions such as blood races or even existence methods, there is no problem at all.

That’s why the Great Holy Grail can help him get through a magic circuit. It seems that he really regards him as a person from that world, or a qualified one.

However, Yukinoshita is different, she is not from the fate world, nor is she lost, so her real problem is not that she has no magic power, but that even if Xia Ran told her about the secret technique Medea gave her, She is still an insulator…

However, there is a solution. Xia Ran has done an experiment a long time ago. The compatibility law of space can be extended to other people by using the lost person as a medium. It only needs to reverse the mechanism of learning skills. , becomes a mechanism for imparting skills.

The only difference is that the compatible patch on the lost person is permanent, while others can only get a temporary buff blessing, and generally can only learn certain skills across the limit within a specific time period…

For now, though, that’s enough.

Xia Ran looked up at the girl and looked directly into her eyes: “I have a way to let you master the opening method of the magic circuit. You have read my notes, you should know what the concept of the magic circuit is, right?”

“…I know.” Yukinoshita replied after hesitating for a while, looking down at his wrist still being held by the other party.

Although she seems calm on the surface, she is still not calm because of the touch… Just looking at the serious expression of the other party, maybe this is a necessary step?

“There is no danger, but there may be some pain…”

Xia Ran thought about it for a while, and felt that there was no harm in it. Although he didn’t expect Yukishita’s classmates to help him fight, at least giving her a direction would prevent her from worrying about gains and losses.

And the magic circuit as a source of magic power, in addition to generating magic power, there are other benefits, for example, as long as there is a magic circuit, it directly has anti-magic power that can bounce off hypnosis, spells and other interference magic.

As for the rule that weirdness attracts weirdness…it doesn’t apply in this day and age, so to speak.



Time flies by, and it’s the afternoon of the next day, when the sun goes down.

The location is a cafe not far from the school, about a few hundred meters away.

“Kato-san, I have something to tell you.”

Xia Ran looked at the other side with a calm look on her face, as if she didn’t care what she was going to do when she asked her out. After hesitating for a while, she said so.

According to the school’s arrangement, there will be another subject in the morning, but after the exam, it will start directly as a workplace apprenticeship. From the lunch break until after school in the afternoon, it can also be regarded as a free activity.

But these are not the main points. The main point is that there will be a workplace trainee tomorrow, so it is necessary for Xia Ran to explain to Kato Megumi.

After all, if he doesn’t say it, Kato Megumi probably won’t know that the arrangement of the workplace trainee has changed inexplicably by tomorrow, because no one has informed her – not even Hiratsuka-sensei, who is in charge of the matter, will not say. , not negligence or concealment.

It was a preconceived feeling that since Xia Ran took the initiative to request to change the location arrangement, she must have reached a consensus with the people in the same group… Of course, it may also be because she forgot Xia Ran and her teammates. There is also Kato Megumi.

——This possibility is really not small, after all, the breath blocks ex…

“Well, what’s the matter?” Kato Megumi asked very calmly, sipping coffee while biting the straw.

“Before getting down to business… don’t you have any other thoughts? Or doubts?” Xia Ran raised her eyebrows, still feeling that the girl’s calmness was a bit too much.

After school, he simply said “I have something to tell you, Kato-kun, let’s have a drink later”——

Then the girl in front of her nodded very directly, agreed, and quickly packed her things, then left the classroom with him, and walked out of the school gate side by side…

Such a smooth development made Xia Ran unable to react for a while.

Doesn’t she have the slightest suspicion that this situation might not be appropriate? After all, under normal circumstances, girls will be cranky when faced with such a development, right?

For example, the cheeks are slightly red, and the words are soft and soft, soft and weak…

These are normal girls’ instinctive reactions when faced with a suspected first date, right?

“Ah, can I add something else? I’m a little hungry.”

Megumi Kato put down the drink in her hand, looked at the boy opposite, and asked.

“This seems to be just a coffee shop… Forget it, there should be some biscuits, cookies, small cakes and the like. Look at the menu. If you have any, you can order whatever you want. After all, it’s my treat.”

Xia Ran said the same after sighing.

So, how can a normal girl show a regrettable calm like Megumi Kato is now?

Although Xia Ran didn’t have any special thoughts at all, he also felt a subtle sense of frustration… He seriously looked at the ordinary girl in front of him, and felt that Kato Megumi’s temperament was really suitable for cultivating immortals. .

Let’s not talk about qi refining, two days, foundation building, three days, elixir, and four days Nascent Soul… A week later, she will directly lift the rosy sky to ascend to the immortal, but looking at her appearance, she will definitely be able to cultivate the Tao and become an immortal in time…

Megumi Kato didn’t know that the classmate in front of her was thinking about something strange like “Saint Kato”, but she picked up the menu and looked at it carefully: “This cheese cake seems to be good, Xia Ran classmate, you Want it?”

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