Stop Bothering Me, Emperor Chapter 48: Investment, the fastest update to the latest chapters of the emperor!

“Why, you don’t want to?” Yu Tang seemed to be addicted to playing, turned over to press Song Xiao on the bed, and scratched his cheek with one finger.

“Chen…Um…” Before he could say anything, Yu Tang sealed his lips.

At this time, the overbearing president is to use practical actions to stop the little fairy from trying to refuse and force him to sign a contract.

“The contract lover is to be there on call. When I have a need, you have to satisfy me.” Yu Tang said coldly while supporting Song Xiao.

“The minister’s body is still not good…” Song Xiao couldn’t, so he had to follow the emperor.

“Oh,” Yu Tang answered without ups and downs, “I will wait for you.”

She promised to be his ex-husband’s contract lover. Song Xiao really didn’t know what to say, but the emperor was happy, so let him go.

Although the Song Xiao family’s property is nothing to the Yu family, the family is the foundation of a person. If the Song family collapses, Song Xiao’s life will be difficult. This man is also very literati. If they don’t get married, Song Xiao will not spend the money of the Yu family.

Yu Tang slowly drank cola, this matter still needs to be resolved. It’s a joke, he can’t really just throw a check to Song Xiao like the book says, and the listed company will not allow him to make such a sudden capital injection.

Xinghai Entertainment’s share price plummeted, shareholders were very dissatisfied, and the board of directors has always put pressure on Song Zicheng, hoping that he can abdicate and give up the position of president.

On the big day media’s side, Uncle Yu Dantang was gloating and contacted Songzicheng in private to express his intention to acquire Xinghai Entertainment, but Songzicheng flatly refused.

This company was his half-life effort. Song Zicheng said he didn’t want to sell it to others. Even if it delisted and became an ordinary company, it belonged to him.

When Yu Tang knew the news, he didn’t mention the acquisition, but asked people from Big Fish Capital to contact Xinghai Entertainment.

Dayu Capital is a financial capital company, mainly engaged in capital operation and investment, but also some financing and lending businesses. Songzicheng is now very difficult to obtain loans, only through financial companies, can obtain money.

Although the conditions given by Big Fish Capital are very harsh, he basically can’t make any money after doing this project, but at least the company can continue to run, and through this difficulty, there is hope of revival. Song Zicheng finally accepted the money from Big Fish Capital.

Dari Media was very upset when he heard the news of Big Fish Capital’s intervention, so Yu Dan went to Yu Fu directly.

“Didn’t we say okay at the beginning? What’s going on with Xinghai Entertainment now suddenly?” Yu Dan was really anxious, and gave the Yu family shares a low price, just hoping to find a backer, fortunately to be king in the entertainment industry dominate. The first step to dominate the entertainment industry is to annex Xinghai Entertainment. Now it’s good, Big Fish Capital stepped in and let Xinghai Entertainment continue to fight him. He really lifted a rock and hit him in the foot.

“Don’t worry about it,” Yu Fu slowly raised his eyes after signing the documents in his hand, “Dayu Capital Investment naturally has its purpose.”

One sentence choked Yu Dan back. The Yu family has a big business and every step is planned. He didn’t dare to ask more, so he could only leave with angrily.

After Yu Dan left, Yu Fu lowered his eyes and called Big Fish Capital: “What happened to the case of Xinghai Entertainment.?”

Yu Miao was frightened about the last lantern festival and came back with a fever. Yu Tang was very angry and asked to follow up the news from the Public Security Bureau.

The two human traffickers insisted at first that they were doing good deeds and refused to admit selling children until the baby’s family came in.

“Little Treasure! My little Treasure!” The child’s mother cried so much that she couldn’t walk smoothly, so she was picked up by her. The moment she saw the child, she stood up straight and rushed to grab it. Have children.

“The trafficker who killed a thousand knives, I took the child away with the effort of bowing my head to tie a shoelace!” The child’s grandmother sat on the ground and cried. At that time, she was walking around the lantern festival with her baby carriage, and the Kung Fu child with her head down was gone. I vaguely saw the back of a woman leaving in a hurry, but the old lady couldn’t catch up with her legs and feet, and there were so many people at the lantern party that she couldn’t find it in a blink of an eye.

How can I explain to my son and daughter-in-law if I lost my child? The old lady almost jumped into the river.

The child’s father directly caught the man dealer and started beating. The police couldn’t persuade him.

“Sir, don’t get excited, we will report this kind of scum, the court will definitely give a heavier sentence at that time.” The police tried to persuade him, and a few people went up to grab the child’s father.

“What did you say?” When Yu Tang returned home, the errand person just came over to reply.

“The police frightened the two and said that they would be severely sentenced. The woman’s mouth was very hard, and the man panicked and said that they were instigated by others.” This was said in a very low voice so as not to be heard by Yu Miao sleeping upstairs To.

The man said that there were a few people who seemed to be quite rich, and asked them to pull Yu Miao over and showed him a picture of Yu Miao. But those people were very cautious. They didn’t give him the photos or any contact information. They only asked him to take the people to the west gate of the park and pay for them.

After talking for a long time, the clue broke again.

Yu Tang squinted slightly. At this moment, she saw Yu’s mother walking down with a luxuriously dressed woman, and laughed when she saw Yu Tang.

“This is Xiaotang, it’s been so big after years of absence.”

Yu Tang looked up: “Aunt Qi.”

“Hey, I still remember.” Aunt Qi is his seventh uncle’s daughter-in-law. Yu’s family is in Yutang’s father’s generation. The population is large and there are not many brothers. Most of them are cousins. Row together.

This seventh uncle is a cousin, but unlike Yu Dan’s distant relatives, this person is from the Yu family. The power of the Yu family in China is now divided into two halves, and Uncle Qi is the other half in power.

“Brother Xiaotang, Uncle Wu calls you.” A thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy came out of the study and shouted at Yutang upstairs.

Yu Tang raised his foot upstairs and glanced at his cousin.

“Uncle Wu seems to be losing his temper, be careful.” The young man whispered to Yu Tang, a friendly smile on his face.

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