Stargate Chapter 111: Fight!

  Chapter 114 Fierce Battle! (Subscription required)

  South City.

  Night-watcher headquarters.

  A quiet day, opened again. The entire White Moon City has been quiet for the past few days. Except for some minor issues, no major incidents have occurred in these few days, and even the disputes over the sun have not happened.

  Hou Xiaochen still did not appear, and the parties did not seem to be too anxious, slowly waiting for his appearance.

  I never heard of what he was doing hurriedly because he was injured.

  Wang Ming also arrived in the morning, but this guy just punched a card, clicked a mao, and took a look at Li Hao by the way. He didn’t want to stay here for long.


   Entered Li Hao’s office and wandered around, Wang Ming was a little confused and envious.

  ”Old Hao is so kind to you!”

   Actually even divided the office.

  Unfortunately, it was next door to Mr. Yu, Wang Ming had spoken quietly. Otherwise, he would also like to experience the feeling of office in this office. There is an office in the night watchman’s headquarters, which is often a symbol of status.

  Li Hao smiled, did not speak, at this moment he was wiping the long sword.

  Flying sword, now it is still very smooth to use.

  Wang Ming said something the day before yesterday. He naturally knew that something might happen recently. Seeing Li Hao wiping the sword, he seemed to realize something, and winked at Li Hao, as if he was a little moved.

  Li Hao looked up at him and laughed.

  Thinking about it, Li Hao said, “I leave work at 6pm and go home, about 6:30. This time, help me do something.”

  Wang Ming had known that Li Hao would transmit sound, not surprisingly.

  At this moment, with a look of excitement, he nodded quickly, hoping to participate in it.

  ”From the night patrol headquarters to the family building of the inspection department, there are 7 probes along the way. I need this period of time. These 7 probes will all stop working, and no one will find it for half an hour. Can you Can you do it?”

  Wang Ming frowned suddenly.

  He thought for a while, and said in a low voice: “This is the job of the inspection department, I…I can’t handle it.”

  He has a headache.

   thought for a while and said: “Moreover, it is very difficult to maintain for half an hour…”

  Speaking of this, he thought for a while and said: “I know what you mean, once you shoot, it will probably be within a certain range, and it will probably last for a while. In this way, as long as I hear the movement and feel the movement… …I broke into the monitoring room immediately, fainted the guards, and destroyed everything. What do you think of this? No one will care afterwards.”

  ”Where do you know where?”

  Li Hao looked at him, Wang Ming smiled, grinned, and nodded immediately.

  Of course I know!

  He whispered: “At the beginning we used to drag racing cars and we were warned. Later we knew where we were.”

  This is just a trivial matter. He wants to participate more and excitedly said: “Anything else?”

  Li Hao saw him excitedly, thought for a while, nodded: “Help me buy dinner and wait for me to go back to eat.”


  Wang Ming looked at him for a long while, speechless, and stopped talking.

  Is this still human?

  Li Hao laughed, and ignored him.

  Sunshine, I don’t have enough to watch now.

  Although this guy is not weak, it’s not just a few months to deal with him now.


  Time, little by little.

  Everyone behaves normally.

  Li Hao continued his daily routine, practicing martial arts, boxing, and sword.

  , the manager next to Jade felt the movement next door, and was speechless. For the first time she saw Li Hao who was so silent and boring to the extreme. There is no shortage of such people among night watchers, but they are generally It’s an old man.

  A young man, I don’t know if he’s just here, he’s not used to it, or he has always been like this.

  It is said that he did the same in Yincheng.

  People like this are actually very boring.

  Hou Xiaochen also rarely speaks, but in the view of Manager Yu, that is the tolerance, and Li Hao is so boring, it is really boring.


  East City.


  The five super-powers who came from above were not all in the hotel. Hu Qingfeng went to the General Administration Office again, and others went to the Silver Moon Army.

  In the huge suite, there are only two people left.

  A Yu Xiao, a blond man in his thirties.

  At this moment, the two are drinking and chatting.

  Yu Xiao looked at the wall clock on the wall. It was 5:50, and it was 10 minutes before Li Hao got off work.

  That guy, a standard office worker.

  After get off work at 6 o’clock, he will never stay for long.

  ”Lao Huang, this wine doesn’t taste good…I went out yesterday and smelled a smell of wine, the smell is very fragrant, I went to buy some, let’s drink it again, this horrible place is so boring that it explodes, so don’t drink. I can’t sleep at night.”

  The golden-haired man, known as the old yellow, laughed: “If you let someone buy it, you can still use your own?”

  What a big deal!

  ”Let me go, what is the specific place, I forgot, but I remember the place, it is not far away, wait for me, I will be back later.”

  Yu Xiao said that he was about to go out, Lao Huang smiled and said: “If I accompany you, it will be fine anyway.”

  How about that!

  Yu Xiao is unwilling to be with this guy, Lao Huang, this guy is stronger than him, the existence of Sanyang Peak, this time in the group of five, Hu Qingfeng is the strongest, and the other two are both Sanyang Peak. There is also a female in the late Sanyang period, Yu Xiao is the weakest.

  Lao Huang is gone, what’s your business?

  ”No need!”

  Yu Xiao waved his hand: “You are waiting here, boss Hu and the others may be back later. Seeing that we are not there, they have to get angry.”

  ”That line.”

  Lao Huang didn’t force it, but just reminded; “Buy wine when you buy wine. Don’t mess with it!”

  ”How can I!”

  Yu Xiao laughed, but Lao Huang reminded: “I’m serious, you guys have a hobby, and no one knows, you want to do this kind of thing, you spend some money, how many women send it to your door, Don’t give me any mess in the middle of the road… This is not a chaotic area, there is a great **** in the city!”

  Yu Xiao, this guy has some bad hobbies.

  For example… sneak into the homes of some good women, do something…

  It’s not that it has never happened. The night watchman is actually not so unbearable. It’s just that this guy generally doesn’t dare to go in front of people. Some chaotic areas are very chaotic. Great wars often break out. This guy has done it several times in these places. Old Huang Is clear.

  But Yu Xiao is not weak after all, and he has a good relationship with him. He also opened his eyes and closed his eyes and did not report. After all, there are chaotic areas, there are today and no tomorrow, super powers mixed, chaos, no one I don’t know who did this kind of thing.

  Yu Xiao hurriedly said: “Old Huang, how could I be! Are you an idiot? This is Yinyue, not a chaotic area!”

  ”Well, you just have to count!”

  Lao Huang stopped to say more, Yu Xiao smiled, did not say any more, got up and left.

  When he left, Old Huang frowned slightly.

  This guy, in a hurry today, he looked at the wall clock on the wall more than once, but he was in a hurry.

  This is White Moon City, the capital of Silver Moon.

   Can’t really catch your brain, right?

  He is a little worried and has some headaches. This kind of thing can be big or small, but once it is exposed, the night watchman is still righteous and lawful after all. Yu Xiaogan’s matter is known, and someone will take care of him!

  Don’t say anything else, the few perverts in the headquarters don’t mind killing him or castrating him.

  ”This guy, isn’t he so stupid?”

  Lao Huang thought in his heart, looked out the window, and fell into deep thought.


  Time, it was 6 o’clock in the blink of an eye.

  It’s time to get off work.

  The manager Jade next door heard the movement, and the sound of closing the door sounded, followed by the sound of locking the door. She did not go out, but listened silently, somewhat speechless.

  Really punctual!

   is more accurate than an alarm clock.

  Don’t leave one minute early, nor leave one minute late. Li Hao, this guy, lives like a puppet.

  ”After get off work, see you tomorrow!”

  Outside the door, Li Hao greeted the people with a smile on his face. Another day passed, mixed for a day, spent a day with soy sauce, and was in a good mood.

  Walking to the top of the stairs, Hao Lianchuan upstairs just went downstairs.

   Seeing Li Hao, he nodded slightly.

  Li Hao also nodded, and continued downstairs.


  Stepping out of the night watchman headquarters gate, Li Hao sighed, with a smile on his face, another beautiful day!

  Opposite the night watchman headquarters.

  Recently, someone has been staring here. In fact, they are not observing in secret, but are waiting openly. These people are not waiting for Li Hao, but waiting for Hou Xiaochen to leave the customs, and notify them as soon as possible. square.

  See Li Hao…

  Some people who are drinking tea, some can’t laugh or cry: “This guy, that disciple Yuan Shuo, I’ve been here for two days. He went to work on time for both days and left on time. It’s not a minute or a minute. , More accurate than the watch, I will know six o’clock when I see him go out.”

On the opposite side of   , the people who were drinking tea with them also laughed: “This is probably the self-discipline of a martial artist?”

  ”Hahaha, probably. It’s kind of interesting, isn’t it?”

  ”That’s right, the night watcher is too boring here.”

   Several people chatted and watched Li Hao leave with a smile, all shaking their heads slightly.

  Where is the strange flower!


  At the gate, Li Hao doesn’t care about the opposite.

  On the opposite side, there are small trash fish, a few small light groups, and the faint ones are almost out of sight. The night watchman also knows that there are superpowers on the opposite side, but no one cares. They are all sent by some organizations to watch, Zhengda No one deliberately chased away the bright stalking.

  Li Hao walked along the street, all the way forward.

  Here, if you are too close to the night watcher, there is no danger. It takes at least ten minutes to walk before you might encounter something.

  In the past two days, he also watched all the way.

  Go to the Family Building of the Inspection Department, there are three places on the road that may be in danger.

   However, considering Hou Xiaochen’s deterrent power, the first place is still too close to this place, and there is a high probability that the second and third places are still there.

  The second place is a small alley. Usually there are very few people. The small alley is about a hundred meters long. There are tall buildings on both sides, which block the time and are more suitable for ambushes.

  The other place is about 500 meters in front of the family building of the Inspection Department. It is a parking lot. Usually there are not many people. After all, there are cars, but there are not many people.

  Of course, it’s the same everywhere.

  For Li Hao, as long as he is a super-powerful person, such a large light group, his eyes are not blind, and he will not be wrong.

  Walking for a while, passing by a bun shop, Li Hao didn’t buy buns tonight.

  I bought buns, I’m afraid it will be wasted later.

   kept walking until it was more than 3000 meters away from the night watchman headquarters. At this time, Li Hao saw some light clusters all around.

  Underground, there is one.

  On the ground, there are also.

  These guys are still in their shadows. They have been staring for a few days, and they don’t know what’s so good about them.

  Li Hao turned a blind eye and moved on.

  One kilometer or so ahead, that’s the small alley.

  Across this distance, ordinary light clusters can’t be seen clearly.

  Unless…the light group is huge!

  He walked for a while, with some smiles on his face, Yu Xiaoting would find a place, and he knew that this place was suitable for ambushes. It seemed that this one was not arrogant enough to make a bold move.

  Yes, at this moment, he saw a ball of light, that was Yu Xiao’s.

  Everyone’s light group is different.

  Some are strong, some are weak, some have different attributes, and some forms may not be the same.

  Distinguish it carefully. If you have seen it, you can still tell the identity.

  It’s just…Li Hao frowned slightly.

  Yu Xiao, in the middle of Sanyang, he knew this.

  However, about less than 500 meters away from Yu Xiao, there is a light group on the side. It is very large and larger than Yu Xiao’s. Li Hao suddenly condenses his eyebrows.

  One more?

  Which one?

  The light group, he distinguished it, it was slightly stronger than the original Sun Yifei, Sanyang Peak?

   is not as powerful as Ziyue and Lun Wang, but slightly stronger than the late Sanyang.

  Today, there is actually a Sanyang peak near here.

  Of course, not in the alley.

  Li Hao’s eyebrows constricted a bit, the distance is too close, about 500 meters, for the strong, such a distance, a few seconds will surely arrive.

  He was a little confused, and a little troublesome.

  Why are there two three positives?

  Well, maybe the previous words have attracted the attention of some powerful people.

  Li Hao is also very helpless!

  Sure enough, plans often fail to keep up with changes.

  Originally expected that there is only one person, but he actually wanted to try, whether he can deal with the middle stage of the Sanyang, and now he is very powerful, and he is very eager to try.

  There is one more pinnacle Sanyang…it’s a little troublesome.


  At this moment.

  In the alley.

  At some point, there was a dead tree trunk in the dead alley.

  And this is Yu Xiao’s hiding.

  As a strong wood system, Mu Dun and Mu Yin are the basic skills.

  He also calculated the time, it’s almost time.

  Li Hao, that kid, coming soon.

  That kid, should I bring a drawing?

  Based on what he knew yesterday, this guy should have brought it, but in order not to be noticeable, he didn’t go to Li Hao today, otherwise, it would be too conspicuous to look for Li Hao one after another.

  After a while, you should start with a lighter hand. Don’t blow people up all at once, it will be difficult to handle.

  Drawings, he wants.

  The whole body, he wants too.


  However, he frowned slightly, and there seemed to be an active soil system under the ground, Sunshine?

  He was a little annoyed.

  These soil mice are very annoying. Did they follow Li Hao, or did they pass by accidentally?

  Or, is it to protect Li Hao?

  No matter who it is, Yu Xiao felt that after he would kill Li Hao, if this guy was still there, he would have to kill him.

  At this moment, Yu Xiao still wears a mask on his face, a grimace mask.

  When I was annoying for the underground guy, in the alley, there seemed to be someone coming again and gave it to Li Hao.

  In the short alley, a faint voice came: “Are you sure he will pass by here?”

  ”Of course, I have been observing for two days. That guy is on time. There are two minutes left and he promises to come.”

  ”Are you sure? Be fast. That guy is also a perfect existence. His strength is not weak. He is still Yuan Shuo’s disciple. Don’t think people have no strength when they are young…”

  ”Nonsense, both of us are perfect, and we are still veterans. As long as we start quickly, that guy can’t react at all.”

  Yu Xiao laughed angrily, what about him, why are there still people?

  Two martial artists?

  And they all broke the level of 100 Consummation, these two guys are also eyeing Li Hao?

  Li Hao, this guy is really delicious.

   Yes, I will have a little bit more black hands later, don’t leave when these two come.

   was thinking, his ears trembled slightly, and Yu Xiao’s face changed slightly.

  At this moment, he vaguely felt a momentum…He had fought against a martial artist, and he was not unfamiliar with a martial artist. At this moment, he squinted his eyes, hid in the dead wood, and scanned around.

   Soon, he seemed to feel something. He glanced upward and saw no one, but above the alley wall, something seemed to exist.

  ”Dou Qianwu Master!”

  Yu Xiao frowned, Mad, what day is it?

  So many people join in the fun?

  In a small alley, there is a solar earth system underground, and there are two martial arts masters on the ground. There is a Douqian martial artist on the ground. Douqian martial arts are all with a name and a surname. I don’t know who is on it?

  Of course, he is not afraid.

  Unless a martial artist like Yuan Shuo, or an old martial artist who has been famous for decades, otherwise, even the Douqian martial artist is only on the first level of Sun Yao, he is just a little weird, these guys, all have discussed. ?

  Don’t choose any day, have to choose today?

  ”These bastards…the most troublesome thing is this Douqian martial artist, you have to kill him later, so as not to delay my time and ruin my good deeds!”

  Yu Xiao cursed secretly in his heart, knowing that he would not choose here.

  Of course, if you don’t choose this place, Li Hao was killed. He couldn’t even cry. He could only say that he had to help Li Hao to solve the threat of the fighting thousand warriors. Otherwise, he was worried that the plan would be broken. .


  Small alley entrance.

  Li Hao didn’t feel the presence of a martial artist before entering the alley, but when he stepped into the alley, he knew that he was being spotted by a Douqian martial artist. As for the other two martial arts… he Don’t bother to care.

  Weak chicken!

   Fighting Qianwu Master?

  There really is a martial artist who came up with his own idea, this guy is very courageous.

  The two consummate martial artists, pretending to be passers-by, were entering the alley from the other side. They seemed to meet Li Hao when they wanted to enter, and then they started. Nothing strange.

  But Li Hao’s current vision can be seen at a glance. These two are martial artists who have realized the power, but they are very weak, and they should only be perfect.

  As for Yu Xiao, the rotten wood in front is about to become a light ball. Li Hao is not blind, and he can see it clearly.

  There is also the underground, and there is also a soil type, which is not too weak in the late solar period.

  In addition to these people, Li Hao also found one, not even Yu Xiao. Above the alley, a light mass was suspended, a hundred meters above the ground, perhaps a wind system staring in the air.

  Yu Xiao didn’t dare to release the mysterious energy to perceive at will, probably because he didn’t sense the existence of that guy.

  Li Hao glanced up a little, and looked at the brightness of the light cluster. It was probably the existence of the sun’s late to the peak stage.

  Sanyang, after all, they are not everywhere.

  Sunshine, actually it’s already pretty good.

  Does this treat me as a baby?

  Li Hao is not angry, but rather happy, so many people care about me, it is worthy of being happy, **** all the way, who has this treatment?

  He continued on.

  The alley is not long. After walking for a while, the faces of the two in front can be seen clearly. The two chatting with each other, like friends, happened to pass by.

  Neither Yu Xiao nor Douqian, there was no movement.

  It seems that they are also waiting for the two to do it first.

  And Li Hao, can’t wait.

  He quickened his pace a bit, as if eager to go back to eat.

The distance between    and the two is getting closer.

  30 meters, 20 meters…

  When the three of them were less than 10 meters apart, both Douqian on the top and Yu Xiao on the bottom were ready to move.

  At this moment, the saber around Li Hao’s waist trembled a little.

  In an instant!

   is a moment, without a trace, without a trace!

  Shadowless Sword!

  At this moment, Li Hao did not wait, waiting for the snipe and clam to fight, and the fisherman would profit.

  No need!

  The Earth Covering Sword disappeared instantly, appeared in an instant, and a sword swept across!

  At more than 6 o’clock in White Moon City, the sunset glow is still there.

  It’s just that the alleys are slightly dark, and the tall buildings on both sides block the light.

  Both of them broke the 100th consummation, and are still moving forward.

  They are still thinking about how to take Li Hao in an instant later… Suddenly they feel an itching in their throat and some urge to cough.

  Continue to move on, less than 5 meters close to Li Hao, they want to take action.

   glanced at each other…Suddenly, both of them found something abnormal, and they were a little confused. Why was there a blood line in each other’s throat?

  Weird, where did this blood line come from?

  The two turned their heads to look at each other, but they turned their heads and twisted…feeling a little top-heavy, their heads…like flying down.

  There was a look of astonishment in the eyes of both of them!

  There is no pain, at this moment, too fast.

   is coming soon, the blood line is instantly enlarged, and even the blood has no time to splash out.

  And Li Hao, under the throat with a sword, did not look at the two of them again.

  No need to watch more!

  The next moment, Li Hao bounced up, leaped into the sky, shot out with a sword, the sword glowed like a mountain, and a sword smashed the sky!

  One hundred meters high in the sky, a wind superpower, has not recovered at this moment, suddenly feels scalp numb, super power burst, just about to escape, a sword runs directly through the whole body from bottom to top!

  A sword that slashes the sky!

  The sword, even Dou Qian who was about to intercept, could not stop him, and could only watch Li Hao jump over his head in an instant and disappear in an instant.

  On the side wall of the alley, the Douqian warrior is still covering his face at the moment.

  In his eyes, it was a little lost.

  He looked up at the sky and saw Li Hao slashing the sky with a sword.

  Under a sword, the sword aura penetrates the world!

  However, it was only a flash, and in the sunset, it was not too eye-catching.

   was thinking, his face changed drastically, and he roared. With this roar, there seemed to be a dragon, a giant dragon, and a spear in his hand, instantly killing Li Hao!

  With a gun!

  At this moment, Li Hao, who fell to the ground, also roared fiercely, howling the forest!

   There was a roar, three points more tough and furious than before.

  The earth-covered sword in his hand flashed a mountain in an instant.

  Sword force!

  Break the potential to accumulate the spirit, and emerge from the potential!

  This sword made the Dou Qianwu Master look aghast, and his spirit?

  The spear collided with the earth-covered sword. In an instant, under the roar of the dragon, it was chopped into two parts by a sword. The long sword instantly cut the spear off. Li Hao cut off the spear with a single sword, holding the sword in his right hand, and punching out with his left hand. !


   There was a loud noise, and the master Dou Qianwu felt that his arms vibrated violently, his arms instantly cracked, his spear broke directly, his divine mind was injured, and he was still a little confused, he punched directly, like a tiger roaring!

   With a bang, the watermelon bursts!

  Li Hao didn’t even look at it. He stamped his foot on the ground and made a bang. The earth seemed to be shaking. All this was so fast that even the underground earth system didn’t react. This foot stamped and the earth trembled. , Li Hao stabs the ground with a sword, boom!

  The earth was cracked, and a powerful sword intent penetrated the ground and went straight to the earth system.

  The Earth Element Superpower only felt the crisis at this moment. Just about to escape, I only felt that the infinite pressure was coming from all directions, and I was about to break, and I felt that the earth seemed to be against him.

  The next moment, a sword light flashed in my mind, like a mountain!


  The corpse exploded directly underground!

  In an instant, two martial arts masters, one warrior master, wind solar in the sky, earth solar in the sky, five guys who can be regarded as strong, were stunned by Li Hao. Cover the sword, kill all on the spot!

  The dead wood disappeared, revealing a face wearing a grimace mask.

  Yu Xiao was breathing and shaking at this moment.

  Li Hao?

  This is Li Hao?

  He had to be shocked. He was ready to make a move just now. His idea was to deal with the warrior master first, then deal with them, and then deal with Li Hao… Before he could make a move, Li Hao made a move.

  At that moment, he was actually at a loss.

  Can’t even believe it…

  And at the moment he was shocked, the battle was over and everyone died.

  A broken corpse in the sky is falling downwards.

  Too fast!

  All of this exploded too fast and too fast, and he couldn’t return to his senses almost too soon.

  And as soon as he showed his presence, Li Hao said nothing.

  At this moment, a fire light appeared on the ground covering the sword.

  The next moment, Li Hao seemed to transform into a tiger, and the roar of tigers resounded everywhere!

  The trapped beast is still fighting!

  Sleepy beasts can also break the sky.

  Slashed out with a sword, the fire reflected the world, and the alleys were instantly illuminated by him.

  The spleen and heart burst out with brilliant brilliance at the same time. At this moment, Li Hao only wants to kill people, but nothing else.

  The mid-term of Sanyang?

  So what!

  Too late to speak, too late to question, too late to think about why Li Hao is so powerful.

  At this moment, Yu Xiao also let out a sharp roar, and a green wooden sword appeared in his hand. He instantly killed Li Hao. He had to make a move. At this moment, he felt like he was surrounded by mountains and surrounded by the earth.

  He wants to leave, and it is not so easy at the moment.

  A powerful superpower burst out instantly.

  Wooden energy, extremely tough.

  However, facing Li Hao’s sword, it was still difficult to stop. One sword cut out, and the wood could be broken.

  The defense of the mid-term Sanyang, at this moment, it seems not so strong.

  In my mind, the sword that broke me and the battle between the tigers and the beasts appeared yesterday, and Li Hao’s face flashed a touch of madness and a touch of anger.

  I have a tiger in my heart, and there is no return from the sword!

  You people should all be killed!

  The battle of martial arts, and the battle with Sun Moxian, Li Hao can only admire, only can’t bear, only want to win, kill intent…not that enough.

  It’s a battle between martial artists, and it’s also a battle of life and death.

  In front of them, these people are not worthy of their own attention, they are not worthy of their respect, what are they?

   Cut me off!

  The tiger roars with craziness and decisiveness, with a sword cut out, a loud bang, a sword cut through the wooden sword, Li Hao instantly stepped forward, stepped out, and the ground shook the mountain.

  At this moment, Yu Xiao saw a tiger, a tiger with scars.

  The next moment, the earth-covered sword burst instantly, shattering into hundreds of pieces.

  Each piece is a killer move.


   Numerous fragments passed through Yu Xiao’s face and body, blood sputtered out instantly, and wood energy instantly recovered.

  The ground covered the sword, and it was broken.

  At this moment, the Earth Covering Sword was actually broken.

  But Li Hao didn’t care. Hong Yitang said that the Earth Cover Sword is very powerful, but in Li Hao’s view, that’s the way it is, with a Shen Shen strike, the Earth Cover Sword may not be able to remain intact, and it is normal if it is broken.

  Today, the sword intent is the master, and the tiger is also the master.

  Li Hao uses his hand as a sword, and strikes out with one punch, like a tiger’s pounce, and like a tiger’s head as a sword.

  The sword intent is still a tiger, maybe Li Hao didn’t even deliberately distinguish it.

  He stepped forward instantly, approached instantly, punching one after another, and the madness was so great that Yu Xiaochao could explode, wave after wave, still unstoppable, Yu Xiao saw only astonishment and only despair in his eyes.

  How is it possible!

  This is still a martial artist?

  In addition to Yuan Shuo, is there such a strong martial artist in the world today?

  I am a mid-term Sanyang. When the opponent is close, there is almost no chance to counterattack. Li Hao’s fighting style is very similar to Yuan Shuo’s, similar to the extreme, that is, to occupy the advantage and occupy the offensive. That was the beginning of the battle and the end of the battle.

   Either kill the enemy, or… I’m killed by someone!

  Boom boom boom!

   hits a hundred punches in a row, one punch is stronger than one punch, the last punch, even the nine forging strength broke out, under one punch, Yu Xiao felt the crisis of death, roared, and no longer cared about revealing his identity. , All the wood energy gathered in his chest, he didn’t want to die!

  He is a genius, in the middle of Sanyang, he felt the horror of this punch!

  He even sensed that not far away, a powerful breath approached, it was…Old Huang!

  He is here!

  Lao Huang is following me?

  Of course, at this moment, he doesn’t care anymore, he just wants to live, even if all the secrets are exposed, he just wants to live, his eyes are cast behind Li Hao, Lao Huang is here, Sanyang Peak, save me!

  At this moment, the old Huang who followed him became his life-saving straw.

  Lao Huang, who has just stepped into the alley, has something incredible in his eyes.

  He came very quickly, when Li Hao’s sword aura broke out, he rushed to this side instantly, very quickly, in Lao Huang’s feelings, he added reaction time and arrived here. , Plus stupefied at this moment, it may only be five or six seconds.

  Really, at most!

  Because he has some scruples, a little scruples, Yu Xiao seems to be doing something, so he appears rashly. Is it appropriate?

  So, it took a while.

  However, this is just a little time before and after.

  At this moment, he saw a fist, like the claws of a tiger, like a sword, and a bit like a sea wave…

  He can’t tell, what kind of boxing is this?

  He only saw the punch, which instantly shattered Yu Xiao’s mask, and punched it down. The wood energy in front of Yu Xiao’s body was defensive, and it was instantly torn apart. This punch directly hit Xiao Xiao. Put on!

  Yu Xiao, his mouth opened and closed, as if he was begging for help with himself.


  At this moment, Lao Huang’s voice rang out.

  He has a blue face, a little frightened, and a little angry.

  This person… is this Li Hao?

  He killed Yu Xiao!

  Yes, when Yu Xiao was punched in the opposite direction, his heart could be seen, and the moment he broke instantly, he knew that Yu Xiao could not live, even if the opponent was a strong wood The law is alive.

  Only death is the destiny!

  Yu Xiao in the middle of the Three Yangs was killed in front of his own eyes.

  He is angry, annoyed…

  Besides, there is only shock and disbelief.

  Is this Yuan Shuo disguised?

  This person is not Li Hao, but Yuan Shuo?

  Of course, even if it is Yuan Shuo, he will not be afraid. Yuan Shuo’s peak record is to kill the late Sun Yifei, and he is a strong man at the peak of Sanyang.

   With a loud bang, a corpse suddenly fell into the air.

  Li Hao looked back at the blond man, this is the one he saw.

   came very slowly, a bit slower than expected.

  The fallen corpse was the wind element who had just been killed, and it wasn’t until this moment that the opponent fell.

  At this moment, Li Hao’s fists are full of blood, his own and Yu Xiao’s.


  Blood dripped from the fist.

  Lao Huang looked at Li Hao, with some anger and brilliance in his eyes, and said coldly: “You dare to kill the night watchman…”


  The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and Li Hao stepped on the ground and went straight to the person.

  Sanyang peak?

   is very strong, very strong!

  The fire in my heart seems to have not been extinguished.

   is here…then don’t go.

  In an instant, a sword and a small sword appeared in Li Hao’s hand. It was not as shiny as a ground-covered sword, but it was a little dark, starry sky sword.

  For an instant, Li Hao’s energy boiled, and his spirit merged into the starry sky sword.

  He knew that in a normal state, even if he killed Yu Xiao strongly, he would not be his opponent. At this moment, he was at most as strong as Yuan Shuo, who was Yishuo.

  The teacher killed Sun Yifei on the same day. He was the second supernatural appearance. Only then did he reluctantly kill Sun Yifei and suffered serious injuries.

  The person in front of him is definitely not weaker than Sun Yifei.

  So…without the blood knife tactic, it is impossible to match this person.

  But, what does it matter?

  Blood Sabre Art broke out. At this moment, Li Hao turned into a fierce tiger, blood red, and the flames burned the sky.

  ”Heartfire Ape?”

  This was Lao Huang’s first thought. Yuan Shuo killed Sun Yifei. This is the most famous one, but… why is this person like a tiger?

  Second thought, is this the blood knife art Yuan Shuo used?

  This, the night watcher is documented.

  Is this person Yuan Shuo?

  The moment two thoughts emerged, Li Hao had already arrived, and Lao Huang gave a cold snort. Do you think I am Yu Xiao?

  In an instant, a spear emerged.

  Golden spear!

  A shot was pierced, and the sharp metal power burst out instantly. Numerous potholes appeared on the walls on both sides, which were directly shattered by this sharp air.

  Li Hao’s body, the inner strength poured into the starry sky sword, and the defense power was greatly reduced.

   In a blink of an eye, he was cut by countless golden auras. In the blink of an eye, the inspection suit was stained blood red.

  And Li Hao, doesn’t care at all!

  As a martial artist, at this moment, there is only one murder!

  Slashed out with a sword, and the tiger that was still fighting with the trapped beast came to mind again!

  If you don’t give me a way to survive, I won’t give you a way to survive.


  Sword energy soared into the sky, the next moment, it disappeared in an instant, and instantly restrained, Li Hao sprayed out his sword energy, and the starry sky sword was cut out at the same time, with a bang, the golden spear was smashed!

  Under the action of the Blood Knife Art, combined with the indestructible small sword, this sword may not be as strong as the opponent, but its destructive power has reached the extreme.

  A touch of sword light broke everything in an instant, and with a chirp, it penetrated Lao Huang’s shoulder.

  Lao Huang has never seen such a terrible person!

   is not terrible strength, but strong murderous, strong murderous……

  No greeting, no discrimination, no pause, nothing.

The moment    appeared, the other party had only killing intent in his eyes, as if telling him that if they meet, one person will die, you or me.

  He avoided a little, so he was only penetrated through his shoulder. If he could not avoid it, the throat just penetrated.

  The trick is to kill!

  Lao Huang’s face has changed, he is not afraid of this person, but he feels that if this goes on, he will be injured, seriously injured, and even…may die!

  Yu Xiao, what the **** did this **** do?

  Is this person Li Hao or Yuan Shuo?

  He didn’t even think about it anymore, and left.

  Yu Xiao died here, so he told Hu Qingfeng that he was going to leave this ghost place. He regretted a little bit and shouldn’t follow Yu Xiao over.

  Even if you win…what can you do?

  He started to back away!

  But is Li Hao willing to let him go?

At the moment    landed, he stomped down, the whole alley split in an instant, the wall collapsed, and with all this, Li Hao shot out with a single sword!


  Lao Huang was furious, and his retreat was obvious. This person should have seen it. Are you going to die?

  This blood knife tactic, he also knows one or two, the longer it takes, the greater the probability of death.

  You and I have no grudges, you are crazy, you can’t kill Yu Xiao enough, and you still don’t want to let me go…

  At this moment, he also felt some super power fluctuations. It seems that the battle here has attracted the attention of many people.

  Lao Huang doesn’t want to fight this madman!

  He quickly turned into a golden armor, the power of the gold system wrapped his whole body, and said angrily: “Are you crazy? You can’t kill me, and I have no intention of killing you…”


   Killed with a sword, the powerful star sword, at this moment directly split the armor formed by the golden super power, under the sword, blood spattered, and Old Huang snorted, and no longer had the intention to shout!

  This sword almost cut off his arm.

  He was a little surprised, and looked at the sword in Li Hao’s hand… what is this?

  Genius soldier?

  It’s not…it doesn’t look like it, but this sword is so sharp that you can’t believe it. His defense at the peak of the Three Suns was actually broken by a sword.

  He knew that he had made a mistake.

  Should not be defended!

  This man’s sword is invincible. How can he defend at this moment? He is stronger than Li Hao and should attack!

  For an instant, he reacted.

  A punch to Li Hao!

  And Li Hao, his eyes lit up, and the next moment, he punched back and boomed!

  Strong fist strength, the shaking Li Hao’s arm split, the shaking old yellow fist was broken, and the blood spattered.

  Old Huang cursed secretly, lunatic!

  He didn’t dare to defend anymore, and took the initiative to attack, punching Li Hao again, and Li Hao retracted the Star Sky Sword.

  Personal combat, sword, but a little in the way, wasting time.


  Boom boom boom!

  In the blink of an eye, the fists of both sides touched countless times, Li Hao stepped back a few steps, stepped on countless bricks, blood was covered on his arm, his entire right hand was pulled down, and the bones inside were all broken!

  And Lao Huang also gasped violently, and the blood in his right hand kept falling.

  The opponent is not as strong as himself, but the opponent is desperate, and his arm feels almost broken when he fists.

   was panting, and for an instant, Li Hao pounced again.

  This time, Li Hao no longer fisted, but kicked into the air. His leather boots were already broken. At this moment, there was even the sound of waves on Li Hao’s feet. That was Nine Forging Power!


  One foot after another, one foot after another……


  Both of Li Hao’s feet heard the sound of bone fractures, but he showed some smiles. On the opposite side, Old Huang’s arms were cracked, blood flowed across, and his face turned pale.

  Old Huang looked at Li Hao coldly, the next moment, a golden gun appeared in front of him!

  Super-powerful, it’s okay if the body is disabled, but the mysterious power is still there.

  But you, a martial artist, have abandoned a hand and abandoned both feet, what else can you do?

  No matter how ruthless you are, your strength is here, you are still inferior to me!

  The spear volleyed in the air, no one controlled it, but it went straight to Li Hao, straight to his head.

  At this moment, Li Hao smiled again, and immediately jumped out, the tiger roars silently, only a sound wave oscillates!

  The spear shook a bit!

  Li Hao’s intact left hand, holding a starry sky sword, countless swords can rush into his body, swinging and slashing, one sword is cut out, the darkness is drawn with a bright light, and the golden spear is cut away by this sword!

  The next moment, just like Wang Ming’s goddess scattered flowers, countless gold elements can explode and instantly enveloped Li Hao.

  This trick, Huang will do too!

  The peak of the three suns is not a fraud.

  He wasn’t Yu Xiao who was beaten up. At this moment, his combat power was still strong. Under the loud bang, Li Hao was like a rag doll, being blown upside down, his body was full of blood!

  Lao Huang’s face turned pale, and he gave a cold snort.

  This guy, is he still alive this time?

  At this moment, Li Hao, who fell to the ground, instantly got up, coughing up blood constantly, and showed some smiles.

  In an instant, a fiery red tiger-headed sword emerged.

  This sword carries raging anger!


   There was another violent roar, a sword cut out, cut through the sky, and the flying bird technique revolved, Li Hao pounced incredulously, like the silver warrior slashing towards the sky, all enemies in front of me will be crushed by me !

  No one is exception!

  Lao Huang’s face changed slightly, and he went backwards quickly.

  This lunatic…he really doesn’t want to fight this person anymore.

  At this moment, a flash of fire broke out behind him, and Lao Huang’s face changed drastically, and Li Hao’s face also changed, with some irritation, with some inexhaustible anger.


  He exploded again, three points faster, with some madness, and slashed out with a sword!

  Behind Old Huang, Hao Lianchuan changed his color slightly.

   didn’t stop, and shot Lao Huang behind his back. At this moment, he couldn’t describe the shock in his heart, but…no time to think about it!

  Lao Huang’s face changed wildly, and, judging by the moment, he chose to face Li Hao directly!

  It feels dangerous behind!

   is more dangerous than Li Hao who was half disabled in front, so he chose to face Li Hao head-on.

  A spear resurfaced, and in an instant, it turned into ten shots, one hundred shots…

  At this moment, with a faint light flashing, Li Hao directly passed through those spear forests, with blood holes pierced in his body, but still severely slashed out the sword!


  A sword slammed out, and Lao Huang’s face changed again, but the strong pressure behind him prevented him from retreating. He roared and wanted to punch again, but he was already pierced with a short sword in his head. !

  Fist, but still throwing out, with the last afterglow, he fisted Li Hao with one punch.

  Li Hao flew out, hit the ground heavily, silently, as if already dead.

  Behind him, a spear pierced the old Huang. Hao Lianchuan smashed the old Huang away. He took a look at the battlefield… In his eyes, only the shock that could not be erased was left!

  He didn’t come too slowly, about 20 seconds before and after.

  This was agreed upon by him and Li Hao. It is as short as 10 seconds and as slow as 30 seconds.

  He has hurriedly hurriedly hurried, and he came as soon as possible.

  But at this moment, he was a little sluggish and a little shocked.

  Yu Xiao is dead!

  Underground, there are several broken corpses. In addition, the person who has just been thrown away, he knows, one of the five-person group, named Huang Jie, Sanyang Pinnacle, a strong gold system, The most offensive.

  Even if he is holding the Fire Phoenix Spear, he may not be able to win the opponent for a while.

  The reason why he could easily join forces with Li Hao to kill each other…Because when he arrived, Huang Jie, at most, had only 50% of his strength left, and he would definitely not exceed 50%!

  In this case, it is naturally impossible to be Hao Lianchuan’s opponent holding the Fire Phoenix Spear.

  And it was not someone else who forced Huang Jie for this purpose, it was Li Hao!

   is a martial artist who has already killed a mid-term Sanyang!

  Hao Lianchuan knew that Li Hao killed everyone.

  Because, on all the dead, there is either a sword light or a tiger that cannot be covered.

  This is a martial artist’s method!

  He seemed to know Li Hao for the first time. At this moment, he didn’t even care to see Li Hao. He didn’t know if Li Hao was still alive.

  This…is it really Li Hao, not Yuan Shuo?

  Yuan Shuo did this step, he did not doubt.

  But, is Li Hao possible?

  In the distance, a burst of brilliance erupted. It was a person with superpowers quickly approaching. At this moment, you must not let people see this scene, otherwise, Li Hao’s affairs can no longer be concealed.

  This obvious sword intent and tiger power, fools can see.

  He flew into the sky instantly, and he couldn’t care to see Li Hao. The Fire Phoenix Spear showed up. In an instant, the super powers around him stopped in an instant, because everyone recognized the Fire Phoenix Spear!

  Hao Lianchuan yelled: “Alert! War preparedness! Red Moon, you are crazy, dare to attack Li Hao in the city, damn, slay! Night watchers, all dispatched, block the city, suppress the powerful enemy! Ask Minister Hou to come out Off!”

  The roar shook the world!

  Hao Lianchuan roared, and the fire phoenix soared in the air. At this moment, the whole city moved instantly, and a strong person changed Moon?

  Go crazy!

  At this moment, he actually attacked Li Hao with a big fanfare. Is this mortal?

  The next moment, at the Night Watcher headquarters, a powerful aura rose up, a light and shadow flashed away, and a powerful aura covered South City!

  The strong is here!

   Is Hou Xiaochen?

  Except for him, there seems to be no one else. Those strong men who are close to the battlefield have changed their colors, and no one dared to come close.

  Something is going to happen!

  Red Moon is really crazy, and some insiders are even more secretly surprised. The plan is not like this.

  In the distance, Hu Qingfeng frowned. Is Lan Yue an idiot?

  We’re done, let’s deal with Hou Xiaochen first, why do we do it in advance?

  Damn bastard!

  Above, Hao Lianchuan’s complexion changed and he looked down until he saw a figure and gradually got up. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes were still shocked.

  Li Hao…how strong are you…?

  (End of this chapter)

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