Star Rank Hunter Chapter 2: Experiment

Cilin’s nose is very smart. It can separate and analyze the smell of mixed breath. Because of this, Cilin will be surprised.

Is the person using these few reagents painful or painful in research or other reasons?

The smell does not come from the rain outside. It can be judged that the smell comes from the inside of the building from the other smells mixed with wind direction and air flow. However, in such an abandoned building, who would use those kinds of ancient reagent? Or, in this day and age, with the exception of some quirky R & D departments, who else will use that primitive method?

Following the smell, Cilin found a pipe with a thick thumb in the waste of a push, but did not go far along the pipe, and found that the back of the pipe was hidden inside the wall.

It’s so well hidden.

Turn on the finger-sized close-range projection flashlight, the light of light-blue shines on the wall, and the pipeline buried in the wall is clearly visible. After checking it, Cilin more and more curious.


In addition to this pipeline, Cilin found several other places, which are all hidden.

Cilin all the more Be careful. Although leaving here is the best option, Cilin has a strange feeling, which makes him extremely hopeful to find the cause.

Go down the pipe and walk around each and every one. Some need Cilin to climb in through the ancient vent. Coming to the first floor of this building, Cilin opened a concealed cover and walked in along narrow staircase below.

The surroundings are quiet, but not completely silent. After feeling it carefully, I felt that no one was within a short distance. Cilin held flashlight and continued to walk inside.

There are more and more pipelines. Cilin knows that it is away from the target getting more and more closer, took a deep breath, and turned off flashlight. Although I didn’t feel anyone in front, I intuitively told him that the front will not be so smooth. Although the energy fluctuations generated by flashlight is only in Ten meters Within, but for the sake of insurance, the Cilin decisively turned it off.

The surroundings are dark. Cilin uses the slight air flow to determine the direction and avoid obstacles. About half an hour later, the surrounding space gradually became larger, and some electronic lights the size of fingernails also appeared one after another. By the light, we can see that already has a history here. And there was dust on the electronic light board. Although it was not thick, no one walked there for at least a month.

Looking at the light spots on the wall, Cilin is getting more and more disturbed.

It’s not right, it’s not right! It’s like … a trap! a trap!

Strong crisis hits, Cilin don’t think much, just turn around and run back. As a hunter’s instinct, he couldn’t cope with the dangers that might come next.

But what is faster than Cilin is thick special steel plate, which will block the exit.

Cilin Turning room a metal blade appears in the hand. Although laser blade can be used to cut that steel plate, it will take a lot of time and waste. Secondly, the strong energy fluctuations of laser blade will always expose the position of Cilin.

With his back against the steel plate, Cilin looked at the front quietly, he knew that there must be someone in front.

Da, da, da ………

Footsteps came to this side in a hurry. There was no intention of concealment at all, but a gesture of fearlessness.


A beam of light illuminates and the channel lights up suddenly.

Cilin narrowed his eyes, quickly recovers the discomfort from weak light to strong light. But the person standing opposite didn’t seem to be in a hurry, waiting for Cilin to recover.

That’s an old man who looks almost the same as a F Rank Genotype person who is nearly a hundred years old. The old man’s skin is brownish yellow, shriveled body. The exposed arm shows atrophy of the muscles, because the old man wears a goggles, Cilin can’t see his eyes clearly. But the withered old man in front of me made Cilin feel that whole body cold hair was shivering.

The old man slowly walked towards Cilin, as if leisurely walking.

he who strikes first gains the advantage!

Cilin swelled up, leaving no afterimage, showing that its speed is faster than that of D Rank Genes.


The harsh metal sounds.

Beside the old man’s carotid artery, a dead hand firmly held the tip of the knife, as simple as pinching a branch.

Both energy fluctuations produced by plasma blade and laser blade are too big. With Cilin‘s current physical quality, the chance of exposing themselves is greater, so Cilin is more willing to use cold weapons to kill people in silence. But even if it is special alloy blade, it is easily blocked by the old man who seems to be fast in the ground. No, it should be said to be easily pinched!

The hunter’s experience between life and death in three years made Cilin too late to think about it. This person is not in front of him who can handle it, escape!

But before Cilin has acted, the body is suddenly tied tightly by everything like liquid metal. Looking at the source of those things, Cilin suddenly discovered that this piece of liquid metal turned out from the five fingers of the old man’s other hand. To be precise, it is the extension of the old man’s five fingers. !!

Human? machine? variant? Or some kind of unknown species?

ice-cold touch, Cilin smelled the breath of death, every pore exhales cold air.


The alloy dagger, which had no known killings, was crushed. The old man’s thin fingers strangled the Cilin’s neck, and the twisted chicken usually twisted the Cilin away from the ground.

Both limbs are tied, and the blood vessels in the neck are almost blocked.

“Oh, you came at the right time.” The old man seemed happy, even a little impatient, when he heard the voice.

If ordinary people are pinched in this way, they will start rolling their eyes, but Cilin still has the energy to think about countermeasures.

The old man looked at Cilin and was more satisfied.

A door opened and a door closed, Cilin became more and more frightened. Under this poor town, such a place was hidden!

this underground chamber, not only for three or fifty years, but far more complicated than Cilin imagines. Whether it is protection or concealment, it is very well done. Otherwise, it will not be discovered for so many years. Both already are dead.

Cilin was in an open room, all of them were kept in liquid tanks like specimens, and the distorted expressions on the faces made Cilin shudder, and it could be seen before death, These people have endured intolerable torture.

Maybe the next moment will be one of them.

The old man didn’t mean to put Cilin to death immediately. The force on his hand is well controlled, which will not let Cilin have the opportunity to escape, and will not damage the physical function of Cilin.

The reason why the old man said that Cilin came just right was because the Cilin was brought to the door just after the previous test subject died in the liquid tank.

Cilin was taken to a room full of small and large instruments and tools. There were many bottles and jars on the table in one corner of the room. Several kinds of Cilin already were identified from the gas discharged from the pipes. DNA Purification reagent.

In this era, with the exception of the old scholars, almost no already is used and no one understands the original DNA Purification method. Cilin has also done similar experiments, but just out of curiosity and has not done any in-depth research.

DNA Purification, with today’s technology, only requires a large instrument, fast, precise, and functional analysis of genome. However, no matter which type of purifying and analyzing apparatus is required to be registered by real name, each instrument has a registration code, chip binding and data connectivity.

Since the old man chooses manual purification and sees that posture is still large-scale purification, it means that this person is engaged in illegal research and is wanted, but Cilin searched the wanted information in his head and found nothing about the person in front The wanted list of planet is public regardless of the degree of danger. There are only two pieces of information on the wanted order, one is a picture and the other is a reward.

Because this laboratory is underground, and it is also covered with a rare isotope barrier layer, it was not found by “Celestial Eye“, and the laboratory’s instrument data should not be connected to the outside world. This is avoided Other surveys.

What exactly is this old man doing?

Put Cilin on a floating white table. The old man pressed the button on a nearby device. The wrists and limbs of Cilin were fastened by the cuffs coming out of the table. A thin silk thread came out of the table. After drilling into the body of Cilin through the underwear, the Cilin was turned into a full-pipe experiment. One side was all red filament tube and the other side was blue filament tube. The data on the side monitor kept beating.

Since Cilin already is bound by the things on the stage, even the fingers are not let go, the old man retracts his hands, and the fingers return to the original dry branches. After injecting a tube of sticky and ice-cold liquid ordinary things into Cilin, quickly press the instrument On the button, the data on more than ten other instruments can be combined and analyzed.

It hurts, the pain of drilling into the bone marrow, the fingers tremble, the blood of whole body is flowing irregularly, every moment is challenging the limit of the nerves, the thinking is almost instantly dispelled, but after a short blank period, Cilin with great difficulty rethinks Focus a little bit, otherwise, it won’t be long before Xinlin himself becomes one of those specimens.

The same thing as those sticky liquids is actually each and every one tiny special biochips. Some properties are similar to gene vectors, and can be integrated into chromosomes, synchronous replication and division in the human body.

red wire tube is mainly induced. at the same time, which provides nutrition, induces the metabolism of the body and accelerates cell division, while blue wire tube is mainly apoptotic, leaving behind cells that cannot keep up with the death.

The old man stared at a rising wave on the screen, grinned a few times, and turned the **** clockwise on his hand by ten degrees, and the degree of induction increased by one stage every ten degrees, and the degree of excitation of the chip increased accordingly.

The changes in methylated regions and communication frequency between cells on cerebrum’s hippocampus region and chromosomes are displayed in the form of data on the constantly flashing each and every one screen, which is exciting for the elderly.

Cilin‘s nerves were again hit by a greater pain, and then it worked hard to gather Spirit.

“Not simple, not simple, F Rank Genotype, can achieve such a degree!” Looking at already turning the **** of 180 degrees, the old man began to talk to himself, but the obvious excitement in his words .

One hundred and eighty degrees, proves that those chips already has been stimulated by 50%, and now this person is still alive, and the flashing data on the screen makes the old man’s voice tremble a little. In those previous experiments, less than half of the people were able to support 180 degrees, indicating that the body endurance of the F Rank Genotype is enough to be comparable to D Rank.

How long will it last? An extra ten degrees will produce a set of exciting data for the elderly, but the life and death of Cilin, the elderly do not care.

Cilin is looking for escape opportunities in constant pain bombardment.

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