Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts Chapter 84: Don’t talk back to Snape

Sean’s honest expression couldn’t be put on any longer. He didn’t expect that Snape would have a showdown right away?

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

But Snape continued: “Do you think that with Dumbledore’s favor, you can do whatever you want?”

“Do you know how stupid your actions are?”

“If the Dark Lord is unscrupulous, do you think you can survive with your little cleverness?”

Snape’s eyes were cold, and his expression was gloomy as if dripping water.

Sean spread his hands: “I choose to believe Professor Dumbledore.”

Snape snorted coldly: “Do you think that after getting some news from Dumbledore, you feel that you are superior to others and can be arrogant?”

Sean is now sorting out what Snape showed in his mind. Looking at this picture, Snape should know a lot of inside information…

So, he put himself in confinement because he had angered Riddle and needed time for Riddle to calm down. Snape was indeed protecting himself… although the object of protection made him reluctant.

Sean said casually, “No, Professor.”

For Sean’s attitude, Snape was obviously extremely disgusted. He tossed his robe and put his hands on the desk: “Don’t let me see such stupid behavior again, Wallep——”

Sean blinked and asked curiously: “Professor, who are you working for? Mr. Grindelwald? Professor Dumbledore? Or Tom Riddle, of course, the latter is not quite like…”

Snape narrowed his eyes, his leaning forward body slowly stood up straight, then raised his chin slightly and said stiffly: “There is no cure for arrogance… Wallep, knowing those secrets that you are not worthy of will make you proud, right? But you think too highly of yourself, you don’t need to worry about these things.”

“Oh, I’m just curious, Professor.” Sean spread his hands innocently.

“Shut up your curiosity!” Snape yelled angrily, “Now, it’s your confinement time!”

Sean curled his lips, and then began his own punishment under Snape’s gaze.

He needed to sort out the rotten and smelly ones from the pile of Flobber caterpillars, and the rest would be the ingredients for the next Potions class.

This is obviously not a good job. The stink of Flobber caterpillars is worse than the cowshed that has not been cleaned for two months in Uncle Sean’s ranch. Every half hour, Sean has to stand up to take a breath of fresh air.

Snape was writing something behind the desk, and he didn’t even look at Sean when he stood up, as if he didn’t want to talk to Sean at all.

After working hard to pick out a bucket of caterpillars, Sean stood up to take a few breaths of fresh air, and then straightened his aching back.

He glanced at his watch, it was already afternoon, but he hadn’t eaten yet, and Snape sat there without moving as if he didn’t need to eat.

Suffering… Sean sighed, and then set his gaze on the specimen jar by the wall.

The jars were full of things he hadn’t seen before, weird and chilling things soaked in greenish potions.

However, Sean’s immunity to these things is not bad, and he is just watching it as a novelty at the moment.

“You are here for confinement, not for a visit!” Snape’s cold voice suddenly sounded.

Sean turned his head and saw Snape’s malicious eyes.

“I see, Professor.” He bent down to sit down and continue working.

“A person who can’t even brew a pot of qualified potion is just in a daze looking at these things.” Snape sneered.

“Professor, I’m just curious…” Sean was a little unhappy, and he just glanced at it while taking a break.

“Looks like an arrogant genius trying to prove he’s not so stupid,” Snape said. “So, what’s in that square jar on the third shelf from the left?”

Isn’t this confinement, how did you pass the exam for knowledge of potions… He muttered and looked at the jar, which contained something like a handful of hay.

Sean recalled the knowledge in his mind, but found that there was no relevant memory.

“I don’t know, professor.”

Snape’s mocking voice sounded: “It seems that you can’t prove anything, Mr. Wallop.”

“Let me tell you, this is the Flint Grass I just mentioned in the last class. It can be directly used to prepare potions when it is fresh, but it must be soaked in ice water after drying to prevent it from spontaneously igniting, because sparks and high-temperature gases will continue to emerge from the roots of the grass.”

Sean took a look at the jar, sure enough, a few bubbles would appear from time to time at the root of the dry grass in the water.

However, this class didn’t talk about things after drying…

“It seems that you have never thought of expanding the knowledge you learned in class, but, as expected,” Snape said, “a fool will never see his own stupidity, let alone how to make it up.”

Sean rolled his eyes where Snape couldn’t see, this old bat’s mouth really stinks…

“ If you think I’m not good at learning, why don’t you let me find some books about potions?” Sean couldn’t help but snap back.

There was disdain in Snape’s voice: “You have even learned the basics of potions, and you want to understand more profound beauty?”

“I had a notebook to learn from…” Sean muttered.

Then he heard the creaking sound of the chair moving back suddenly, and the owner of the chair stood up suddenly.

Sean turned his head, Snape looked gloomy, and he crossed the desk to come to Sean.

“Do you think you are worthy of that notebook?” Snape’s voice sounded like he had just been fished out of a specimen jar.

“Oh, I thought it was given to me by Professor Slughorn…” Sean shrugged.

Snape’s face moved so close that Sean could almost see the oil on his hooked nose.

“Do you think that you are very humorous, Wallop?”

Sean’s face froze, he was finished, he was addicted to talking back, and hooked up the fireworks…

“No, Professor.”

Snape almost pushed Sean against the wall, his eyes were full of coldness.

“The thrill of having a secret, eh? Let me guess who’s going to tell you this silly tidbit and treat it like a joke?”

Snape narrowed his eyes slightly: “You are very familiar with Potter, let me think about it, old Potter or Black’s black dog?”

Sean really wants to say, you misunderstood, I am not familiar with those two at all…

He smiled mischievously: “Professor, if I say that the fireworks are just a misunderstanding…”

Snape grabbed Sean by the collar.

“Get out of my office!”

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